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The Magazines For April

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Another histtUlment of magazines come claiming notlce, as follmvs: The Atlantic Monthly has : Footpads, by [taf riet Prescott Spofford, not a vcry unasnal cxperltnce wit li impccunious people ; CttStllllttD Days, in., by Jolni Ilay ; No Ring, by tlic late Allee Ctu-y - sce anotber column ; The Ampczzo I'.iss and the House of Golil, by JI H. ; The hmt In theöplked Heimet, by J. K. Hoamer Eate Béaumont, cbaps. xil. - xiv., by J. W. DeForcst ; Onr Eyea, tv. by Heary W. Williams, BI. I).: :au Life in France, m , by M L. P. ; A Passlouate Pilgrlm, ir., by II. James, Jr. ; Spots on the Sun, by J. .f. Pixwcll ; Our Whispcring Gallery, more of Hawtbórne, by J. T. Ficlds ; Couut Rutnford, by Edïnund Qalncy, Recent Llteratnre, etc. $4 a vcar, Jaubb H. Osoood & Co., Boston. l'i-.ui) the same, Our Young Folkë, fillccl wlth good thtngs tor the bjyfl and glrls. tlf mul little. J. T. Trowbrldge gires thrce more clmpters of Jack Hazard and Ilis Fortunes, J. J. Ilarley ninstratlng tlnüii ;C. A. btephens talks of Stoue-Falls and Star-Showers ; J. D. Fannlng has a poem, Pictures in the Fire ; Mrs. A. M. Diaz has üracie Lupin, ilhistnitcd by A. P. Close ; Hiirvey WTldeï anfoldl Cousin Tini's Blelgli-Robe ; Ellen Porter Champion recites the mtsfortnnes of Mrs. Blddy Hen, 111 rliymc, with illustrations by S. Eytlnge, Ir. ; Elizabeth Staart l'lielps presenta More Wttya Than One ; Helen C. Weeks spends Two Days in the Maminoth Cave ; hut why name more. $2 a ycar; with the Atluntic, - T)ie Ladiit' Eepotitory is neat in typography, lias tvo beautifnl steel plates, 'Among the Weeds" and "Mornlng Among ilu' Hills," and a long, varicd, and reada ble list of papers, Includlng the following illn.stratetl ones : The Poet's Mission, by Mrs. L. A. Osband; Scc-nes in Alcxamlria in the Oldc-ii Time ; The Wonders of the Sea, iv. ; and The Burial-Placc of Hog&rlb, by C. II. Bennctt. 'J'here is a seasonable paper on Rome and United Italy ; The Minister's Story, by Miss Janvier, and Sorteóse, by Mrs. 8a rali &.. Myers, nre concluded, whlle the Children's Repository and Editorial Department are fnll of interest. ?;i.5O a year; Httchcock & Walden, Cincmnati. - Froni the same, the GohUn llonn, a model magazine lor the young, with sis illustr.ited articles, aud a long list that clon't Deed lllustratlng to make thcm pass mneter. Tbere are two more chapters - vu. and vin. of Breaking the Rales ; Part iv. of VVIUIaru's Return, or, the Story of the WonderfUl Frieiul ; the openiug chaptor of Ned Walilron's Indepcnricnce, Among the Spoiiges, üurioua Fishes, Evenings at Home, Humorons Gossip, &c. $2 a year. - The Ocerland MonMy has its usual variety of papers, Inolnding! The Northwest Boandary, The Btorralng of Arnhem, Reeollections of Timotiiy Fickering, Upolu, Cotton Expeiimsiits in California, llow and VYliy We took Santa Cruz, A lude kÜ the Apaciies, Foot-Xotesof Ilistory, lluarts of Uak- Part ,1., Au Kvening with the Grand Mufti, Grlzzly Papers, poema, literary notes, etc. $4 a yc:u John H. CauBUUX & Co., ban Francisco. Switzerland, a country with a smaller population tlum thiit ot' Scotliind, maintaina an efficiënt army of 20U,uoo men, at an animal oust ot' (333,000.


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