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MÖTÏCE. Tlii' Araña] Meeting of the Ladiet' T-ibrary Association wiil ttke plaoe uu tfonday, .lynV lA, 2 f.' toi .■ '. t., in iH'j LmUm1 Parlas of Prwriectaa Church. ilrs. B. W. HL'XT, St-c'y. AKS NOW OPENING VERY CHOICE AND ATTRACTIVE ASSORTIMENT OF DRY GOODS, SXJITABLB FOR THïï SPRING TRADE ! BOLTGHr SINCE THE RECENT DECLINE, AND KESrECTFÜLLY INVITE EXAMINATION Off GOOS AND PItlCES. 181Ctf Hortgnge Sale. TEFAULT hnving been made in the ctmditbm of a -L ccrtnmmujf.r.:.-i-x.-.-iitil l,y Untes, of the town&hip of Sharon, eounty of Washtona' State of Miohigan, to ton, of said coanty ot v nshtcnuw, on the Ih.-t day of Jannary, A. D. 1888, iiiul reconlcil mtlio Rogiater's office of said conntv of M ashtcnaw, on thn ulnth day of Juno, A. D. 1868, in hlx'r ,'i7 of mortgngi, at page 2 f, on which mo and acoompañying thesometheieú now i 1" DB doe and to btwume due ut the late of this notico, tlie sum of olght lmnilreil md venty-three iin.l 60-100 dolían, ateo un Attomey'e loc of ten dolían ptOTided tor in snid mattgags, md no proeeedings at luw or in c(iuitv havinir been liad to miymtr thr suid mnniint any part thcreof ; Now, therefore, notico is hcreby given, tlmt by virtuo of the power of salo in sui.l mortgage contnincd, ] hall wil ut public nuction, to the higheet bidder, on I iturday, theflrstdayof July next, át 11 o'clock in the forenoOD oí gaid day. at the south door of thu Cour) Bonse, In the oity of Arm Arbor, is said oounty thatbeiiicrtbenlaoe of holding th CSrcnlt Oourt ftn siml OJUnty, al] tliat oertaiu tract or patrol of land ratnated in the townaliip of Bharon afoieeaid, known and described as followa, to-wit : thc wut one-half of Ltheost quaitiT, iml tlic west one-half of the U of thosouthc'ast ijimi-terof se'tion soven, in township three south of raagt Urn e east, ia tl "i MinnigMi, uontaining oue hundrcil mid twenty acres nioreorli-. April 4th, 1871. nOREA EATOX, Mortfraireo. D. Cbamf.u, Att'y. for Mortgugce. 31ö Estato of Anthony Ely. OTATE OF SIIOUKiAX, Coimty of WaabtanST, ss. U At a Baaafam of the Probate Court for the Couuty of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate ottice, in thnóity of Ann Artxjr, on Fiiday, tho twcnty-fouith day of MüK-ii, in the year one thousand eight hundrcd 'and si'Vrnty-oii.1. Present Hiiam J. Iirakcs, Judge of Probate. In tlie matter of tlio estato of Anthony Ely, deccased. Onreading and fiün? t)ic]v(iiion, ilnly verified, of Biram Day, Adminbtrator, praying thathomaybe to Bell oertain real estáte wliurcof said'düI üictl seized. Thereupon it b ordered, That Honday, theelgbQi day of M iy nezt, at ten o'olook In thuforennon, be : for the hearing of miid petition, and that tho heta ai law nt said deeeaaed, and all other persont nterested ba aaid estato, are requirod to appeax at a isaBionofsaid remt, tlien to lw holdon, at the Probate any mere be, wiiy the prayer of the potitioner iboóld not be granted : Anditis further ordered, tlmt naid ]■' [tioner fdve notiee to the persona intereeted in sd pstaio. of til' pendenioy oí' said j etftioiii and Lh hoarinatheteof, by csiuing o oopy ( tblsonerta be publislicil in Ui.' iticiiigan Arfftu, a sewspaper pzinted and drcaifitiiig in suiil Coantr, (jnr Baooeemve weeka irevioua fu Boid day uf hcuring. (Atruecopy.) iiiuam J. BEAEES, WU Judje of l'robute. Estáte of David DeForest. