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"a Senator--what Is He?"

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Under this headisg the Bay City Okronide discusscs the relations of a Senator to the President, more espcc-ially if tkat Scna&OE chanco to l)e chairmnn of tlio Coinmdtteéon Foreign Relations. It thinks thut the cbairman oi' that committee " honld lx; not only on gpeaMng terms, bttt on terms the most friondly and oven eOBfideatial with the President." It tliinlcs the President owes his pasition to flirt y millions of people, - we have LüOWfl of J'i-esiilents being eleoted by a minority, - whilo the Senator "iDpresents hia State or noboily lut luniself." Uight not the President represent as small a consiitui'iicy? Ilistory would assurodly onswer ycs. But, we quote two paiagiapiha in full : A Hcpublicati Sonate wonld not place Demócrata :it tlie bead of lts more Impor tant connnittces, slmply )ecaiiso their views, aiins and policy ftiifer from the ad niintstration. ]5ut, Ifgome Repnbllcftn, who has been at tbc bead of a committee tliat has to have constant intereotirse witli the President, has deoionstrated tbat liis views, liriis, policy and (bellngfl dlffer utterly from those of tliu President, why shoofd he be retained tliere ? Wiiy sliould not tliat fact be a reason for a different conatructloa and arraDgemeot of the committees? Muieovor it nppenrs to us tliat vvhoti a high mlnded, honorable .Senator Ünds that the President does not relish liis advlcc, and does not sympathlze witli his views, a proper sclf-respect wonlcl induce hlm voluntarily to wlthdraw. He would find itno m re pleasant to bc there than to he the iiest Of a man who had intinmted in BOme nnmistakable uicthoil tliat his room was bettor than his company. If these paragrapha moan anything they mean too ímich. They mean that the Senate sliouhl reflect the will of the President ; that the individual Senator as the " constitutionul adviser of the President " should not bo an intelligent adviser, luit ii simple machine to register his decrees; that tho Senato cominittces slioulrt not bo constitutod in the interest of the countiy or of legislation, but in tho interest of the President ; unl that the ohaixman of a Senate committec, or any "high-minded, honorable Senator," occupies tho position of a Prcsidential "gucst," and shouldn't givo advico not wantod, and should retire from that body, thüt is the legitímate onding of the illustration, if hc disagrees with "tho man at the other end of tho avenue." If this be cori'oet doctrine, tho ratification of a t n:it y by the Sonate is a farce of the baldest kind, and the President may send Gen. Babcock or any other member of his military family to treat for the purchaso of tho " Cannibal Ishmds," tho '-Mountains in the Moon," or one of Watson's new planeta, and it is the duty of the Senate to aid him in tho schome by constituting the Committee on Foreign llelations of nobodies or tools. Wo do not read that such has boen the custom of the Senate, and we can not anticípate that if a Democratie President sliall chance to bo electcd in 1872, the Chrnnle7e will adviso tho Republican majority in that body to send to the White House and ask its oceupant how its important committees shall be constructed and who shall 1; theil chairmen. Rather shall wo cxpoct it to urge and demand that the ato oommitteea shall bc made tlie bulwark botwoen tho pcoplc - the Republioan mnjority in that body assuming to reprosent the propio - and the President. That doctrine won't work, and it is, therofore, an absurdity for the Ohronicle to ask : If the President lias a richt to dismiss at pleasurc a member ofhla Cabtnet, who lias been appolnted witti the nrfvicc of the Senatc, why m:iy lie not ask that the Chai Fmen of connnittces of that bod}' may be nieii with wliom lic may freely conferí As such chainncn must bo Senators, it woulcl follow that no Stato Legislatura slioulil elect a Senator who was not in full personal and political sympathy with the then President, changing him with every chango of tho " reigning head," and both tlie independence and ueefulneas of that body would bo destroyed. Tho parallel between a Cabinet oificor and a Senator is au unfortuntite one, and certuinly within the meniory of our friend of the 