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Gen. Butler's Next Friend

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Tho Spriugfteld (Mass.; I!,)i"blicin ïsresponsible for tho folloving racy note on Ben. Butler i Tho Essex. candidato for Governor of ilassarhusrtts in his neat little colloquy with Speaker Blaine, yeserday, aimonnced that ho "luid no favors to ot' the devil." That will be gratiíviiig to ttosa who have been diatressed by a rutoor that lic bad aaked favors and boe wfnaud ; for tln quarrel acxw seems ho be mude up. The story may not be stik-tly truo, but it is so okaracteriatic of Butier'a foivcasting sijirit, and displays so much good scnso on tae part of Satan, Unit it maatA iaiure the ïvputittion of eithor to maku it public It would appear that the Essex member, mahing to ly ap hja treaBure in heaven, iaterviewed 011 oorresppaded witU St. Fdlec about gotting into offico tluiy. rrjiïosenting tliat he wasconaoctcd with tn Esh njr uatexest, which the aaint badtudo with on raitii, and ronijising to lookovor the Pope's case " fox a oonsideration." St. Peter, however, vas as unxorable as Speaker Blaino two yeara bko, and told the General plainly ho vould not opffl the door tbr tam. He Uien renewod a f ui-mer negotiaUpn with Satan, and eleotioueered 4i. ad-; mission to lus dentaras, nut .uucijur wu got up too early to lot in snob a mischipfe maker, and was m nrm in his vefusal ;is 8t. Peter had been. ButJEiepleaded and argued, all in vain, tiü iinnliy bis Satanio majesty said, "General, 1 pan't, :md I won't have you hem. I should havo no peaoe of my lito if I let you in, l'.ut I foei for you, and 1 will soll you all the brimstona you want at wholeaale prioas, and let you go off Boaaewh)e and íuako a !i. 11 dtVimr own." Eider Knapp, wlio knou-s the wholo goography of thpsa regions, and is at woik on the directory of Satan's kingdom, aan perhft$a u-U exactly where thia littlo arrangainoat is to bo oarried iuto effeot From tho positivn and ohoerful tono of Butler yo6teraayi wo havo no doubt lic bas uomo to agxeement with Batan, aa he has with wywal of Uis emissaiies bare in Ivliissaohusotts, 8öiTows ofton malte men so'.flsh aml peovish. (.rriit forböawpoe is to Vc félt toward those who are iivit:iUl by tíw attriöon of sovi'ow tiiat must continuo Where it falla apoa nerres rendertd sennitivc, partly, pwhaps, by constitution, and s; il more by giokneas and troubie, w should bc very lenient in ou ju ■Ivinont.


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