jornal fiofe, PR. SCTTFXCK ADT78ES C0NSTTMPT1TX l TO GO TO FLORJDA IX WIXTEM. n.vviKofnrth'' In-: r iy ■ ■ v. (eilr:y wholo tl!:iu and ft! tem ■il' tli m ;■!!(! conauirtpiion, I fcel tl. , .-.- that outrlit to be pn ■ bad case of dlaeaaed 1 ii n ' s to h altby Boondnei t. The first. and most important step is, forílíe patiënt to avoid takingcold;; ajuf tho best -f all olacca on Ibis continent for tilla paw pose, in wiiiitT, is Elorida, well down in the 6tato, w h ra thctc:n;nnU!. ; ! nut fcnbject to such variatlons aa In moro northern latitudes. Palatka la a point I can recommeinl. A kockI hotel is kopt Uw-ru by l'ctcrrmn. Ertet winter I ?:;w :-rveral perponB fhère whoac lungs li.iil boen badly diseased, but wïio. uu. Ut the hcaïinglnfluence of the and mv medicines, werc gettlnjf wc 11. Ono humlrod mlícs farther ünvm tlie rivcris ïi point wbich 1 would prefer to Palatka, as the temperatura ia more oven and the air dry and braclng. Mollonviiie and tnterprlso aro loca te tl theic 1 ohould glve a decided preference to MellonvlUe: it fs two miles from rivtr or iki, and it aeema almoat inipoesiiile to tako cold thcri Il;o nblca in Florida mlght le het tor, and paUenta complain nt timos; bot tiiat fa a good stpn, aa It indícate a return of : and, when thla is tne caso, thty %ear erallylncreaselfi fi.-Ti, and tfaen thchinpemuft hcw. Jaf ',;.-it]ivi!!', Hlbenna, urcen Covo, aiiil many othor ;.■- parta of Florida can be safely recommended to consumptlvoia v. lnt ;■. My ren sous for sayI iatii nts nrc loss lirïlile to take cold tlicro th&a whi re there la a leas even tiupÊrature ; and it ia nut necesgaty to say, that, wlioro íi cooftumpUve persun exposes bimsVlf to frequent colda,hc ie certaiu to die bortly; Cberffore myadvice is. go vel] down Into tbo KtaUi, out of Uio roach oL prewatling -si. wlada ftoa fog. Jackpn- ilic, or alm r +iic tocalttiea 1 havo namod, wlUbenefitiUos wlio are troulld wilh a i - r ] -i.l livcr. a disorderdd stooiach, ■' ■ N, hrt)irvat, or congh; rthose ■ ! osolunga are discased, a mor otitlu-rn point is carncstly ïtcomm Fot flftoen years prior to lHfö, 1 wasproféasionally tn Hcw York, liuslcn, Jialiinnin;, and l'Iülatlelphia evcry wc-oit, where 5 unlned on an average fivo ïmnilrcil patlcnts awttk. Apractlce no extonsive, cmtrachijj everyposslMe pluwo of lungdlBéRse, lianeiialilcd me to undersiand the dwèaseftilly ; and henee mjcaatlon In regard to taUng cold. A person may takOTaatquanti ticsof '" . 'ulmoniG Syrup, Seawoed Tonic, and Mnndrakul'ills," andytt.ilioli hu duca nut avnid taking cold. In Florida, noarly orpryïjody Ia usiag ShtncU'nManfirakc I'üls; for tne clinmto ís moro ïikely to ])roduce billous hahitsthrm more northern latitudes. Iti a wollestabllsliod fact, that nati vea of Florida rart-ly die ofoon Bumjiti'ii!, c specially thosc of tücsoutiiern puit. On tho othcr hand, in Hcw Enplanti, oïie-third at least of tho popnlatioh ili; of thla terrible dlscase. Tn the Midtllo II does not prevalí so largelyj ti:i tïiere aremany thousands of caaes there. Wit:it n vast percf-ntafre of Iifu woulü be aaved il"; ajarjnd tn regard to taking fresji colüsas thoy are abouC-scar', mnall-pox, Ac. ! tmt tin-vare not: Cbetflxe what tliev u-rin ;i little cold,, whicü they are cr dtUoua enouph tobèlieve wlll vroor off ín a few dará. '1 hev iay no attentlon to ltj and heneo tt laya the foundation for anothor ill, xmtiltln; lunga are dlöcased beyond all hope of euro. My aavlce to persons whosc lunes are nffectei!, even sllghtly, latolaymastock o! Pulmonic Byrup and goto Florida, i i. . rUcular iMOdi.- .,;. ?.■:. ..i...). acttoiu I know, that, i Let accorflancc willnny di: k that larequlfed. Thia accotn] llshed, natnre wlll do : Th i'liysiclnn tvho prewjrilLs for cuiil, cough, ■ Bwcats, and ihenadrleestiie patiënt to'MUk orride ouc every d:iy, wlU lo 8ure to have a corpse oa Lis Uanda Lcforc Ipng; My plrtu is, to give mythno nir(J1i!lnfl in accordance xrith the printed direct ions, except in aome caecs whtro a froer uaeofthí lirmtlrako Pilla ïanccesaary. Jiy object 1?, to pive t ne to the Btomacb.,- to g t ap a good appoW. It iíi ahvaysa good eijiii wlufi ;t patli growhungry: I nave hopea of suefi. VJth a rellab for Ush, com b good nd witb Itmprefleah, whJch isclost-ly i' tv a healincDf the Irnitfs,- üben