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1(TL.'R The Annurtl Ment ing of the Ladics' Libran aso ciuiion wÜl tako place uu tforufay. rriïf liXJt, 2 o' doek '. .(., in Ladies' Parloroxthe Pi sbyteriaa Chun:h. .Airs. tí. W. ilt T, ..,;.. ññHEORIGINAL swiss bell mm, W i 11 givo oue of th'iir pleasinJ aud iiii-iruutive Mti8Íc;il Enturtninincnts at HANGSTERFER'S HALL, MONDAY EVENINU, APltlL Sd. Hpou whtch occasion Mr, Peak UI p ftHistcd by tin Fotlowlng weii known Musical Oolebrttlesi '1 h'1 VeNCcllius Sisirrs, (Limie dutl Frunces) Trom Chiciijíu - Soprano and CouLralto - Duettistls - lu ii choico Bclectton, from the popular Opera of thfi ÜHJ. DKlsa llatiie SiituiforcI, f from Hootrealj whoöc rcniUti'ni of tlie time houored aira of iMiiri mul [reland is irrcproachable. .'liss .1 onuy %'iLriicr9 (from New York) in fuvoriu: Opera aud Songsof sentiment) .'lis ï'umiiti lVuk9the chanicter Bongstrass of the Weit, who wlll ül take pan le Vocal and ustninunUl ilii.tlB.upon the Siaffiklli, wilh ' Jeppe," and Mr. 3. .S i',:-ik. " Joppe," (trom B t-in) in hl povsomitlons of chaructcr 01 rapid changos uuiH be euen to be nppreclarcd. Mr.J.s. Vak5 the Champion Staff Bell Playeri wlll introduce and perfarm npon the onlj Btaff I l'uro Toned Silver Bt-üs, in perfect tono, in' América. Arimission to al] parts of the bonse 80 centa Reierved Seata cnabeaecmedat GHImoreA Flake's Bookstore wltboat extra charge. l)ooni upcQ ut 7, perfinnance to commence :ii 5. Eestftte of Millisont Duviney. S" TATK OF MletTrcAX. c.mi.ty of Washtenav, m. - AsoMionof ProbatoCourt for tlie County of Woahtenaw, boldsu :it the Probato Offloe.inthe imi Arhi.r. on Thursday, the thirüetli day of Maroh, in yeav thou.sand eighl hundred'and me. Prennt, SiramJ. Beákes, Judge oí Probate. In the matter of the cstüt.: r .Millwont Di;viay, minor. Etobert li. Devinoy, Guardián of said estafe . Into Court and represente thal he i-; mw prepáred w ronder íuial acoouní aa nuch Guardian. Thercupon it isordered, that filonday. iHr 'weutyfüurih doy af April aext, at ten b'olock "i Iho forenoon, e Bxamining ;mï allowing auch account nnd iiiat the aoxt of kin of vetSá minor, and iü u;]jir persone tnterested in said oatatt . ore roquired to oppear ata seamon f aaid Cburt. then bo be l-.oldon, ut Frobnte Office in the eity oxAnnArbor, ia úld i ounty, and ahow cause, if uny (hare he, why I aooouni should nol be allo wed; Am.i it ia fiirther ordered, that Baid duardian ivi notioe lo the interestod insnid estáte, oí tlie pendency of Qlld thO In .ilin ■: tlni . ii!, 1 iv r,m-iii„' % oopy ol t Ier feo be pubüahed in Koe .1 Arffus, a n ■■■■ i and 1 inlU'uiü 1U s-llii t'uunly, threi r. ■ poyious toaoid day ïf befti ing. ■A tro JillíAM J. BEAKBfl, 1315 JudL-eol Trobute. 'y o FARMERS ! 1 dentro oow to return my hearty thackfl rr the liberal ; the Farolera of Waefittfliaw and .