KINGSLEY.- In Manchester, on Monday, Match 6th, 1871, Charles KINGSLEY, aged 69 yeare, rotucr of Hon. James Kingsley. Bom d Cantabury, Conn:, in 1802. He carne to MHiiR.m in 1828 and scttled in the north part oí Ann Arbor lown, on farm. In 1829 hc wu engagcd by Judgo Doxtcr to Btart and take charge of the JDextex MíUk. In 1S41 he moved to his farra in Bharon, wher Ho was n ucec&sful farnicr. In 1864 hc rotirwl frora the ffti-m añil moved to MancheBter. He asa man of bencvolence and sincerity of heart, a kind husband, fáthcr, t'ríeud aai cightior, and au hmnble and devout Cluifcüan.
Old News
Michigan Argus
Judge James Kingsley
Charles Kingsley