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The City Election

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The city election ou Monday d!d not crcatc any vcry grcat cxcitemeut, and the vote falls at least 250 short of a full onc. The esult is considerably mixed, the Democrats, by good candidates, hard woïk, nnd Repabllcan help, gcttlng considerably the advautage. Last spring Harrimak, Ropublican, was elected Mayor by 147 majority, with the entire city ticket - exccpt Recorder - two Supervisors, the three Collectors, and all the Aldermcn ; while laat fall tho Republicnn majority on State ticket averaged 176 Uoing In agalnst these odds, and without any defection in our rauks, we bear oft' Mayor, by a majority of 140 ; Recorder by 65 ; treble the majority on Supervisor in the 8d and 4th wards, and capture one Collector and three Aldermeu. IIow and where this was done, tho followlng table, complled from ofllcial flgures.'wlll show, the candidates flrst named In each case being Democrats: Tolst 2(1 3d 4th üth 6th tul. Tnr JusUct of the Bnprmt Cmirt- ITughes, 99 81 132 152 50 2! 559 Cumplan, 188 87 115 136 !)G 108 732 Fnr RrgenU of Uie Univeriity- Sill, 92 48 138 135 51 13 477 Fenton, 79 ' 72 152 121 54 2 500 Uiant, 215 125 132 199 92 124 887 Hynd, 179 88 113 119 94 104 CU7 fat Counly Superintendent of Cvmmon Schoolt- lloward, 89 CO 149 142 27 24 491 Whooler, 19 106 117 144 117 108 789 For County Drain Commisïioncr - rinlor, 12 86 160 172 9.1 70 708 Cady, 157 81 106 113 52 63 672 For Mayor - Dougloss, 144 72 156 195 79 55 702 Cramer, 112 98 94 92 Cl 7S 662 For Recorder - Webster, 131 82 163 192 CC 38 C72 Abel, 155 90 90 S7 77 8 007 For Juttice of the Peacc- Nye, 93 71 145 153 48 25 535 Taior, 193 101 107 134 92 109 736 For Sufervisort - Morris, 107 86 193 Leonnrd, 177 86 263 O'Hnnrn, 133 180 313 McJlahon, H4 106 220 Mefnllum, 128 99 227 Pintor, 15 35 M For Collectors - Lat, 98 85 181 Bchumnchor, 186 86 272 Coylo, 140 140 280 Üilbert, 105 151 256 Srabolt, ' 53 26 79 Mttcomber, 92 108 2U0 For Aldermen - Schraid, 91 Sorg, 1"J7 Gott, 1H Wood, 69 Peek, 1G0 Loomis, U3 Spaflord, 173 Noble, 113 Andrés, 62 Kammani ui McDonald, 27 fcmitli, 13 Vnughn, 29 Porter, 106 For ConstabUs - Watkins, 97 Boylan, 183 Leonard, 103 Weimar, ti'2 Hoskhw, 158 Frocman, UI Laughlin, 151 ttoylun, 130 Pierce, 91 Miller, 31 Uvwctt, 102 Last year the Common Conncll stood : Republicaus, 12 ; Democrats 2 - Recorder Maxlt and Aldennau Peek. This year the Council will stand : Republicaus Í ; Democrats 5, as iollows : Mayor - Silas II. DouaLA8s,maj. 140. Recorder- tí. II. Webster, maj. 05. Aldermen - lst ward - J. G. Leiand, Fred Sorg, maj. 10G. 2d " -E. Maun, Jno. N. Gott, maj. 65. 3d " - A. J. Seyler, J. Peek, maj. 67. 4Ui " - G. Fauth, Oscar O. Spafford, maj. 60. 5th " - Geo. H. Rhodes, Amariah Hammon, maj. 39. Cth " - V. D. Smith, vacancv, maj. 74 ; C. B. Porter, full term, maj. 79 Democrats In smai.l caps; Aldermen flrst named hold over ; figures indícate majoril'K's as shown by above tables. - After the result was annonnccd the jubilant Democracy engagcd the services the Zouave Band, and in an elongated processloo, which inc'uded many Republicans, - some of nrhom must have been led by mtre curiotity to join in thedemonstratiens, - proccetled to the residence of Dr. DougLAM, where after muslc and three cheers for the Mayor elect, the Dr. appeared in NBpODM to loud calis, and made substantially the followlng remarla : Fellow Democrats, fellow citizens, and fellow Republicans, I thank you for this cumplimentar}1 demonstratiOQ thus fretily bestowed. I rejoice wltti you at the result of this day's work. I rejoice not (or the sole reason that it is a Democratie yictory, nor yeta Repnblican victory, but a victory In belialf of those good moral Influcnccs that sliould prcvail la our city. It is true I was nominated as a Democrat and have been for over tltirty years an uncomproinlsing Democrst, yet it is koown to all that in this election I have had the votes oí Miany warin Republicana, and I thereforc thank the Democratie party and my Ik'publicau Meada for the honor dotic me. It would glve me pleasare to know that in my official relations I am to represent my Democratie friends, or the views of my personal friends and nelglibors ; but it givcs me far greater pleasure and pride to know that I am to represent a great moral sentiment. Our beautiful city is aUniversity city, and its future prosperity must depend largely upon the prosperity of that iustitution, with which I have been go many years connected, and to the success of which my earnest labors have been directed. Whatever COBtribatea to the prosperity of that institution, whether directly or indirectly, through the building np of our public schools, the beautlfying of our streets, or more than all tlic prevalence of a wholesome public moral sentiment, inakes our city attractive to thestranger, and contributes directly