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San Domingo In Congress

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A woïdy duel has been progressrag in Congress sinco and inoluding Monday, over 8au Domingo and tho President' usmpation of powers oonnected With the negotiation of tho treaty nul the enforecd quiot of Hayti. The text of the discussiun was a serios ut' resolutdona offored by Sonator 8UMNEE, fot whioh pro another column. Senator Sim.xkr oponed the fay, umi in a lengthy speech handled Pró8idon1 (kant and President Bakz, nul their confedérate, without mercy. He branded Baez is a usurper, atraitor kopt in oflice by the ships oi' Guax r whilo ho sold his country to tho latter. He was also severo upou the President, donounoing him as usurpiag ihe powers of Congress, in lovyinji' war against Hayti, ander the flimsy pretest of oompelling hor to lot Bakz alono. He asserted that, "had ihc President been Boinspired as to bestow on the Southern Unionista, white and black, onc-half the time in zeal, will, personal attention and personal intercession whieh has bestowud upon his attempt to obtain half of anislaad in the Ooribbaii Soa", our Southern Ku-Klux wotjd have exfated in name only, whilo tranqnility would have reigned averywhere within our boundaries," and much moro of tho same sort during thrce and a quai-ii r hours. Mr. BUMHEB was followed by Senators Morton and Ho we, the htttereoncluding on Tuesday. Mr. Howü defended the war-likc demonstrations agninst Hayti, and claimed that undor the laws of nations and by " a oíanse of tho original negotiations" the United States - that is the President - was bound " to insuro tho preservation of peace between Hayti and Dominica." If tliis was the fact prior to the rejeotion of tho treaty by the Senate, how long did the bounden duty continue ? Mr. Fkelixghuysen followed Mr. Hcive with a oulogy of Gen. Grant, giving it to bo understood tlüit doing his duty - for cortainly Gen. Grant did nothing more - during the war entitled him to exeroiso dictatorial, illegitmato, and unconstitutional powers now, and challenging the prosumption of Su.mnku in precipitating this discussion. Then Senator Sciiunz carne to tho aid of Mr. Sumner, and insinuated that tho President had been stealing tho warmukiiig power away from Congress, and that hc " had fallen into the mistako of supposing that lic was iln T'nited States of America." Hadn't Mr. Scuunz before learned the significancc of thosc iaitials - "U. S."? And the end is not yet. I - 1 1 Tiie San Domingo Corumissioners arrivel at Washington on Monday cvening la?t. Their report - if rumor was correct - was sent in to Congrcss yesterday. It i i said that it lias or will reccommend annexation as desired by San Domingo aivl as desirablc by our govcrnmcnt - that is by Gkant : also that it will inake no receoiumendution. ïhc reader can believe as he picases. - It is also said that the President is about to tack, and that the report will be so shaped as to lot him down easy. Wc shall seo whnt we shall, seo. - - ■■- -- -m lx answer to a resolution of the Legislature, Joiin J. Itoursox has forwarded to a special Senato committee statistics oi the business_oL the Circuit Court of tlm isno. isro. rotal Entry feos reccived, $230 $3"U iüOO Iliry fees rcwivod . $ 45 $ TS ÍU'S Chancery cas; s disposed of, 59 50 115 Issues of face trtod, 84 119 203 ('ausuB otherwle dtspod of, 37 04 mi Na. causes now punUing at law 500 No.cnusi-s pepilingiD euiiiy, :;m i Number of San wesion, 57 86 143 Amouut paid J jcfeo by Co.Trcasurer, BVMng, Tho increase of business it will be noticed is largo. We hear tliat a report has been put in circulation that Miciiael D. Howard, the Democratie condidate for County Superen teudent of Schools is an opponent of the free or public school system. Wc are authorized to say - and have the assurance both of ilr. Howard and those who have known hini all his life - that there is not _a word of truth in the charges. Dcmocrats and friends of freo schools should not give ear to the report a moment. The New York World roports ex-Senator MoEGAJr saying a few days since : " Tt'e Unte given up Connecticut." And a World Connecticut correspondent prediets a revolution similar to that in New Hampshire - giving tho Democrats a new lease of the State offices, an" increased representation in Congrcss, and what it has not had sinco 1854, control of the Legislatura. So mote it be. The Commissioner of' Internal Revenue has authorized the statement that the actual cash defalcation of tho late " loil " Collector Baij.ey, of New York, is $132,Gll'. But ho hasn't authorized the announcement that Collector Bailey's " loil " bail is to be muloted to tliat or uny othor amount. Boing " loil " atones for any amount of official stealing - called defalcation. A NEv Kr Klux bilí was roportod by Mr. SiiELi.AiiAitcKu, of the House select, committee on Tuesday, several seotions of which the N. Y. Bémmg w, Republieiin, charges are plain and palpable violations of the constitution of the United States. But what care SHELLABABOEE, Butleh & Co. for that ? iw mu - - . Peace and order and stability aro not yet to bc recordcd of Franco and Paris. The farce of an election resultad in favor of tlio insurrectionists, and the THTER8 government is concentrating a largo force at Versailles. The restoration of the Empire is reportod probable. Til E new Senator f rom Arkansas, exGov. Clayton, took his seat and the oath of orneo on Monda)'. Thero are now but three vacant seats in that body ; one oach froin Alabama, Georgia, and North Carolina. Nettie, daughter of Chief-Justice Chase, was married to Wil. S. Hoyt, of Astoria, Long Island, on the 23d. The ceremony was parfunaed at St. John's Church, Washington, hy Bishop McIi.vaine, of Ohio. Tliey lof t iuunodiutcly for a tour of Europo. In the English House of Lords, on Monday night, tho bill legalizing mairiage with a doccaaod wife's sister was c!efeated. If tho "sister" ia willing why should tho law forbid it 'f Tuk jjJBMXER resolutions wcao tablod by the Senato ou Wodnesday, by a vote of'S9tol6. But four Iti'publicuns voted no: Mt-ssix. J'a-iti;i:h(.n-, RobESTSÖS, ' &BHVSZ, aiul SUUNEB.


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