the coogh looeensand il.e ure'-ïrinptchilUand cl;i::nny nilit i vefttfl no proatrateand annoy, and the patiënt gctswcll, ■I lie Bvoida tiikiüg cold. Kow, iJipre are niany corirtiimptlves wlio have nnt the mtans to go to iTlorida. ThuqueiiUgnjuajJAakcd.lï there nolioiKi for Puch? CV-rtiiinly ibero ia. -Bv ailvico to euch la, ftnu ever baa l en, to irtay In a warm room durinjf the winter, with a temperatura of about eeventy degrees, whlch ahoold be kLjt reguurlyat thatpolnt l-y meana of a ti rmometer. Let such a patiënt uike bui i the Umita of tho room by walUng up and down aa much aahls atrength vttii icrrait,in oi keep up a be<hy circulütion of the blood; 1 h.ivc oiirt-d thousand by tlii ayatem, and can do BO again. Conenmptit - na any othec diñase, if it is taken in time, anü tlie proper kind of tréatfix nt is ]urïui'd. ' he tact itfrftnda undlapated on noord, ttint bchenck's Pahnonio Syrup, Handrake l'ills, and Beawed Tonic have cure. f very mauy ot' what aecmed tu lie 'vh'-ri' you wlll, yoa will be .'iini' . ■ nd aomo poov conanmptlvo wïio has been reacueüfrom tlie vcryjnws oí' death uyuicir BSO. Po fnr ji? tlc irr.ndrako Pilla arr concerned, everybody iibould kcepasupply of themonhand. Tht pacl on the llvcr botter tban calomcl. ao oí it.- iiurtfiii cjTccts liehiiiiï. In i'!i"t, are exeeHent in il otses vhere a porsatlve mediciné )i requiretl. li'yuu havo pariaken too nreely of fniland diarrbeaa enWes, a doso Of the Jlandrakes will euro ym. lfyuu aru wubjecl to etck hoadache, luke a di'ic of the Maudrakcs, and tney wlUrellc'vo you In two honra. Ifyou would obi I flectofachfingeof water, orth too freo lndulgcnco ín fruit, talie ono of tho Mftmlr;üna every illght, aud you may then drinh :irs, ap-ir corn. withr ur the risk efbeing made slckby them. They will protect thoao wholive in damp Bltoailonfl aainst chilla and fevers. Try tbëm. Xhcv are porfctly harmleaa. They can do you good only. 1 iiiivu abanüoiKNl my profesaloual Tioüato Hostonapd ■k, bat continue to sec patients atmy oiT.ce, Ko. 15 NortU Slxth Street, l'liiladelpLla, every Saturdoy, from i, A.M., to3, p.M. TUoso who wiáha thoEcugbexainlmatiun wiili tho lloepirometi.'r wiil churged fivo dollars. Tho Scspirometcr declarea the exact condltlon vt langa; and imtients can rcadily leani whcUier th-y are cur;ihlu ornot. Hut I deelre :t distinitly un', that tlio valae of my medicines dependa ent]níj'upi-n tbetr being taken stnctiy according todlrcctlona. In conclusión. I will eay,tbatwheo persena take my medicines, :md thelr systejns aro brought into a healthy i théreby, they ave nut woliable to trtke cold; aed luiiKscan hcarasuddunchanKu ofnlmosplicK' without tlie Ji.ibility of fe'rc-ater or lcsslrrttatlonof the bronchlal tubes. Ful! d all laiiiruafrcR nccnmpnny mymedJcim?s, fo exilicit and clear thai anyone can uo them without couauiting me, and tem v bongbt from am (rugglat. T. IT. 8CBEKCK, M.D., No. lSKurth Sixth Slicut, i'hiidi;lphia, JOHN F. HENRY, 800LLEGE PLACE, NEW YOEE, OPLE'S DRUG 8TÜ1ÍÍ.: R. W, ELÜS & CO. ■Tisr AEPOR IIENRY T. IIELMBOLD'S COMFOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATA W BA GRAPE FÏLLS. iiment Pari - Fluid Extract Rkubari and I'luid Extract Catátela Grape Juiet. FORMVKRroMPï.Uxrs ijarrNprCS. BIIT0TT8 ATFBCTIDTTSiStC'iOi: lACIIi:, COSTIYEWK'1S, Btc. -i PCREIiT '■': OONTAINI.VO JIT WKRC'UUT. JIINBKALS OR UBLKTKKIOÜB ÜKUG8. H Thi -ín Pilis irètW mort dllrltfnllypleiiint pnr(rntlre, ínperíedlng castor oll, snit. majrnesH , etc. Thpr" 1 DOthtng mo.'e Rccepthle to the tomach. Thcx eire tone, entine nefther nor nplng i)uUi. Thej are compoaeS of the fintt ïngrtdient. Aflora few dy''.isB of ihem. ench an inTltrtinition of the enttre ñj'íícwi take placo aa to appéiir mfrnpnlotts to the weak end enorvatvd, wlifther from imprntlen'e or diccafle. H. T. IleltmboWi FlnM lïrtract C'atawb Orap l'ills are not ensnr-eoaten, troja the fact that pugnr eoatl Pilis do not (iísüoItc, bnt paH throuh tbe storonch without iiitfolv1nií,conpfquentlj do nct produce the 1c-lry1 effect THE CAT.AWBA GRAPI FILLS, lo-ing ut'-Hs.Hnt :u íH'tt and odor, do ncattAt# thftlr Kelng nngM-toiUed. PBICB FIÏTPY CKNTS PKR BOX. E HENRY T. HBLMBOLD'S niOIH.T CONCKNTHATBD COMPOÜKD FLUID EXTRACT SA PARILLA Will radiculTv cxiñrminte from thr ystem flrroftiU SjphlllSi