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crasüMPTioÑi lts Care and lts Presentí ve BY J. H. SCHENCK, M.D. Man y a hnroan beinjï hns passod avcay for whose deaw thr was do other reason tban the neglectof known and indtspumbiy proven means ol care. Those 'UMir mul deur tofuiuily and frlomls :ire Bleoptng the dreamleufllamberlatowblon.hudUioj oalmlyadopted DR. JOSEPII H. BCHEBTOK'S SIMPLE TIIEAT3IENT, and iivalled thAmwlve of his wnncWfnlly effionclous medicino.-, theï woiihl nut have folien. Dr. Sebesck fms In hta own cara provod tlmt wiierover sufflcient vituiity ivnuiins, Ihat vitnüly. ly lila medicines nnd his dlrecllond ior thcir Urto, is qu lekened i nto healthfnl vipcor. In this HtatamAns thero ia nothlng prosumptuoiis. To the faith of the Inval ld Is made no repreaentatlon that Isnot a thousand tunea sabstanttatèd by living And visible wnrks. The theory át tua cure by Dr. Schenck's medicines U os simple us it ís unfalllng. lts phllosophy reinires no argument. Il is wlx-ttsmiiu tiiji. self-ctinviiH'Ini:. . The Sfea-weed Tonlo nnd Manrirnke Vu nro the flir iTii weapuns wlth vrhlcli the citiulel ot ttlie moïady Is issailed. Two tlünls of the eases oí ennsompuon origínate in dispepsia and a fonoHonaHï iHsordered liver. With Hiis oondlUon the br mohlal tabea "aympathize" with the stpmoot). Thej respund to the tnorbiticactlonof the tlVer. Itero thcti Qpmea the cul■ iiinntin rewilt, aml the In, with uil iU Uiatresslng syniplouis, f CONStlMPTIOX. Tho Kandiuke PUUarocomposMof nnoofNntoro'i nobleat uifts-the Ptidoihii:um Peltutum. The] postoss all the blHd-iwHrohlnn, itltcratlve proporties ur tlomcl but, uulike calomel, Chey " LEAVE NO STING BEIIIND." TSo wort of oore i novr blnnlne. Tho vltlated id mnoons deposita In the howelsanu In theallmen■;try canal ure eieoted. The ivcr, llke a dook, is tround up. It arouse from n toruullty. The stomrten acts responslveiv, and HiojKitlent bugins tu feel iliut hu iá gettínff, at lasCi A BtPPLY OF GOOD RI.OOD. The Sra-weed Tonlc, in ConjunCtton with the Pilis, nerraeates anri osaimihitos wlth the food. Chyllflcation is now progres Unsr without its prevlons Uirtnres. lipesti'in becomes piitnle&B, and tho euro is Been to be t hand. Thwo ianonKiroflatulenoe.noexaoerbaUon ■f the stomach. An nppetlte sets ín. Now cimes the greatest Blond Pnrillor over yot plvn by an Indnlgent father Bofleringraan. Bcnenok'a Pulmonic Syrup comes in to perforru its fnnotlona and to basten and complot-u the euro. It enter al pnoe apon lwwork. NHtureorin nnt bi chonted. Uoollecta ,nd rlpens the Impalred and dlseased portlona of toe langs. In thts fona of gathcrlngs, it proparesthem for uxpeetoratton, and lo !ïn avoryshott time the malady is vanqiiishuil, the rotton thron1 that it oocupled la renoruted and made new, nd the patlont. In all tho ditfnity of reKainod rfcor. Steps fuitli to cjy the manhuod or romaobood that waa GIVEX IT AS LOST. Thosecnnd thing U. tho pat ion ts muststay ín R wnrm ...m until they K't well ; it is almoat Imposslble to revent takin r cold when tho Inngs are dlseased, hut f. raust be preven ted or :i cure? can not be cfff'Cted. ■reslt air and r'ding out, ospeclully In thla sectlon of 'iie country, in the f all and winter soason, are all ■.Trong. Physioians who vrconimend lliüt oourse lOSfl :!ieir patiënt, if thetr lunjís are badly dlseased and) vet, beoause they are ín the house thry mast nol stt iownquict; thy nnist walk titmut the room as mach ;nd as fastas thó ítreniíth will boar,to ntapafnxid ■in-nlation of blood. The patitnts lunst keep In good lirits- be determined to getwcll. Thls has a crcat eal to do with the appetiU', and is thu great point to Tu ilpspafrof cure nftor nuoh evldenee nt its poslliitity in the worst rasof. and moral cortulnty In .ill itliers, is slnful. Dr. 8chonck pcrsonhl ptaioment tothe Faculty of hls own curu wa i.i tÜeso luoilust vords : ■' yenr-i npo I iva- in the last tïipes of connmption; eonfined to my bed, ml at me time my hyalolans thonght that I could nol Uve a week ; tl umi. kb a drowninjí man catcbtni? nt ntraws, 1 heard Of id vKinüj.iii th iv'ivivil -mm wh'.Ji ï I1OW "iliT t.i pniod to mo that I c -iiUi fee! them penétrate my n-jlu sjñtem. Tncy BOOn rlpcncd the matter in iuy iRa. and I wnnld spit un moro than a pint of oflfen■ ycllow matter rvir momlns f' ir a lonp timo. " As 8oon :us that hegan to subsldCj myoough, fever, ns. and nlfftit swoau uil botran toleave me, and mv "PCtiMbftöAmeMjïror.t that ltwtta wlth dlfBcultvtimt ..■ nihi keopfrom oatlng too much. i soon gaUjny ■tiViijíth, and havts urowu in ficsii ererBüice. "I was weished shortly aftir my recuvery, ■ nll■d the Doctor, "t:ien IooKIiir liko ft mero Bkeletnn; ny weittht was only nhifty-scvoii ttotüidsj iuy presnt weijiht Istwonundred and twenty-five (ZÍ5)poandft, nd for retira I h:ivi enjoycd unlntorrujitcd nèalth." lr. Scncnck has Otscontinud h!a profVsMon:il vlsitu -. New. York and Boston. He or lila son. Dr. J. ïl. '.'tienck, Jr.. Mili continue to sce patients at tlicir iffice. No. 15 Nnrtii Blzth Stroet, Phllndelphiu, every iturrtay from 9 a.m. to 3 pjc. Those who wlsh a lormob oxomlnatlon wlth the Besplrometer wtll b; itinted iö. 'l'lic Etesplromctor declares the. ex&ci Ion of the lunps, nd luitientscun readily luarn tiether thcy are curahlo or n(it. The (tlreotfons for t:iking thn medicines nro adnptod tho intelltpfpnoi- even of a child. Follow these dtrecions. and hind :itiirc will do tho rost, excéptfnff tlffit i tome cases the Mundruke Pilla ore to be t&ken in icreased flo?os; tho ihree modicincs ncod no othor scompanimcntsi hiui the Dmple fnstiOotlons that aci apany them : First create appeilte. Oí ru turn ing alih, hanger is the most welcome symptom. Wtaen comes as it will come. Iet the dcspalrlng at onoe be c good clieer. Good blood ut once follows, the eoogh a ns. the nipht sweat is ahatcd. In a phrt tiino tii t' these morbid symptoma aro pono fororor Dr. Sclienck's medicines re oonstantly kept in tons L' thousiinds of families. As ji Inxativc ie Mandrako Pili are a standurd proparstion ; whüe ■ie Pulmonic Symp, ns n cure of coutihs and er-lda, lay be reprartfedae a prophylacturic ugaiustcuusumpn ín any of its forma. l'rift'. of the Pulmonic Pt-nip nnd ?n-weea Tonlc, HJ0a bttttlo. or tiïJO n. ïmlf (losen. Mand ruk o Pil ís, Zï ounts a box. For sale by all drugglbts aod dealers. JOIÏlsr F. HE3STKY, $ Cottage Place, . V., Wbolcsalc igents. JU8T ÉECEIVED WIV!. WACIMER'S, A Large and Choice Stock oí FALL AND WINTER O-OODS, INCLUDUiG CLOTHS, CASSIMERE8, VESTING8, &C. LATKST 8TYLES iND BB8T QUALITIEB WIUCII 11 K W1I.I, MANUFACTURE on ttrms to tuit, and in the lin of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FURNISHIM Goods. BEST STYLE, AlloLADIES'andOKNTB MOROCCO SATCHELS Mo.91 South Ml Street- Eb1 nld. OALL AND SEE THEM. WILL1AM WAGNEK Ann Arbor.Srpt. 1870. POR 8ALE. -A. House and Lot On E:ist iáe Ptatc Stiwt. in tlio City of Ann Arhor, tliird houne soiith f Waddngton. lïelol islxRrrxls, and the house is of brieft, nnd tv linlf torirs. Will bosoMwneftsy terms. Inquirf of .ImiIï' BèaiM, 'f Edwvd Ryiin, Northfield, or iKldresR tliu undi-rsiiniixl at Uighlund, üaldand Co., Mloh. EDWAKD POWEBft Aim Arbor, Jan. 29, 1S71. l.