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The New German Empire

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Flom th Naw York TIumk. i. no new umpire of Uermany boguu from this timo a career of inunonsO unportanco to tho world. Its populution is the second of the great States of Europes Eussia lcads it with 69,000,000 ; bút, inj cluding Alsaco and Lorraino, Gennany i'ollows with 49; 120,000 of tho most indutrious and intelligent inhabitants to b found in any community of tho world. France; 6horn of a largo part of her tw provinces, comes noxt, with 36,430,000} und then the Austrian Monarehy, wltb 35;943,0e0, and Great Britain, with 80,8J53.OO0 ; last of all being Italy, with lióme, couTitiug 26,470,000. inhabitants Kven the preponderating population ot tho Geiinun Kinpirc is no fair muasure ot its strungth. Its position is central, whethdi tor military or moral influencA. It is tumpact and homogeneous. AU its vast forcea are under tho control of ono Ekocutive and tho Parliumont. lts lead ing State - Prussia- is confeseedly the most intelligent, disciplined, and vigórou uommunity in Europo. The administration is every whero economical and thoroughly well organized. ïho educational system of Prussia, its economy and thor-í ougli disciplino will now bo spread through all the empire. Even this tremendous war will leavo less debt on théEmpiro than it would on any other cítII izcd Stilte. The Hohenzollern alwaya made tboir enemies puy tlioir war expenses, and no anny livcs at so little monoycost as the Germun. In our judgment, tho " empire will bar peace," in a far better scnse than was over truo of the Napoleouic regime The war has made terriblo wounds in Germán homes. Almost cvery family has suffered The very best of the pcople, as in our own war, have ofFered théir livos for tho coun-' tiy. All business and production havo been intorrupted. Fnr a generation to' come, the masses will dread and abhor war, and the people will seek their natural bent in trade, agriculture and manufacture. The masaos too, are to, havO more iiower in the now empiro. The Parliament is to contain 382 -members in the Lower House, chosen 'by unrrers! sulFrage. Many of th trades unions and workingmen's associations aro representad among theso. It is truc that Prussia - 2:1S members out of this nuniberr but manv others in the cities and westom provínoos como frorn democratie constituencies. This portion of the Germán Parliament will bc essentially a popular body, mul represent thü uational. a.ijifations for peace and industrial progresa. In the Upper House, which corresponda to our Senate, and representa Status and princuly families, l'iussia has a much smaller proportion il representation - only soventoun out of nt'ty-two, while Ba varia has six, Saxony four, and Wurtemberg four, and Baden and Hesse three each. Thus those rive States could in the House out-vote Prussia, if they so desired, yöt Prusaia presenta 24039,000 inhabitants, while Bavaria contains but 4,824,000, Suxony 2,423,000, and Wurtemberg 1,778,000. One priucipality represented by one vote in esoh House - Schaumburg Lippe-has but the population of a small town, 31,000. The interest of tho future, both for Germany and tho orld, in tho new Parliamont, lies in ftie struggle, inevitable and iiitense, between the self-will and loyul power of the Hohenzollern and the popular aspirations for greator liberty. The present Kaiser is a martinet and bêlieves in " tho divine right," and therefore will bo detenuined to have his own way without regard to constitutions.


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