Perer Sorc?, Ülcors, Sore Ey!, Sorc LefjB, 'r' Mont-h.Sorw HfHd, Bronchitis, Skin Iieeaep, Snit Hhenm, Caiiken, RiiDuinpH frm the Rar, White Swelllnes, Tumors, Cancerone ffectionê, EVode. Rlcktttts, OUndaiHrSwellne, Night SweaU, Iïfish, 'JVitr-r, llumord of all Kinds, Chronic Iilieiimftlltm, Dy#iopsiH, and all dtstaso tbat have been -i:i!li:jlitHÏ iu the ytitum for years. L m-:TNO PREPATiTin EXPT5KS8I.T P"7? T!1E COMFLAtNTS, ITS Hl.ditn-Ht'Kii'VtVfJ ■{TJKS AKKOHEATKRTHANANYOTIIER u.vrroN' np sars,parïu,a. it oivks TIÏECOMPLKXrox A CLEAH AND HKALTHT 3T0RES TUK PATIËNT TO A 8TATB OFHE.vLTU AND PCRUT. FOK PU1UVI; TUEBLOOD, KHMOVING AI.L CHRONTC 'cNsTITriIoNV.r. DI8EASE8 ARI-ING FROM RK Sl'ATE OF THK BI.OO1), ANDTHB IM.Y ItiriAllI.K AND RPPBCTÜAL KNOWIÍ V FOR THE CTJBE OF PAINS ANP WEU.1NU OP rilK BONHS, UL0ERAT10N8 )P IUE THROAT AND LEOS, HLOTCHH8. PIM. 'LESON TUF. PAC!-:. ERYSIPEUA, AND ALL PTIONS OF THE 8KIN, AND 1JFAU'IFYINQ THE COMPLEXIÓN, 1'ltICE, $1.60 PEK OTTLS. M IIENR7 T. HKl.IIIBOI-D'8 OONCENTBATBD FLUID EXTRACT BUOHU THE GUEAT I H'RETIC, as cuwd evory case of DIABETES ïn whïch It baa uen frivi-n. Irrii-ütion öf the ueck ot the Uladdor ;ul intiamniHtion oi" the Kldneva tnd Bladder, lifüiition of Urine, DUeases of the Prostratc (ilaiirt, : tho Bladder, CaIchIus, Gravel, BrlckDuet mpoítt, and Mucnous or Milky Diechftfgee, ftd for ::iWi'lcd i'.nd Deüoate Oonatitatíona of both Sexee, ttüudedwith tiio following symptoms t Loss of ieinory, Difficulty of Breatbing, ludlspoftitípn to :, Loss of Power, wrcakNeryes, Tremblin, lonorof DKeaae, Wakofnlneea, Dimueseof Vision, I lm Hack. Hot Hanl.. Plaflhíng f tba Body, ioflheSkln Kraptioo-of tbe Pace, Pallld Universal Luso ilude of the Muscular ■ i. Itc by persona f rom tUe aes of cightcen to . ,:i.(l f rom thirty-ilvo to flfiy-Öve or in - ohangaof lift': lifter coufiuciueut or abor ptiine; bud-wotiing in chHdren. HELMBOT.TVS EXTRACT BÜClltJ is Piurctlc and ilood-Parliying, aud curee :il! Dleeasoa Brislng front i4 1 Impruden'.■;'.■. Impnrities 01' uic Blood, Etc . S)uper ffectiotis tor which it is usrd, and Siseases tiscd in con. with He!mbo!d's Rose Wash, 1 ii niitiiy AíToction? peculiar to Lililíes, ll.p Extract ■ iiiitiuil ly ;my othci Ritmtttly - nein n i y, P.-.iiifulness or .-'- ju ui Cu tomary Evacuatioue . Clcerated or .cbirruts etute of the Uterus. Leocorrhoèa or A fui all Üompliuut Incident to the liaults i.c i)i-hi;a;ii.n. H ia prepciib'ed exten-;vclv 1 .y ninvt eminent Pjiyalci&ne luidMicl Coutltuüon, of ;oa and ;.ll Ago fnttendad ith any of the .'.isyitócö or íynij;nais.; O H. T. I-XTRACT BXTCHÜ CURES DHF.ASiOS AIÍISINC FROM IMPRUDENCKS, UABITSOF DI3SIPATÏ0N, KTC, in nll th"ir ptiice, nt ltttlfi expense, little or no iiu'onveniencu, and no exposuru. [i cattBfcB a frequeqt deelre, nd gives Htrcnutii to , therchy rtimoviuK Obstmetion?, PreventÍD rítricturt'.i oi Ü liii.vinu Fam and inlliim- iqnent in thif c-Ihss of clio-ics. unl o.pi'lliiiL' uil matr;r. sands who have been vittims ofïncompetent persoon, And ■ tldhuvy few ti ba u i short iiinr, have Found thT h:vo been de .;ik1 tiiai thf "Poieon" h;is. by thoose-oi '■■pDwerfal i trlngcnta," been drled np lo thf? i-yntcni ikoatfaa mo Atea tonn. mul poii hupH af: üee ñelmbold'B Extrnct Buchu for all AAecUool try Orans whether exUfr ■ -i:i whutovtM' cause ori--ini matter of hou loiig 'tandlugi Prlco, iilar and Pifty Oenta Per Dottie. L HKNRY T. HELMBOJiD'ö IMPROVEP ROSE WASII Qanocít bc eurpnK((1 as n Vnzr. Waeh.and-ill 1 tound thé pp : eiñedy lu ev rj bi oafl Affecjiou. Bi itee Plmplea, pow, ■ r!'-L of the Cup : in'(i.i f'' dm 68 and f ucip1 vintiiHlinii, Hives, Rah, Moth Pat che? Dry or 3kfn, Proal Bt'.ce. anti uil purpoeen i in tóente :irf usftd restores té he kin a jí -i'f ut' l'uriiy anti Suftir'ss, mui inturcs ' . iithy fletion 1. 1 the its ves ■ 'ríin.t'ss and r oí complexión to motín sooghtand admiredl wever valanbtca-n reme tinx !■- Lheöbiu 11. T HelmboldV Ruw nh hns a Êb aiiboanded pat1 i -■■ ■■ i i tier it n APPENDAGE oi the ñjoet iiperiatlve and r, cotnblnlng in nu elegant rormQinenl requlsltes HAFETY nnd BPFTCÁCi -the Invariable accompaniinents of its ose - as n Pr i Cömploxlon, ■Ut Lotion fO 'ff ;l Sypliilitic oí tne rrinüi lúpd WÜh the KT]{.