ütTtf S-onI Mand and JVcw Organs Aud Melodeonsforeale vcry cheup at Vrof. Mills mumcroom, No.43 Malu Street. (Over Hul] & Kol inson's.) 12Tfitf ALVIN WII.SKY. Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by I ENJiï T. HELMBOLirs COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATA W BA GRAPE PILLS. Component París- Finid Extract Rhubarb and Huid Extrtnl Ctttaubá Grape Juice. FOR LIVER fOMPlAIN rs JAÜÏTDÏCXHtLIOUS AI'l'U' TIONS 8ICK OR NKRVOUS ÜRADACIIR, COSTIYENESS, Etc. PURELY VKOETABLE, CONTAINIXG NO MERCUKÏ.MINERALS OR DKLETKH1OUS DRÜGS. H Thcse Pilis are the most deliglitfnlly pleasant purgative, sopersedlng caator olí, saltn, magnwla, etc, There i nothine more acceptable u the stomach. They ttn tone. and canse ncither nausea nor tr r i - In" pains. T!u j are composed of the flnest Ingrediënt. After a lewday's .iso of thein, snch an invi"onition of the enüre system take place as to appejir miraculous to the woak and cnervated, wnether nri-iii" fiom imprndence or disenso. II. T Helmbold's Compuond Finid Kztract Catataba Orape i'ills are not silgar conted, from the fact thal silgar coated Pilis do not dissolve. bnt pass through the stomach wiiliniit . dissolvinir.eomu-queiiil.v do npt produce the desired offect TfiE CATAWBA GRAI'K PII.LS. Ixiu" nteaaant in taato and odor, do noooaaltatá their belng sugar-coated. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOX. E HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S HIGHI.Y CONCÉNTRATE!) 0OMPOÜND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Will radlcnlly extermínate from the system Scroflila Svphilis, Fevcr tíores. ulcere. Sorc Eyes, Soro Legs, Sora Monta, 8ore Heád, Bronchitis, Skin Dfeeasoa. Salt Rheiiin. Cankrrs, Runnings from the Ear, White Swelliugs, Tumors, Cancerons Affcctions. Nodcs.RicUetts. OloudularSwellnga, Ni:ht Swuta Rash, Tetter, Ilumors of all Kinds, Cbjooic Rheumiitism. Ihvpepsia, and all discases that have been establishcd in the system for years. L BBIKQ PRKPARRD EXPRESSLY FOR THE AHOVK COMI'LAINTS. 1T.S ni,O0l-PURIFYIXfi PKOPERTIE AltEGREATEKTHAN ANYOTIIKli PREPARATION OF SAKSAI' ARII.LA. 1T OIVES THK COMPLEXIÓN A CI.KAR ANI) HEALTUY COLOR AM) RESTORES TUK 1'AÏIENT TO A STATU OF11HAI.TU AND PORITY. FOR PURIFYING THEBLOOI'. RRMOV1NQ AI.L CHRONIC CONSTITUI'IONAI. DISBASES AHI-ING KliiiM ANIMI'DRESTA'rtïOFÏlIK Hl. OOI), AND HIK ONLY REIIABLE AND RFFEOTUAL KNOWN HEMEDY FOR THE CI'RE OF PAINH AND 8WELLIHU OF THE BONES, ULCERATION OFTHHTHROAT AND LF.QS. HLOTCHKS. TIMPLESON Ï1IK FACE, ERYSIPELAS, AND ALL SUM.YERCPTIONSOFTHKSKIN. AND BPAUTIFYINö THE COMPLEXIÓN. PUICE, $1.0U PEK BOTTLK. M HENRY T. HEt.MBOLD'8 CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU THE GREAT DIURETIC, has cnred every case of DIABETES in which it has boen "ven. Irritation of the ueck of the Bladder and inflainmalion of the KidDeys and Bladder, Retentlon of Urine, Diseases of the Prostratu Oland, Stone in tho Bladder, Calculas, Gravel, BiickDust Deposit. and Mucnous or Milky. Discharges, and for Eufeebled and Delicate ConstiUitione of botli Sexes, ntundtd with thu following symptoms : Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, IndUpoeltlon to Fx.rtkm, Loss of Power, weakNurves, Tremblinj;, Horror o( Disease, Wakofulness, Dimnessof Vision, l'nin In the Back. Hot Hands. Flushlng of the li.xiv. Drynessof UieSkin Eruptiou of the Face. Pallid Couutenance, Universal Laesitude of the Muscular 'Used by persons from the ases of echteen to tWüuty-flve, and frora thirty-llve to flfty-live or in fheduclme orchange of lifc: after coutlucment or lbor paiua ; bcU-wettiug in childreu. nELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BI'CIIU is Wnrctic and Blood-Puriryiii!;, and cures all Diseases arising from Habits of Dlaslpatlon, and Exeesees and lmprudences in Life, Impurities of the Blood, Etc. , Mnper■edlne C'ipabia in ffections for which itis nsed, and Syphiíitic Affections- in these dtoeases uscd In connection with Helmbold's Rose Wash. LADIE3. lD many Affections pecnliarto Ladlo?, the Extract Bucuu is uuequaled by any oihci R;mi!dy - as in Uhlorosis or Retention, Irregula:Hy, P.iinfulnes or Snpprcseion of Cu-tomary Evatuaiions. l'lcerated or chirrns Htate of the Uterus, Lcncorrluca or Whites, stcrility.and for all Complamts incident ti the habits of Dissipation. It i prescribed extensively by the most eminent Physicians and Midwives fr enfeebled and delicate Constltutiona, of both Sexes and all Ages fattciuled with any of the above (titeares or symy'.oms.}, O H. T. HELMBOXD'S FXTRACT BUCnU CL HES DISEASES ARISIN'ti FROM IMPRUDENCES, HABITS OF DISSIPATION, ETC. , in all thcir stages, at little expense, llttle or no change in diet, no inconvenience. and no exposure. It (lusos a frequent desire, and give strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions, Preventing Strictures of the Urctha, Allaying Pain and Iuflammation. so frequent in this class of diseaüts, and espeiling all PoUonOQ' matter. Thoneands who have been the victime of incompetent persons, and whi have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have fouud thny have been deceivcd,and that the "Poison" has, by the nee or "powerful astringente," been ried up in the system to break out in a more aggravated form, and perhaps after Haniage. Une Helmbold'e Extract Buchu for all AflTections and Diseases of the Uiinary Organs. whether existing in Maie or Female , froni whutever cause orlginatlng. and no matter of ho w long tanding. Price, One Dollar and Fifty Cents Per Bottle. L IIENRY T. IIELMBOLD'S IMPKOVED KOSE WASH cannot bc snrpaBüed as a Faoe Wah,anfl will be louml tho onlv Kiieclfic remedy in every species of Cutaneous AffeoHon. It speedlly eradicate Pimples, Spots, Pcorbutic Dryness, Indurations of the t!utaneons HombranG, etc., dfapela Rochen and Inctylsnt [oflammaÜOD, Hlvee, Raeh, Moth Patchei Dryneaa of Bcalp or skin. Prol lü:es, and ;iil porpoee for whieh Salves or Ointraeuts are used ; restores to the skin a state of Pnrity and Softntss, ami inanres continued healthy action t,t the tissue of its vesseis, on whlcb i! pendfl the nirreejible clearncss and viv:u-ity of complexión eo much souirhtand admircd. Bilt however valu:ib!e a remedy for ezistlng !