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Bach & Abel's

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gRBING TEADE 1871. No. 26 iKtlMii'1 Main St, LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE stock: of New Spring Dry Goods, ztsrow ozPEHsrinsra-.. TOE ASSORTÏENT COMPLETE LT EVERY DEPARTMEXT. PRICKS AS LOW ASAMMDSB 1NTHBSTATR The Largest and Best Selected Stock of Ladies' Dry Goods Ever Exhibited in this CityTH IJ OIABENDEN BLACK ALPACA AIK'B PURE 2UOII AIK, ACKNOWI.EDCiE TO Bli THi; UliST IH THi: IMTKB STATES. THE URGEST LIVE OF Plijt S VI MUITE GOODS EVER OFFEUED H THIS CITY. Full Line of tlus Popular Brands of Domestk Gootlx t Lotrext l'ricei. WE SHALL MAKE A SPECIALITY OF CLOTIIS AND OASSIMERES, and are now oponing a veiy largo line of Fronch aml Qorman Cloths, Englisk and Scotch Suitings, and nnmy Popular fcityles of American Groods. We boy largëly of Importen and KaBnbetarors, and mnny artlcles In nnbroken Package. obtainl cxira Uipcomits, tbvreby enabltog m t wil t vi-ry low pritea. 100 Dsz. IVapkins (varitntad ])iir LlnenJ at SI .10. VEBÏ CHICAP. i ' Ifuixl Stitcbcd llmidkorcliiufs, (w:trraitcd pure Linenj ut 2Uc. Kack. 500 Pair Ludics' C'otton Hosr, (ExtM Qnalily) Is. (;1. 50 Du, Iran frame Cottou IIosc. VlOItV I.OVV PRICE.


Old News
Michigan Argus