-( ■ , st;■ l.l.. and CATAWBA GKAFE PI] I Kiichdft) i nded.cannot be surpaased. ■ y BoXtle. D Pull and expHcit directiona accompany the tnediEvidence of the most responatbleandreltabla charí acít-r unill■(i on atplication, with hnndredsof ids of living wltncaseet and npward oí unioHcitod ct-rtiflcuteti and recoipanendatory letters many1 of whlch ure from the h lar nest sou rees, includini; eminent Phyuic'iur . Olerffymon , Stateamen . etoj The propríetor ni a oever resorted lo thelr publicati'ni luthe uewapapers he doea n.ot do thia Irom the fect hls anieles ranh ah Standard i r purations, ann do not need lo be propped up by rcrtiticateu Ili'iiryT. Helmbold's Geiiiiine Prcpnrations, DelWered to any address. i-'ocurc from obpprvfttion KSTABUJHED DPWARDOFTW F.N' 'IV TE ,)(.-.' everywliere. AddnsB letten tot itlon. In confldi-iicc to IIEMKY T. ÜELUBOLD, Dragglst and Chemirt. : II '1'. lli-lii.boM's Drngand ChemIcalWorel ja. N" -'V4 Uromlway. New York. or tn II. T. Ilclmboln's Medien] Depot, 104 South 'lVnth Btrcet, Philidelnhia, Ba. BKWARE OP COrNTERFKMS. Ask for Heiiry T. Helmbold'si Takc uo otiicr. 1310 Q.OOD NEWS! Al ARBOíl WILD WITIl BXC1THT! HIG3 PEICES EXTEBMINATED I S. SONDHEIM IIAH JUST HKTIK.MEI) FKOM THE E A-S T VYÍTH THE LAHQKST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER CL0THING KYT'S n UMSHI; OODS, TRUNK8, VALI8ES, 8ATCHRL8, &c, &o., &c, THAT HAS EVER BEEN riROCGTIT TO THI6 CITY, WUICH UK WILL'SELL Oheaper than the Cheapest for Cash. ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT OP CA8S1MERES, C0AT1NGS, and VESTING8, WHICH HE WILL MAKE UPTO ORDER ,. TN THE BEST STYLR, AND WARRANTED A FIT ORXO PAI.B 'ijl 1 9 W K Z a Bh O ï : : i w i ? pi L L In i Sb h í -'S 1 3 W Ui :h fi L l ü a i .il lt: Qoï'J í mg. 3 is s H S g cc 8 Ht3h M CO y Q, Oí Ha A n Oí i í H 48 A b What Johnson has Ho hsAHrge Htock of HATS & CAPS1 For the Kall anil WlotOf (rade - bent ia town lic b: ft fullïiiie oí LADIES' AKD GENTS' FCRS Kew Stjles ivml bont qualltV MANUFACTURED TO ORDKU. Ik' h'Aft K f u 1 1 itfCk öf Gciitá' TurniehiDg Goods Gluvoft.Hofiiorj, Cüllara, Tios, 1ravats kc He has everything in his line And he tcont be andersold. That's What JOHNEON Has 7 Soüt![ Main St., Ann Ahüor. WM. WACER'S, A I.ariíe and Cholee Slock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, rscjjwasie CLOTHS, CASSÏMERE8, VEST1NGS, &C. LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUALITiES k WIMCH II E W1LI. MANUFACTURE on terrns to guit, and in the line of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND ' öents'FTJRNISHING Goods. . i . ■ BE3T S "3? ST X 3E3 A!s. LADIF. i'andOKNTS MOROCCO SATOHEL8 No.21 South Mata Street- Esptsld. CALL AND p THE?r. WILUAMWAGMKR Ann Arhor . Pept. tPTO. AIONEF CAN NOTÏH'Y IT. FOK SIGtOEÏT PJPRICELESS t:u: ■ .v .'. k. Spencer & "n. : S . v , , - tublíc . [.i ■ ■ ■ , Opti ■ ; u ,,i-!i i-.i b ttat W ■ I I' ttivct, Natural, r'.i!i.'ial 1:.-!;, t ttl hun I NOWD. 'II éj .■■'. '. n ut : i r; r '.: . ■ ;. . froni miïi■ te Oryetftl P tiin : n Mi:r. i)i::rmirrt ," . :■ ■ hftri■.'1 briili.inf. iflp prliijcl ■ wiite1! tlie_y are con eoié or cenre of hf lOD%llrectlj I -ye, producug a cliir and diditnct yÍ8ioQ, rí in ■ - '' ' t;i l , - jíi'iii'nci In ring of s;ght, Merinos 8, kc ., peculiar to &1I othftrs lo osft. Tbfy ro mounted in tiic FINEST MANNKH, In of the bes+. iiuility, oi' all luutortals osédfor h:i : [ 'i : . '1 . ■ QQot be sur; !O N' . - Non i C'ss boai ing thetr rory frame, .1. '. WA1 TS ■ Rl ■'.■ J' ■■- leroandOp'ticUiwi.áro nleairi n:s for NV ARBOR, M1JH., Erom WWMÉj fiej can only be oütaioeui These goods are not .snppliefl to Petllfrí; at any price. 1 -':vl ei. tune . more ui' of Sfoi ■ int m ever before combiiu'tl ín one m dfclne. The uvidenc of this f-tct k brand n the fjruiit vani Ö ol most ob ■ dlsoase which ii bAa lu-i-n fuund to q In lïic care of fírtn . ■". il. lus fystoniph ::l ihQ faculty, illl.i hui:'.:: ■ )l"l!.l'' il '.' ■ Of til V. liilc il e::1 ::'rtlS, i strciii'tiions the sy.