■■- rtoft.lic Skin. H. T.H olmboId'sRaté Wach baa loog tDflCBfood ití i rif })V' claim to nnbonnded patronajre, by postmsBinB qualitles which render it a ïpiLEf APPENDAGE ui the most Superlativa and Congenia] Character, comblning in an elegant formula thoaa prominent requli-ites SAFJiTY and EFFICAOT -the Invariable accompaniments of its use - PreBervative and Rt frteher of the Complexión. It is an excellent Lotion for diseases of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an injection for diseases of the Trinary Organa, arisinjrfrom habits of diasipaüon, nwd lp conuectton wüli the KXTRACTS BtfbHTJ, SARSAPARILLA, and CATAWBA OKAPK PILL-', in such diseases as recommended, cannot be surpassed. Price, One Dollar l'cr Bottle; D Pull aud explïcit dfrectïons accompany the uiediCilH'H. Evldcncc of the most resmnsible nnilreliable chnracter furnisht'd on ai plicati"n with hundredsof thommnda of Iivinpwitncst-h, and upwnid of 30,00) unsolicitcil oertïflcates :md rccommentlatory leltera mnny of which are from the hffrhest sourcei, Includln emloent PhrsiclaBstOlerffrmou,8UtesiDD. ■ te. The proprletoj bu liever rcaortod u unir pujjlica tion luthe Dewspapers; he rtot'w not doíhis Innn the fact that Mr artick-s raitk a Standard Ircparntioni, and do not uced to bu proppcd up by certiticate. HeniyT. Helmbold'8 Genuine Preparutions, Dclivereilto any addresa. Pccurefrom observation BSTABLIiHBD II'WARD OF TWENTY YE..KS. Boldby DroreUtt ererywkere. Addrem letten for lnformatloaTTaonldcaee to HE.MRY T. HELM, ISOLD, DrmMand Chcmist. OnlfDt'pots: H T. HelnilioWKDrnfjiindCliomtealWarenome, N.. M14 Hroadw.iy, New York or to II. T. IIHmbolri's Medical Depot.'lMSouth Teuth Street, l'hilailelphra. Pa BEWARE OV OOÜNTBRPErrsi Ak for Ucnry 1 . Helmbold't Take no other. pOOD NEW8J Al ARBOR WILD WITII HIGH PRICES EXTERMIMATED ! 8. SONDHEIM HAS JÜST 1! ETl'RKED FBO4I T ÜE E-A.S T, WtTH THE LAKGBST AND BEST SSLECTED STOCK op FALL AND WINTER CL0THING 1 ÜYXVS FlKISHI(i ;OODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHELS, &c, &o., &c. THAT HAS EVER BEEN BROÜGÏIT TO THI8 CITY, WHIC'Il II E WILL'SELL Oheaper than the Cheapest foi Cash. ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT OP CASS1ME1ÏES, COA TIN GS, and VESTINGS WHICn HE WILL MAKE CPTO ORDER IN THE BEST STYLE AND WARRANTKD A PIT ORNO SALE t " êi i ! S s . o i? i BS H r 1 1 w d i w ja j g a í u d m i : i ÜOI 1 o i mgrf 9 s 5 ■o o lj n, a O o 3 9 g i S 8 s. ; HO b What Johnson has Ife has a lirge stock of HATS & CAPS ! For the FaïUh-1 Winter tríule- the bfêt in town Ho lm a ful 1 line of LADIES' AND GENTS' FUUS New Styles and best quatlty MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. He basa fu 11 stock Of Gents' Furnishing Goods Gloïel,Il06iery, Collar, Ties, Cravati &c He has everything in his line And he wont Ie andenold. That's What JOHNSON Has 7 Sodtii Main St., Ann Arbor. ySwéet Quiti ve f XiS A UECKNT IMI'KOVEMBnV k Rcpliri-S tll! USB f !l](' HiTTEK RtV-PIiATl; (i'iniiie, wi:h wlüoh uil ure fiuntlar. 1 Doso for do0) it is FULLVJQUALIN tVESY WAY TO BITTErjUININE, ASD L1KK IT IS THIi ON;:i GUI At, 1'USlTlVi; and UA-FtlIiHfG CURE FOPlaH DISEASES of MALA3I0D3 nilGIS J v Ir and Agne, Yl latei mili. IK !■" v.r, Chili Fever, llcmittent PcverJ 1 Bilious IvJr, DiiikH Aspne, and t!i long train of disorders iA.owing , these rilen m'trli'ttted. 1 KWEET ftriWIXE I Is mfdc olcly Irom Peruvinii iSaj ir (SC Is lifter Quinini:) tlierefore is of VepetUble oriiifci, and nut i Mineral poison, laon the conilnrj' is proved So be oneol'tho cnientfl in the blood of all healtliy i" f ons. siveet tffmrana { acts ie an mitldote to, (us woll :' :i ciird for.) mialarlnl 01 mlHKiiintlc piim. the abaorion oí which by the loxigfll cansea lntcrnlittoiit Fcvers, etc. The onlyiiiilvantage i'liiiiii'.l ior I SWEF.T QriXIXE ovor wao nsc of oil Bitter Quinineiis tho ontirif absiMii ■ ui' tlml iiitiii . rliteui btttenrss, whiili In the latfev : antansuimoutablc ol).!:i-ic ; it with tmfi! iicrsoii.sf mul alwn s vi-iih cbildiaul I STVEF.T 1"!"VIA"F. ÍLí ijiwo In iow;itr Tot die jise of iyiirit!i, and Hruiijiisls. and Kluis, ior Uí It l'üluih ailU 1 1:0 fi Ui :m; 'SlblJ. eaj-ns, Fa rr &ïiL MSUFACTURIfíu CHEWIí, ƒ For Slc by Ehorbach Co.. ilTu.rd.Ms. 12R4yl The oriiDator of thib womterful mcuiciiK . . .mus to have discovered iiud ctmUrintd tu harwumy more oí of Xaturr mcttKncrng medical ;.;■; -ie.' thau was over befori' conibiued iu one m dicüie. I he. evidence of lilis fnet i round iu the greal vanety of moet obstinate diseaec whicli it ha? bcen futind to c oqner. In the care of llromlniu, Snert Omifhëi and the e.-irly stages of CtmtumQUon, it has aBtonUhed the rnedical faculty, and hundred of the bust hsiciaos pronounce it the irralert medical d&merj of the age. While it cures thd MVBTM! t ■ o n ir h h . íl strenethene the sretein and piiriilen the hlood. I!y i!e yr.u' hui] thoroah blond purlfylOE propanlff, It cnree all ilamors from the worst eiofu]n to uconi. mon Blotch. Pimple or Krnpliou. Meicmial biseae Mineral Poiíous SyphlUtic and Vencrinl Uiieasfs. and their effeel are eradicatcd and visnnm health and a fouud constitution attiblUhed. Erystpela, Salt Kheum, -cald Head, Kever Sores, Scaly or Kough Skin, in short, all the mimermm dieases ■!! 1-d l)y hnd blond, are conqitered by this powerfa] purifviiiL' Huil invijroniliii}.' medicino". Por ' Liver Complaint," Bilionx Dieordere and ll.iliitual 'unsiipation, it hap produced hundí ni ui perfWt and per■unent cures wbsn other mediclnee had failcd. The proprietor nffcrB $1,000 reward tt a medicine ihnt will aiml it ín the cure of uil the altea f for whlch it Ib recommended. Beware of connterfeits and wortbleea imitatimm. See that my prltate GoverumeDt Stamp, wíiicli ts a pvsitive yuaraitt, r oi' '■cnnInenef, Is apon Che OQtslne wrappor. Thisraetiicine Is old by DniL'ïifts at" per bottle. Prcpared bj R V. PIBRCB, M I)., Proprlvtnr, at hia ühemical Laboratory, 133 Séneca strect, UufTalo N. Y. ELIABLE INSURANCE, AT TflË OLD AGKNCY OF C. H. MILLEN, Who has fbr ner!J tvfenty j-ear, aüd fcho ítííl représeme the Home, of New York, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. NE A HL Y FIVE MILLIONS. iotttiuctttal, tcur f otlt, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, N"early S2.50Ö.OOOThi Company participntcs in itsPoliciee wi!h the nsurecl. City Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, ] ALL LOSJES FAIRLY ADJÜSTED and PROMPTLY PAID. ' C. H. MILLEN, Agent. J29m3 j t UOUST lOtb, 1870. NEWWHEATFLOUR superior qnaltiy, at the ANN ARBOR CITY MILLS. Vitv nice bolted Cor n Meal. coarse Mini, Graham Flonr- cood BCConrt qmility Klour ut w priiv,- Crncked Whcnt, imd nll kind .jf Pad, at loweat prlcee.and ilclivcriMl In any part ofthcrlly Terms Ch. Vtr ra Ml iu my Order Box at the Post Offlce promptly i(tcuded fo. l8 ■ J T.SWATIIKI, 'PHYSIGIABlS PRESCRIPTIÖSS" VOOUK ATKLV ANIi CARBFTILLY PREFAB ED BT R. W.BLL18 A C0.,DRUüGIS18. Mortgage Salo. DBFATJIT haviiür been mado ín the oondition of t certuio mortgage, execated by William Mollenkamp :md Afary MöUenHan . l i:mty, oud I n the 17th day of Ootober, A. 1). 