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"POUR POPULAR REMEDIES OF THE AGE I)K. KELLÖGG'S ROOT BITTERS! o LIVER INVIGORATOR INDIAN REMEDY. FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS! --o o Worth) Merit, and Roliabi!lty conceded bv all to le honoralily won and fully Rewarded foy Dr. Kelloffg's forir Meiiterious Com - ponnds. ROOT BITTERSAbsolute freedom Iröm hys!clal disenso 1 a blessing desinti by all, but enjoyid only by the few ndigestion. Lasaitude, Qnncral Debiiity, Muscular VVeakneas, aud lack of NervoUs Euergy, are comniou aumenta vet they are the foreridincrs of raoru serious compiaints; Pysuepxla, Vltli UI lts "horror," is only chronic indigestión, and ïiiahy a poor consumptlye mortal, tottering upon thu Tergo of nhvaical dissoltition, vjridly remembers the eueral debility and nervoua prostration which eralded the attack nf tlie Invidious enemy of life. ?he advice dictated by common sense " is not to et these minor complaiut lurk tn the system unloticcd and nuheeded," yet many pergon who feel átiyued aftcr eycu moderato exuroiau, whosw blood slucKisli In circuliitiun, digestión morbld, a]po Jte irrcRuiar, complex ion pallid, nerves wenk and mstrunj;, muscular ñbers loóse and íiabby, and whose system ís in condition of general debUlty, with every avenue open to the encroarshinent arid possession of conürmed aud destnictive diseate o hstli'ssly around " living Bkoletong," apparently ■- Kardlessof the blessings of health, and unmiudful of these natural warninys of the approach cf complpte physical prostration. That, " Diseasc comes when least expected" is a cminon but very absurd saying. For these common complaints are the skirmishcrd which commence the attack and herald the appruach of the enemy ; and it is the wisdom of common eense to guard ajainst tlu-Ir attacks, and if ihey have puesession, to drive them from the syst. m. The naturally lecble frame' may be strenthened and the robust who have been partinlly brokeu down by Indigestión, Dissipation, Nervous Debility disease, or unusnai hardship. may bc rccruited.aiiii restorcd to henlth and happinefs, by tlus delicions Botanical Tonlc, perlect and wholcsome appetizer, genial aid to digestión, and gentle nervous eümulant,- Dr. Kellosi;' Olobrated Root Bitters. They will improvo the apuetite, materially aid digestión, perfect the tondltiuli of the blowl sWa toneto thettervous systclri, arrest thö phoiiress of diSease, ttrenghen the emaciated, aid and conflrm the restoration of the feeble convalescent, and protect the system ngainst malarial disease. They iro ■ blesatng to thoae who flud thcmeelve weak laiii;uid, and hickin;? energy, as the warm days of spring approach. They are a treasure to wómen ' --:--' 'Ihese " Bitter," are not a vlle mixtnre of wretched whiekoy.Cand alots, but a Rcnulno Botaiilcal compouuü, pure, plensant, and agreeablo and warrautH to 6e equal to their recommcnclatlons. IJVER IÑVIG0RAT0R ; And Blood Ëiirijjér, ïe a cctnponnd prepared to cleansethe system ofimpuritiee and cnre coulirmed disorders arisiug frbmn diseased state of the Liver. 