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The Election In The County

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We are without full and deflnite returns from tin: bov ral fowns of tliis county. ring retni ?êr, indícate the clecüon of ' ilato for County SupefilH ent of Schools; David MJPinxey, Democratie candidato for County Drain Comv.iÜ! a majority of about 1".";, for D. D. II Ige CÁMPBEIX, gregate vote being Bmall, ünd tlio Demócrata losing by running no tiokets [fi Aub Arbbr nnd Tpmlaati towns, nnd ly having no opjiositioft in Northficlil. Buf a few tpwnS Imvo furnisuOT uswith lists bfofficers elected. A.vx Altüoit. - This town gayq 75 niaoritj Campbell ; W2 for Gfrant ; 71 for Eynd ; 117 for W neeier; and 27 for Cady. Sluirtloir, Eop., ro-olcctod Supervisor, and tlic -n-holo Koxju'J'icau ticket without opposititrii. Br.iniiEWATETi. - Tlio Bepublicans nttomptcd " a diversión " in tilia town )y noiniiiating Junius Short, Democrat, for Supci-visor against Gcorgo Lazell, the Democratie candidato. The canvass resultod : Lazoll, 117 ; Short 51, Lazcll loxiug but 10 votes. D. W. Palmer wasreelected Olork, getting the full vote polled. The majorities on State ticket so far as sent us, are : Ilughes, 83 ; IToward, 96 ; Rnley, 82. Dexter. - This town is trae as evor, giving a largo majority for thc general tíoket, and elccting tlio entire Democratie town ticket by majoritics ranging from 73 to 111. Tlio officers elect, are : Supervisor - P. Fleming, 140 maj. ; Clerk - James Rcid, 73 ; Trcasurcr - Miehaol I. Eyan, MI; Justices - Wm. H. Arnold, Patrick Eabbet, Jr., for 3 ye.-irs, Nioholas Carr, for 1 year ; Coinmissioncr of Highways - Alfred Lavy ; School Inspectors - P&triok üabbet, Jr., Chas. Dwycr for vacaney ; Constables - Chas. W. Gucst, Thoa. Síurry, Richard Phalen, Simón Erogan. Freedom. - There was a little excitcnient in this generally quiet town, an irregular ticket being put in the field against the Democratie nominees. Hughes, Sill, Fenton, and Finley, cach had 190 majority ; Howard for Superintendent of Schools but 127, being cut 32 votes. For Supervisor, Elias Haire, Democrat, had 151 votesJ. G. Fcldkamp, opposition, 44 ; for Clerk Jacob Brcining, regular, 151 ; Fred. Gross irregular, 22. The full Democratie vote pollod was 197 ; the Eepublican, 7. No othor figures furnished. Lima. - This town " went back " on the Dmiocracy, and reports the eleetion of the entiro Itepublican ticket exeept Commissioner of Highways, by m.ijontics i-anging from 24 to 47. The offieers elcct are : Supervisor - Ebenezer Smith; Clerk - C. H. Lcmmon ; Trcasurer - Geo. H. Mitchell ; Justicc - Isaac P. Savery ; School Inspector - Oscar Eaton ; Constables- Emory W. Snell, George H. Mitchell, A. Mortimcr Frcer, Wm. E Stocking. Highway Commissioner's name not fumished us. Lodi. - Whole Democratie ticket elected without opposition. Supervisor - James Sage; Clerk - Wm. Humphrey; Treasurer - Lowis Lamborn ; Justices - Philip Blum, Jaoob Laubongaycr, for vacancy Commissioner of Ilighways - George AV. Fream ; School Inspector - Julius F. Sanford ; Drain Commissioner - Newton Sheldon ; Constables - George Jedcle, Elihu Burrows, John C. Smith, Alfred Moors. LTNDOU. - All we liave from this town - onco ovcrwhelmingly Democratie, but fast i j 1J11 Til '9 í ipervisor by one majority. Manchester.- Cornos out riglit sido up, with niajorities on State ticket: Hughes, 112; Sill, 105; Fonton, 117; Iloward, 227; Finlcy, 115; and on town ticket as follows, all Democratie : Supervisor - Nowman Granger, 66; Clork Munson Goodyear, 121 ; Justico- Michael D. Howard, 121; Treasurer- Fredrick Kurfoss, 104; Commissioncrs of Highways- Frederick Schill, Wüljam S. Carr for vacancy ; School Inspectors - Isaac L. Clarkson, Marcus D. Case for vacancy ; Constables- Goo. L. Untorkirclior, Predrick Kurfcss, Thos. Holmes, David S. Alvord. Nobtiifield.