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The Legislature

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' In the isenato, on rndiiy last, bi at. Gov. Hatks, presiifing offioeEofthotfftody, asked and was grantod lea w of absonci for tho rcmaindcr of the Bession. Th speeches mado on the ftffeotitig occasion oi his Lenving were higlily oemplimentary, 'but remind us of thut oft-quoted " ' For irayi fihat tuv ñvik Aud triclis th:it !U' vain." On the lfith inst, the Senate, by a vote of yeas, 22 ; nays, 7, passed Senate foill No, lol, being"abill to aunend sootioBfl 1062 and 1OT3 of the coinpiled l;iws, boing sections 2 and 3 of the act ontitled "of the manufacture and snlo of bitoodcating drinks as a boveragr,' " appxoved Feb. 3d-, 1855. The nays were Senators, Gay, Mann, Prios, Bomeyn, Sliolcy, Waterbury, and Wood. It próvidos more stringent ponalties for tho Sellar, and also subjects the drinker- if he gets drunk - or bc drunlc in in any public place - to fine and imprisonment. If the House agrees to the bill we shall publiah it in full. Tho House journal of Saturday last discloses a not very roputablo piecc of legislation, uncí BBK BUTLEB might be justified in denouncing it as a " trick." On pago 955 we read that the comiuittve on judiciary, to whom tras reforred "abill to provide for aiid regúlate tho taking of testimony in divorce cases," reported tlte same back with a substituto, rocommondinc that its action be conourred in and tho substituto passed. Tho House iramcdiately oonourrod in tho reoonuaendation of the committoe, suspended tho rules, put the bill on its passage, and passoil it, with but l'our dissenting votos. Then Mr. Grosvexoh, wlio reportod the bilí, moved that the titlo bo amonded so as to read : " A bill to próvido for tho appointmont of throe suitablo persons commissioners to draft and propare a bill for the organization of citics and villages by a general law, as oontemplated byarticlo 15, section 13 of the constitution." His nvotion prevailed and the amended titlo was agreed to. Then the divorco testimony bill beoame somcthing else, the horsc-chcstmit was changed into a chcstnut horse, the d - 1 wiis whippcd around the stump vory thinly disgnised, and a plain provisión of the constitution, prohibiting the introduction of new bilis aftcr the fint fifty days of the session shall have expired, was violated. The Sonate is as deep in tho mud as the House is in the mire, having, on the 1 th inst., " doctored " over " a bill for short form of doods and mortgagos for the conveyance of real proporty " into " a bill to amend an.act cntitled an act to revise the charter. oL slie city of Grand Rapids," etc. Such legislation is disgi'aceful, and Gov. ]'. ai.iiwix mvcs it to himself and theStivtc to veto alï bilis so surreptitiously introduced and passed. If ho doos not they will not - in our humble opinión at least - be worth the paper on which they may bo enrollcd. Tho journal itsoTf furnishes tho evidenco on which the Supremo Court woiild be compelled to declare them void. The Senate on Saturday, and tho House on Monday, passed a concurrent rcsolution providing for the payment of " postage on mail matter received by tho memben." As all postage must bc pr4-paid at the mailing office, what can such a resolution mean ? Isn't it cabbaging on a vory small seale, and unworthy honorable members of a Logislaturc ? No wonder the House rojected the motion of Hon. J. J. Adam to refer the resolution to tho committflo on State affairs. It wouldn't bear investiga tion. In the House, Senate bill No. 1G9, making appropriations for tho Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylum for 1871 and 1872, and House bill No. 170, eovering the same ground but diffcring in some of its features, were taken from the committoo of the wholc and made the special order for 2 o'clock P. M. of ycsterday. Senato bill No. 3(i, maHng appropriations for an addition to the Insano Asylum, was on the House special order for 9 1-2 o'clock A. M., yestorday. The " indeterininate sentence bill," a crude scheme " put up " by Mr. BiiockYAï, of the Detroit House of Correction, met defoat in the House on Tuesday, by yoas, 26 ; nays, 43. We commend tho good senso of the Legislature. Tho bill providing for an additional State Normal School camo to grief at tho same timo and place, yeas, 11 ; nays, 29. Tho Legislature probably thought it botter to make somethingmorethanagood high school of the one Normal School on its hands bof ore starting anothcr. A bill to próvido for tho payment of board by pupils in tho Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylum at l'lint, unless thcir párente would confess to paupcrism, was also killed, yoas, 27 ; nays, 17. Also Senate bill No. 78, conferring cortain powers upon manufacturing companies, yeas, 33 ; nays, 44. It was cvidently an " off day " in tho House. On Tuesday, the 23d, the Senato passed the following bilis of general importanco : A bill to re-organize the 2d, íth, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, lOth, llth, 13th, and lGth judicial circuits. By tliis bill Livingston county is incorporated in this circuit, and Ingham taken out. A bill to revise the laws for the incorporation of railroads ; a bill to add certain sections to the general railroad law. A joint resolution tim ■nding the constitution as to judicial salaries and circuits was agrecd to in committee of the whole ; and one providing for the payment of railroad bonda üsaed before the decisión of the Supremo Court lost on its passage, lacking one vote. We are sorry to sec that Senator Mxsnt voted for this proposed amendment to the constitu tion. The day's doings in the House liav been already notod. On Wednosday the only important bil passed in the Senato was to próvido foi the apportionment of members of the Leg islature. Tho joint resolution aniendinj the constitutioii as to judicial circuits onc salaries, was ameiuli'd, pul on its passage, lost, reconsidered, and referrcd back to the committee on judiciary. In the House the following bilis of rcneral interest wcre passctl : Houso bill to próvido for the uppointment of two professon of homeopathy in the Dopartmeai of Medicino of tho University ; Sonate bill ïruiking appropriations for tho Agricultural College ; House bill to amend tho lav relative to the title of real proporty by doscent ; Senato bill making appropriations for a ncw cajiitol, $.30,000 in 1H71 for temporary State offices, $10,000 in 1871 forcapitol building, and $100,000 in 1872 for samo. The voto was 80 to 7. Tbc end of the wssion is not yet. An wljournmcnt is talkod of until after town mi'ctinjr. Bosinoss has boon voiy much retardad by absentóos, ín whioh Congrose is being imiiated aot forthabonafit of Ou SI


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