Beets For Stock
Aloxanilcr Uurus, a vcry promiacnt butchor of the city of Sicramont; rho gencrally purehascs h!s stock by the drove, and further fattons thom to puit the requiroiuentsof lila Oiist-merc, liad a ooti?idcrable lot on lund, and whau tlie feed on his own i "c out, he found all attompts lo rent one with more herbagö on it thrin ts owner'i stock required, nsoless. Siich a thiug did not exist a oithcr tíacrumcnto or Yob oourty. Uut Mr. BumaiWaa cipal to thcornergency. Tho beot augar oompany was rooonstruoting oid and adding new mchinery, nod preparing for s more ci.tcnsivc cfFort than bc!Wt A '.' ihegrouni! must be strippod fnr he jJow nd b" put in order for tlito rci'd for the oew orop. üurns nfforod ann the cmpriT aeccptod $5 por ton for what wag left cf the old one as if tood, be to remove it.' A f'jw farinerñ in the Ticinify of tbs factory bad hÍbo písn'éd orno bcets, with intent to seil tbem to tlio company, and tlioy now oonsidercd tint they hsd won no clephnnt in the raffle. Burns mado similar offers to tbom, most cf wbicb wcro ascopted, and he got altogother nbout a hundred tons of ïugar bfiets; and witb thepe he not only C'irriod his oottlo throngb triumphantij. but every one of .the drovv grw fíiítar, and fatter eacb d8y. The ont:l ste ihena witb avidi'y - alrnost with tbe voracity that a kitchen elop-fed dog t:ikes raw bacf. Even tho?e extra longlioincd Tosas brutos, overy msvla memtor of wliioh brood, and mo9t of itg iemales, stem to deem it a pre-ordnined bovine duty to nttack every human beiug bc or fhe sres witliin rii"hing distanoe, not on .horeeback and with a vi:ita or a pcrnblaüce of ore in hnnd, - even these canie prneedbly np to the oorrals or fenue and sie quietly. The manner of &edbg -ns to ctt tho boety w;fli i. into piec s too largo to be - i wlio'e nd choko the eafer, but suSio'ently gnaall for ihc ai iiiiül lo et n oonveuient' hold with bis tceth.-
Old News
Michigan Argus