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coiinty ot Wnshtcnfiw.Rs O At a Besaion of the Probate Cour! l'or thc County of (faühtenaw, holden ut the Probate ofUce, in the cityof Aun Arbor, on Thnnday, the i-ixth dayof April, in the yeir oue thousaud ciht uundred : l i j 1 1 .'vciity-one. i. HiramJ. Dcakes. Judgo of Probate. I n the muiter of the estáte of David DeForest, deceased. Hciirv D. Kennett and William A. Moore, tfxec ntors of the last will and testament of enid ceaaeQiComeintot ourt aml repreaont tltat they a riow prepared to reuder Iheir fiual account 113 BUt Execnton. Thercupon it 3 ordered, tlmt Mondsy. the ílrs dayol M iy Deit, m tenu'clock Ín tlm" forcuoon I be Msiffneo lor ezamining snd tllowiiifli such ac cnuiii, and ü]."t the leñateos, devíseos aodlieJn a I law of sairt dfOoasedi :ntl all other persons ínter estcd ín said estáte are reqnlred to nppcar at I Bésalos oí asid Oonrt thcn to be holden at th I Probate Office, In the Cit; oí Ann Arbor, in snii Coanty, and ahowcaasc,irany theroba, whj the said acconnt sliould nothL-alluwed : And it ifur ther lordered, that asid Bxeenton í;ívc notico to the peraona tntoroated in aaid estata, oftha peu of aald uccuunt, and the hearlDff ther60ft b] eaasinga copy of tlüaordartobepubuahed In th 1 Árgut, a Dewspapet prlnted and circu la1nff in suitl Conuty, three 6ucceHHive weeks j)revio;i8 to saíd day of hearinir. (A true copy.j IIIKAM J. HEAKES, lSKitd Jndue ol Probate. ; ■ ■ nKOPLE'S DRUG BTOxCÜ.1 R. W. ELLIS & CO. What Johnson has He hasaHrge stock of HATS & CAPS ! For the Fall nnl Wintertnda - tbc bastin town He has a ful I lino of LADIES' AND GEKTS' FUE5 New Styleu aml best qntlitj MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. _ TT . 1, ï , Of Gents' Furnishing Goods Gluve.s, Hohicry , Collar s, Tii'S, '.'ra vat &c He has everything in his line And he tvont Ie andersold. That's What JOHNSON Has 7 South Main St., Ann Arbor. MBW G00DÍ3 BESEIVED. FEEÏ i LEWiS ! CALL THE ATTENTIOS OV THE PEOPLE OF THS CITY AND COUNTRY TO TIIKIÜ KXTKNSIVK AND WBLÍ ASSORVI.D STOCK OF 8BASONABLB (;(JODS IN THE LINE OP BOOTS A.ISri3 SÜOES, U'liich they now have in store, and to whlci con itant addlttons will bc miulc thronirliont the BdAson' rhe gooda which we offer atr dsw and Creah from lic F.icioiy auü in all caecs will be íuuud is run. ■esented. EVERY DESCRlmox OF LIGHT AND HEATY WOKK, FOR MEN, WOJIEï AI CIIIMmEN. Wc have the EXCLUSIVE SALE OP THE CELEBRATED CALF BOOTS Al) SI1OCS, Macle y JAMES M. BTJRT, OP H. Y. CITV. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED BOTH IH STOCK AXD WORK, Also the EXCLUSIVE KALK of BETNOLD'8 iiiiO'S. LADIES FINE SHOES OF EVERY STYLE The nbovc work tg fcr superior to any heretofore F.VF.i; offeredln thlsCllr, anti we ffaarantee It In BTery parUenlar. and .-■!! it at TEN l'EH vi:.i. below Detroit Pricee, on ttie Mme oods. Chancery Notico. STATE OF MICHIGAN, tho Circuit Court for the Cotmty nt' ';i-iii. ii.iw, ín I ïhonoexr. MiltY li. BAVAGE, Compiauiant, ' ) V8. [ AUGUSTUS M. BAVAGE, Bcfemlant. ) It satiafaotorily appearing i tiii Coan by affidavit thftt the defendant, Xngns&üa M. Snvnge, isa n dcut of tliis State, on motiou of Felob ft rr:i ï : . [tors for .eomplniimnt, it is ordered thar fendam cauce tus appooiance to be entered within fcwo monílis í'rom the date of tliis order, and tUat in bia appearanoe he oanse hia anewex to theoo .■uu's Bill to be flled and .1 oopy tl; n the oomplauuwfa Boliciton witbip tw.-m y da Borviceox aoopyof eaid hillof complaint and noíiou of thia order, and indeftraH thereof that the Raid UU ie taken aa confessed by the said á fondani : And it is furthor ordcred tlint WÍttÚD i Lhosaíd oanse a oopy of thia order co be pub n tho Michigan Jrffttt, i aewspapor pri juuty of waahtenaw, and that the nublication connUfl at least OnOQ S VTOOk fttt BÍ3 ■ ÏKS BUC0688ÍTely( r that he oaoH a coot ut thia en ■ arred on the naid aofndant occording to the rulee mí practíoe of tlis Court JJatcd, April fith, 1871. BEAHAW, CircuÜ ('miit Conunjasioner. Washtenaw ( ïounty, Fblob & Oiïaxt, Oonxpleinantfl BolioitoTS! 