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Great Fire At Grand Rapids

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Gk.vxd Rapidb, April, 11 - 11 r. m. A fire is now ragisg in this city, whicl from present appearauces thrciitiiis to be very disastmus. 81 vcial largo sliops, in oluding one of Messrs. Lintell Brothor ïuuihiiiu shops, are already destroyed Picrcc's dry goods store and Caulfield' wliolesale grooery house, on Canal stroet are now bemg oonaumed. A vory strong west wind is blowing, inereasing the fur of the nanies, whieh, it is feared, wil Bpread stijl furthci bclbre they eau bt checked. SEC'üND DISPATOH, The fire last night, before it could bc atepped, deátroped si x largo shops on the cañal, ten briek stores on the west sidt: o Canal streot, three dwellings and twu banu on Kent Btreet, Isot less th&n 20t workmen are thrown owt of einployman by this most disastrous conflagration, who in addition tu this niisfortune, lost no i;tu $U,(H)O worth of tools belonginf, to thein, and ltft in the various shop wbere they wera engftged, The total loss will probably reach yOd, 000, on wMoh it is now thought there i $100,000 insuiance. The origin of the lire is not kuown at present. A number of merahante of Maiaeille presented Öaribaldi, apon lii.s departan tbr Caprera, witb a handsoine swonl anc it pnrse containi&g 20,000 francs. II" aooepted theeword but deolined tüe latter A Dnluth paper saya one of the streams Lalling into Lake Superior, trom the north, is callod "Tempéranos river, beocrase it is the i'iilv one of all the tributarles of the. lake that has no bar at its mouth." A Very soaking rain f(?ll throui.'huut Northem Kansas Sumluv nifjht. The erops in that región proiqiBe a nner harvost than ever known in the State, and tliis tiniely rain will do niitch tü help theini along, An exposition ofwoolen poods niidor th auspicee ol' the Mumii'iKtur.Ts' Woolen Assoriution will be held in St. Louis in October next. Kaeter Sunday M'as celebrated with more than oaual eclat in New York City and viofnity, St. Bridget's Catholio Churoli, in Pittsburgh, was entiroly deetroyed by lire on Baturday morning. Loss $-10,000 ; insured for -$13,000. Ruling official passioxt. - A poliooinnn, fond of reading, told a friend that, for amusement, when ofl'duty he oftea tooi wp il lnmk. A bilí is befnre the Ohio Ltigislature to prevent the introduetion of Texas cattlo uto that State. E. H. Rollins has been eleetd Treasuror of the Union Pacific Railroad in ilace of Williams, resigned. A school-boy having bocn required to writo a composition on somo part of the htunan body, ex pounded m follows : "The throat - A throat is conveniunt to have, espeoially to roosters and ministor. The fonner eats cora, and crowsjwith it; the latter preaehes through bis'n and then tion it up." "That you boleive you have a cali to preach is all vory well as lar a s i t goes," said iin oíd doctor ot diviiiity to a theologieal student; "hut," lie added, "Wfl -.nuf wait, and see people think tliuy havo a cali to hear you." A elergynian out west officiating at a public exoution prayed that the spectacle might impress all present with the shortness of human Ufo. The old proverb, tho eyo of the masier will do mare work than his hands, nicans simply that without his eye his "hands _ would do next to nothing. v Thero are over 250,000 Free Hasons i the United Statos.


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