-nljoiiiii,:' Conuttea, Who havo torso many yeara in the past (.'xtfiidfii to uw their tcade, aud i hope and trast satisfactory andprofltflble to both partios. I hope lo recelre i Balr ffhare of their patr naga In the fmuru. My iMVoris will be houcatlv directed towarda LliC Interest of my Customers, ftf weli fis my own. And agaio my aiin will bc nt to koep u cnéap gooda n poaalbief bnt ;is x od as can be fnuml. and at na Low Bal M Ba the i';ility of mjgo daoanbe I will not sndërtak6 t.i c tmpeto ín prlcefl with inferior goode. I will not im piiir tlu' (jnality of my tmplemeDta in order to ro rluee the pricu. The pnrehase of cheap gooda of aoy klDd provea m ooprofltable 1 n vea t roen t, ns many hayo loand to their cost. 1 shall kiep a FLLL STOCK OF FAHMIXG TOOLS on hand, tïmt Is ffcnerally fotind ín markut. I am ihu uiuhorizcd agont fur the Mlowing THRESHÍNG MACHINES (icnuinc Ituffitluji'itts, BoOUa, N. Y. iü iiir i" sw-ftnkK, Battla Creek. i iioli A Slieiilirril' Vibrutur, 13. C'rcek Xhc Geiser Jlucltinc, Haciuu, Mu, AL&O The Clinmpion Rcapor &. ülover, Sclf-Rahe. ïlic hirby SrlMlaking Kcaper, Comblucd. The Kirby Two-Uhccled Hower. Wood's .Haf Iiiiic, Couibincd with Self-Oakc. JACKSÜN WAGONS, Buckeye and Shnrtsville Grain DrillsFairbank'a Scales„all sizea. THE GENUINE CURTÍS AND DODGE PLOWS, Mnnnfuctured ut Kalamazoo. I havo lorated my.-clf at the old and well-known kppU l'uckin-,' HOOM Of I) llciiuliij;, on Detroit Streut oppoaÏM Uoohoz1 Block, vhera I ehaU be htippj to mest is many of my old cuítouiurs, aud as ïimuy uew ones a muy please to como. I have Becnred fcbo pi-rmanent services of Siimucl Mcnuren.ouuof my old shop hauds, who perleclly uudur-tands REPAIR.INQ All kinds of Agricultiiral Toola. nnd will 1)0 nn band erly in the morntng nd Inte at olght, wlien ucwat-ury to ticcommocluto. VI. ROCEK5. Aun Arbor, April lst 1871. lS16m6 Commissioners Xoticc. QTATB ( 1 1 ■ .MI ' ' 1 1 1 1 i A N', ( 'ount y of WashtenffW, ss: il 'lln' andenigned having boon appofcnted by the Probate Oourt 101 wüdoouatyí ' omzowsionois torc.iiiiiitv aud adjust all oiaima and demanda of all persons agftiniii the catate of Ëdwaxd Bnrgees, late dt BoidoQ ■ U heieby give Etioe fcbot úx aiootha fxom date are oUowoa, by oi-dor of Baid Probate Court, for crediton to present theiï oïaüiia agabist the estáte of said deooueat ana that they will -meet ui tin: tato rosidence of said doooaMdi in ï5uSerior, in siiid county, os Baturday, fhe twcnjy-fouith !y ot June, and Friday the tvonty-scconl day j1 September next, at ten odlock A. m., of each of said dars, to reoeiTe, examine, audadjust said claims. Datcil, March Md, 1871. 4W131.Í ■ ■ Commissioncrs' Kotico. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Conntj of Waahtemnr, as. M 'i'lic uñflersigiied, havuig been appointed bytbe Probate 'nuil tur non County, ComiouEdoiien to reudjusl all cluüna and demanda ol all penona ngainet theestate ofCatharine Kecnnn,lat of saM ' iinnu, deoeaaed, heieby giye notice t:ii ix montos fi-u-.ii date aie &Uowed,b; order of said Probate ('", for creditors to present thair claims againsl il e itate of Baid deoeosedt and tbsi they wJl] meel at thcCountyli ík the city of Ann Arbor, in saia County, on Monauy. tne twenty-sixin ua aj June, and wvim-sdiiy, the twenty-sevenlh dn H September neoct, at 10 o'cloik A. il.. of eiich said day, to xeaeáve, examine, and adJusl n;iivl claims. Itated, M.-m-h 27th, A. D. 171. 