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Thero was a sharp frost at Cincinnati Tuesday moming. Some fcars are entertain d l'or the poaches, part ofwhich are in blossom, Beat Evergreens aml Fruit Trees, For Sale by J. D. BALDWDT. The Haint Srason.- The ralny months of cach ycar are the Fcvcr-breeding months, and the expoi ure to cold and wet, which so many experience, layg the foundation for Fever and Ague, Hemittent Fever, Jiiimli Ague, etc. Dtirlng thoso months, we adviüe'all Lto b purticnlarly cfirefal In protecting the person hya sumciency of cluthing; avoldlng wet ft-et nnd clothes, cepccially avoid gettüiR chilled nt any timo or anywhero, and, obove all thlnge, keep r.p Ihe vital antidotal vigor of the bodyby smal' daily dosea oí Swect Quinlne, which may be taken moi-ning, noon and night. Swcct Quinine is sold by all drugglpts iuboth Powderand Fluid. Stearns, Fïirr & Co., Manufacturera, New York. If yoa düsire rosy chucks and a complexion fair and Tree from Pimples and Blotches, pnrify your blood by the use of Dr. Pierce's Alt. Ext or Ooiden Medical Discovery. It has no equal for thip purpose, nor as a remedy for severe Coughs or Bronchitis. Sold by druggists. To avold Counterfeiti eee that it has, npon the outside wrapper, Dr, Pierce'a private Stamp, issued hy the U. S. Government cxprcfsly for stamping bis medicines, and which bears húportralt, name and addrese upon it. Soldien of 1812, who aorred sixty days, are en. tltled to Pension, and nhould apply immedintely to John N. Gott, Boonty and Pension Agont, Ann Arbor, Micli. For Motli Patclics, Frcckles And Tan, Use Pci-ry's Moth and Freckle Lotion. The only rellablo and harmless remedy for removlng Brown Discolorations from the gkin. I'rcparcd only by Dr. B. C. l'crry, Demutologbt, 40 Hond i-'treet, New York. Sold by dTttggbtl everywhere. 1314m4 Choice Ornamental and Dwarf Kvergi'ccns for Lawns or Cemetery Lots. J. D. BALDUIN. Bounty to Soldlcrt. Thosewhoenllstedln 186t onthe flrst cali of Presdent Lincoln, and who were honorably discharged beforethc expiration of the term of thelr enlistment, are entitled to $100 cach, as bounty. Andsoldiers cnlisting under act of July 4th, 1804 are to be allowed the unpaid instulmcntB of bounty lfthey were dUchargad by explrstton of service Tho above ciaste should make application to the undcreiin-fl. March-24th,1870, ia62tf JO1TN N. GOTT, Bonntyaml Claim Agent. Srron! Hand and New Orgnns AndMelodeonsforsaleverycheap at Prof.Mills' mui-Ie room, Xo.43 Main Street. (Over nnll4RobLDSoni.) We AI.VINWILSKY. lo Xcbraskn, California, Kansas, aod the B. k iU. i. it . Laadt. The startlng points of thiis Kouto are at Chicago and Pcoria. The central point i liUKLINQTON, on tlie MlHlmlppl. It tniverws lllinois and the whole breadth of Southeru Iowa. EfeU the Missouri lts truiik forks into three branches, for it has three treatern termini. It.i nurtheru terminus is Conncil Bluffs, whure, - to Omaha, it conneets wtth the 1,'nion Pacifle for all places on the intra-continental aud l'arific lopen. Over-land travel aud traflic choose this reliablc route more and more. It next termimia is Lincoln, the Caplla! of Nebraska. flfty flve miles west of the Missouri ai Platts. month. This is the only direct avenue to the Sotith Platte country, whera the s'ules of raUroad land last Beuoni rose to half a milüon. [tl third tvrmimts U at Hamburg, and Nebrask City. At Hambnrf;, It makM close conncctlons, twiceaday, for st. .loseph, Lcavenworth, Kansas City, aud the wbolo Southwest.. In JonnMylng then, from the East to Kausas, via Barlingtoni yon enjoy adT&ntages 7011 can eoara on uu other line. You both pass] over a roadtjecoud to noothcrin speed, safely, orany Pullman lux ar j of modorn travel j audwhileou yonr way, hut s.gardeaol Ullnoia and UI Mimi, is well a 4Ki,')0U acres of prairie 111 Honthwcitern lowa, now lu market ui !■ pricea and long credit. Keep it then beiOM people esiward bonnd, " lolK tuo iluriiulou Jtuute." 1B1U1Í


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