13X6w6 Finest Assortmentof Toilet ' Goods in the City, by FARMERS ! I doire now to return my henrty tlmckg forbe liberal patronage of the Farmers of Washtc-nawui ftdjoinlng Conntlea, who have for so many yeaná l doá to me tlu'ir trade, and I hope ud trust sntisf'iutory nml protitnble to both parti. 1 hope lo receive a fair share of their patronage Íq'ü future. My cfforts will be boiic-tly dtrectcdtowui the Intcrcsts of my Customers, rs wel] as my own. And a.ain my aim will be, ( lo kufj) u cheap L'iMnU m poutble, but as good m can beiouud-aiHlat ,-is Low Uates as the qiièlitj oí la eau ba I will not umU-rtake to compete in pricea wltta inferior gootla. I wil] uoilspair tin1 qniiiity of my Implemento in order to reduce the price. The inrluiseof cheap goodsoíny kind provi-3 an anprofltable invitnunt, as nuj liavo fuLiud to their cost. I shaJl keep a FLLL STOCK OF FABIIK6 TOOtt on hand. that Is generally fonnd in market. lm the atuhorbod agent for the following. THÍ1ESHÍNG MACHINES (ïenuine Buffulo IMIts, Buffalo, N. Y. licliian S-". ri-psíiilífs, liattle Cfect. Nlchol Sbepberd's Vibrator, B.CrcL 'I' lio Ciciscr ."'! icbiiio, Racine , Wiu. The Champion Reapcr & .Hower, SelMUkt. The Kirby Self-Kaking Kcaicr, Combiné, The Kliby T o-Ulic rícii Mower. Vt ooci's Jlachinc, Combiued with Sclf-Uakt, . JACKSON WAGOXS, Buckeye and Shortsville Grain DrilliFairbank's Scales, all sizes. TUE GENUINE CURTÍS AND DOOGE FLOWS, Ifanufatturcd at Kalamazoo. I have locatcd myself at the oíd and wcll-knnwi Apple Pnckiii:.' II r,;isl! „f i HennlDg, on Detroit postte Bachos' Black, wbere I shall behjp. )j t" meel aa man; of my old cii?tomers, and u mnny new ones as may pleaae to come. i iiavn secnred the permanent sen-Ices of Cairel 1 ron, oueofmy oíd shop Imnds. whopcrfecllj andentuda REPAIRINQ All kinds of Agricultural Tools, and willi be Bandear]; in the moruiii!; and late t niglit.wbBi neceesary to accoramodate. EV8. ROCERS. Aan Arbor, April lat. 18T1. 1315m6 ' fls BJKOtKX IMPKOVEMErtk Bcplccs tho se of the Hitteiï sw.riUTI (l-iMNE, wttB Whlcli all are famiJar. Uo.-íu lor close, it U FUUYJOÜAL IN EVERY WAY TO BITTEFoUlNKt A1) LIKK IT IS TUE OXeJ GItrAT, POSITIVE and rXlllXIJíO CURE FOEkU DISEASES of MALABIOUS ORIOffi Fev nnd Ariic, UiitermiUcnt Fcver, CllUl Fcver, ltcinittcnt FeT-erJ 1 BilioiK FeJr, DumUAfpMt and tl Ion? train of diaonlers fllowini these hen neglected. sweet anxiXE I ÍS miño olrly firom IViuvinn Halt, (M I ia lifter Qulntne,) therefore is or vatetable orini, mul not u Mineral poison, lmfon tb conthirv is proved to bo one of the ementl fouiiB iii Ihe blood of all liealthy pof-ons. BOta :V nn niitldotc to, (ns ivoll :il n evre for.) l;itinrl:il or minsimittc pi:lnii, the absorntioo af wblcb ly nc lunirs raiues Intarnltttont Pevers, etc. Tlio onlvlailvant;it:u clüuieil for I SWEET QTTVrVE over uso of oW Tiilter Qnininclis the emOnfabgence ofthat Inteiue, !■ rk.ient bUtacmea! "hlchln the jatter Le ilnill8u mo 'tiihic obstada to tía ose wlUi llllítp öüiis and ulwuys wiïli cbildreu. STTEKT QriTIiK I Li ii Iwo fonns- in I'tMvder for the u30 of liy iiians and Drninrlsts, and Fluit, for uV i family umi for the m'nunüytbl. S [ekrns, Farr &j6, MMUFWTURING CHEIÏIiaR, V VíF.W YOKK-X L For Sale by Kberbach & Co., druggiatt. 12Syl "VTEW MAFLE SUtíAK. NEW MAPLE SYRÜP. DritMl fonels ■■, ChgnfmFrann, Fl)fr Oranrei. Lémaus. Ve, Virv cíiuico st th OIT1 aiíoadi;. OLABK fe CROPSET. Go toR.W.ELLIS & CO'fl' ii for choicoWines and Liquore Ij for Medical Purposes.


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Michigan Argus