1315w4 JOHN J. BOBI8ON, ) (v,mm;ssiOnrr's JO11N P. LAWBEKCB, f Lomiuiwioncrs. Estato of Lydia Iiosicr. ciTATEOF MICHIGAN, ConntyofWa8htnaw,M O tCotlceia herebj giTen.tbatbT au order of the Probate Conrt Tor the C'ounty of' Wiishtcuaw. made on the twenty-ofghth day of MarrJi.A. D. 1811 sli mouthe froin that il.-ite were nllowcd for credltor to present their clahne against the estáte of Lydla Roeier, late of mld Toiinty, dteeased, and thnt_all their claims to satd Probate Court, at the Probate Ortirc.iu the City of Ami Arbor.rorexamlnatloi nud allowanca, " or beftoie the tn enty-eighth 4ay of SeptenüMt Dext, and that aucli claims will be heard bcforesaul ProbateOonrt, on Sal nrday, thetenth day of.Iimc, and ou Thiirsday, (tlie twenty-eishth' day September next. at tun o'clock in the foreuoou of of each of tlioFedays. Dated.Anu Arbor. March 2Sth. A. D. 1STL IIIKAM 3. BBAKE8, 13i5w4 Jndfc of Probate. Estutc of Eunicc Bald-in. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Conntyof Waahtenaw, sa. Notico is hcreby civen, tlmt by an ordor of tlio Probate Court lor toe ' ÓQDty ot' Waahtenaw, made on the twcnty-si'venth day il" .Maïvli, A. IJ. 1871, BUK uiontbs bom that iluto were allowed for ensditor to Irtiseut tlicir elaimfl agaSnst thu ustate of Kuniee Baldwin, late of said oowoty, dfioeaaed, and thut all crediton oí aaid deoeand an roquired to present tbi;ir claims ti) saiil Probato Court. at Üiu Plobato Oöiec, in the Citv ut' Anti All 'or, for txaininaiion and aUowanos, on or Vlore the twenty-seventh day of September iif-M, aü.lthat such claims -will be huard l'Cl'oru said Pxobate t 'imii, o&Wednesday, the twenty-eeventh (ii of May, and ou Satuxday tbe twenty-seventh day of September, nest, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of each of those days. L)atl, Auu Albor, Mnrch, 27, A. I). 1871. 1LUA.M_.I. BBAKE8. 131jv4 Judgeol l'robate. Estáte of Rodéis - Minors. STATE OS MICHIGAN, County oL Wiwhtenaw, sa. At a Bession of the Probate Court for the Cotuity of Waahtenaw, holden ut the Probate Office in the 'it y ui' Ann Arbor, on Thurwlay, the tliir'.icih day of Mnrcii, in the jreai one thouáami eight hnndrod and serenty-onG. Present, IliramJ. Heukes, Judgc of Probate. in the autttoc of the estáte of Maxy Alber, Anna Hotlvl, Herman Rodel, Adolph Rodel, Wühi-lmine KodeL Bertha Rodel and Fredenck Rodel, minors. John Alber, Goacdian of said estáte come iato Court and representa that he is now prepored iu runder liis final account us aucii Guardian. TIiereuion it is Qröend, th;il Mffladfty, tho twouty-fourth day of April next, at teno'olock in tlit; forenoon, bo ossjgnód fbT exomining and aJiowin Buoh aoconnt] and iliat the next of kin t aid minor, umi all otbfiX peraons iuterested in said estáte, are ï-equircfl to appear at n Boaaion of said ( tourt, tlien to be holden at tbc Probate t Fftloe, in tho City óf Aun Axbor, in said Connty, and show oaose, ii' any there be, why the aaid aoootint ahould not allowcl : And it i.