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Hsw Vork, March 21, 1871. OoM, with nn. undulatiñg flow backward and forward over an extent of L to % per cent., has settled on a lower plain, nnd has slood for two or tbxee days at lUVtbeinf? rather weak at this figuro on Monday. Hm money market remains very easy at forraer ratos, cali loans being effected at 1@2 per cent. Government Recurities experienced considerable excitement and a sli-ht risc the last of the week, hut aro dull to-day, without change in pricc. About $10,000,000 of the now governraent loan has been subscribed for, and it in announced that a change will be mado in the manner of receivinp further subacriptions. In Todon our secnritics 'have boen for üveral days, and still are, quiet at tbc general advance hcretofore obtained. AVheat has very perceptibly advanncfl iu the Liverpool markets, and stAnds fully as liigh au at any time durinff the seafon. A ntate of things which han bail a like elTect on the market nero, which is firm, and with good demand at fnll flgures. On tlour, howover, thero is not so much advanc- to t noted. lted and amber whftat 1b held at fl.72Ol.74. Superfino western flour é.60; white extra, $7.807.50. In the dry goods maiket there is no life to-day, and prices of prints have declined about lAc. Detroit, Karch 22d. There has been no unsual activity in general busii!' -, tiiovih there is a general preparation on all handa. The wholesale dealers havo arrnngcd and prorlded their stof-k for the tirade that in expected on th opening f DATÍgatioil, and tliis i nearly aecomplished eo far as the rivera and safe Huron port are eoncerned. In wheat and flour there lias been considerable activity, and dealers been .vb] to bring putomers up to their hig]et demanda. Flour is, relatively, not so well advaneed as wheat, and mulera can not opérate to any exU-nt without loss. They are able tosupply wnall and select orders, and the local demand for best grades. Small lots of this description have been sold ut $7.50. Choiro white, rit $7(($7. 25 ; mediums, G.25(g fi.G5 ; amber, name; other grade, íí ti.:. Kxtra wheat oponed yeeterdfty at il.60. AVhito and Tm ndWfU in i;iir damiad at $1.50; amber, at $1.50; regular, wanted at $1.46, with $1.4Basked. Corn ia weakex with do demand, prices remaining not raateriftlly changod. Oiln iirm for mixed grades, at &L. Apples unchanged, SÍ.5Ofaj3.5O wnuH be pitid for averag lot, licans, ?2 for ciioiro band pickcA. Eggs are tinn at lö#16i. Butter 221.. Mpple sugar BOUCeal 18o. Potatoei in dnmand at !HVg)92e„ with better proapeeto. I'utiUry nominal at I3iail5c Clover seed, $6.50. Ouionb, 4.5i5 yvr bbl.


Old News
Michigan Argus