-it'm and purifies the blood. t; and thoro ■ c;r.' e : 1 1 1 Hamori Qrom the escrófula to i com mojí BlotcU, l'ijnple or BraptloD. Mercurial liisi-nphiliüc and Venerlal ! nnd tii ■ :t"d mul (igoront healll and a aouud con) I 8al1 Rhedm, ■;■■', I B itoi Sores; - Etongh Skin. in sliorl. :ill tl;'can8ed liy bad bloost aro coDqnored parifjlugand inviRoratlng medldhe ComplaiDt ." ' ■ ad Habitual pation, il has produced hundiera ol mftuei 'li;' : that wul cquiil ip la Ibocnre of all t.i; hii-li t Is recomroended. Bovre o and wortSles imHatlons. ■ privateGtovorjjmeotfStamp. wbich Is n )funaInenes.'te nnon the autsid' 'rhismcdlclnc i sold liy brngglsti at $1.00 per bottle. i l,v R V. PIERCE, il IK. SoleProprletoiyat hle Chemie! Laborator}', 138 Noneca etrect, 1 N. Y. A UGUST lOth, 18"7Ö.""" NEWWHEATFLOUR suiwrior aualtly, at the ANN ABBOE CITY MILLS, Very qlce boltod Com Meal fcal , Qrafinm Floür- :■ ir al low priro,- Ornckcil 'A ; ent und all 1 ■ i Fted, at ufthpcity Terme .':i-[l. IfW Ord'TBleft in my Order liox at the Post Olllce iromptly attended to. l5ï .1. T. SWATIIKL. POR SALE! !! A VALUABIiD FRUIT FARM, IttMted, in a Houri li na ■. U he stut.', and on th' xohansed f or properti '■ i-nnArbor. Aït1v to ffDTHEJ 1308w(i PHYiieiASS'lBÜllllPTIÖSS VCi IRATKI.V ANP j CAREPDLLY PREPABED BY R. W. WLL18 & C0.,I)RUUGIS78. -- - , - i ■ ai ortgage Salo. DF-}'ATTr 1 : ■ - elw ntyirdod in . ■ . :. pn tlie 23d cl y oJ ! '■ ■ A. i', i , Ififontnined i.i sult or i ■ find thoro bf-ing iiowï'.ö iotI rg hun:;' ::. Bnd ■■ mid in ÍVTlíl liy tuktn tofo faw Op in ■■' ; Nol ice u therefore hereby b dny of lid (ny, ' ií y of Ann Arlior, in wild ( kun1 ■ ■ :(1 fOt tin I I I . Of fhfi pïVlri w muoh thercof ns ■■ huil lx uní diip ot BonaLlo i pf forfy doy v. bieb moni are escnbed in ? ñd U ho-.: pureolflof limBfñíantfl in t e ■ - County of Wafr&ténii-vr ÜTld Slllí'1 it .Ml--f.lL.MII. liTl"W!l ..■ ■ i-1 í- . ■].-,■ ..f ■ rond. titt' fl OID ;;ilt of ■ at oaiè sei n, in n ÜureeoornBT lot on wlüch a log house J ai Iho noufhOflAf for. quarter óf sectiöti fifti otti four, tod ntn■ ■!! lir,1 tlve noé eiiat fl'o diñins, ut'i: twenty ohains t the place of contninii f Iftnd. lMkil, Saline, Jai 1871. P. M . tfóxtgogóe. DEFAULThnvhijr liccn in ÍV.0 condi j n cortfttn ludo&tnre of mor AacnsttiB Tl o nd snel Hatl Oavid BrowB, bearing date the tiloeteentfa Octobcr, A. T. 1804 and recordcd In tb Rtipinter of Deods for thö Conniy f Washtenaw and siste of Michigan, In líber $8 o( mortgfl pase 6(ï. nu he t#enty thlrd day alfKov moer, A. I). 1864i whioh eaid ren bj tald trowntojami '('. Horton, l)j written aaelgnuienl, earlng date Pchruary Oth, 13C5, and récorded in líber SS of mortgaes, on page 29Ö, in saM on Uur foi ■ I rflary, A. D. 185, by hlch defaalt the power ■■ ■ 'in Baid mortgage has bccome operottve, and no eiiit or procecílinj %t law or In cnAjicery haring been tnatkul th9 amo tríáfíe, nifl :'-. re hplrig plainied due on Bald morteage, ai ■ p'L]iiti'_', the sura of s even handred and Lwentj two'dollara an;d twen r8ÏxceQ . in-r pnno of ft ft een hnnrlred doflarfl willi intereel froraOetobei I dne on sald mortgage, and, aleo the nirther ham of flfty ng an Altornëy feê on tliN foreclosnrè, ly agreed to i: pald t; bm by raid mortgnrie :is ofu:t ;t any procQedtng te t'tkci t frecl i mort'ïifrti, eltner at law orin Chanceryj '■ mnrtiwenty-sef enth day of March next, at ton oclock ie the fbrénoon of - door f thje Court House, 'm tho City of Ann Arbor, In Cotinty, belng the place of holding the Circv't Conrt fr the Cojan (y pf naw), by n rále at public fintïon, l bidder, of the premlse ■ . - Miitj nt !ue on said witfi reat-onablo costa ond expem es, and the rñterést on unid mortgage, with an Arforncy fee : fifty ■ -. ' i ead mortgae, nnd subject to the payment f t he fan ftftecn ■ ■ i from ( i omortir;' as EollOMffl : land Mtui. il in the toWnehip of Snline. in tliCounty of WashUui iin, fepcribeu as followfl, i tion tv,i flve cítnt, ni tho Sratí o: xéeptíng ten ■ twenty I h.i'f of the . bt. Röd tct1 ■ . i er of scctiön twenu fonrfonr - 'sr fivc in üfl ïi)( hnncti1. ' acres oí land n ■ ,-,T!' been (ífpchargcá from eald moi l ïiot be sokl by Virïuc tber eoL uu der thïs notïce. Dated, Dcccmbrr'J th JAMEST MORT ■■:. Ignec of Moi Comían, Tïot & KAtt' r:: ':nco. 1S2 Hen] Es! STAT] ín tl . tliat in pu of an in ■ ■ will be s i I ;i' pul Salem, in Ihe f ounty of Wnsli enaw, iu . A. I. jOCt to filli'iicuiiibr;ini iBÜng ;■ the foll' ■■-■ ■ Vy hr.. A. IK is:}. 