'hronicle, and no doubt with his approval, has the Senate refused to confinn a Cabinet offioer noniinated by tho Presidcüit, and oompelled hún to takc to his bosom adviaera who werc not, to say the least, his tirst choiee. Tho C hronicle is on the wrong track. It is tho duty of Senators - at tho head or tho foot of committees - to bo gentlemen, and gontlemanly in thcir intercourse with President and Cabinet, whether always so treated in return or otherwise ; but it is not thoir duty, oithoras chainnon or ïiu'iuTxTS of this, that or the other cominittce, to wag assent whenevcr the President whistlcs, bark when ho bids, or favor his anncxation schemos. Senatore are a part of the gOTornmont, and not tlio (jucsts of "the govemment." A LE.VDIXG Itepublican journal, the N. Y. Evtning ', vcry unprottily twits President ÖEANT with having deelarcd in his annual message : " I shall on all subjeots have a policy to recommend, none to onfoi-co against tho will of the Xieoplo," and thon more than insinuatcs that in his San Domingo policy ho is lating li is pledge. What of that? Nobody supposed it was made to keep, and itr v;is generally rogarded as a parting kick at tho departing Joiixsox, on the principie of "When a mnii's down hit him for fullin." The Presidont's military training leads him to presa his mm wishes, and afterthe manncr of a commander-in-chief, rathcr tlmn to consult tho people, and what business have eithor Reptlblioan jouruiilists or the people to dift'er from him. RrcronT again has it that Renator MonTOX - the Indiana Legislature boing in recess and making it safe - is about to resign, and that he is to suceecd Secrotary Boutwei.i,, who just now don't hitch the best witli the President. And tliis while ex-Senator Howaed ia waiting to be ii vited in " out of Üe cold." If lic Sant be provided with a foivign inission - AkerHAN declining to "get up and get" in liis interest - oan't he oarpet-bag to Indiana and induce Gov. Baker to give hún MoRTOlT'S raoafêd sent. Xo charge for the suggostion - unless adopted. The Senato committco has reported in favor of Golijthwaith, of Alabama, Demooral : Blodoett, of Georgia, Radical oarpet-bagger; and BLucELTOir, of Texas, Bepublican. Hasolton waa eworn in u Ubnday. - Tlic House oommittee has unaniniousIv agreed fo report in fttvor of tho sittingmombers froin Tenneesoo, ulmittod nnder protest, :mcï in f'a.vor of KnvwKDs of tho Tliinl Arkiiiisiis District. ErrWAEDS is :i Domocrat, siso, six of the eight Tonnesscü uicmbojs. Coxqress ia still in sossion, the Scnate liaving Ku-Klux on the I rain snel refusing tu adjourn until it. Iris pulled out tbo l'Miil of fchat monster. It votcrl on Wodaesday, jrea,36; aays, IS- 21 absenteos - not to act upon the House bilis aboliahing the duty on salt, coal, ot iSboand toa, a bilí abolishing the income mnner'a rapplemenfary civil righte bill, nor the genera] amnesty bill: in short to consider nothing Vmt ii deficiency appropriatioil bül - dlwayd La order in a Radical body, and a Ku-Klux supprossion bill, to bo reported by the Judiciury Commitlic. In tho House, on Wednesday, Messrs. BeIX, IIuiüaiu), and Pakkee, Democratie mombers from N(v lliuiipshire, presented their crodentinls, wero sworn in, and took their seats. Talij' thrce. A report (cas receivcd confirming tho validity of tho elcction of the Tcnncsseo memberss and Mr. ECWABDS, of A.ikiuisris, was admittcd to a geat, subject to tteing contested by Mr. Boles. And that's all. - Membcrs of OongnH ct $5,000 a year - and "Lat stcalings," milcfs ruraor is a lying jado. The Eov. QtWOXBE BXUOX&BX liaving boen appointcd and ConJBnaed as Indian Agent lor thia State, it in iatfmated that BeoCEWAT resigned, ruthcr thunvacate his seat in tho Houso in which ho had "nu 01 t o grind." As tho Bession is not ezpooted to be co-extensivc with tho Indian Agpncy tcnn, and the $3 per day as a legislator not (nit.e as good as that of an Indian Agent, Bkockway must have a big ax on the stone. What is it ? Tuk would bc but couldn't be Gov. Wooni'OlU) bcing nnnounced to lecture on "Bhmdam'i Uide," the N. Y. World viciously suggnsts : " SlIEUIDAX, it will be remembered, was the only officor in the army who eould go to tho front fuster tlian Woodfokd could get to the rear."


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