'Thereissomething the tnatter with my Liver," is ihe observation of at lcaët three out of every flve persons, when queetionèd In regard to thëlr heaUK, nul it is a wrll-kuown tnith, that disease uf the Liver is the most commoD ailment the physician has ;o contend with allhough he is gencially called upon X) meet it in the farm of Kevers, Ague, Nervous Prostration, and other acute maladies of wtiich disorder of the Liver ie the producing cause. I in pure Blood, Slck and Bilions Hcadachc, Costvcnees, Nervous Weakuess, Loss of Enerry, Emaclation. Pain? in the Sidc and ShouUlers. Wcakness and Trembling alter exercise, Melancholy, DroWalness, and Chronic Biliousuess, arepomeof the [uinor syinptoms of Biliary Derancraent and Disoasc. ïho ïinal remlt, If these Bymptoma are dlsregarded are different kinds of Kever, Rheumntisms. Diar ■hea, General Prostration of Nervous Sysicin, endng in Jaimdice or Consumption. The Liver 18 the raost sensitive organ in the human striicturc. cxcet he Luns, and öo long as dt-eomposition of vegetable matter continúes malaria irises, and the pnoent habits of life are iodolcd, so long Liver C'omlalut will kcommoa. As tbcre is uo prospect of .heseconditions being obviatt-a, henee the necessity of employmg apents to counteract their Influance. In BOleötins and proporüonlng tïw inrcdicnu of )r. K"llocgs Liver Invigorator, special attention ias been had to compouüd a preventive aud cure or Bilious Dtaordersof every tyie. Tt:e most potent ftgences kiunvii to Botanical research,have been ncorporated into this truly popular specífle for .ivi'i Cumptaiuts and Dteeatjes of the Blood. lts effect upou the human syetem is in perfect accord ancc with the laws of health, and the Bcicnce ol )hyglcal structure, being Alterattve, Diuretic and 'onic. B its Alterativo and Dturetlc powt-rs, it carrics he impurities of the system off thiongh naiurtt'ri courees.andat the same time byita Tonic virtues t stimulates digestión aud gives tone to the m-rv0U8 powers. Family Oathartic Pilis. The o1jection that these Pille were not Boft&i '■■iitrd has been obviated by the proprietors and in bat respect thcy are now cqual to any in use. - 'heir worth a a safe and reliable ('athartlc has nevcr been questioned. Kor Chronic Constiputiou hey are a cerlain remedy. lïy thelr actious ihey cleausü the system of vitiatcd secretione. They ntimnlate the Liver to activity, ive tolic to the stomach, and strength to the nervee. Thereisnothng in their cumpottiUon but what is purely veetale They are mild, entle, and entirely effectual. nstead 01 irritatlng they restore. Ihey are a ceraiu reinedy fur Oonftlpation, Iïheumatism, Chninc Indigestión, Stubborn Diseafe of the Liver, Bilousuess, Viruleut Impurities uf the Blood, and all Diaorders whore a ' h orongh luxnüvc Is required. INDIAN REMEDY. A medicine alVcrttscU to cnre all, is generalij heldin disrepute, yet It is noesible to compouüd a remedy that may be beuellcial in a variety of complaints. Ur. Kellogg' Indian Konifdy ia an cy.ïöt;iil: proof of thiö pOÊi'bUilv, ítihiu'" h at it ütubc employed in % varitty of eomplaints, and in e&Ctl lroducc a huppy retull. The Kemedy is admitted by the many who Dftve used It, mul who c nsitier it iudispenHable, to be the moet perfect Remedy lor Coogh,Colda, Oroup.nud all I'iseases of the TIn out aad uuagVi Uiat bu yet been ofl'cred to the public whlle for wovods, BorM, Burna 8calda,and evory variely of Esternal Inflammatton it is known to be an absolute aud iufallihh? cnre. In iaci it U iinposilble Ib eunmerate nnd Bpeelfv all the CQmpLaluts ■nddborden for which tola 'Kem6dyp Ea m antidoto. Sufflce to say that whfrt'VtT Uicre i iuiluiumation, internal or uxteiD&l, on either man or beat. that it lea peedy, perfect, aud reitable v,n We warrant tlüit tlie usü of one. bottle by ;.ii tam ily will establiuh it a-s olie of the uecua&ltiettofhuuaehold economy. All the abovo medicines aro prepared at DR. KELLOGG'S MEDICAL WORKS A1ÍN ARBOE, MICH., And até Sold by Druggists and Öcalers Everywhere, EW 7-30 GOLD LOAN. SAFE! PROFITABLE-: PERMANENT ! JJY COOKE & CO. Offer for Mulo at Tnr and Accnted IntBrist, the FIRST M0RTGA6S LAND GRANT GOLD BONDS Northern Pacific Eailroad Co These bond are scenred, fust, by n First Mortcage on tho Railroad IteeV, üs rolling itock, and all eqnlpnente : .tiamd, by a First Morlg&ge on ita rntire l.:lnl C r.illt, betng more th:in Twelity-Two Thousand Acres of I.