1 ■ ir s e OTAT I ■ In . . oí an of the ■ . ■ [ ;i poinl tO thè HjltiliV. ■ I ■■ and :t hj I ■ plnoc oJ ornet o .V;m Albor, thcuco ii line f'orty-tbur clmins Jtn jorty-thxee linl . i mh ehnit and thii ty-om forty-thn e !; live links to t3 two :ind 78-11 O north ( ■ it hal ist quortei .-. ipii! y-iive, in : il-."' I'ii']iV,i . .t linlt' ui' tl ie Boufebenst quarter of Baid FecÜon tvrenty-fiyc ; aU oJ beüig in sflld Btate öl Da ed Febrüary JOii A. VOÏ.Z, Aïiuhiisti-ator. Re for Sa1O. ■ j t- In ■ day of Janna; oi' n;iid d [)1 do wei' of bis ■ ■ n8t luilf ■■ ing in toimtí] . .in saW : .iniiiij hundred and Üfty-fii i aary24. A. D. . Estáte of Gottlieb ü.eckerle. . Countyoffl ■ of the . matte -i:!!! rtay of Pcbm i ir CTPfttOTt! tO - that !iH oredltoi are requïri Prabfete Anii ; rboi . all on ;, of Auñ be foro sjiid Prol . the ifalri & ■ of .M ■;;.-. uud (.;: 'I I ,M-r. üt. ten o'cloek in the ForcDoon ■ Dated Aïiu Arbor, Febrnary líth, A O. i7i . iHÍiAM J. BKAKES, W0w4 Jndïeof Probate. Betate of Al'crt S:evc-ne. S. ( nnnfy of "WnehtenaWj Be. Piobivte (.'oui Yt made 1. MA owed foi er ■ Alliii that all ■ dtü ni I ; , ; ! t i 1 ' ' ■ i 1 . . before said Pi . aext, at lOu'clock ín the íorenoon oí each of . I). 1871. l . r ivëöeiïse "featií'rb PÍBST GiTJA.X.IX'r, Constuiitïyon hand üij(! for sau by Go toR.W.ELLIS & CO's for choice Winee and Liquorf i for Iilodical Purposee . (,'hancery Sale. IN l'TTRSÜATÍfK ál , f Ihc ■ oonty of WasUt' nw, in Chanccrv, made on ih ■ tv bcr, A. !., IHTOjiutho caovherein Uannah slatlord is Cbmplalnant, and Wllliun Hherwood nnd Laura Sherwood are Defenflittits: No.lce Is herbjr gU'cu that I mkü! Bell ■ !ion, to tlic highii bidder, mi 'Jid dayol April iicxt ut ten e'dock, 11. m. r,r.uidday, ai cnefront ir -mui. of tlti: Court Elouse, in thcl ii ihr ('onuty nfWaaht'enaw, In the sti te oT Vil hlsan, thu i esMite, to wit: u: undWiili-.. ed as follón a. namely i Sll tlon numtter towrifeMp rinmber fonr annth oí range nunber - nst,hi tlio Si iroede". [he center ol the race bank dln ■ ■ corner of tbe malí ■ 'ii vil'? fa calleA), nnrning weel at rnce of iii! mili. "■-n KHUb a4uug the ofenii! ,i the Snline r.':u!. i tieüce vvoptêr ■ i rond ten and onehiif roda to-the corner ftK bard road ; Cbcace northerly aloni' the coruer uf the i.iiui iiowowiled r oocnplcd l)y Q A)'-[l ; I AllciiV land tweBtyrode tothe weil baftl 'I tail j-iice .vc-t tour ruds [ntlre enst bunk of th iltli uiln r(hls llon' the luuik ( w mili meo tó the place of beglniihií, c'oBilrisiuf;tli(: aaw mili, brick (hvellilig h.nisí, mili all the jirivilf;." .-" and reaervationb made niid óïenIrom c NV Boyal ' , She(wood, nc-ha.f of tbe planing machine, and nll of the hMIcI SBerwoud'a Uitereet In the macbio ratusln mul iilimit Fiiid milis. Udied, Aim Arbur, Mnrch Oth, A 1). 1S71. i;. BE '.HAN, Circuit Conrt Co for htepaw County, Mioh, TüACT W, Root .-olicitor lor Complainant. 1: 1. ui Chaneery Sale INPCESUAXCEandbyvlrtueoía doeree of tbe uremt Conrt for the County t ÍPathtena i the tweu!.v'rtrs(dnyfrrcfembor, A. 1). I8TO, in Un' cate v. Inant, and Tliohin Carroll, Mii'y O'Parrel. Chaa. n Hobper,and Joícph D i Idwin ar in ;-iv(in. that I flmll scii ui public anctlun. to th hieheet bidder. on Uie Md da; of April next, at ten o'elock A. M . uf said diiy, at I hl fronl ornonth doorofthe Conri of Aon Ai-iior in tac (Joniuy ofWashteDaw [n thi State of Mlchlean, théfollofflng detcribed real entate i wit : City lote nnmberedflvi nd sll, tïe - l of ons, two, three and fo:;r. in bloei nuihlifv rfx in J. D. Baldwin'8 eastern addltloa to the city of Aim Arlxnv the (niitn therenf lviu" west or : linedrawn frorn tb . . the weel line ol s:í! i 'ut onc, loa poiiit in th south line of satd lot nnmber foor tont roda weat of tbs Boutheost corner of aaW block, belng part of tbe lauda conveyed byaalrl Buldwin to Fnid 'urrol! on tho fonrteenthdayof Angnst, A I). Dated, Ana Arbor, U i b 9 b, A 1871 R. HKAIIAN, Cirouil Cor.ft Commiaejon r Rr Wasntenaw Cónaiy, Micli Traot W. Kjot golicitoc for (.'omplniniint. 1312td riiiHicr'rv S:i!f. I;md i.y vin of tlic C'óurt rol ■ ' ■ tintn: Notia i h.;vl.:. ■■ v,n, lun. I .1 ■: ion, t" the liighesl bidder, t.n Saturday, tlu Hrat day of April nes day, at the fron i [ie ( 'ourl 1 ! the i il y of Ajin Arb ■ litcnav, in the State of Mlehignn, the toOowtng ■ eatate, to-%nt : Tn the townshipoi County, rnt half 't boe nor twentj i tlie eajt hall' oí thbno iaths ■■ ude of the hoira al law o) i, who was llu Koot. ■ llitli, 1871 K. BÉABrAN1, Circ ih.