1866, tq ' Win A. Walt. of iSliarciii, County and State sJ - - i ■ i in the Itcj.: ■ the 22d day of Ootober, A. Ij. 1866, ;ii I % o'i loch p. M, cif Miiil dagr, in líber :1 of m . vrhiob said raortgngQ was duly aasi nod by snid Orrtn A. w.iit in Joaeph Pray, örthotownahipof NorthflekL Ooontyof Washtenaw aforeeaid, on thi second day of Btsreh, A. D. tBJO, and recorded in l Offloeof Haid county, on the 18Üi dav oí Bfay, A, i. 1870, at 1" o'docJt a. ir. of sal , ■ 9 i' ustgnments of mortgageS) on page "■■-" ; tha1 ■ to bc flllC UpOll HiÜd , t.ln1 suiii ut fire bnndted and &rty-to i 1 ? twii'i -three oí ato, alm fSorty doUan as an Attc fee should :ny prw :..-n to foroelosr Ent) HHTnc, und no pxooMdin to !aw ur in eqtüt] been had to recover thedebt or añy part thereof Noticc is hereby gtVOD, th;it by i DOVeV of wilc containetl in ■ = af pubUoanotíon, lo the 1 hdayol next, at t oVIoi . . t day, ut tl. House, in the City of Aim Arbor. in aaid Coun being the place foi" holding the Ó (brsaid County ot WTashtea lands: commencinff nt tlie south tion niui-tcfii of Fnedam, town i ath of non tour oasti and ronning thenoo uorth one defpee v.rriuity i-]ilíiis and forty Uní quartci line to the eonter jxwt of aaid BOOtLon, thonoe nortb uiíhty-nine degroei eart flfttt n ohaios and Beventy-two links nlong tl ie ecist and west quarter Une, thern thirteéb degren i ui t'oii y-one riiaïns udÁ tiiirty links, thenie south eighty-nine ■' twenty-four clmiiis nul ninely-tv.o liui.s ruóng SOUth lint' of sidd section nincUon to theplaoeof begúminj the east lmlf of .the aouthwest qnartorofthe vest qttartei of seotion number sevenleen, towii three bouth of range four east. March 15th, 1871. JOSEPH FRAY, Assigneo of Baid Hortgago. John N. Gott, Attomeyror Aasignee. 113 Mortgage Saín DEFATTLT haring been mode in the rondiíion of a oertain mortgage, exeoated by Jonnnn )'ïlnra, of the t'ity of A tin Arlwr, ('onnty of Washteriaw, to Andrew J. Shivdy, of the City of New Tork, on the nineteenth day of Pebruary, A. 1. 1866, and n on the tamfl day, in libfix 86 of iü age 216, at ;ï r. m. of sjnd day, on whioh mortgage and bond acoompíiayinir the same, th re i claüned lo bc dne at the date oí tina notáce, tibe stun of three hundred and six dollars and twmty-ii, fee of thirty doUan hould any pp I Aken to foreclose t!ie tanu and no pxoceedinga in law orequity haring been had to reoorer the debt or any part thi'ivof ; Notioe i-s hereby inven, that by virt.uo of the jwwer of sale in said mortgage oontained, I shaU seU al pub licauction, to the bigneat bidder, on Saturday, the tentli dav of Jnne next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the Couri Booae, fa the City oJ Ann Arbor, in aaid County, that beiug thetace oi : the t'ircuit ('ourt for said ounty of nashtenaw, all tíiose oertain pieoea or pareéis of land aituatein the township of Ann Arbor, Coimly of Washtexuttr aforeSüid, knorn, boundrd and desortbod follows, to-wit : bcing all that part of the west halt of the northeast quarter of aeetíon nnmber nine :: easl oi therood erocslng the noithwr.-t corner th ■ all that part of the cast hall of the southwest quarter of said seetion lyinpr east of Baid rood ooi horetofore deeded io Daaial UHara: aU in township number two south of range nnmber su [6J cast. March löth, 1871. ANDBEW J. SHIVELY, Mortgogoe. JOHX X. GOTT, Attorney for Mortgagee. 1:J13 Mortgagp Salo. DEFAVLT haring been made in the otmdition of á certain mortag exeented by uchael Bnrke of Ann Arbor, County of Waahtenaw, ind State of Miehigan, on the B6Vnth day of August, A. D. Joseph l). Baldwin, of the same iilace, and recontad the l8th day of August, A. T). 18W, at it o'clook . m. of said day, in liber No. 36 oí 542, and assfnied by said Joseph D. Balawin "Willard, of tlic City of Ann Arbor, on the 17ih day ot August, A. D. 1S07, and reoordea : liber No. 2oí amgnmente of ino tgogcH, on piipe nttmber 49, .sih aaj ■ - U , at 2 o'jdoek ■■ said day, on whieh mortgage and bond aooomponying the same, the: tbe dueat 1 hc date of thfi notioe, the mim oí one hundred and eighty-fi 1 ars and forty-two oents, or an Attornoy'i fee, should any prooeedinga b ■ to forèoloM t 1 1 - moi no suir or proo ai law or in eqnlty haring boen uiBtúUttea to reeover the debt or any part thereoL; Kotioe is hwreby giren, tha by virtnéofthi of ajile in said mortoafféRoontAineii, I s]i;ill st-li al publie íinction, totlie fi5ho1 bidder, on the lótli day of uos., at 9 o'eloaS In thi the front door of tin - ui ' Hou e, in tl City of Ann Arbor, Ín said ('ouniy, that beinq .theCironii Court fox Baid ounty of K those oertHÍn tráete ot parcele oi land known dcribetl as follows, bo-wit : Lota No. four and tive in blodk number thri -■, bc ording tol ■ libiT Nu. ;",! .!t i.i.,i. i). Baldwin'a I Addition to the City of Ann Lor, in Üie Connty of WJasbtehaw and State of Mioinin. Dated, lurch Hth, W71. LAÜBA WT.LLABD, rnee of satd I Johïï X. ÖOTT, Attorney for Assicmce OÍ ■■ 1313 DEFA.XTL1 i: iving boen made in I u of a certain morteage executed bj I of Freedom, v gan, to Orrin A. W'nit, of Ëharon, Coun y and Sitate . :d, ou tht' 17 tli day of"Octobér, A D. reoorded 23d day "t Oetober, A. l. 18) o'clodf p. k., in üi whien said mortfruffft was dülv amuan Wail toJosenb Prayof Northfield, Coun y oí Wanbtenaw and Bfpte of Michi Match, A. D. 1870, and r orded od the 18th SCay, 1870, at lo ti'i'in k a. u cunónos of morteages, page 522, and thiU I I duo at tüe dato hen-w, tin suni oJ flve torney'a Pee ol imirs be had to foreolose th1 bouw, and qq stiii ur pxoc at luw ov in rquity having l üocuxed by aaid mortgage, oi any part thi Notice ia herebj crivfen, thal by i power of s in said ni'iit. i, l shaU A ai public uu-non, to the highwt bii.L-r. on the tenfib dayof Jhm noxt, u - olcdock m the aftemoon of thai ü;iv, tn the front door of thfi Ooórt Ffonse, in the ■ i-v of Ann Arbor, in tho Con n tv of a liti ■ iw and - Michigan, [thnt bcing tb ;■!..