to our material prosperity. To this last cause in my ofïlcial relations I stand coiumiltud. The Issue was inade ancl I acceptect it. I rejolce witliyou at the result and agalu thanking you Deinocrats, I publicans, citizens, for your cordial support, and for this demonstration of your ííooil will, I close. After which three more cheers weregiven, and the crowd dlepened, the older to their homes, the younacr oues to build bonflres and make big noises. The folio A'iiifí rusdlntioiis werc adopted at a special meeting of the Commou Council, held March 28th, 1871 :, W. D. Holmes, Alderman of tlie Hixtli ward, lias been removed Drom this Council by death ; tberefore, Bssolved, That by this dispcinatlon of Providencethe Council has lost one o!' lts most valuable members, the city a wortliy citizen, and society au bonest man. Resolved, That whlle we inourn the loss of onr esteemed colleagae and frlend, we realice the greater loss experlenced by hls iiltlictcd faiuilj-, and we tender to theni our s_viii),iUiics In their bereavement. lUfstilreii, That the Recrder bedlrected to sprtad these resolutlODS apon the min utes of the Council, furnish tlie same to each of the city papers for publication, and transmlt a copy to th family of the deceased. Tho frionds of Itev. L. H. Fisk and kmlly desirins; to present some testimonial of (heir regard, will meet in the leclure room of the M. E. Church, on Wednesilay eveniug ncXt, April lSth, to make such donatlon as each may bc iuclined. Ice cream &c, will bc served. The public are iuvllud Numbers 1309 and H00, of LitUXC Liv ing Agr, for the weeks ending respeclively March 25th and April lst, contain " Fath er Arndt " The Natural Theology of the Futuro, by Canon EiDgsley; Herve Hiel by Robert Browning ; Freuch Patriotic Songs;; A New Zealand Station; Tho Ring and the Book ; Daniel Defoe ; M. Th Iers Universal Kuowledge ; Plalnness and III Farour ; Tlie Ballot ; At the Morgana' the continuatlon of " Beed-Time and Ilarvcst, or During my Apprenticeship," translatcd specially for the pages of thls magazino from tho Plutt Dmtsch of the favorito Germán author, Frite Reuter ; besides shorter artlcles and poetry. 'ihc Living Age Is also publlshing serial stories by the author of " John Ilalifux, Gentleman," and by George MacDonald, and promlses to new subscribers for 1871, tho last two numbers of 1870, contalnlng the beglnulug of MacDonáld's story, gratit. Littkll & Gay, Boston, I'nblishers. - The Manuacturer and BuiUUr has a fine cngravlng of the postomce building now being ercctcd in New York City, showing the íirchitectural details of the structurc nccurately and plalnly ; also, a full page eugroving illustrating the latest improyements in modern mammoth gasoinetcrs used in furuishing citics with gas; au improved pipe organ, lathes, refrigerators, sectional boilers, selfnctlng curtain flxtures, &c. Every page has something useful to the mechanlc and artisan and instructivo to the genial reader. $1.50 a ycar. Western & Comfany. 87 Park Row.N. Y. - The Herahl of Health has an extended list of brief and plthy papers, lncludlng: Alcoholic Medication, by P. II. Hayes, M. D. ; Boys, and What to Do With Them, by Mrs. R. V. Darwln ; Country and City Life, by Rev. C.H.Biighara ; Recipes for Wliolesomc Cookiug, Editorial Departm2nt,Treatraent of Scarlet Fever, etc, etc. $2 a ycar. Wood & IIouiRooK, New York. - The Nursery is " a thing of beauty," and has something on cvery page to make the four year old " laugh and grow fat." Where there is one child or half a dozen tlie mother, governess or nurse will flud thls little monthly an Invaluable aid. $1.50 a year. Johx L. Öiiorey, Boston. The Manistce Standard is tho name of a paper just started at Manistce, wltli Godwin & MoniAiiTY as editors and publishers. It is a ueatly prlnted 32 column sheet, Democratie in its politics, wlth a spicy local department, aud proraises to deserve patronago, which may it secure abundently. The Connccticut cleotion on Monday didn't result satisfactorily to our bird. It was tho Republican year ; tho administration sent in a dispatch "crawfishing" on San Domingo and allaying the Bepublican uneasiness ; and then tho now negro vote was larger than tho Democratie majorities of last year. Tho result is, ExoLisir, Democrat, has a plurality but not a majority ; tho Congrossional delega tion stands as last year, three Republicana and one Democrat ; and the Legislaturo is Republican, securing tho election of Jeweïx for Govemor. - Rhode Island held an election on Wednesday, and went Republican as usual. The Suprome Court mot on Tuesday, and is actively engaged upon a large calendar. On "Wednesday a number of decisions were announced ; the one of the most general interest reversing the decisión in the Waync Circuit in the CraneReeder case, the esoheat caso in irliich valuablo lands in Detroit wero sold for a song.


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