-, I). f'. plAlnoM. Real Estáte fui S TE bti MlCñlífAS !n : ven, 'Unit iu puisi i ■ 'l tn Hie iMnl.r-i.'ji'-ii, Adi of l'iu■v. on [lic nii nlrl t pulili'. Wailit . n. 18Í1, ::: ten he foroo all anmrmbrahcM ■ ; the timo ol ■ iolluv ii : i !,u, northjnarteroj 0) H6n eleven, eontiiihinïr one hntiflri . hin two M.utlioi ■■aid Btate. Dated, Febrnary 23d, A. D 1871. 'Jlu Administratnx. Estnto df J;i ■ f iSlie;man. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, Oountyof Waahtenw, 1 A' ! ■■ : f thi Probate Conrt for the I Seu ut ihe Probate Office in the City ol A nu .rbor, on Thursday, tbc second day ofMarch n the ytr one thooand eigh han. dreii one lil Conrt ouutj of W Proba l.i tlic diatter of the i'sditi' of 'acob SI: Bed. I in.duly ver] I orrtur réqutHi.K tho ■ , utercit. m i ■ II y. the ■ guirt . Idnot he granted : Anditl fnrI . .imi the hearing Ibereof by causingfl hl sai Ooanty, tbfee successlvi (veeksprevtoue tosaid da ■ y.) SAMl'EL H1GBY. ;i t'cnii'l of Wgshtenaw i otinl idge oí Protat. IS td Frtate of Eber 51 Mnnroe. STATE OP MICHIGAN, CrfBntj 01 fl At n si'jsion of the Probate Conrl fortheConnt p( l fflaw, i, '! Probate Ofllrc, in tii Aon Arbur, uu Toesdaj the twent) lary, in the yoar une thóusand eigl hnndred and eeventy !"■. Fresnt. Jlimm ,]. Beakes, Jndge of Prdb$it, In the maner of the oatate of Hlx-r M. Munrc dcci'H i 'ii ■ a '■■',- niirl fllingthó pctltion, flhly vnriflecl o . Munroe, praylns tbal a certaiu fnstrnmen a IhlsQourt. ptuportiog to !■. Ue Isa wil! .-uní testliment i I ndmil t ■ 1 1 i" Prob( ftndthatwbeaay be ppolntedís ■Mtrix llii'rcof. 'í; nu is-iivil(rd. t!i:lt V ■ twenty scvcqU) dayofMarth oezt, al ten o'clo'ck ip (hefor ofïiiid petttloB, an . ;' : 1 law D and allother persors interetad ii re reqnired to appenr :it : cssion o eald Coiirt, then to be bolden, al the Probate Offlci in yie City of Ann Arbor, and - il an; ihcivbc. v.iiy the práyer óf the petitiontr ahonli nol begranted: Andll Is farther order, d thal saii pctitionergivenotlce'tu the persons interestnd ii Bnld estflte. ' ' said petillon ani copy of thi printed :md cln ukUng '■■ [yc wi :. iiiir. fAtrnocopy.J H1EAMJ. BE KES, IS11 Judire oi Probate. Kstme of Buniee Batdwia. TAJl WasbHmw,m Al a si'.iiui dl' tlir Pliobate .iu;l fo] :]:-■ í Oimi ■lir Probate Olliof, in !lii ( ity of Aun 'y, i wi ■ n tJu1 ar one thöi ■ venty-one. !n i hi (natter of the catate of Eunlce Bnldwiu, in, rtnly vcriflfd, of now on ik' in CberoupoD teho'clock in the foxenoon, ■ il, and 11 other pi i ■■:,. ini . ure reqnired : I ('unit, tlien to be holden, . in the City of A-m Arl ' t.u !■ i-, . . ir1 ,.iy there be, why che prftjñ&r of the t-nnted : And ït is turther to the neraonB interes ■ ■ . mdency of (min petiMf. by ciiuainga oopy of tl. is ! in the V,-w .1 newfr- i hearing. A trae oopy.) BIRAH J. 13U robflto. Eetate of livd'n Rosier. OTA! j of "Wnshtnaw, ss. ■ A( a msríoh oí thi ouatv of Vashtenaw, ín ■ t" Aan Arbor. uu Slonaay, tho i.. hdayof 'ebruary, in the year one tbousund eighi huodi . ■ ■ In the matter oí I ■ IM il. ha petition, duly n i ■ i'oteeïc in the 1 iw of said li'-.'-i-i-.-ii, and aÜ othin saii] i'.-Tatv. :i;i' lViplilv K'-ít ii . i to 6e holde, at ■ ( iiy of Anii Albor, and use.ii itny there be, why the . etitioner ahoald nol be gTanted: And tf a farther . o oe i" the ■ be pnblisheo ii I he . tlm-e (A trui Finest Assortment of Toilet Qoods in the City. by Ju Ui. I "■■me Kinj ■ ■' " ,'nl ' ■il. tLinx ofv tfonaav n ■ ■"'■!" ín 'f'iirTílt,1 lidt'ourt, thentoi lí0V W. L,,,Mirir, ■ CJTATJKOFS] r'' A f .1 ■ cityof.S I-Vl,iniiry. in the ycni i , "4 w k '.'.i liis íiiüil account as noli j"" 111 "11% i l:""-' betn ■ '■i,, K, otlierperí ( ounty, and bIkiw cafi. if ahy ih. ■ be X .u" nccBunt íhnald not UoTcd: A,i,l S ordered, th;it ■ Mllll, lltKl ' coiiyof tliis o Cpunty, tbieo a , ,S ot hearing. "ta fy (At.uompí-.l U.3IJ.BEAK 1310 J Estáte of James K. i OTATE ÓP 'I If -II !';_■ V. c.r.ntv of IV-, ]',„ ofWashtena ::'-'tijtl'J'iT AnnArbor, on Tu .„.., v. , i;.;Loí,f -.-vi-nty-oiio. í'l:MtBlm it, Hinun . . Beakaa, Judgeof Pmhit. - . Jotai C. Wtoang, idmimrtrator of loMhfc. m.u ( .ni and i,:1.ns.-.i, ii,,,i i,,, i, mnr nm,,Ü?!I Thereupon . tieth day oL Mawh n.