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■pOÜR POPULAR REMEDIES OF THE AGE f DR. KELLOGG'S ROOT BITTERS! ■ o LIVER INVIGORATOR, 00- INDIAN EEMEDY. FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS! Worlh, Merlt, and Keliabilitv conceded tv nll to be Jionorably won and fuly Rewarded by Dr. Kellogg's four Meritorious ('om - poimds. ROOT BITTERS Absolute freedom trom phyeiclal diipase In a bleutaa deal red by all, büt eajoyed only by tlie few. Indigestión. Lassitude, General DehMfty, Mumciilar Weaknrag, and lack of Nervuui Knerjjy, re coramon atlmenU ; yet they are thu forerunners of more ueritit compMinta. Dynpepaia, witli all ita "horrors,1 li only chronic indigestión, and many a p-jor consuraptive mortal, tottiyiug upon ihe vergeofphym'cal diseolution, viridly remembersthe general debility and nervuus prostraiion which heralded tlie attack of the invidlous enemy of hfe. The advice dictatcd by common senso " Is not to let theoe minor compialnta lurk in the nystem nnnoticed nnd nnheeded, yct raany persona who feel fatïgued afcer even modérate exercise, whono blood is sluggish in circülution, digestión morbld, appe I lite Irregular, complexion pal lid, nerven weak and unstrung, muscular flbem lootje and ñabby, and whose system Ia in conditfon of general debility, with every avenue open to the encroahment and possession of conflrmed and detttructive dl e a me, go Iifit1i'K]y arouud living skelet1 appbreutly regardless of the blessiugs of health, and unmiudful of these natnral wnrnings of the apprtach .-( complete physical prostration. Tbat, Diseasc comes when leaft expected" i a eommon bilt very absurd saying. 3ftr iIickh common complaints are the skirmi8her which commence the attack and herald the appruach of the enemy ; and it is Ihc wisdom of common Heuse, to 'u:i:-ii ncainst their attackx, and if they have pueseasion, to drive 1 riem from the m The naturall j leeble frame may be Btrengthened, and the rob who have boen p:irtlnlly brtken down by Indigestión, Di ssi pation, Nervou D-bilitv. dlieaBe, or nnueual hardship. may bc restored t- heaith aud happinee, by this dellcious liot niiifM) Tonic, penect and wholesome appetizerT jreuial ftid to ditjestion, and irentle nervous xtiniulatit, - Dr. KcUoks's Celebrated Koot ltitters. They wlll lm prove the appetite, raatenally aid digestión, perfect the couditfon of the blood, yive tone to the nervoue syetem, arrest the procreas of disease, ttreughenthe emaciated, aid aud conflrtu the restoration of the feeble convaleacent, and pro tet the system agafust malarlul diseaee. They are a blensing to limsc who flnd themselves 'ak. lanLruid, and lackin euergy, as the warm days of spring approach. They re a treabure to women wïio suffer from nervons debflity, lose of vital etrength, andphysical weakness. These ' Bitters, are not a vfle mixture of wretched whiekey.and aloes, but a nenuine Botaofcal componnd, pure, pleasant, and agreeable, and warrauted to be equal tu thelr recommendations. LIVER INVIGORATOR And Blood Puriiler, is a cempound prepared to cteansetho system of impuride and cure conftrmed disorders ariung from a diHcaeed state of the Liver. ' 'Thereie somethin the matter with my Liver, Is the obeervalion of at least three oat of every flve persons, when questioned in regard to their health, and it ii a well-known frntli, that disease of the Liver is the most emmon ailment the physician has to conteud with allhoush he is geneially called upon to meet it in the fjrm of Pe vera, Agne, Nervouf l'rostration, and other acute maladies of which disorder of the Liver ie the producing cause. Impurc lil""i, Si'-k and Bilious Headache, CostiVLnets, Nervoua Weakneua, Lí)s of Energy, Emaclatioiu l'hiii! in the Side and shouldert. Weikiiess and Trembüug after exercie Melancholy, Drowslness. aud Chronic HHlousness, aresomeofthe minor pyraptoms of Biliary Derangement and Dinease. The flnal rebiilt . if these symptoms are dieregard, ed are different kinds of Fever, Rheumatisms. lmrrlit'i, General ProHtration of Nervous System, ending in Jaaudice or Consumption. The Liver i the most sensitive "rgan ia the human gtructure. except the Lungs, and ao long as decomposition of vegetable matter continue malaria arittes. and the present habita of life are indulgcd, so long Liver Complalnt will becommon. As tbere isno prospect of these couditions being obviatefl. henee the oecesaity of employing agects to counteract their icflueuce. In KülciMitiLï and proporiioniiig the ingredients of Dr. K"llofj(;a Liver Invigorator, special attention has hoen had to compound a preventive and cure for HiU'iii Disorders or every type. Tfce moet potent agence known to B'tanical research, have been incorporated int" this trtily popular specific for Liver (.'"inplaints and Diueases of the Blood. lts effect upon the human system is in perfect accord anee with the laws of health, and the science ot physicál atructure, being Alterative, Diuretic and ïonic. By it Alterativo and Diuretic powers, it carrios the impurities of the system off through nature'fi courses, and at the same time by its Tonlcvirtues itsUmulaies digestión and glves toue to the nervous powera. Family Oathartic Pilis. Tbc objection that these Pilis were not Sugar Coated has been obviated by the proprietors and in that respect they aro now equal to any in use. - Their worth aaaeafe and reliablc Cathartic has never been quetioned. For Chronic Coustipation they are a eert ai n remedy. By their actiont they clennne the eystem of vitiated secretious. 