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The Cincinnati New Republican Platform

The Cincinnati New Republican Platform image
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1. We believo the further con.tin.uano of the policy nf disfranehisi'ini'iit to bc in compatible with a ïn-upc-r respect tbr th fundameatal priuuiplus of a republicai govemnient and sound gtategmanshi]). hik wliilc unaltcrably detemiined to maintai Üie great resulta of tho war, yre insist tha its enmities and resentments bc buxiec that all remaimng causes ot' irritation sha be removed ; that all political disabilitic vv e Dcneve tiiat, to aefray tnc ex penses of the governmeat, to pay the in torest on the national dobt, and the prin oipal, as it shull frowtiiue to timebecom duo, a considerable portion of the publi revenue should be derived from duties o importa, but that such duties should b imposed for reverme and for 110 other pui pose. We are opposed to the present sys tem óf protective duties. It is unjust unc WTong in principie, and defeats its oin ends in practico. It is at war with ever principie of equality and justice on whic the Iiepubliean party was founded. I proniotes corruption in legiBlation, anc plunder in high places. It has needless ly and heavily increaaed the cost of living órippled uur export trade, destroyed. ou shipbuilding and paralyzed our industry It has created onerous monopolies, aug mented tho expenses of collecting the rev enue, encouraged irauds and dishonfst in the Custom Houses, and soincroased the cost of production as to eiiablc foroign manufacturera to undersell us in our own markets. Wc are willing to be taxcd fo the support of the govemment, but wc protest against boing tivxod for the benefit of private individuals and corporations, and we further protest against making the shroud of the old Whig party the mantle of repnblioanism. We, thorefore, demand that the tnriff duties be so adjusted as to derive the requisito revenue froui the sinullest poseible number of taxable articlcs. y. We are opposed to the e mploymcnt of governmi.nt patronage for party purjoses. We believe tliat the maxiin, " To ;he victor belong the spoils, " is immoral, inwisc, .iiid detrimental to the public service, and that its tendency has been to jorrupt the politica! lifoblood of the ua;ion. We protest against the use of the public offices to reward political friends or punish political enemies. We are in favor ofixumediate and tliorough reform ol tho civil service of the Federal govornment, and we iiisist that the appointment of subordínate officors should be inade on the ground of' fitness only, with promotion 'or ïuerit, and the tenure of the office dcjending upon the honesty and efficiency of the olficer without regard to the fluctuations of political opinions and the changes of party relations. "VVo further believe hat party nominations should bc made mly when party principies aro atstake, and that the custoui of applying party or iolitical tests to candidatos for merely loil offices, degrades the standard of pubic morality, loweis the tone of political ilfairs, breede corrupüon and inefficiency n office, and transfers the people's rights o choose theil own municipal rulers and opresentatives to the frauaulent lottery )f caucuses and convemtions, who, instead of faoilitating, iiii]:de, log, and obscure he cxpr.ssion of the popular will. 4. We believe that an irredeemable currency is fraught with great cvils nul rous to the well being of the country. It causes pernicious llu(-f oatiöns, unsettlos values, destroys confidenoe, and torras a dangerous weapon in tliu hands of demagouges appealing to ignorance and prejudice. With the boundless resources and revenues ín cxccss of the expcnditurcs of tho govcmment notwitlistanding tho ! war through which we havo paesod, we :;in seo no excuse for cndaneeringthe public credit by floating tho Eroken promiaea ofthe nation. We, tnerefore, deom i t the duty of the Bepublican party to take iuitiat.ury stops for thc gradíml butoertain return to gold and silver as tho only liitsi.s of ourrem Aiiimati'd by an abiding convic.tion that theae views will, eootnei or later, be vindicated by the indlligcnco and patriotúm nf the American peoijlc, we present them to our fi'llow-eitizens for thi'ir delibérate íiimI caadid qonideratíion, Ai+icles of impcackinent have been prefopad against Judge Jones, of the Second District of North Carolina, oharging with drunkenncss and disgraeeful conduct at various timos and places. NaBOLEOH the III. visited Windsor CaeÜB óm tbe "J7th and enjoyed. an hour's írfí íí tato with Vil Ioki.v :ud lier fiiuiily.


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