- But ono ticket in tbc field, Majority for Hughos, 80 ; for Sill, 72 ; for Fcnton, 76 ; for Howard, 14 ; for Finlcy, 79. Supervisor- Patrick Wall ; Clcrk- Patrick S. P.urtell ; Treasurer- John Taylor ; Justices - James Barry, Cliristian F. Kapp, Sr., for vacancy; Commiesioncrs of Highways- Patrick Preston, Thomas Wallace for vacancy ; School Inspector - Eugeno T. Gibnoy; Constables - Goo. Harer, Chestcr Itosencrans, John E. BaiTy. rirrsFiEi.n.- A small vote, witii a Kopublican majority on State ticket from 79 to 83. David Wilsey, Rcpubliean, rcolectcd Supervisor. Names of othcr officers elect not fumished us. Balem.- Two tickete in the field, and whole Bepublioao ticket elected, except Clerk, by majoritios ranging from 28 to 100. Cook, Dcmocrat, beat Thomas D. Laño, í'or Clcrk, by a majority of 1.37, OWÜlg to Lano's open opposition to the ïtepublican candidato for Supen-isor. The following are the officers elect : Supervisor- Isaac Wynkup, 100; Clerk- Darwin D. Cood, Dom., 147 ; Treasurcr- Dwight Peobles, 28 ; Justicos- "Walter 13. Palmer, Isaac J. Merritt lor vacancy; ('ommissionors of Highways - C:ilvin Wheeler, Jolm Peebles for vacancy; School Inspectors - Jutlson N. Thompson V alter B. Palmer for vacancy ; Oi bles- Dwigbt Peebles, Elijah Nelson, Harvcy Packard, David King. Ka r,i xe. - Thero was a three or four corncrcd fight in this town, with a Democrutie viotory, the wholo ticlcet except tho óandidate for Treosurer bcing clected. Josliua Forbos is tho Supervisor i.lect, and that's all we know about it, the suooessfal oaadidatés being too modest, we suppose, to Bend ub information. SciO. - Tlie resnlt in i.his town slioivs that tlio wholo Democratie ticket could liuvc heen elected, but local and personaj - gave tlie liüft of the spoils to tho iblioans. Tho Democratie Stuto ticket had 25 majority ; Wheeler waa allowed to boat Howard 20 ; Finlcy's majority not reported. Tuomy, Democrat, was elected Supervisor, by 43 ; Appleton, Ecp., Clark, by 7 ; Bilby, Eep., Treasuier, by 27; . Bep.g Justice, by 81 ; and one Ee)ubliean Constable. Balaaoe of tieket D(!]nocratic. SHAHON. - lias giggcd back a Ilttlt lOwunls Republioaxásm, and reporte Wm. 1. Osborn for Snperviaar ly 2 majority ver Emerson Annabi], the Democratie upervisor for lust yeftr. McGoe, Ecpubican, Clcrk. And that's all we know, o telegraph liko to Sfaaron bcin down. Superior. - Last year tbia town went stniy. This year sho is baok agaJn iu ho Democratie fold, giTing majorities 'rom 14 to 22 on Statu and county tickof ; ■ ml eleeting the whole Democratie tnvn ;ieket except ono Constable. The mw ollicevi are : Supervisor - Wm. Grnr, inacffity 35 j Clerk - James W. Voorhies; aror -Gübert Birdaell; Justice - : L. Streng; Comroissionersof Highw;iys - Laurcn Sanford ; School' Inspectors - John R. Campbell, Martin V. B. ttfrrmjx for vacanoy; Constables - (not knowing whioh Demoorat ivas defeated, u-i' cïin'l mimi!). Svi,van. - Tho Democracy of Sylvan held thoir oto yesterday, exèepi !iat tho Ecpublieans éeoared a majority of 43 for Whceler, for County Superintendent of Sehools, Rud oaptnred eme Constable. Tho majority on State ticket !, and for town olKccrs fnuu 1 to 58, as follows : Supervisor - Orrin Thatclvr, 08 ; Olerk - A. Blaokney, 22 ; Treasurer - John Cook, 15; Justicc - Miehael Foster, 1 ; Commissioner of Ilighways - -W. W. Eiggs, 22 ; Lorenzo Sawyor for vacancy, 4 ; Seliool Inspoetor- Benj. F. Tuttlc, 2 í Constables - M. Fleming, James Congdon, James Beckwith, Perry C. Dcpew, Bap. "Webstee. - Two tickets run, a regular Bepublican, headed by Thos. L. Haight, mul an irregular Ropubliean, wdth Geo. C. Arms on the lead. Tho Democrats confess to help nominating the former - they claim by invitation or open pennission, which was not relished by the friends of Arms, who with other Dc!Tiiocratic hulp was elected by 45 majority. No list of offioers eleot sent in. Majority for State ticket, 45 ; for "Whoolcr, Supt., about 100. From towns not given aboc wc havo nothing exeept the names of tho Supervisors elect, for which seo another article.


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