-i turt In t, thal sai-t ( u:irdian givo not ico to 1 1 1 persons inteïeated in naidestale, of the pendency of aoid aoeoont and the hearing thereoi', by oanajng a oopy of thia oitler to be publiahed in the Michigan Argus, a ne wipapor printed and droaïutiniit aaia Connty , threeaaoooaaiyo waeka pruviuus to said dav of liuaiinr. (A true oopy.) HIRAM J. BEAK Ë8, 1310 Judgeof l'robiite. Est;tto of Güodalo - Minor. STATE OF MiciiMiAN, County of Waahteaaw, M. At n Beaaion of tho Probate Court the Connty of WaahtenaWi holdun ut the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tucaday, the tcnty-t'ii;hth day of Marcli, in the vear oni tliouand eúmt drèd and seventy-oue. Present, HiramJ. Heakes, Judgc of Probate. In the muttcrof thfl Estáte iï Frank W. üoodale, minor. Oa teadfng and flttog the petition, duly vcrified, of Bdward L. Boydan, Guardian, proyiog taat sha mal be lirrmowl to eU ccrtuiu real estáte belonginy tu s;üd iniimr. ;])On it ia ordured, thftt "Wednesday, the twentyUXth day of April noxt. at ton o'dock in the foieuuun, be aasignod foi' tho hoonng oi eaid petition, and thut Üienextoi Idn af aaid muiors, cumI all other rsona mU-ioít-it in íail (.-si.Lto, Jiro requiral to apjpeoi at a Bession oí' said Court, then to be holden, at thul'i-obate Oitiö?, iu the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any uien bo, wliy thfl prayer of the petitíonetr should notbogxantod; And ü üfurther ardexed, Üia1 nld petitiuner giviï nutitx1 ly the acxt of kin of said minors and aU oüier ponona [nteteeted in said estáte, of the pendeney of said petitkm, and the bearioa tboreo by causing a copy 01 tliis order u be published in the -■ irffitij a oewspaper pxJnjtod and cironlating in Baid ( oiiuty. Ükree BUCOttatve weeks previous to suid üay of heazinfft (A troecopy.] HIIÏAM J. BEAKE8, 181Ö Judgc af Probate. Kstuto of John Powoll. STATKOPMICHIÖANCoxiuty oiWshtenw,i ■. At a aesalon of the Probate Coarl for the County ol Vr&sbtenaw bolden ai the Probate Office iu tlie City of Aun Arbor,oi) Satíiriiy, the twenty ftftn diy of March, in iliu year one thousuud eiyht hnndred and iSL'Vfiity-onc. Present turara J. lieakes, Judeof Probate Iu the matter of the estáte of Juhn Powcll, deceased John GeddeS) BzecQtor of the last will ftud testament of yaitl deoeased, comea Into Ooort aud represents thit he le ttow propared torender his Uual ac coontas Bnch Bzecntor. TherenpDii ItlftOrdered, that, Mondny, the twcnty. fourtii day of April next. at ten o'eloek iu the fureu urn, be assigued for eximinin and ailowinjf such account, and tliat ihe legáteea, deVtsaed and heirs at law of sald deceased, and all ottier persons Interested Ld asid estator are requirt-d lo appear ata sesslon of said (Jourt, then to be holden at the Probate dftlce, In the City of Ann Arbor, tn satdCoontyi and show cause, it" anj there be,wnv the sald accu uut suottid uot bealiowed: And i' Ia furthor ordered that .said Kx een tot ifivi! notfoe tö the persons i teres tuï in gaid enlate, of the pendoncv ofuld acooact, i beariiig thereof. by caoBinc a copy of tbis order to bu pub llshed In the Michigan Arpus% a new&paper prtnted and Otrcaiatlng lu shUI County. thruc sucecssive Hfcoks prerloaa to said d;iv of hearing. (A truccopy.) "lilUAMJ. BBAKB8, 1315 Jmlycof Probóle. Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by Mortgage Sak'. DEFATTIr haring been made in tlic condition of ;i certain tnortgago xecuted by Charles Beutler and Erneatine, hú wife, of the city of Aun Afbor, in Washteiiivw rminfy ana State of MicliU-run, to AlpheU8 t'i.'lcli, of the s:imk; plaoOi n tlit-' Sta i;iy it' May, 'ml recoïded ín tlic olüix of lït'tjihter of Deeds lor uil county of Waahtenaw, u:t the .il t day ui' May, a. p. 1860, at fii o'clook a. m.. in líber 2 of mortgafre, on pege 782, whicb s;i I i.;isduly oütiy ;iil Alphciu Felch to Ernestmc JScutlur, ot' iln' wty of Aun Arbor, nfoj Eddayof April, a. D. 1860, and re oided in t:. office of i; Ti-r !■! Deeda tur s:iiil county of Wa&htenawon the 29th dny of July, a. p. 1JU9, at Vx o'clock a.m.. In Hl ;i-i: niiiciits of iiKii"tLrai:ts. uu j.:;;'" 268, and OStjignod i.y iiic .ii'l Rmeetine Beutler to Angïistoa Wioenniiiim, ol' tibe loid city of Anu Arbor, (-" of Mai-i'li, a. u. 1S7U, vlic.h iissiinntut is rtcíjnU'il m the Eegteter oflice of Fid oounty, in Liber 3of aa(dgnnieni oí mortgagea, na olainied to due it the date bexeof the uni of two ■ nul two dolían and 7H reoeonableooatiiand afetomey foes,shduld any proc t: bad to CoRolom tlic aome; and no suit ox ncooeraluw or in equity naving beonhadtorei 4ebl secored by BOid mi rtgago, oi any port thercof : Noticc i bereby given that by virtne os tiho power uf sale in aaid mortñige containedj I shall bbU al pabJic nuction, to the alghest bidder, ontne -Itk dayoï .June, a. M. ls;l. at two oVlo.k in :i nf'that dav, at ïho front door uf the ( 'uurt Bouse in the aid city of Alm -Mlwjr, in the GOIlnty of Washlenaw uní! Mate of .Michigan, thepn iiii.-i:s described in BaidmoitgageaBaB those oertun txaots or part-els of Land d scribea as follows, to wit: the north purt of lot liumber three, in block nuinber five, being a 8tnp of said lot, two toda wide ou the itorth ena of the same, and i across the same hum east to vreet: olM theáouuí part of lot numk'i twu, in Bal Luock, afl follows, to wit : on the north by a line commencing in the hnu of Siiriu street.'ut the distanoe ui '1 :2 feet from the nurthwest oonier of said lut niunber two, and rnnninj thence eaRtwardly ocroea said lot to u ]xint in the eaat Une A .(iii i.jr al thi distan ■ fcet í'ruin I lie ii"ri "■:'.■-' oprB - ct: MSlag Boutherly üy the cast line oí said lof i" tin: Hmthean corner thereof, tliencuwosl bythe sontb line ot a;iid lot to Bpring Btieet, th( nee north by the west bne ui ..nul lot to place of beginning, the same Vi::),' situated in tl. al pin i i' i.n Arlxr knownas FclchV ofwhichie i-ec-nled iu üo officeiof the Begisier ■ tí sai county, inlib48of d O, and the said premises are hereby conv, ■ ■. piiTileges whii'li baiong to the propriotor of r e whioh mns along the cast border of Eaid pi Uated, Mhi-ch22d, 1S71. UU A. U'UJENJIAXX, Assignce. Foreclosurc of Mortgage. "TJEFAULT having been made in the payment of the ' sume of money, with ten per cent. interest there on, Mi'iuvil by the mortgagi execated by Johanna Sage to Chstmcey H. Uillen, dnte the tunoteentli day of April, a. d. lxjti, and reeotded MaySd, . i). L8J9, in the ofüee of Register of l)teds of the county of Washtenaw, s the Btate ot Michigan, in Ubet Xo. 