-xi, „t :,„ ?&LL forenoon, be miniiu! iS n Rooauftt, Rjid thnt the kiire rii":i other wwSfataJSí ■ Ato '';":-.- ■ -pSs (Atr,;r-o,,y.) HmAMJ.BBtt EjSUta f Kdwiird irVebnim-y. in:. . , '"I i( . Judgt of Pi - aidtílüoiior l-iv,. notioe lo 'ntciwwï (Atrueooyy.) ' iifiíAM J. i;k. _ ' te of Adam :■ ■f TiMh, rt rorthe&SS 'n theCh '■ J1"1 ■'!' Febnun in the ycar onc Hunubnd oight humlrai and seralj■ of I'i-obate John Ooetz, Administratoi-, i":iy,,lt. ;,,., jü - as intaattd el, That MoBday, thctiretoMi o'clock n mi thitt'rtí Uothei pottwkral ■ n to 1 holden, at tlie lwi 1 Ity of Ann Albor, ■ viiu it : lm . that ld ! ÍDftltf ■■lieptb, noun to said day ui hearing ■A; ■ ■ . v?Si Jv IgeofJPr, Estáte of !!■ ;,.]d. lOTATfifaP MICHIGAN, CoorftJ of Wsitóiw., k . Alnsessioiii I ■ Court lor thpConlt orwasntei City ui Aiin Arbor, (.11 Tnesday, the wnrt "V ' '" the year one tboutu ly-one. Present, Hirsin J.Jiea.kea, Jndireftf PrtWfc ' : "f tiic esmte of lienrv Canielt On ronding and fllüigtbt petilion dnly del Charles II. Kfmpf, AtlministrHtor, praji'iií; th h may hu Uconsed to ell eertaiu real ettste wbemi (lied eud, Therenpou it is on)ercö,thatWcdnceday,tbelm ty-Bl'tliliil !:i_v (.! .M:ii-(:li next, at tul} ii'c'lock il ttj ftrenoon, be asaigiiQd for the henring oí sik petition. nnd thut the hein at l.nw of sniiidewmi and all other persons interested 11 nid eaiK :irc rcqniri d to appèar at ü sesaion ofsaidCosrt tin-u in beholdi ust ; I n Probate Offloe,lB(iedrj Ann Arbor, and . lianj Uien bMH the prayer of the firtitloniT shoiild not be (tnuldl AndLtloftutherotdered tliatsaidrietÜloDíretn Bted iu BaJdestateoitDCPM1 afaald pelltlon, and the henntif II opy of tljif piibliehei W( uewspt'perprlnted nndcirculili:! in said couuty. four Bnccescive iroekf prOTliWM ai! day of henrin'g fAtrneevy ; HIRAM J.BEAKES. JuduiiuProtati. Í üFiri P. Briifotiwescher. OTATKOi .. Oonnt70fWaaWftnrf.H1 Atasen ."Con'; "f Washlennw. holden at the Probate Oflico. City of Anu Ar!-or, on Pridfty, i . ixb nI iruary, in the ypai Qne thoadaod t-ili' huííw und sevenl .■ one l'rcsi'iit . ilinun -: of Probate. In the raat te 1 orthe I er, deceued. I On reAdingand fllïng thepetitio.utduïy v' licnry-J. Davidter praying tinDow on fileiti tliis GourtiparportiDg to lie the ï1 wil] and testnmenl I '■ (l!n"' tel 10 probate) andthathe may be jtjioïntd B' ccutor i Therehpon it is .irflered, tliat Mitidar. tte tw ntlelli ! ; 1 v of Muren next, at tea 'cl In the forenooa he ntained for the hcatiig ■ihiun auU iliai tho jegatses, devbi hehi :it law of and all etate, ara rennn to appe&r ai a session of said Coort, then to" liolii.-n. at the l'robntt' Office, in the City of Au )or, 1: ■ ir un}1 lucre, lus. why tlic i'rtii' 3f The petlti'onei should'noi be ■.'i;!;'i?''i: AofliUJ Eortber otderedi ihfttaiMd lv noticewtw :it i'siie, ijf the i'endcnfJ" ■Rid petitisn, aod thehea f, by cno'W' of this order u b' puoljhed in the -Y"Wj r printed and circnlating .H I f'oiinty, three snCAettlve weeks prwiun tu SftiflW ariDg, (A trae copj ) HH'.AM J. BÈAKÏft Jtidge of Probtl l'jütnte 01 Jonas w bleason. OTATKUFMICHIGAN.Connty olWarttco 1 ■ taacsslotyqf the Probate Couvl for theConiw of Washtenaw, holden at t Probate Office. ■'" City of Ann Arbor, on TiHïlsilav, ttfo Ilillt" W of V year one thouaml eigbt W drert lid sevcnty-one. Presen t. II irunirl. Ki'iiki-ivTndjrr o f Probate. Ju ; liJnüif W. ülew di cefteedi .. i. Oucaadingandaiing tliepetitioD, tlulj verii" Chmles KInïsley and Géorge 1: 1 alm -r. Aoj11? re prayÜJRtb; i í'1 'T tain i -: iü"1 sc I.TtKfranpoi II IsOrfleied, tlmt Mnndfij', lhct Bwentb day if Marcli uixt, alten o'clock "jíj forenoontbe aigned foriiio hcurlrt andthat the liefrs at law of sü I, :""IÍj ■ aiipesr ni ol sald Coart, ihen '? olden at tbe Proba t6eCityofAnAi" ..ny theru be, why theprajero" rt: And iti-rurtn" '" t1"',1 Mnc " Ytl iiiin..-in. iho hsaringil lis Order to bepubliehed iu the A ■ paper prtntedand cirMilatiiur i '" J'JJ. .vfweoks pravloua to Baddty1.' 'fAtnircopy.J HIBAM J.BE4Ö8. IS10M .JuauofProM' Oonimihsioners' Notice. Oï VIV. ui' JOCKtGAN, Connty of WhW'''L The iinilersigniHl, hai ippoiDted W"T is and iliifliUi . I JIi:i;!'; "# ' iTlf' ■ ' "' 'lio ; fheir daws PJj liiorf gxb r, ín :uiï County, 'm Saturday, Uw ""."' 'w MG, foihiBtóaiW"
Old News
Michigan Argus