Bach & Abel
' - .f„ -:. _-í?íícwSvPn'!fl!SLPjjia?" "t ijj55 ' - - - IVttvflUlMiwW W Hl ■' ' WE ARE OFFÉRÍNG OÚlt VERY LARGE STOCK Oï1 DRESS GÖÖDS, LACES, SHAYL& KNIT km WORSTED GOUDS, Cloakings, Cloths, Cassimeres, and Domestic Goods, REDUCED PRiOES. We are eácli wuok in reoeipt of New Goods from tbe Leading Markote, and all böyorR shoald coiiBalt their interest and examino our Btock büforc purobasing. B ACH 8i ABEL. ea r-A-iir ístkíét. 200 PIECE8 BEST BRANDS PRINTS 10c PÈR YARÖ. StlEETINiGfSi SHIRTINGS,- Öleaohed hnd Brown-i-EQUALLY LÖW. A. T. STE W ART'S ALEXANDER XID QLOVES-FINE ASSORTMENT.
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Michigan Argus