Encouragement For Wool-growers
&tyu$$n&x$& At the winter scssion of the New York State Agriouliural Society at Albany, Fob. 8, 1871, J. R. Dodge, oí the National Department of Agriculturc, rcad a paper in which ho discussed the questions, - Wliy ore wool prices deprossed ? Hnw caa sheop husbaiïdry bc made proütable in tlio future ? What broeds -should wo grow ? And where pball each be produced? Tho following aro tho olosing paragraplis of hi nddress : In olosing, I would say to wool growers, thank Öod, and tako courage ine'ead of faiut lionrteduesf, there is nbun dunt occasion for high oncouragonient. You oan only thrivo in compnuionebip with tho manufacturers ; and have no occasion, and I pray you mny nover havo, either to go abroad for woolens or for n mnrket for your wool. Contrast tho prostration of manufacturing at the close of the war of Great Britain, when tbe bara of the customs were let down, and the invasión of woolens proved far more a calamity than tho invasión of red coats for the three previous years, with the condition of the bueinoss of manufacluring to daj. Before that wnr in 1810, tho value of woolen manufactures was $25,608,788 ; after it, in 1820 it was but 8-1,413, 068. Before tho recent war, in 18C0, the value was 8G8,865,963 ; after it, in 1868, it was $175,000,000 - two-thirds of it the product of wool of the United States. Is that a causo of discourngement ? You should odnpt your business to the changing exigencies of the times and tho progress of the country, making fat matton auu une kuiids iue iciiuing con eiderations in populous regions, whore the demaud is imperutive fjr more food forthe poople, and improved culture for the eoil, and leaving the production of wool alone m&inly to the pastoral región of the fur West, whore 8,000,000 to 10,000,000 shccp are now profitably kopt, in place of scarcely 2,000,000 in the Territories and PaciGo States iu 1860. The rogion west of the Missiseippi now yields nearly as mnch wool as the whole country produced in 1860, and ia cnpable of producing cnnugh for the eupply of oür population fur maiiyyenrs to come without the ircportation of a single pound. Then oontrive to improvo yonr floclcs, iücrease their jiold of wonl, givo tbcm beüer ccre, protect thetn egainst diseasos, perdistently and iutelligently follow your busioess without diseouragemont or fear, and you will find that Bny present cloud will show a silver liniug, prophetio of a glorious future of prosperity for yourself, for agrioulturo, and for the country.
Old News
Michigan Argus