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Blair On Tariffs

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Gov. Blaik reeen tly made a speech from his seat in the Houso, on a pending1 bilí to abolish the duty on s;ilt, bom whioh we quote a single paragraph : Gentlemen say to us, " This ia an artiole of untrenal nae." But, sir, are you nol taxing everytbing of universal use f Is salt any moro an artielu of universal use than toa, and coffee, and spices, which are being uaed all over the country f Is it any worso to ruise rovenuu by a duty upon salt, and do the people teel itany more than ii' tibia revenue were raised upon a hundred articles that can borjainod which ai-e also of eommon use 'i Which all sounds vory fair. But tlion does not Mr. Bi-aik know that every dollar of duty or tax paid on toa, coffee, and spioos goos into tho treasury, while not one tenth of thfl taz on salt finds its resting place there, but settles into the coffors of the salt nuwufacturcrs at Syracuse? That tho duty on tea, coffeo, and spices is oxclusivoly a rovenuo duty, while the duty on salt is abnost exclusively a protective duty 't That is the point Mr. k, and if you are intelligent enough to b. oven a modera Radical member of Congress you ought to seo and rocognize it liko a man, and not attompt to pull wool over the eyos of your constituents in that wny, Taxos to support the government, aro one thing ; bountios to eurich naottfacturors of s:ill and minen of coal another, Mr. Blaik. The Eeptfljlicans of Connecticut haring failed to clcct JEWELL in the usual way - by getting for him tho majority of votes polled - are now con tri ving all sorts di ways to count him in, and his opponent, Gov, Enoush, out. Andifit oao not be done by eounting, Ëbe radioa] majority in the Legislatura is relied apon to come to tho rescue and unearth terrible frauda. A desperate cause reqmres di'sperate means, so any special scrupulousness need not be looked for. Tuk Detroit Wbwne tliinks that the President hatobeen ill-advised in making the recetit changes in Ñew York city, tlmt is in Ottf M.'ssrs. (Jrixxell, Naval Agent, and Oen. I'ai.mku. Appraiser, n-t N. Y., nnl appöintdug Messrs. 1,a1"L1N and Dakí.inu, SothináLS QBINNEiL, hu would like to see the $l,()0() he invested in tlu; Coirnecticut election. This is a Oo.VKi.i.Nt; victory. ïhe Masonic fifeternity of Washington fave ft brilliuut reception on Mondny iveniug last, to Earl De Gkkv, of the Joint High Oonunission, Grand Master of Bagla&cb His associates in the Commi.ssion wcre also present as guests, and none jut Masons were admitled, not even as caturers, inusiciaRS or waiters. SPBAXnra of tho President's usurpation in ruaking war on Hayti, or if it plcusi? tho reader better, in forcing Hayti to keep tho peaco with San Domingo, Congrese having authorized no such transaction, Senator SÚKKBB saidin his reeent speech : " The usurpation pivots on mmentity, always exoopting the kingly will of the l'ivsident, which constitutionally is nonentity. The great artist of Bologna, in a inucli admiród ïtatue, sculitured uierc.ury as standing on a puff of air. The President has not even a ptiff of air to stand on." Isn't that sospending a high diguitary in a vacuüm P Where is I!i;ii(.n ? The Connecticut State Board of Canvassers met on Tuesd;iy, but adjourned to the 21st inst., without comploting the (aiiT;is. Informal certincates were given to throe Congressmen eleot, but withheld from Kki.t. ;; whoBQ eloction can only bo determined by tho canvass. Kexduiok, Democrat, appeared by counsel, and cluiined to have certain ballots deposited in the wrong box oountcd for hun, which will olect him. In this State sueh ballots ara counted. If an eleotios board oancheatthe yoterby dopositing his ballot in tho wrong box, tho door is opon to tho grossest frinids. The Ijogislaturn met in joint convontion on Tuesday, and confirmed the following appointmenta made by Governor Baldwin : .V-'1 C'itiitnl. Cfommisstoneri - Ë. O. Orosvenor of Jonesville, James Shearer ofBay City, and Alcxandcr Chapaton, of Detroit, Triutteofthe 'Flini Tnxiitntè- Charles G. Johnson, of Monroe. Adjvtant General - John Itobei-tson, of Detroit. Qimrti rmitx'i r General - Wm. A. Throop, of Detroit. Trupeetor General - Russcll A. Algor, of Detroit. In tho Senate, on Monday, the House Ku-Klux supprcRsion bill (or bill to make the President military dictator), which passed the latter body on Thursday of last week, was reported baek from the Judiciary Comtnittoe, with amendmonts, and it w is arraoged to takc a vote on the same yestcnliy.


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