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Snover & Mothersill

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LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Washington T. O. CII ARTERED Wb CASH SPECIAL ACT OP CONGRESS XoM IhiftrgW' , A P A I i 7% 25th 1868. ö $1,000,000. BRANCH OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA. o CLAKENCE H. CLARK, President. JAY COOKE, Cliairman Finance & JExecutive Committee. EMERSON W. TEET, Secretary & Acluary. Cash Capital and Accumulatlons, Jan. 1, 1871, abont f 1,800,000. Number of Policles issued In the two years of the Company'i Exlsteuce, 13,865. Amonnt of Insurance, $31,650,312. Annual Premiums, $1,178,633.43. THE LEADING STOOK COMPANY OF THE COTOTKY Wliose Distiugruished Features Are i The Stock Plak. ..ow Rate, All Cash Premiums. A Paid up Cash Capital of $1,000,000. A Contract, Simple, Definite, and Easilt Undeebtood. A POLICY CONTAININO EvEKYTHINQ PkOMISED BY THK CoMPINT, AND FrEE FjBOM UNNECE8SARY Ke8TRIOTION8. O . Applications for Agencies or for Policles raay be made to GENERAL ACÍKNTS FOR MICIIIGÁN, NOKTIIERN INDIANA AND WESTERN ONTARIO. OFFICE 156 JEFFERSON AVENUE, DETROIT. With the new year tlie Company extends its protection to ita new patoiis by issuing a more liberal policy than heretotbre, ontaining fewer retrictions on occupation, residence and travel, Vhich is designed to meet he demande of thtj times - Americana being proverbially a traveling peo)le. The insured are by it policies pcrmitted to travel or reside in any mrt of the world within the Températe Zones, without the troublesome iecc8sity of procuring a pertnit, or the imposition of an extra charge. - !ío restrictions are imposed upon occupations, except upon the few which iré recognized as specially hazardous. The new Special Kon-Fokfeitino features just adopted will still more ncrease the well known popularity of the National. It is a modification of the Massachusetts Law, but shorn of its disadvantagee. A few exam)les will show the difference between the Magsachusetts non-forfeiture law and the Plan adopted by this Company. By the Massachusetts Law a policy, issued at age 45, premiums for life, after 5 annual payments, will remain in forcé 4 years and 306 days after he payments cease ; but the unpaid premiums with interest at 6 per cent, are permitted to be deductedfrom the policy if it becomes a claim )efore the expiration of the Term Insurance. Ey the Special non-forfeiting plan of the National, the satne kind of lolicy at same age, after 5 annual payments, would be exchahged for a jaid up Term Policy extending 4 years and 73 days ; and sboula the inared die before the expiratiou of that time, the fuÜ amount of the policy would be paid. In the case of a ten annual payment Ordinary Life policy, iesued at age :0, after 5 annual payments the Massachusetts Law gives Term Insurance brnearly 14è years - subject to deductions of unpaid premiums as before stated. Suppose the insured dies just before the Term Insu,ance expires, 1iíb )remiums, $61.68 (on $1,000) at 6 por cent. int. for 5 years (to the end of he ten years) and interest continued till the fourteen years expire, will amount to $560.40, which, deducted from the amount of the policy, will eave $439.60 actual insurauce. The same kind of policy, in the National, at the same age, and costing only $46.45 per $1000 for the ten years, after 5 annual payments, would )e exchanged for a paid vp Term Policy, for tho full amount of the original policy, extending noafly 12 years. The same Special non-forfeiting features applied to Ehdowlncnt insurance, resulta still moro in íavor of tho policios issued by the National. (See examples of the workings oí' this plan as applied to Endowments in the Company's Kate Circular.) The foregoing illustrations are based Upon cash premiums - the premiums in the National are always cash ; most of the Massachusetts Compunies allow a clioice of all cash or part note or loan. Had the illustrations been calculated upon the loan plan (varying from 30 per cent. to 50 per cent note) the result would have still fnrther favorod the all-cash, nonparticipating rates of the Stock Plan of insurance as practiced by the National ; the out6tanding notes, with interest, in addition to tho unpaid premiums being deducted from the amount of the policy. In addition to this Special non-forfeiting plan, the Natiomal still rotain& its former plan of non-forfeiture of giving paid-up policies for proportionate amounts of the original policios. Ihe insurer must elect at the time of making his application, npon which plan of non-forfeiture he will havo lus policy wiïtten. The choice cannot be made at tho time of eurrender or changd W. W. WHEDON and CHAS. E. LATIMER, i300tf gents at Ann Arböf.


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