■ of holüing the Circuit Ootttt for said Connïy ol V the foüoving' i Lawls : i tQii9u ■■ Eng tlfteen öhn .. ty-two links ei Freedom, tow uship I hn ih' na ■ -■ :.' a tl ■ and thirty links, th noo to Oie outheaat pqcaei of -nul soc tion nüieteen Bfteen chau i links, tfeéhi e oorUi forty cfeaiae and forty :k to the easi auarter poatp thoncf ' v, ,ir Qincty-two links wt-st to the placo oí' beginnin . Dijjhty asraaftf landt amraor leen; I him ol the soutliwi st guorter of number sevenfe en, tav nahip thn ber l'our éact, cotttafning twenty aares of Itan I i lees. March 15th, 1871. JOPEPH PB W, AsBgnec o! suSd üort ;■ ge. JOHK KT. OOTT, Ah.Unii.y Ebl Assigtietr. l;ï]:i Cbaocerj 8ale INPURSTTANCEand by vlrtqeof a decree af the Circuit Court for the Coiuity of Washtenaw i:j CliaiiCL-iy, made on iho Lwenty-firat day af 1 1 ber, i. D.p i87ü.inüie case wherln Hann'ah Slat[■rd ft r(nnpl:iiuani, fcnd Wiiliara Pherwood and Lnurji Sherwuod are Dult'mlauts : No ice is I giren Umi I shall ell at public aucüuri. f the bjghesi bidder, on the 2w d? i April neatt ut ten o'ilock, m. ofe&id dafi Kt the iVnnt v south done of the Conrl Qoose in thfCity of Ann Arbof, ín the Coonty of WaMitin.iw, Intïïe tateof viicbÍL;an, the folUnvii:ir rtnl es'Atfl, t wit : ihe tuulividi i on e ñau oí aii tiiat certatn piece or parecí oí iuml Ucscnoed as EoÜows, nainily : Sltáatod n section Duraber odc in township niimhor fonr s it b oJ tange nnmber three east, in the State of Mirfnau. and oommencinjí t the centttr ot the mee bank (mrily west oí the DOLthwe4 corner f the in;iiii part o' Pountain'a Premlnm ■■:]! cltedj, rnnuiujt west aeróse the race nfstüd mili, thetice sooth atolig the wi m ba' k of pjiid mee two rode to the nertn line of the road, ihence weeterly along iha nortfi lina oí Baid rond ten and one-haff roda totho corner ofi barrí road thencd northorly along ri aid UibliHi-d road twcniy rode lo tln tmHh Cürï.cr of the land bow owihmI or occnpla t bj Oilbert Al 'en ; 'ii-trrly. aIoo tbe souih Ure of paid Allen land twotyroda tothe west bank of the tail nWA fnm mfd Pinnitini Muts tin-Ti'-r south along the west bauk o! sjiid tüii raoo iA'■■n roda; t henee west fonr rods tothe oasl bank of the aw mili race ; thence sonth oïne rode aloiiti the ban t said íiiw mili nca to the placo of beginning, comprlsfpgtbe saw niill, (r ck dwelün' hbnae, mili yj'rds. and water power tor -aitt niül, togethí r with all the priviii1. and rosorratlons edsoq and itaentinDed m the deed of Baid p remises, from . '. Hoy aud wife t paid Sherwood, Inclodlng one-haif of the planing machine, and all of iïlü Bald Sherwooct'fl Interest In the mmhiiiery and appar&tue tn and about Bald miïls Dated, Anu Arbor, MarchíUh. A T. 18H. B. lÜCAUAX, Circuit Coait (.'innrnisioner for Washienuw Cuumv, Mich, Traot W, Root ïolicitor for Coniplainant. 18t2td CommiioQers1 Notioe. OTATE OP MICniGAN, Cuuniy of U'thtenaw. 8i O onderslgned haiing u-cn appolated by the Prolut" Cunrt for salO fomity. ' mm reeelve, examiue and adjnat all clalnn and demanda of alt pttrBon Acatnst tho esuto of Jededlah wlntow, late ofaald Connti ïfagtanrfl. baceb rÍtc notice thatstx months from lat are .-illowed, by order ol' eaid Probate ïouit for credit ore to presen' thelr cftiims iisainsi the eetftte of tiald deceased . And thnt ikta iil meet :tt tlic late reslclence óf said deeeasod, in l.ima. In wiïd Coanty, on Sititrday. tlie. thii pf June, and Wednesday tb; slxth day of September next. at ten o'ólrtck . M . óf ëacli oí' saiil dayí, t i ecelvt exnmlne. and acfydst bald claims H&ich 6th I8TJ I:i:w4 CHARLES VTHITAKEB, { r 01 uncery Sol ÍN rr;síT, nnd 'y virtneer adeoresNtf ba 1 i ■■ mt Oourfe for the Coum(y of Washteimw, ia Chonooxy, made on the Bfth daj of May. A. D, in the oase whwein Ebenezcr J. Pennítíiani ■ iuii. nnd Pimeon Root nu i ordeli i Root ai'o defendüiils : tvotioe ia tn p by given, thai p-ihlir nirtiim, t the hlffhest bidder, pn Satürd i íirsí ilay of April next, 1 el Ven ocloch . u., of said }uy, ut the front or soutf) door of fahe Couri Hauae, In the ï t - of Ann ArboTi in the aunty of aslitenaw. m mr rrtuie m jdicnigon, uie iouom mg uescriWHi rem . 'o-wit : In the townabipof ■':] ■■■ Couuty, Stufèof Michigan, beiog the norü) half ui the east half t toe northwesl ■ i num1 ■ i twenty-nlne, 20) (md the . I balf oï the northwost bmurterof wotion t-wruiy-fi'jht, exeepti ■ in the nbove deaenbed lanas of the hein a1 Uvn i' Ainiiiiiiü Hinington, who waa tho daughter uf Ashlev Knol. DatoJ, Ann Arbor, Feb. 16th, 1871. K. BEAHAN, (.'hcml Oooii t 'uiiiJiu-N-ioiu r, D. C'. TTor.r.i i V'asliteiui i ounty, BJich. Solicitot ior Complainïuit. LS09 pCGS, EGGS, EG(3S ! From ÍWectofl :uñ IM 'OliTED FOWr.P. 12 V'nrii ti, .s Nir eZOelled by :iny fttr piti excellence. i?eiuï forCtrcuIar. O. e LOCKtTEATl ro , iai-w4 Fünl. M !i. Go toR.W.ELLIS & CO'e for choico Wines and Liqunrf for Medical Purposos . Cbancery Sale IN PTTtsrAXCE and by virínc oí a dèOTe of the UrcnltCourt foMhe Couoty oí Waahten&w. íd Chancery, made on the twenty firsttlsy of December, A. D. isïo, iu the caM wheretn Betsoy Joi oomplalaant, and Thomas Carroll, MHy OParrd1, Chas. II Hooper and Josepb D lïnldwiu are defcndants; Noticc is hen-bv l'ívcu, thnt I ehall peil ftt public anctloo to the htghest bidder on theftídday of April ni'xt, ai ti'n otoiock A. M. o'sAld .Iny. al the iroht of sotuh door of the Court Qonse lo the city of i. ii Arbor in th' Conniv ofWaahtenáw In the State oí Michigan, the followtng deterifeed real estáte to-wit ; City tota Dombered Uve and bIz, the rt of on, two. three and fonr, Fn b1o k miniberñix in J. D. Ba)4wina citstorn ftddltloD to the city of Ann Arbor the parta thereof lying west of a line drawn f rom the cftft angle bi ihe we0t line of Balü iot numhtT one, t-B point in thesouth line of Raid lot Dwnber fooi fonr roda wéét or the nouthaavt corner of aaid block, bcing part of the lund.i oohveyed bysatd Baldwln to said Carrol), on tha fourtcenth dayof Anenat, A 1. Dated, Ann"Ari)or,üarch fith. A. D. 1871. H. BBAHAN. Circnit Conrt CommUsloner for Wftehtenaw Conntjj ilich Tracy W, Root Boilcltor for Complainant. Ulttd Conimissioners Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Wnahtcimw, sa. Thfl nndersigiied, havuig b&B Bppointed by the - 'vid ooiinty, Conimissionors to r - ocive, examine and adjust all claims and domnntlö of all persons agaihaf the estáte of Diaatha Jones, lato giire DOÜoe ; monthsfioma .■.■!, by oitlcr of said Probate Court, for crediton to preeeat Ëheii olaifana ftKpnat the estnte of said deceaaed, and thatthflywill I the offioe of the ( tounty Kik, in the city of Ann Arlxjr. in said oountar, on Sjiiinxiay, the thii-d day of Jone, and SConday, the ftmrth aay of Bepti mbsr, mixt, nt tc;n o'nlock a. r. of eêch of suid days, to reeeive, examine, aud adjust said clüinifj. Dated, Murch 4th, A. D. 1871. JOHN J. ROBIÖOK, ) n 1313wt .TA.MlH. MORMfl, i OwHHWlrtm Commipsioners' Notice CTATK OP MICHIGAN, County of Washtensir)aa. C5 The undeii-ijmed, havin Ixion appointod by the l'robntc f'oiirt f ar said counfy, Oommusionen to re- ainine nnd :nljust all claims and lni;nnls of aUpenonaYvninst theestat of Qoorg B. Preer, late of aaid keedfhereby jfve notioe thatsiz monUu ficom date aro allowed, by order of aaid Probate i-ir creditore to present thuii olaJJ estáte of Bftid deoeaëea, and thai they will meet at the offioe of Orrin Thatoher, in tibe vOláge of Chelbea In ■ i:ity, on Sntmd.