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A Mother's Power

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A moment s work on clay tolls more tlian au liour's work on brick. 80 vork on hearts should be dono before tlïey tarden. During the first six or cight yeara of child-life mothers have cMef 3way; :m tliis is the timo to makc the doepest and most enduring hnpression on the human mind. The examples of maternal influonce aro countléss. Solomon himself records tho wii ds of wisdom that feil from a rnothor's lips, and Timotby was tauglit tko Boripturos from a child, by his grandmothor and liis mothci'. Jolm Bandolph of Roanoke used to say, "I slioulil havo boen a French athcist, wcre it not for ths rccollection of the time Whon ïny departed mothor used to t.iko my little hand in hers, and make mo say, on my bendod knees, "Our Father who art in Heaven !" " I have found out what made you tbc man you are," said a gentleman ono morning t9 President Adama; "I have been ro;uling your mothfr's letters to her son." Washiïigton'a mother txained her boy to truthfulnoss and virtue; and when his messonger eallcd to toll hor that her son was ituaea 10 tuc mgiiost station in tne nation's gift shc could say : " Goorgc always was a good boy." A mothcr's toars dropped on the head of lier littlo boy one evoning as he gat in the doorway and listened whilo sho spoko of ( "mist. and his salvation, "TIiosg tears made me a missionary," p:iid he, when he had gi ven his manhood's prime to tho Lord. Sonic ono aaked Napoloon wliat was-Uio greal need of the Frenoh nation." "MothersK' was the significant answer. Woman, lias God given yon tho privilüd reaposaibilitáea ot motbernood r Befaithful, fchea, to tho littlo ones; hold tho koy of thoir hoarts now. If you once loso it you would give tho woi-ld to win it back; use your ojijKntunitics hvforo thcy paB8. And ïemember, littlo ones, you will ncver have but ono mothcr. Oboy and honor hor ; listen to her words, and God will bless you day by day. An old lady v;is l.iling hor graodcliildren ubout sonio troublee Scotland, in tho course of.whdoi the ohief of her clan v.'ns beheaded. "It was nae groal tliiutí of a hcad, lo be suiv," gaid the (?ood old lady, ■luit it was a Bftd loss to him." Sir Boylo Boohe onu;1 said, in n'l'civin.c to persons all relatíofts to each Qthor lun who htippened to have no dosoejidantfl tbat "ii seemed to bo hcroditary to have no cl'ilclnTi." " What are you doing,'' p.iid a fafhor fn Lis son, vvlio w;is tinkering ao old watoh. " [mproving-my timer" w the witty


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