25 ot mortgagw, t page lint, :. Uoin.rali Murs-, September 22, a. d. 1862. by aeed of uaignment recorded in eaid liejrisUr's uüicc, in said líber No. J6,atpage6O4, on the 2:i:h day of March ( l. l;i, by which clefault the pmrei of aale mtainod in said mortgage beeame operativo, and ik, roit ur prooeeding having been instiuted at tav to reoovcr the I a. bt remaiuing Becsred by such mortoase, or any part : thereof, and the snin of two hundled and lour iiullar and seveiity-eilu eents being now elaimédtobe ■:::■■ thercou: nobos i therefore herebvmran OiatmM mortgoge ül be forecloeod the mUeof tho 1 1 o.! premin s known and dsscribed m bi !■:■ is i'.imvnlI'iiIUts mMition to the Tillaos [DOW city) Qf mm r liut, in tho toimty of Waabtenaw, In the Stato of Michigan, and couunenciiiK in tho uurilierlr hncof Broad i feet two and two Hfüi sonthwMterly bron the corner af Brown stic-et and Uroadway, and running thence northeriy and parallel with Brown treet, forty-nine feot, tienoe southerly and parallel with Broadway ntneti i n feef nd s haaf ihrii.r aoatheasterly and ponülel wtta Broirntree{ nuiy nme feet to Broadway, thenoe on tlic line of Brondway to the place of begiimlngr. Alo the ondiïided half of the followi; .; land: Comiii, ,„■:.]- in the Bonthweaterly line of Browi forty-mne feet northerly fromthe corner oi waj and Brown street, and running thence DortLerly on thf line of Brown Mme: elght n fi M'irnae soutl criy at right angles with Brown streel iin- i two inohee ond two-flftha to land formeriy owned by An u smitli, thenoe emtartyand parallel to the Hret nwuhoncd Une and on Beid Bmith'u Unedghtecn feet thenoe northerly at right angka and paraUol with the eoond Une to the place of beginning, ut pnlilic nuction or Tanuue, at the Court Home, ut tho city of mi Aruor, in asid oounty, on Satorday, the flra J uly nest, t uoon. r. . ,r HONOR AU MOKSE, Assignoe. Dtttttl, Jliirch 27, A. D. 1871. K. W. Mobgan, Att y. 1315 Ecal Estáte for Salo. OTATE OF MICHIGAN', oonnty of Waihtonajr, ■. O In the matter of the asíate of Henry Canfleld, decuaimd. Noticeis herehy ven, tlmt in ptusnanos of an order grantad to the ondenigned, adnunstrator of tho estáte ot said deoeased, by the Hon. Judge of Probatc for tho l'ounty of Washtenaw, on the twanty■eoond Say of Marcli, A. p. 1871, then wil! bc solil at publiu vendue, to the higheit Udder, at the dwolling DOOM on mo prcmises nereinalter clescribed, m the eounty of Washunaw in sai.l Stntc, on Wedneeday the 17thdy oi May, A. D. 1871, at ten o'dock In the forenoon of that ilay (subject to uil encwnlir. 1 1 mwtgage or otherwisc existing at the Urne of the deuth of Mid deoeaaad, nnd alao subject to the right of dover of liis widow thrnin the roUoringdi real estáte, to-wit : commeneing in the center (■( m :in street, in the villaje of Chelsca, six chaina and iiiuetrune links south liimi the noith line of aectiou twilve, townsliip two south of range three cst, and running IheiKT rast twvlvc cliains and ninety-onolinlo ; T.iylin'.i line, thanoe suuili alona nid Taylor'sline eeven ohalns mote or leu to Celona Bmith'e land, tlicnco south eiiihty-rk'vrn degteea wort nine cbnlm ami aighty-two