Nw Black Alpacas- At 50 cents, oqnol to those sold at 75 cents. " 62X " " " " " " S74 " " 75 " " " " " " $1.00. Also the genuino American Black Silk, warranted in every respect, C. D. MILLEN. il i m i SoMiurn of 1S12, wbo eurved elxty dars, are cu. titled to Pension, and should apply lmmedlately to John X. Gott, Bonmjr and Pension A gout, Aun Arbor, Mich. I am now opening a few NEW BPRINO GOOD8, among whieh are oomo pretty NEW raiNTS- Cheap. 8c, 10c, 12J4:. C. H. MILLEX. Catarrh ia a common ólsoage, so common tbat snuffing and " hawklng" reacb you at every turo. Your foot slips in its nasty discharge, In tho orant bus or in church, and ita etanch disKUBts at the lec. ture or concert. The proprletor of Dr. Sag's Catarrh Kemedy otters $600 reward for a caso of Catarrh that lic cannot cure. Sold by druggigts or send Ixty cents to Dr. 1Í V, Plerce. 133 Séneca stroet. Buffalo, N. Y. and you will recelve it by mail. Beware ofcoanterfelts and worthlesa lmitatione. The Qenulno hos Dr. Pierce'i private U. S. Oovornmcnt 9tamp on it . Should jou have any difflculty wbatevar In obtain[Dg Swcet Qninine, cltiicr in Fowdcr or Fluid, of your iiearest. Prugglst.or at the advcrtiicd Depots, eond to the Manufacturera. Stearns, Farr & Co., P. O, Box 1433, New Yoik, or to tho Westorn Depot, Fred'k Stearne, Tl woodward Avcuuc, Detroit, who will forward to you by expresa a singlo bottle of Fluid, or a ringle ouuce of tuo Powder. Sweet Qtiinfne is the new improvement upou the common Bittor Quinine of the shops. Sold by Eberbach & Co. The attontion of our custoraers is invited to our new stook of Soft Finish Blcached Cottona, Shectings, Shirtinga, Pillow C&ae Cottons, Tablc Linon, itfall the Standard makes, at Low.Phioeb. C. H. MILLEN. Bounty to Soldier-. Thoso whoenlistedin 1361 ontheflrstcallofPresdeut Lincoln, and who were honorably discharged before the expiration of the term of their enlistment, are entitled to $100 cach, as bonnty. Andsoldiersenlisting nuderact of July 4th, 1864 aretobeallowcdthe uupaid lnstalments of boanty lfthcy wcro dlscUargod by ezpiratlon of service Theabove classes shuuld inake applicatiun to tho audersigned. March24th,18T0, lf JOHN N. QOTT, Bouuty auJ Claim Agunt.
Old News
Michigan Argus