■pOUR POPULAR REMEDIES OF THE AGE! IJK KELLOGG'S ROOT BITTERS! o ' LIVER ÍNVIG0RAT0R, INDIAN RElVIEDy, FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS! o o Wortli, Merit, uud Rëliabillty conceded hy all to be iKiiKim i j won and fully] Rewarded foy Dr. Kvllogg's four Meriterious Com - potuids. ROOT BITTERSAbsolute freedom irom physlclal dieeae Is 't blessing deiircd liy all, but uiijmeu only by tbe few. Indigestión, Lassitado, Oeueral Duliility, Muscular vVcakncis, and lack of Ntirvous Euorgy, are commoQ ailments ; vet thcy are the forerunuers of more sorious compfaints: Dyspepsia, wltli all ita 'horrora,' Is ouly chronic indigestión, and many a poor consumptive, tolteriug upon tho vergoofphysical diasohition, viridly renienibersthe genera) debility aud noryous prostration whlcn ïeralded the attack of tbu invidious enemy of Ufe. Yhe advlce dlctated by common sebeo "Is not to let theflo minor fiompluitjta lurk in the èyiteni tijiooticed and nnKeeded," yet inany persons wbo feul fatiguud after vod .moderate exorcise, whos blood is sluiiiiisli In ciruulntiori, digestión morbjd, appetito irregular, complexion pallid, nerves v.cak and unstrüug, muscular fibers loosa aud fiabby, aod whose system is In conditlon of general debility, with every arenue open to the eucrcm';hmeut and posscHsion of confirmed aod destructiva disease, go listlesaly around " living skeletons," apparently regardlcss of the bloaatiL8,pí health, and nnmindful of thope natural warhiugs of the approach of complete physlcal prostratlon. Tluit, , " Disaso comes when least expected" Is a commun bot .very absurd saying. ?or these common complainteare. th's . skirmlsbers whicÈ. comT menee the attack and horald the approacb of tHè .enemy ; and it Is tho wisdom of common sepse, to guard against their attacks, and if thcy have poasesa. ion, tourlve them from the sysUm. The naturally leeblefrarri may be strengthoned, and the robutt who have been partially broken down by Indigestión, Diesipation, Ncrvous Debility, dlseasc, or unusuai hardamp, may bc recruited,and restored t" health aud happincss, by this dclicious Botaulcal Toiilc, perlect and wholesome appetlzer, genial aid to digestión, and pentle nervous Btimulant,- Dr. Iíclloge-8 Celobrated Root Bitters. Thcy will lmproïo tho aptietite, niat(r!álly aid dlgestlon, perfect the conditioa of the blood, give tone to the nervous system, arrest the protnss of dieease, ttrenghen the emaclated, aid and conflrm the restorutiou of the foeble convalescent, and protect the system ngoliist malarial disease. Thcjr are a blesslng to those who 11 nd themselvcs waak. languid, and liwkiug energy, t the warm days of spring approach. They.are a trent-uru to women who suffer from norvous debility, loss of vital stre-ngth, andphysical weakness. Thasa " Bitters," are not a Tile mixture of wretchedwhiskoy,;aud aloes, but a gennine BotBical comporind, .puro, .plcasant, aud agreoable, nd warrauted to be equal to tlielr recommendaions. MVER INVIGORATÚR Aod Blool Purltler, li a ccmponnd preprd to cleanse the Byetem of imptirlties and cure confirmad diaorders ariatng from a disoased state of the Liver. ' 4There Ib somethlng the matter with my I.ivur," ii the obaerratlon of at least threo oat of erery ftvo persoDi. when queettooed in regard to their health. and it U a well-kuoru truth, thát diaeaae of the Liver is the most commtni allment the phjsician has to contond with although he ia geneíally callcd npon to meet It in the form of Forera,, Agüe, Nervous ProBtration, and other acute maladtea of whicli disorder of the Liver ia the prodneing cnuae. , Impurc Blood, Sick and Uilious Hcadache, Cotívcdous, Nervous Wcakneee, Loes of Bnergy, KmaciatioD. Paine in the Side and Shouldurs, Wenknees and Trsmbiing after e, Mulauchuly. Drowelíiesa.and Chronic BiliousncHS. areeomoof the minor syinptoiiiH of Biliary Derangement aud DUease. Tho finíil result , if these symptoms ar disregarded aro different kinds of Fevur, Kliuiimiuiuini, Diarrhea, Qeqeral Prostratlon of Nervouii System ending Ín Jaundice or Cousumption. The Liver is the moet Beneitlvc nrgan ia tue human etructure, except tho Lungs, and so long aa decomposition of vege table matter continúes . malaria arises, aud the pteeeuthubits of Ufe are iudulired, so long Uver Complalut will be common. As tburo ie uo proepect of thoee couditioufi belug obviatoa, henee tho neceesíty of employing agents to counteract thcir ioflnence. Id nelecting and proporüoniiig the ingrediente of Dr. KHogg's Liver