Pensions For Soldiers Of 1812
A bilí reccntlj' passed CBnsrressgranting a peni-inn to the s'irviving vuterans of 1812, aud th(úr tí:1ows. It próvidos that : Interior t-hsll jñace !■ t! lbo of the ru erlistcd and draflod me, in iluding military and nnval serviré, v.ho served sixty days in tíie Wsi wcro hon ora'i'ly 1 iecíiJ: ;he nanita oí Fuch pthèr ofScflrs ard eolrtiers ns rasy hare beso perso ;or! iu cuy resolutiou of Gongrees for any speeifio sorviee of s:iid war; aleo the Dames of the siirvifirg vridd'.vs ef euch ofioers, onlirted fiiirl drofícJ men, provided thal siu'h widoTB shall hare been maried pri'-r !o the tronlj of rmiimU-d the uur, Dl I ïr'i'ïd Tho to he at th'j rate of eiglii dullirs a tnont'u, and not to aiplv to any porson ikxv ro;i?ivi;i" tl :i' :■■!!, nor tn f ersons now rect'ivbs thün that aunn, escept for tho(iiili'i'onco between th d and eiglit dolinr. per monM,i fí"i 'P toenmmonre froif fi?1 l-w. Wherc the djsebarge tina beon lopt, other proof of seiTioc m:iy be substituted.
Old News
Michigan Argus