links, thence aorth flvo ahaina nd fortv-two links, tbénoe wi ■ thne chalni and tweivo links to the oenter of the highway, thence oorth long the i center al the bighiniy two clmius and íorty I unta to tbe plaoe of beguming, exoepting and d ervtngatnp oi land aas and ane-hau roda wMefrom the poruieaBt oorner and nmning we( :u the line ad. joining John M. Lert's luuil (atty roda, ïor tho use olaaid descrüwd land, and saïd JohnM. Letts i or their Bticoeeaozs, ad a lañe. Uatcd, Mureh 22d, A. 1. 1Ü71 13H CUA.HLK.S II. K BMPF, AdmisirttajtoT. líen! Estáte tot Salo. STATE OF MICHIGAN, eonaty oí Waabteainr, as. Jti the matter of the eetateoi Adiun UuU, deNotice is hereby griTon, ili..i ba mi order irnuitul to tho undersignod, administratar of Uw astete oi said dsceased, by the Bon. Judge of Probate for the oounty of Washtenaw, ou the twenticth .ia; of Mai.ii. A. I . IS71, WÜ1 be suid at public en.lue, n the hitfhest bidder, t the dwellina Waahtenaw, in s;ii,l State, on v ;,■ ïrtli Miy,..D. 1.171. ut one o'dock in' theofteruoonul d;iy -uljjoct to all encuiubriuuvs by i:mr: - gage orotharwiseeiistiiiB at the timo ol the death oí Bftiddece ised, and al sutjeot totbe tight of doweri í bia vulu thorein] thu tulluwiiw deacnbed real eetate, to-Mit: Befng a part of tho southweal quartar of the üouthwiHt qoartet of eection twenty-eight.fntownahip tluve soatb of ranga ftnu eut, In tai 1 Miuti', Ixjundcd ' iw tulluws : commanciag aeren iU oortb m ti.i' southeam corner of thesootuwesl quortcrof the southwest qruarter of nid nstiaB, thsnoe north foi r-twoxóda Uience weet tea toda, theaoeaouth tweatr-thi tbenoe wesl moe tod, thence bouUi . thenoeeael nineteen rods, ;. inninir, coataioiüg three wam and one kuudrsd and elevon roda ui lana, with dwelliug house thei i Dated, UarchiOth, A. D. 1871 "H JOU.N öOÉKTZ, Adminiatntar. piivsiijiam'Tímíptíom" 4.0CCBATSLT AND I CARBFULLY PKEPABED BT Ii. W.KLL1S é ÜO.,J)RUGG1S1S. 1 ' - I JEW GOODS BECEIVED. finleyTlewís i CALL THE ATTENTION OP THE PEOPLï OF THB CITY AND COUNTRY TO THEIi! KXTENSIVB AMD WKLL A9ÈORTKD STOCK OF SBASONABLE (JOODS IN XHE UNE OF BOOTS -A.3ST3Z) SHOES, Which they now have in store, nntl to which constant ndditions will bc made throTurhout the .cason The Koods which we offer irc m-v anA frcsh from the F:ctoiy, and in all cuses will be fonnd as rep. rosented. EVEUl' DKSUIUI'TIOX OF LIGHÏ AND JIEAYY WORK, for H1EN, VtOWEH AXfl miLDKO, We Ikivc the EXCL USI VE SALE OPTHB CELÉBRATE CALF BOOTS AXD SHOES, Made y JAMES Ml. BURTOF N. Y. CITY. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED BOTII IX STOCK AND WORK. Also the Z.YCUXirK KALE of REYNOLD'S BKO'S. LADIES FIXE SHOES OF EVEBY STÏLE The nlvo wort Is fnr superior to stiy heretolore F. I ER offcri'd in this t iiv. anci we guarantee il in nlar, and salí t al TEN l'Klt CBNl.itlow Utroll Trices, on thu same goods. A OREAT MEDiGAL DISCOVERY. jUü.l.IONS licnr Tontiinony to tkr WümlriTdl dirnlive Ellccts of Tiïi. WALKIiU A LI FORMA J. W.M.KUlt Proprtalor. Ji li. ylONAl.l& Co-, lrti n Gen. Ag'ts, San Fraucisoo, Cal., mi 1 ïi Bud H Commercv St.N.Y. : Tinegrar Bitters are not avilo Fnncy Drink. Made of Poor