-iy, tlie third day of .Tuit., and Wedneeday, thesixth day of September next, al ten o'clock a. H., of each of aaid duys, to retsuivu, , and adjust siid claüna. Dated, Maroh 6th, 1871. 1313w4 8AMP8ON l'ARKER, n . . „ JOHN WADE, Commuwionera. Estáte of Albert Stevens. STATK OF ïdJCHieAN, ('oimiyof Waehtnaw, w. Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the Countyof Waslitnaw, made on the acoond dav of March, A. I). 1871, ix moni ha from that dato were lUlowed for credit ors to present thcir claims agaiiiHt the estáte of Albert stevens, late of said rrmnty, deoeased, and thaJ all erediiors of eaid deceased are i-wjuired to present ! Probate Coui-t, at the Offioe, In the Dityof Ann Arbor, for examination and aüowaaoB, on or 1 fore the seoond day of September next, and that such cüaima will b& heard before said Probate Court, on Saturday, the &fteenth day of Aprfl, and un Saturday -the second day of Sppt nil-t-r, next, at 10 o'cloek in the forenoon of each of those day. 1 1 kted, Ann Arbor, Mai-ch, 2, A. D. 1871. HffiAM -T. ÜKAKFS, Ï3U4 Judy of Probate. CnminiftHÍnnerd' Notice OTATK OF KIGHK AX. Connf.y of Wr.shionfiw, ss. ■ The un-icrsiirntfi, harjng been appointed by the Probate Coarí jfor said County, ComnussionerB to reCulve, exiiininc and atljust :i!l cjaljns aad dan all per? ate of Richard Munay. lat of said "u;:niy ; deceafied, ht:rely trive flotioe I months frum date are aüowi!, b ardor of i bate ïourt, ror credil I 'in ir claüna agninsi :. and that they wül reaidenoe of said dJeceasod, in township of Dcfcter, In MddCounty, on Sanmiay, the tbird day of Juue, and s,;m-i..y, the eecond day of Soptember n-', :it 10 o'clrwk A. M-, fit' entrh NJdduys, to rectiive; examine, and adjust said i Dated, Sfarch 2d, a. D. U71. I U2ff4 5 ,'.IyO-lCo.nn. ,,..,. Real Estáte foi Sle. TATEOF MICHIGAN, ouatyoi Waahtonar,.In ili;' matter of thf Estáte of Johti C. De] ■ m by L'ivfii, 'i hal in p03 (nance ot ■ teel to the undersigned, Adnunistratrix of the ostate of . by the Hon. Jüdge of Proii theC'ountyof Wnshtenaw on the uintli day - f !'. brtiary, A. D. 1871, tbere will be boM at public m ti. ii ü . to Uiffhesi bidder, al tho dwalüntcli tisèe hereinafter deecribed, in the County of Waahte Btate, on Tüeeday, the elërento day of Apiü, ,A. I). 1871 at ten o'clork in the tbr 'loon f thai 8ay [subject to all enonmbranoeflby morl umí.'1'uusttng at the bmeoi salo, to the dffht of dower of liis widow thereio th I be ucvO '. thoeoatbwesi QuaxtOTj Ütf) northwea emnrtei r, the n rth half c noilhettet qnarter ol Ihe euutheast qamtei and aton all that part of the southeftsi (Júárter of tli it quarter of eaid seotion oleven, tying norl ■ m ( 'entral EtAilroAd1 mug mx .ii at: more Or lte, all in towiiship two stjuth o: -'i.i State. Dáted, Februury-23d, A. D. Wït MAEY E, DEPEW, 1310 Adxnmisl rafrix'. Ken) Estfito for Sale. RÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cpunty of Waahtenaw, ss i" - ' f John J U oi .1. N'otioo berby pron, that in puntnano of :n órderfomnfëd to tin ■ ■ the Cqunty of Washtenaw, on Üe tw nty-WQ oml flay of S pU mbcr, A. I. 1870, there wfll be bóM n public - ; theBOUthdoO of tlic Court House, in the City of Ann Aa-bor. in th County of Waahtenaw, !n said StAto, on Satan firstdttj ■.. l). 1871, at teno'cloclt inthefon fcbftt day. (SDbject to all onciilïibr.-iiicc by morí otherwise exjstin at n i.' thedeatho ivt lb the riffhi of doWer o i wing1 desenbed reoloatote : A parce] of land di ■ qcinga i IMiiuHn thèecnter of the EbèrWhitfe roiul on tl; (on ;l.ii , in the townpbip of Aun Ar liaina non ïi froin the south-wes oorner - o, running thence oonth two and ,- ■ I irtcen ohauis to the sowthwewt cor nor of sAid spctióti ffiirty, thencc norfh figírty-eei eaal tn eni ytwo I en' Unks, thénco nórth two ana n hnü insand sixty-threo links to the cestos c ■: White rood, Ün nee sonth 9$n pty-tl a half 6 lonjf the cent id totbe oning, thlrty-füur and 06100 ases, AJm inning at the northwest corner of Reotion rhifty-cm-, in tho tovm at Ann Arbor, rannins tlicnoe cni uóng the section line forty-i jorty-three liT]k to a Btake, thence sotith Beven chnin and "links. . Corty-four chaina and r ■■ links, tnenco north Beven chaüis ai flve links to the plai e of ! - yiiuiiiip, ctmtaining1 1 liirty78-100 acn s. AJ the ea is( haJÜI of ttie sdnthtFüst quarter of aection ten, íji township three sou th of range flve east, oontaininf fiorty aorea more or loesl Also tm -niy aores of land vin-r oorth of liwar, and off of the west de of Uiq ea of tbc Boutncaat qunrter of section twonty-flvo, in towrahip two soTtih of range fivo oast : and ateo fif■ es of luad tying aootli of fehe btgnwoy, and oü ■ - thi i'.-ist ii.iU' i-ï the aouthensi q of said Boction twenty-five ; ril of said lands being in Baid Btate of Bfichigan. Uatcfl. Fcbruiiry'l4(h, 1871. 1309 ' JOJIX A. VOT.Z. Administiaior. Estáte of John M. Cumings. CTATEOF MICHIGAN, CountyofWaslitfiuiw. 88. j At .! fC89Íoi] nf the Probate Conrt for the Conntv ol Vmíu.-ii:iv. holdén at the Probate Office, in nú' Aii'i Ar-or. os HontUy. th twentkèh day !i. i:i tlic year oiie tuutisaud cihthandred and eeveiity ono. t reeent Hitara J. Beakee, Jnflge oí Prdbfftái 3n tiic matter of the Bátate Joim Al ('umrngs, .-vil. On readingaod Altng tho petíÜon,daly verlfled, oí Fr.nk in tí. i nmtngft prayfng ttiat n certaln lustronn'iit ii"w on Ble In thie Öonrt.pwportlng Co be the tast will a-m ntauK'iil Qf cui (Wo:&. inay be duitted to probate and that hu muy be appuiuted Exccutor there f. Thereupon it is onlered, Mr ■nday, the 96TnteilUi day %t April iiext, at too "oYlock in the forenoon be asaigned for the ttaarJog f Eltion, nua tbat ttn; [egate69i deviseee, and rI hw of Bftld deceaaed, and all other b intttrested in aaid et-tntc. are required to appoar at a seeslon ofsald Cqurt, thm tobe the 'róbate Office io the City of Aun Arbur.und how cánue i f airy there he, why the prayet of ilifí pi-titiniK-r -jhfnil! not bë gtanted: And it is UiiThtT onU-rt-tl, that Bftíti pftitioiH'T mv. notift' to the persona iulereste3 in snld estale, of thc Deodency of ?aid petitloD, apd the hearing fherèof, by caadnK ft ■ níüiis brder tobe pubiished in tne Michigan ri)t's, a newspápez prioted and etroolAtiBg ii. md County, tltrt't pucoeaaive weoka peviQíifi to eald dv of hearing. CA tfneoöpy.) HIKAM.T. BKAJKKS, 1014 Jadee of Probate. Estaíte of Charlotte T. Palmer. STATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtea At a éesaion of the Probate Cburt í'or the County ot' Washteuaw, holden at tho PrObato Office, In tin Lrbor. fit Thonday, the twnty-third day oí M;uvh, in the year oos tbouaoiid cight hundied and it, 1 1 ■ i : ! t t : .1 . BcnkoB, Judgie of Probate. tu the matttttóf I I harlotto T. rulnn-r, í] Vflitir.], ni r Charles Kim máy be ftppoíntád Adinini.straior oí' tliü estato of u upou it is ordored, that ITondny, the aeventeen&d&y of April n.