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Ecery Suurd'iy, fot April 15th, [t as complete a picture gallery as coulrt well be furnislied by a single number ofanyillnstrated wcekly. First In order comes a fu II agc portrait of Secretary Boutwell ; then portralt of Dirwln, the author of the Origin of Species; " portralts of the Priness Louise and Marquis of Lome - to be bllowed in the next number with a doublé ase engniviug glving full-length portrait ftlie royal bilde and her eight bridesuaids in bridal costumes ; portrait of the ate Princesa Dona Leopoldina, of Bregana, DuchcssofSaxe Cobourg; "The Strang," from thc original by Macbctli ; a serles I ptctnrefl ''On Shipboard in n Gale"; From a Balcouy, March 1, 1871 - The Ceestlals and B:irb:irians ;" with three pages f Paris War ptctares. Charles Reade's tory, "A Terrible Teinptatlon," is connued, while "Current Topics," "Town ulk," "Notes," etc., are readable. $5 a ear. Jas. R. Osoood fc Co., Boston. Ifsarth and Home, for April 15th Iias'poraits of the ten members of tlie Joint High ommissiou, from photographs by Brady ; Prlzc Dogs at the National Dog Shovr, lasgo.v, Scotland"; with nuinerous other easouable lllustrations for workers Inoor and out. The table of contenta is ood. We coinmend tliis Journal to the armer, gardener, and fruit-grower, practial or amateur. $3ayeur. Oiiange Juni) & Co., New York. A Xew Stock of PAISLEY SHAWLS, at WINES & WOEDBS'fl. Best Evergreens umi Kruit Tiros, Salo by J. D. BALDWIX. " is tuk TiiiNt; Bohn ? -Everywhere whero ■]■ moist earth, iow, wet plooei, swumps c;iU(.-jrakes, lagoons, wet prairiM, Killclies, und oanou in ie muuntuin.H, ncw foi-ct clearinya, evorywherc tbat wonn un c:iu ttct on a damp BO&, thore Fever in xim, and ttentyxlad rtspan ten wafbedby nvy brceze, nd inlialed at every lir-M'h. Sveèt QuinizM Rad Foi- t'nison caoiiot exist ín tlio liO'ly ut once. So, remember, thut wtuuvfUL' 'u are, wherever you truvcl' 'you drond FBrer, always lutve with you tlie eoiuiuon ttidote-Sweat (iuinine, und should you tuke i'evor, ili' ne coinmon cure- Swcet Uwiuine. Sold by berbiich & Co. SnuÉf or dut of uy kind, aad stront caustic or poi)ncu solutions ftgravutc Catnrrh and drive it to the un;:s. Dr. 8ages Catanfc Reinedy .cttrè Cturrli by s mild, hOüthiiiK, cloiiusinjit and healing prvpsrt.ies. íach package prepares one pint of the Kcmedy ready ór use, atl3 eosU only ftfty cents, bold by druits r aend sixty cent to R. V. Pieie, M. D., 133 ticneca reet, Bulfalo, X. Y.,and git itby return mail. Look ut for counterfeits and wortldess imitations by teeing lat it haft, upou the outside wrapper, Dr. Pierce's rivate stamp, issued by the U. 13. Government cx)rei.sly for btamping hw medieinos und wUoh baars poa it, his lior:r:iit, name and address, and the woida O. S. Certirlcate of Ocnuinenes." Suldiers of 1812, who served sixty days. are in. tlud to Pension, and nhould apply imuiediaiely to ohu M. Gott, Bouuty and Pension Agent, Aun rbor, Wich. A Largo Stock of NEW CARPETS, at WI.VES & WOKDEN'S. For Motil Patohos, Freckles And Tan, ÖM Perry'a Moth and Freckle Lotion. The only rellahU and harmlesa remcdy for reruovina Brown Discolorations from the skiD. For Pimply Eruptions, Black Ifcadn, Blotchcd )i?fiiruratiou8 on tlie face,uie Pcrry'ö Comedone & 'impla Remcdy. l'repared only by Dr. B. C. Ttrry, Dermatologwl, 9 Bond Street, New York. Sold by druggista eveynbere. 1314in4 A 8PLENDID STOCK of Japaneoe fcilks and 01)ÜU8, Just reccivod at W1XE8 Sc WORDEVS. Choicc Ornamental and Dwarf Evergreens for Lavrns or Cemetery Lot. J. D. BALDWIN. ltidiiilv to Soldier. Tliosc who eulieted in ISSl on the flrst cali of Presilent Liucoln,and who were honorably disriiared beforethe expiration of ihc term of their cnlistment, are entitled to $100 cach, rs bounty. Andsoldiersenlt8ting under act of July 4th, 1864 areto be allowed the unpaid Instalmente of bounty lfthey were dischared by expiration of service The above classegdhould makc appllcation to the uudereined. UarebMth,18T0, iJC.'tf ' JOHN N. OOTT, Bounty and Claim Agent. Second Hand and New Organs &.BdUlodeonarorailTryohep at l'rof.MUlu mublcroom, No.43 Main Street. (Over Hnll RobInton'n.) 127tf ALVINWILSET. To .Yebraska, California, Kansas, and Ilie B. & H. II. II. I.hihIs. The starting poluta of thü Iioute art at Cliicaf: Biid Peoría. The central poiiu is BURLING'ION, ou tba Hlalalppl. It traversos Illinois oud the whole breudth of Southern lowa. Keur the Miss-ouii its tronk forks lntu three branches, lor it has three western termini. lts northern terminus is Couuril Bluffs, wucre, crossiug to Omaha. It counects wlth the Union Pacific for all places on the iotra-conlineutal aod l'aciflc slopes. Over-laud travel and trame choose this r.-liiible route more and more. lts next terminus is Lincoln, thu Capital of Nebraska, flfty five miles west of the Missouri at Plattsmouth. Tlils is the only direct avenue to the South I'latte country, wherc the sales of railroad land last scason, rose to half a nUlkm. It third terminus is at Hamburg, and Nebraska City. At Hamburg, tt maken close connections, twlceaéay, forst. .loseph, Leavenwoith, Kansan City, and the whole Southwest. In jourueying then, from the K-t to Kansas, vla liurliiigtun, you enjoy advnutagesyou can secure on do uther liuc. You both pass] over a road sec ond to no other in speed , safeiy, or any Pullman lux ury of modern travel ; and while on your way, sur vey the garden of Illiuols and Mi souri, us well as 40,JO0 acres of prairie in Sonthwcstern lowa, now in market at low prlces and lojg credit. Keep it then before people westward bound, " tu take the Burlington Iioute." 13iotf


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