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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ■.,, y. i III.. I'rosecuting Attorney. At ■" ,rn Xrlior Tuesday and Kridayof cach weck. gc&ül 1M1 "TirK SC H-W I, Dealen in Dry Goods, losliet, Cracker?, &C. No. 64 Soulh Main mUltlS HAI'K, M. ., Hisidenca :uid Office s' i s coruer Willlanu and Thompson Slrwts. ur "ffi l"1!lre l to S p m. Advice aud Preffi,,iif fn.m ö to 7 r. 11. each day, Iree gratis tu SVor_ ÍÜÜÍ , ' iii.lis i '.. DniL-L'ista uiddoaleia , "p. ut?, üils.etc No. a Soath Main Street, o i. 8ES8IOJVS, Attorneyand Comunllor J i Lw. Kl EUte aud Insurance Agent Conliifini' "d Collectlon of lainu pnnnptly at S lü on liberal term. Office in Donnellys" id;. oustairií. Iliiruii etreet, Aun Arlwr, MichPmTjACKSOM, DenÜst, succcssor to C. B. II t Portar OffitH corner Main and üuron streete, the stort ofR. W. KlUs Co., Ann Arbor, ïï merthetloa admhitotercd if nqaired. ■ I'. BBEAKKY, M. !.. Physician and nftMigeon. OIBci', t resldenm comer of IIu m0l División Streeta íirsi door cast of Prtsby íriioCliiirrli . Aun Arbor, Mich. EJf, JOHXSON, TValer ill Ilats and ('ans, i ft,8iraw Goodá Geota' PninSahinfij Goods, t. jo jSoath M:iu traet, nn Arbor, iiili. ipTHEBI-AND A WIIFUO.V, Ufe and L-cutK. and dealenui Ruul Bátate. OJceoo""'" Street. nBH KFÍ'K V E"., Dealera in furnitureof Jdkilxh.No. !■: South ilain strett, and 4 Wcsi IfcKj tnet. nn 'ríe r. IIWIS ". ltlSlO, Dealer ill Hardware' House frumitiitiL' (.íoodtft Tin Ware.&c ,.j iMto Uftln Btreet. n.4('II A AIti:i., Dealers In Pry God Oro. i íc fec.No '-0 f'outh Halo treet. Ano LAWNH1V SON, Grocem, Provisión and [yGmaitofon Merchanu aml dealers ín Water pt,Ul Platter, and Piaster Paria. No. u Eat i:M!l ílrci'l, Wholesale aml liiiail Dealer i:;v ' ' lollllng, Liotbs, Cíi.-síurti'.s mi Gint'8 GomIh. No. South !U Street. WI, ;MJK, Dealer in Ready Madudoth tif,(]otbfl Cauimerca Ve6tlnn Hate, Caps, irpct Bags .ve 21 -outh Main street. pILJIORK & FISKi;, Bookfellers i H' ic:il Law nuil College TYxt Bo-'ks, Siwlird Mtecellaneoos liooks. No. 3 North Main ■ . i ry HUMik, Aun Arbor. ' FM.KV A t,EWIS,'DeaIer ii Boo r. Shoes Sappers. tc No. - Eat Hurón ttrout. Aun rl)ir. . Kll.l''"-. 'roprieíor of tbo Cel i' ftuotttGters aad other ptipnlar remedies, in Afbor. met. iBOCKEE Y. GLASSWARE & GKOOERIES, J. & P Donnelly Hre in store alargo stock "f i 'rockerj, GlaMwarc, ,;niiy Grocenes, &c, 4c. all tobe Kjjdít uuusilülíy low prices No lï East Uurou Street, Aun Arbor ! i.stf J. A; I'. 1)O.m:I.I.Y. WM. M. SINCLAIR, C9MMISSI0N MERCHaNT IN GRAIN AND FLOUR, ÍOOM 10, 134 LaSAI.LE STREKT, CHICAGO. lüTUyl [Oíln'g. gall, DEALER HST FRESH AND SALT MEATS, I.Uil), SMSAiKS, K-., Odcnsolidted and promptly fllled with thebest culi in the marki-t. 31 Kast Wnlilngton street. in Arbor, Sept. 16th, 180'J. ISMtf IT AKK8E1T, Qrt. Manatactnrerof Carriages Buggies, Wagons, iX'DSLEIGHSof evi'ry Ktyle. made b,st Uerial.auíl w:irr:iiiti:d. Rcpairilifr done pjomptlj iH pr:ces rcasoDable. Detroit Street, near lí. lí. J!(K)t,Ano Arbor,: Mich. líIOjl QÍ.C. B. PORTER, DENTIST. ÍÍMio theSAVINGS BANKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. MIOperations on the Natural Teeth PERFORMED WITH CAKE. 'NSÜRPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE ÍN IIÏÏIJIG ARTIFICIAL TEETH, TO ÜiVE EACH INDIVIDUAL, itUirci of tkt proper size, tkapc f-olnr firmne$and na al ezpr et stort. 1244 JIjmber yard. C. KRAPF, Hai a largc and wcll stockcd Lumbcr Yar.l m teriun Street, in the south part of the itv. and til keep coustantïy on hand an excellent varicty of U1MBER, SH1KGLES, LATH &C tek will be sold as low as can be afforded In thi "ket. fcility and prices such that Í0 ONE NEED GO TO DETROITC. KRAPP. loo Arbor, Jannary 20th, I8T1. 98 AGRICULTURA!. WAREHOUSE OPENED MAKCH Sth Kust Sido of Eiver, A-NCHEATEK, - - MICH. PIWERS ARE BBSPFCTFUIXI SOUCITKD "CUAND EXAMINKTHE MKRITS.QUALnY PfilCES OP MY SKLKCTIONS OF IMI'LE■WR AXU FAKM1NG TOOLS. t B. R. PORTER. R ASPBERRY PLANTS. ti.T'j Poly üersons witblng the followmc cul. D.Aif ""rls Ul'lt-ISI'IJKRY PLANTS. tffl _, , l.( per 1(10. w,J,"n"Tlirnl;, 8 00 " 10(1 "Wioiith cluster, 3.00 " 10OAddres S MILLS, Ann -rbor. . Afbor, Maren 9th, 1871. 13!2-w4 PHVSICIAftlV PRESCIIIPTIONSI VCCURATELY AND CAREPULLY PREPABED yJjfá Ê CO.,DJtUUGlS2S.


Old News
Michigan Argus