-xt, at ten o'ctocKinthi noon, be naeigned for thé hoaftng of said petitdon, and thrti law oí' stil deoeaai d, and nil oth. nre requitod t ap■ 'ouif, then to be holden, at the Probate Oöice, in tho ity of Ann Arbor, and -)ow caíase, ií any there K', hy tbs prayei ■ ■ ■ Rhould nol ■ ■ : Ajiu ii is furthei . tve notioe to the p ate, of thependency of biw tion, and the heiiriug thereof, ) thia order to be pubushed in tho Michigan .;. aewspaper printed nnd circulating in said Conntj', hm ■■:.■■ ssive M'cks prex otis to -■!. : .' , oJ ; :A trae i 3IRAU J. BBAKKH, 131 1 Judye of pro Estáte oí' "William V. Untní. S tk oF MICBOOAN. Coouty of Wwbtea 1 ■ turf fox i he ( 'ounty . in lili.' City oí' Aun Arbor, aa Tueed&y, thetwonty-fixat dayol Mnvi'h, in tlie yciir une thouflfmd 6ight bundred and . Juago of l'robatc. In the íimltcr of the est uto of William V. Grant, I'.tm Tvii-uíor of the lont will anrl teMami ni oí ti'l deoeased, ocotee into Conrl ndd repn proparod to n ndr his tiuul acooudI fts süch ExpcofÓF. ■ ponit iöordered, thatMor . oteetitíi dayof A pi il in-M. ut íi-ii o'rlock u tlu1 j.iiiiHmii, be I lülowiiifj su.ii uTíHiin. and üit th - líi l:iw of piüd !- : ■■ rSDIU) iníi-n-sTcti ín silid ■ o appear ntuaesakaiol ftaid Court, thea den, a1 Ppqbatc Oflit , of Ann Arbor, in Biüd Cou'nty, nndshon ít ífiíur . fchat s.iid Execitor jriT) '■■ the i oreons ínterested Ín suid . the peñdency oí .ii'! ;t -.i".!!!, -Lila the lK-.ti'iiiL tfa -iui i ■ thB order to dc publisTiod in ího '■' . ■ ■. I - ,■., :i ii'-v. i'Ml ■' 1 mili i .1 ;ili'i ' -iL-i-iiiatln ■ ui c ssive reeeka pn ■ , i bcorr ' 'a tnn BXEtAM J. BE VK'Ks, Ijö Judgeof Probato. Estáte of Calista Ellig. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coimty of Washb. Atafeenonof the Probate Conrtfor thtr1 aahtenaw, holden t tlie Probate Office iní! .f Aun Arbor, on Thnnway, thc twonty t) iprt ] Mairh, in the year onc thotuand t-iirhthunS "' ■erenty-one, wuumi :!, Hirnm .T. Bcakes, Jndf;c of Probat In tlic matter of thc catate of (.alista yir nnmnii ""Í!. On readin antl fíliniar the petiticm, dub,;. Myron II. Kllis, praying that Oiileb j. JE! I !■ appointod aduiiiiiatnttor of the estáte of iíl Tbereupon it is ordered, Tht Mondny tv, teonli dy of April next, at Un o'ríoci forenoon, be aasigned for the hearing of Bai,j ÏÏ.1 mil that tlio heü-s at law of said deccased, mBin'lti 1 in siiid tstate, aro rtquinJ i "' k leesion ti aid Ccmxt. then to bvbi % Probate Office, in the City oí Aon AW' Show oaiDjft. if any there be, why the pravCTVl11 petitionei .Nhould not be frantttl : And it red, thnl ndd pBtítioñeTCiire notice to tho Ü?" '. ■'. in ;.iil eetato, of pendeney of " tilín, and tho hearing thereof, by a Wrt ' oivl.-r to be publiahí d n the mangan Ámn. paper printed and circulaüng in said í oumt ï11 ka previoua to ;i'.l day if hchrir. t ■ tmecopy.) íiiíia.m j. HEvífi ' JodgcofP Estáte of Albert Stevens STATE OP MICHIGAN, Countj of Washici, At a Hesulou of thc Probate Conrt for thp?'' of Waahtcuaw, holden at the l'robnti! Omr. I City of Aun Arbor, on Saturday, tbe 'L" day of March, in the yuar one thonstmi J?' I hundred and seventy-one. "ll! Present, Illram J. Beakes, Janfre of Pri,),,, In the matter of the estáte of Albert u deceaecd. tM!"i On rtjadingnnd flïinp the petitin dnlytertn Hi'iiry iYalick, Admlnlatrator, prnjing uui '' may be Hcensed to ell eertain real estáte i 6aid deceased dicd eizc-d. ""I Thereupon Ü is ordered, tht Monday ik, entcenth day of Ajiril uext, at ten o'clock l?' forenoon, be asnined for the heariae Of V petition, and that thc hcirs at law of snid d and all other persone inlercated in saiij21ïj are reqnired to appear at a session ofsaidf then tobe holden at the Probate Office, iiithd1" Ann Arbor, and show canee, if any thcre uíí ' theprayeroí thepetitioncrehould nol be su Anditinfortherordered thatsaidpettlor.creír; ticetothepursoupiíiterestcdinsaicicsiattonttíí dency ofaald petition, and the thereoiL OáUífnga copy of thie Order to be published i,',J liichiganArgvt,h newspaperprluted aDilcircitai? In said connty, four succesmve weekt preTini? said dny of hearing. fAtruecoiiy.j niBAM J.HEAKE8 1313 JndgeofPiol,, Estáte of J '8"ph Cromn STATEOPMICniGAN.Connt olWaektenil j At a aeaelon of the Probate Conrtfor thetoi'.f' I of WïBntenaw, holden at the l'robate Offlcc ia g I City of Ann Arbor, on Salnrday. the eierenth ü' i ui1 March, in tbe year onc tiiousni.d eight k? dred jiiul seventy-one. "1J Present, Hiram J. Ueakes.Jndgeof Probite In the matter of the Estnte of JoiephCrou deceiiHed. J ■ On reading and filing the petition. dnljveriUrt.1 Catharinu C Croman, praying that Churles [nj dlnger, or aomo oíhcr suitablc persoii, muy bt t poiiitt-d Administrator de bonünim of the esufcirf said deceaeed. a Therenpon it is ordered, thnt Mondat, tlt tenth day of April next. at ten o'clock in thefort noon, beassigued for the hearing of uid utu tion, and tlmi the heirs at law of nij ceased, and all other iiersoDshiterepteiüimidnm!' arerenuircd to iippear át a ?esion of sitó (v? thnn to be holden at the Probate Office, liñj City of Anu Arbor, and show cause if nn; ibntlj v il jr uo yi .i_ ai vi t ut -iiiuiici B11UUIU gQ V, LTrtiitíMl i And it is further orderen1. thai Midwt tiosergive notice to the persona iutferesiefi foi' eatate.ofthe pcndency ofeaid petitlon. udtE hearing thereof, bycausing copy ofthf be publinhed in the Mikiga" Argu$,i névipui prtnted :iml circnlniing in nid Óonntj. atL ceatire weekaprTÍouA to $íiiddit o.' hfarine CAtrtïccopy.} 1MIÏAM J. BEAKES 1818 Jndge of Pn Estiitc of Hf nrj Cnmptno. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Whtenav .f U Ai asossiou of the Probate Conrt forthetospn ot Wabtenaw, holden at the Probate office in ú ■ f Ann Arbor, on Mondtif, tht; thirteetithit of Blarch, in the year one tboueand eight Bui dred (ind Sevêrity-onë; . i'resont, Eliram -I. lieake?, Judjic of Probati. In the muiter of the estáte of fienry Complot. fc ceased. Ptrmeolo Darte, Adminislrutor of eaid eiute; comes lnto Co art and representé that he is not prepared to renccr ttis fiual accouut as sucb &fa% 6trntor. Thcreiipcn it isÖrdcrcd, that Monday. the tenfh aj ai April nest, at ten o'clock in tbe fori il :iic(ï for examining and aüowing -■ ch c onii!. .inrt that the hireat lawofiawideCe&Biéf ld allothei'pLTSonsinterestediusitJdeiutc are. . , Jred toappearatase&eionofsaldCoartttkM to be bolden ai the FrobnU'Oí theCityof A Arhor in satdCoonty and ehownooc it'uuy therebc why the öaid accotibt houM not Öe illowed : Anditb furthor orde red, that -iid AdniinfstratorffiTeBoüct to the pereons inie'réátea in uld estste, of the p; (Wv.ry of.wid incount, and the hearing thereof cansfng a copv ofthis order tobe published ia lit Jf ' ■ newspaper printedandclrcDlatinj In#aidCounti three succeasive weck previom lï BaW day of hearing. (A truccopy.) HiRAM J. REAKES. 13!3td Judireot Probate. lístate of Thom ■■ Katte. STATK OF MICHIGA-N, iutmty of "Washtpnaw.. At ;i i-'--i'.i] oí the Probate Conrt fortheOonty ■ ihc Probate Office, in th(sy of Ann Arbor, on WtHlnowhiy, the tiftteutb Üj oí iCaxoh, in the year one thousjind eight hnodreii u.4 sevoni ■ i'r-r-rüt (iuiii! .) . T'.i.ilics, JiKÏffe of Probate. In ihr matter ui the -tite af Thomas Kaïft,!: laed. On rendjng nn;l flliiig: the petition, duly veriËaLof Sus:ui Kunt,:, jnayiiig that some sit;tble person, it be appoiritejl adiainistrator de bokt non of tbee of ' ctèbeiUétt. Xhereupon it i orderea, that Monday. tbc tefrti day of April, riëxt, at tn o'clock in uie foteivin, bo aasïgned for the hearinpr of aaid petitioft, ui that t luirs nt luw of s;iM deceased, and all HtW i . ruirctl to ip i ouit, ihrn to behddenit ihr Probate Office, fathëCily at Aun Arljor.aodihoi ue prayerof thepi I Bhoul ' ed : Ainl it is further atdend,ttí ■ i rfvií notice to díe peroCns íntowreíl s;ti4 i - poiifWncy of Bind xtition. andtbe hoarinK thereof, by catunng n copy 6f onltr to be pnbUsbed in the Mtohiffan Arpu, i newspar, prinrrí and circulatisA in snid Cormty, threc succesive wteü prcviou.-o said day of heftrüig', (A trae copy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1S13 Judge of Probate.Estate pf Jame Kicbardg. STATK OF MICHIGAN. 'ounty of Watbttff,t At ;t si-ssion ot the Probate Cooxt fbr tbe C bolden ihe Probate Office, ín 4 of Ann Arbor, on Thuisday. the ninth day oï Marti, in Uu year one thousand eight hundted aud hèfOp one. Present Hirain J. Bt-nkos Jnflgt" of Probate. In thfl matter of tlie estáte of Jutaes liirtianfa, Ou readin and filing the potition, duly verified. (Í MÜanrnroi Richards, wayiog that a certain iastrv mentnowon Üle in tlus court, pnrportinp toköi ludí wüí cmd teatajtMpal ut aáid deue;uied muy be adjnkj tril t ] róbate, and thai administraties f 4ajdtitï Ul;l' i '.■ ;. ; f : 1 1 1 L t d tO Tnlii;is Holmes, Oï' tOEQC OW ftble peraon. Thèjeupon it is orrlcrel that BConflaT, theteatb lay OCt April ni'xt, at ten ucltM-k in the loreuoon. bc .: foi tho hcarinp of &aid petition,añd i' tod hei is ut law of BaiAdooftto iiiï otncï persons interesten :n saiu i_-st:itt.-. ;u-. to ipp ;ir ar ■ ni oourt, thtn to bebotóen, l'inl.atc Office, ta tht' ( ityof Ami Arbor.4 shpw caiiM1, ií any Hiere be, why the prayr oftU ■tu'i1 shnuld nut l frantcd ; Aul it is f'ir.V' .. ii:.n aaid íw'iiiim'r gironetioe to the peL. Bone interested in said estáte, of thc pendencT said ivütiun. ;ui'l Uw benring thereof, ly L-utt-ing copy of this order tf lo published in the Michigei Arffui& newepaper prinitnl mul ni ï-cnliitinfï in mb County, tlirctí Buooeeéiv weeks pievioos to siüi djrf hearing. (A truc copy.) JLIHAM J. TÍEAKES, 1313 Jxtdyx oL 1'roUte. Estáte of Elijlh Conper OTATE OF BflCHIGAN, County ofWftiiteM, o At a flcssíoii of the Pxobate Coort for the Cwaty oí Washtmaw, holdca at thc JV)tatc (_Htioe, inthe 'ity of Aim A.rbor, on Tuenáay, the foorteenth &íIJt Miucli, in the yt-ur one thonéand oight bundred BeTenty-one. PreBenf HinunJ. Takes. Jn(tj?e of rjAtK ín tlio inintcr oí' tlie látate gf Klijirh Cíft deceflsod. On iv.'nüti!' ■ i'tl tilinffthe pftition, duly %-erilieAoí JOrwin i. Coopori prayiig Uuit he or some otfcei le pexBon, nifty be uppointed Admini.trutur of th .stjd. Thcieupon it s oníeretl, Th;it Momlay, thftcu ty of April m-xt, at ton ocSoek in the forew" e aaaigned íur the lio.ning of Raid jx-tition, w lint the licii-s at Utw ot" smrl aetiéaíed, Mad :tU otr tersona interested ln snld estáte, ure requiitKltoapP t n bcssíqü oí eaíd Court, thcn tobe holden, tu 'róbate OfflOO, In tfto iíy oí Aun Arhor. amlf" usf. if my there be, why the pniyerof the petitwn loulil nol be granted : And it is fiirthw nrdt'reií, tb iid petttionex fíie notice to peim&a interested ud estáte, oí che pendeney oi s-iid jH'tition, i" '■ hearísK thereof, bj oausing a copy of this onler to i pablitihod in the hekman Argut.B newspaper print and títCOlnt&iff i n Aiid eounfy, threc swecessive wee ptoviouB tu sala doy ot besrinff. (A trae copy.) ' iitUAM J. bi;ak:ks, MU Judgiiof Probate. Estáte of Jac"h Ölietman. STATE OF MICHIGAN. OonutyorWashteMV, At a aession of tht Probate Coart for thc üoufJ ■ t .ishten;iv,ho(!en m the Prolmte Oílire in tL City of Aan trbor. on TluirMlay. thc sccond daj of {March. in the yvar oue thoueand eight hnoored and Berenty one Present, Samm ! Uigbj, Jndjfeof tho Circuit Con1"' for tlie ;ouuty of WwfMenaw.aethig as Jídsv ' lJrubate. Iti tbe matter of the estáte uf Jacob Slierm. deuettsed. . on roadlos áod QHnsthe petftioji, dnly verífied. Embree onJíard, praying for an offler requlrfng ' Administra tor dbonti twn i: pty to him nmonnt of h:s clalm agalnst :iM etlate w'iih legal jptw as a prefYfed c!aim Thereupon it la ordred ht Sntnrd;tT, tj firí-t day of April next, at Bvè o"b)oek i tb afteroooo, asaigned tor the aearing ui M pj tlon, aiul that the hirs al l.nv of aaid doceftf and all oth-r perdone Interest .1 In Bafd intuir, re q in red to nppeur ;it a seeslon oiyaHlC'ouri, mem"0bolden, at ftia Probate Office, In the Cilj of Aun ■. l)or, tintl show cause, i I nnyrhereb, why tbc pra)frl' !)! petltlouer rboDld pot be etanted : An! u J ther ordered, tliat sala peiitiouer give Dotito totn persone Isterested Is ;tirl cstntr. of the peodeiHjT0' iil titioii . uiiil tiie hfiirinir Iherefff, hy cufit ■iiv df (bis uri'iT I" be puoltehed 11 Ihc '. . :i newspapiT, piiuít'íl :ui(í dlrcnlfttÏDC in sa1 1 . threc gucceitiÍTc wi-i-ks pi evlooa u said o) of heai'iiiL'. (Atrqeeopy.J SAMUEL HlfiBTi Fndeeol lbo Cfrenit Conrl nf Wsbtenaw couui nul in thii matter actlBg as Judííe of Probate. i:; ■■ til TIVE Gr-BEGE KKATHKKS FIBSTQT7ALITY, Cuestan ti; on liaiul íincl lur al1 by BACS L ABE!' GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paints,Oils,&c.


Old News
Michigan Argus