-inil tu each milc of road The Honda are iree trom United States Tax ; Ihe Principal and Interest are payable u l'M -ilie Priu■ï-i-.'A :it Uu; end of 1 liivty yearc, and the Interest ■■mi-Aiiniiiiliv, at the rate of Seven and TntoeTi'iiih Per Cent per anninn. Thej are issned in (Icnomiuntions of S100, Í50O, H 000, S6.000 and H The Trntee under the Mnrtu'fi'C are McSsrs. Jy Cooke, of Phlladelphia, and .r. Kü.mir Thomi l'reident of the Penupylvaniii t'entirtl liailroad Oonpany. These Northern PacUta "-:;" Bond wül at au times bcfure matilritv, !■ iw Iv ble 'l Tkx l'i i: Ci.VT. 1'ukaitiTM. (or 1,10 .in eschaug'; for tlie Cunniauy's land at Iheir loweet eivsb prlce. in additton to ta it absolute tatel ■ Banda vleld n Incoms Ivgor , we bcHsre . tbfiu ni other flrft-doee Bccnrlty. Persona hoU I Statea .ii by co rïin tht-m int" r n thern PacJflc'h's, iutrc;lH(ï thy t ;' ia-'oim! ow-'trinly and etili have a perlectl :ellable1nerhlent. . Ilinv TO O :'i TUEM.- Your m:irost ltaiik or Bankar wlll ra pi} these Hunda in any desired amoant, and i ny needvd denomlnatlon. Persons wlshlng to ajbehange tocks or other boada ir theae can do so wlth any ot oor Atcuis. who vUI allow LhebJshett curren tpt ice Toi all marketable securiTbOBfl l!vin„r iu Incattom remóte frem Hiuiks, niay asnd money, or other bonds, dlroctly to n by xpress,ndiM ill nend bacil Ni rUicrn Paclik Bondá ut onr own riski aiid withoui f st to thc4n,voatori Kor fiirther Informntlon, uamph'lcts. mapa, eti bali on or addteM lite undorM-nec!. of nny of the Bank" or Dankers employcd lo Bell th'.s tam l"t)ii si in:r THU FIKST NATIONAÍ, 1U. THE 3A VINOS BANK. Mli.l.lili & WEBSTER, BiUÉntft And Banken generslly throgrhnnt tite fjist. IÍ1Ü 3tem. AjONEÍ CAN NOT BUY iï FÖH SIta-iiT ISPRICELB88 TUE DUMOKD GLASi t, Hamiractuicd bj J. E Spencer & Co., N. Y. , which uro now 3fllïre3 t; tn public, are prunoiu-.ccd by uil tlie reli-brsteü Oticlansoï Worlll to beihc Most lVrfrct, NaMiral, Arti:uial h'lj. t the bumaneve evtikn8h. Tli'y ate round umer tkéJtowautfHfrVinloo, fr4m inínuteCrjutal I'ebble, iin:J'Vil togitlicr, n.l .Ifiive tbelrntm," blaHioníl." ob.tcou.ntc( tlielr IianlBesB unit Drilüfthry. Tue Scientiftc principie '" which thov are ci-tistructeil bi npR tlie core orcentre of tht lens iifbctlj in fmiit uf tilo "■, proíod a cWr afid dísíiocl v.lslon, jis ín niilur.-il, l,t-;ilthy siL'lit, and prevent ing nil uiipli Hart M-nxa. ton, siu-.h s KlimmerinK nnJ nverlnK if sigbt, dÍ7.ifstJ, &c.( peculiar to alt. ntliers u u-e. Tliey ármoiinta ih tlic KINEST MANNKi:, in riamsi of the best ijuállty, of all matarisiw ufl foi that purpose. , ■ , Tbetr lính an,l ilnraWlily iinnnt be urpasseii, CU'1' 'ION. - gehUInt iinli-s li-:iiinft tlieir tradJíniati ntamill u eyery frumo. .1. C. WATTS fc DRO., Jewhrn,aqj Opticien, re oli-aPnt fhr ASNARBÜK, MlH., Ironj whoni thf y n onlv í) obtaineü. TbH goods are ootsupplied to Podli-rs atan; price . lM7yl NEW MAPLE SYKUP. l)ril l'oinlu-s, licrri'.; Ti-hIm;, flgm, Oranut'K.üis. Ac, fcry cltuice at th lili aiuaim:. tLAUK a ijcorKi:v. GotöR.W.ÉLLISft CO's for 3tfictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paints , Öils, &c.


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