ICiiüii, Wliinkry, l'roof Spiriu nnd RefUNC Líquor (!oc toretl, spícod and íwccCened to pleaeu tlia t;istc, cnlled "Tonic,1 "Appctlt ers," "Iïestorers," 4c, thut lend tlic tlpplcr on to drunKcnnc83 nnd ruin.bnt nrentrnc Medicine, made from tho Nativo Roots and Hcrbs of California, fwe from all Alcoholic Sliniulnufs. Tlicy are tt GltEAT BLOOD PMtlFIER and A LIFK GITING PIMNCIPLE, a perfect lienovator nd Invlgoratorof the System, carrjrlng off all poisononi matter and restoring the blood to a hcallhy condllloo. No person can tako these Bitters arcordlng to directlons and rcinaln long nnwell, provided thtir ton are not destroycd by mineral poison or otlicr mean, and tho vital organs ivastcd bevond the polnt of repair. Tlicy nre a. Ocnllo Puranjive ns wcll Touic, posacsslng also, tho peculiar mcrit of ctlnf os a powerful ogent la rctlcvlnjr Congestión or inDammatton of the I.iver, and all the Vitoera; Orfrws. FOR FEMALE COMPI,AINT., whcthpr in youngor old, married or single, at tho dnwn of vomanhood or at the turn of lifc, these Tonic Bitters havo no cqual. ; For Inflamnintory nnd Clironic ICIioiinmtism and Gout, I)-pomia or intHerMioti, ItilioiiN, Itemittrnt nnd Intcrniittrnt Fcvcr. Disensos ortho Iilood, Livcr, KiducyR, niul BInildert these Bitters havo been most successfiil. ■ Such Discases are Miuotf by Viiiated Blooilr whlcll is gcnorally produccd by derangemenr of th Iiuf-i m OrffauN. DYSPEl'ÖIA OU INDIGESTIÓN, Hc.vlacho, Palu in the Bhoultlera, Conghs, Tlgiituew of th Chest, Dizziness, Sour Ernctatlona of the Btomach, üadtaslcin tho Moulh, liilious Attaets, Palpitation of the Hcart, Inflanimatlou of tho Lungsrain fn th regions of the Kldneys. end a hnr.rlr(rf nfhcr nilnftil f ymptoms, ore the ofleprings of Dyspepsia. Tlicy invlrorfitc the Stomach and stlnralato tlic tor pid Iiver nnd boTvcls,wliich reader thcni of uncquaUtd efllcacy in clcnnslng the blood of all lmpnrtUe, nd Jmpartinpr ncir lïfo nnd vigor to (lic whoïe üystcm. FOR SKIX 1HSEASES, Eruptlons, Tcttcr, Sal lilicnni.Blotclics Spots, l'implcs, Tnstules, Boíl, Ci bunclra, Iiing-Worms, Scald-Hcad, Soro Eycs, Erisipelas, Itrh, Scnrfa, Dlscoloratlons of the Skin, Ilnmorf and BIscascs of the Skin, otvbmtont riimc er nature, aic Htcrally chig np oud cnrricd ont of the fysteu) la fhort timo by fhc nsp of tiloso Hittors. One l)ot:lc Ia Buch casi-.-t w n convinco the mobL intredulons oi tticir ouraUve tflect. CIetpe Uio Vilitod Blood whencTor tit lfnrt II Impurlili bnrtlngthrooglithoklnlnnnipiM,Bnptfonsor toie, rlcunsc t vtu-n you lliul fc r-4istrncted ftim shiírclíli Inthevelns: clranselt wlicnitisibu] and Totirfwlnir" vin fll yi.n wli.n. KfplUe Moed puro nnd the hcaltli oflhesjncni Mili (bllov. PIJÍ, TAPE, mul othor WORMS, rnrklnpln til nisands, iiu-ciuiilly Otetroyedand removed. For itiii iifrn-tlons. read rnrcfnllr tho clrcninr Aronntl eaeh liottlc, nrinrrd in fonr lni guages- iiiijflisli, Gcmuui, 1 tcucli and S[ft'rt j. -n-AiKETT, Froprletor. r,. n. sicDOítald & co.„ Drufjists a:nl 6cn. Afrt-nts, Btn Frnaisco, Gal., and! I i Commcree PireoH New York. 3-SOLD BY ALL DHHiGiSTS LSV BEAJLEK8


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Michigan Argus