ínvigorator, social nttention has becn nad to compouud a prevciitivo and cure for BlUous Disorders of overy type. Tbe most potent ageuces known to Botanical research. have been iucorporated into thls truly popular specifle for Liver Ctimplaiuts and Dise.aes of the Blood. lts etTect upon the human system Is in perfect accord anee with the laws of health, and tho seience of physical structuru, being Alterativo, Diuretic and Tonic. By its Alterativo aud Diuretic powors, il carries tho irapuritics of the system off throügh notare's coursüB, and at tbe samo timo by ita Tonlcvirtucs it stimulates digeetlou aud yívee tono to toe nervous powers. Family tiathartiü Pilis. The objoctluu that theèe Pilla wera not Sngar Coatod has been obvialed by Iho proprietort and in that respect they are now oqual to any la use. - Tbcir worlh as a safe and ruliable i 'athartlc haa nevtír been questioned, For Chronic Conetipation tbey are a certain remcdy. By tlicir actiona they cloaute the wvstum of vitiated eccretions. Tbey stimnlate the IJVcr to uciiviij, giVe tbüe to the Btomach, aud strenjxth to tho nérvea; . There la nothiiijj in tli. ir composltlon but wbat ia luirety vegetable- They aro mild, Kentlc, and cntirely effectual. Insteadof irritatliiK they restore. Tbey are a certain remedy for Coiistlpation, RheumatlsTn, Chrnnic In.dlgeetion, Stubborn Diseaic of the llvcr, BlfiouflUee, Virulent ïmpurilice 'óf the Blood, and all Dlïordcre vrnere a ' b orough laxativo U required. INDIAN KEMEDY. A medicine advertised to cnre all, ia ceuerally heldin disrepute,yet it is poesible to compoimd a remedy that may be beneficia] in a variety of complaints. Dr. KellogK'a Indian Komedy ia an exlsting proof of this poaslbility, lnaemucb a lt can be cuip'ojud in a varioty of complaints, and In cach produce a happy Tho Kemedy Is áímltted by the many who hnve used it, und who consider it indispensable, to be the most perfect Kemedy lor Coughi.Colds, Croup, uad all IhseaBes of the Throut and Lunge, that has yet been offered to tho public, while for Wounda, Sores, Burne, ScaldB , and every variety of External Inflamuiation it ie known to be an absolute nuil infallible cnre. In fact ït ie iinposBible to enumérate and specify all the compiaints anddisorders for which tbis "Remedy" ís an anti dote. Suflloe to ay that wherever thore is iuflamrtiation, intenial or oxterunl, on citlier man or beast. that it is a pegdy.purfixt, and reltable care. We warrant that the use of one bottle byooj lam ily will establisb it ai one uf tbe neceseitiesof hóneehold economy. All tho abo've medicines are prepaved at DR. KELLOGG'S mEDIOAL WORKS ANN ARBOR, MKH., And a to Soiá y Urugèists and Dealers Everywhere. 1S0SE13 DELIABLE INSURANCE, AT TDK oxjd AGEisrcv oí a H. MILLEN, Who lias forncarly twenty ycars, and whojstlll représenle the Home, of INTew York, CAPITAL AND ÈÜÏIPLUS, NEARIiY FIVB MILLIONS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, Nearly S2.5OO.OOOTh is Comimny particípate In UePoUcies wlth the neured. City Fire Ins. Co., Haitford, CAPITAL AND SUKPLUS.I Ö3O3,OOO. ALL LOSSES FAIBLY ADJUSTED and PROMPTLY PAID. C. H. MILLEN, Agent. I499ta8 T ÜMBER YARD. C. RAPF, Ha a lurge and woll atocked I.nmber Yard vn JefTersnn Htreet, in the touth part of the City, and will koep conetaiitly on band an excellent vai-ifi v of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH &C which will K' sold ts low as can be affbnlcd Tn tbia raarket. Quality and pricet f uch thal) Nü ONE NEED 00 Tü DETROIT C. Kit APK. Ann Arbor, Jannary !Otb, 1871 . : jpÖR 6ALB. Á. House and Lot On Eaatnide State Street, in {ha City of Ann Arbor, thinl Luuac aoutb of Washington. The lot üi 4jc8 rorls, i 'ui the houtte is of brick, one iumI a huif atohos. Will - beaold-on esy terms. Inquire of Jtidge Beokcs, of Fxlward liyan, Northtield, or addreiw the undersümud ut Highland, Oakliind Cn., ïik EDWAEt) VOWKKS. Ann Atbnr, Jan. 29, 1871. 13070 Goto R. W. ELLIS & CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paints,0il6,&c. A COMPLETE STOCK O M Ál SI3ASÜNABLE GÖÖDS NOW BEING ÜECÉiVEb íby FINLEY & LEWIS, WE ASÍL THE PARTICULAR ATTENÏTON Oír BtJYEteS TO ÖöR LARGS STOCK Kip & Calf Boots, MADE BY HAND EXPRESSLY FOlt OÜR TRADE. pOR CASH YOUOAN UUÏ Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, ÁT THE YAKD OF C. SUTHERLAND & CO. Ann Ailmr,.!niir , í'l .lS'i "PHY8ICÜÏS1 PRESCRIPTIONS" AOCCRATELY AH1 CARBFÜLLY PHEPABED BY A'. W.KLL1S t CO.,üllUGtilSlS.
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