'lhey Btimnlate the Liver to activity, give tone to the stomach, and strength to the nervcs. Therelsnothing in their compositlon but what is purely vegetable. They are mild, gentle. and entirely effectual. Instead of irritating they restore. They are a certain remedy for Constipación. Rhcmmitism, Chrnnic Indigestton, Stubhoro Diseaee of the Liver, Biliousnens, Virulenl Impurities of the Blood, and all Disorders where a i h orough laxative U required. INDIAN EEMEDY. A medicine advertiserl to cnre all, is penerally hi'ltl tn df repute, yet it íb poesible to compound a remedy thnt may be bencflcial Ín a varíety of complaints. lr. Kellogg's ludían Reinedy Ís an exitttíng proof of thla ponglbility, inasmuch ae it can be cmpioyed in a varié t y of compïainte, and Ín each produce n happy The Remedy Ís aclmitfd hy the mui! y who hnve tised it, and who cnsíder it indlipnaable, to be the mout peifNt Remedy lor Coucha, Colds, Croup, Hiid nll HieeaBes of the Throat and tunjí, that has yet been offcred to the public, while for Wovnde, 8orP8, Barns. Scnldn.and cvery varhty of Externnl InflfttnmattoD it in known to be an absolute and iufullible cure. In fací it. I impostible lo enumérate and sporify sil th compluiuts anddisorders for which thie 'Remedy' is an iinti dote. Suftlce to say that wherever there íh inil:unmation, intemal or esternal, on eilher man or beartt. that it is a npeedyt periect. 'iiid rcHable cure. We warrant that the ue of one bottlc by mi} tam i I v will e&tahlish it s one of the ueccBeitiesoíüuusehold economy. All the above medicines are prepared at DE. KELLOGG'S MEDICAL WORKS AUN ARBOR, MICH-, Andaro Sold by Druggists and Dealers Everywhere. 133Sm3 What Johnson has He has a Urge stock oí HATS & CAPS ! For the Kal) and Winter trade- the bet in tuwn He lutH a ful 1 line f LADIES' AND GENTS' FURS New Stj-lf and bont quallty MANUFACTURED TO ORDKli. He has a ruil stock Of Gents' Furnishing Goods G:oe,Houry,ColUr,TiM, QnTU &c He has everything in his line And he wout be ander aold. That'B What JOHNSON Has 7 Soüth Main St., Avv Annon. The origïnator of this wonder ful medicine, claims. to Iihvc diöCüvcrcd nud combincd in harmony more of uf Sature's moti sorrreign medical properties thau wa ever bcfore combi ned in une m diclae. The erideut of this fítct is fnnnd iu the greal rarietr of movt obstinate disease which it ha heen found to c'H$aer. In the cure of BronokitiitSeoer4 Covghs, and the trj fctages of ConsumpUon it han aetonif hed the medical faculty, and ïuudreds of the beet phjsieians pioIi'Mluce it fA grtaUti medical tliseovtry tf (ie age. Whlle it etiros the sevcreat Congns, it treiiLthenp the Bjutcm and purificB the Mooi. Bjr itg great and tfaoroajtb blo-'d ptirifyiiifr proj ertiu, it cures al) Huroore from the worst crofula to a comroon Blotch. Pimple or Kruption. Mercurial lisea Minural Poleona S'phïlit :c ftnd Venerial Dinefiirs, and their effecu are criuHcated aud vigorous health nnd a tund coiiKtitutiou establUhed. KryxipeJa, Bftlt Rhcum, cald Hcad, Fetcr Soreet Scaly or Rough Skin, in hort, all the numerous diacase caused by bad blood, are conquercd by this powerfal pnrifjinp; and invigoratinj; medicine. Por Liter Complaint," BÜlon? Disorders and Habitual ('ontlpntion, it hae produccd huudieds of perfret and per manent cures whrro otber medicines had fatlcd. The proprletor offers $1,000 rewnrri fnr a medicina thut wtll cqual it in the cnre of all the dlteasti for which it is rccominended. Beware oi ooqnterfeiU and worthles iroitntione. See that niy private OoternmeDt Stamp, which Is a josiiiv$ tuarmuttt of -onuineoes. Is npon the outside wrapper. This medicine is rold by Iir;L'Lpif at L1,00 per hottle. Preparad hv H. V. PTKRf :E, M T„ ?ole ProprUtor, at hls Chemical Laboratory, 133 Séneca ttreet, Bnffalo, N. Y. POR BALE, -A House and Lot On East sido Ptate Street, in the City of Ann Arbor, third house south of Washington. The lot i4xS rods. itud the house is of brick, one umi a huif atones. "TV'ill be sold on easy terms. Inquire of Judge Beakes, f Edward Ryan, Nortlifield, or addreM the undersignvd at iiiirhland. Oaklnnd Co., Mih. EDWAHD T0WER8. Ann Arbor, Jan. 29, 1871. MOttf OotoR.W.ELLIS&CO'e for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paints,Oils,&c.


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