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jtywïal pito CONSÚMPTION, lts Onre and lts Prevcntive. BY J. ff. SCHENCK, M.D. Mnny n human boina ha pasaoii away f"'1 v.-]ios. ilwith tbere ni no uther reason than tim neglecl 01 knotrn nnd Indlaputably pruTen roeans of onre. I bojo „uu. oj ilfvir f íMiully no i í'Cfi'inK Ulo SuuUuIb aluuiijcr Into wblcl hul thcy caiuily adoptad DK. JOSEriI II. SCnENCK'ci SIMPLE TKEAT.UCXT, aml nraltert tliemselves of hls wondert ully effiCMlons nr Schcnïït Biu In hls own ran trrtrl thnt whcrviV aufflcii-nt vitJilil y romalna, Unit vltnllt?. by Bil OiedlClnea nrnl hls riirectlulls íur lllulr uso, la qulukehe1 Into hvalthful vleor. In lilis stiitemont thero Is nnttiinK prpMimptuona. Td tho faiih of th liiTiiUil is nnuif du reprejentaUon that L not a tlïnwnnt timos subatiintmtea by living nl visihln works. Tliu ttieorj f the cnre by Dr. ehfiiok'rt medicines Is ns f implo ns It is unruniiiK. lts plilluaophy reiiulrcs du argument. It is milt-aa'"'ï'in' 8oaeeS ToiAe nml Mnndniki'rilla re the frrst iwo venpiini witli whieli the eitmlel vf the maiiKly to aanllad. Two tMrda of tho caïc of cnnaiiniptinn ori'-niiite fn dyspi-psta anï a functionallT (Itsonlerud ilvcr. Wllli th'iacuiKlillon tho lironchlill lDbes"yniunthluo" wlth the atomnch. They ri'apniid i lie morbifloartlonof tho livor. lloro then oumra the ealmlnntiiiK reult, and the settlna ia, with all lts dUtrussiug syiupwius, of CONSUMPTIO. Tho Mandrnk. PIllsore-oompOMX] of nnoof Ifntnro' mibloat th.i Piiiloiihllluin Iclt:itntn. They po'; ,s.i all the bliiod-aearclilriK. altoralivu propertle ui oalomel, Lmt, unllUo culuuiel, thuy "JLEAVE XO STIXC BEniXD." Tho wart nf euro Is im bodlnnlnf!. The yltlateii iin.t muoon deposita In tli' bowelaanil in tha nliniei;tary oanal ire staand. The ilTer. like k clork, Is wouncl up. 11 arOttma fnim iri torpullty. 'rlu mitraaon aota responslvelr. and the patlcnt begin w foei Ihat lm is getting, ui la.-l. A SUPPliY OF GOOD BL00D. The Son-wecl Tonlo, bi conjunction with tho PW. nerinestefl anl :ispi!niljltili with tho fotid. rhyliffoiltlon Is mi proirresilnir without lts prni"oa tortort-s: DM'cstlim becomea pafnlesa., iinl tho enre is soon to be at imnd. Thore isno move tlufulrruTc, no exiicerbatlon of lli stonjach. An sets in. N'iw comes the Kroati'st Blood Purifler ever Tot rlycii bvanin tolfcantfathar tusufferinxman. Srhenrk'a PulmonloSyrupoomea in tójwfonn itsfunptinnsand til nal!-ir a'nJ ü'inplrJtii thé Ctrro. II enters at onco uivin [t8.wurk. Nature c:m not be OaeHtcd. ItroHrcM and ripi'ns tin Impalred und enrenfed pi-tionr thn lunKs. In the formof Kattaaiing, it prepareatbem for eipectomtlon.und lo! In it rerjr short time tho malady 11 iNMuuitataad, the rutten throne that it occnjnrd Is renorated und m:ido new, and the luirlcnt, m n.l Vat diKiiity of reKalnod vlxor, steps foitll to cujoy tbs matiliútxj or woutanltlKM) that va.-ï OIVEN VP ÁS 1ÓST. Thfl BCOnd fchlna is, tho pationts mml star In n warm mom ontll they (tet woll ; ' tfl lümort imiu'ssible tn prevent takln t cM whon the Itinjn are dtseuwd. i"t it mut bo ïtpovemoil or u cure can rnt U6 efleoted. Freah air una ridlog out. evpoclally In tbl seetlon "f the e ninii'v, in tiio fiiil tui'l wintpr senaon, are uil wrAnff. Physidans who ni-uinmonl tht conree lflo thoir patlentKj if tiieii Iuujía are luuiiy dlBeaned ;in.i jret. bocease they are in tito bonte Uey mut nol sit down ontetj tlioy nmst walk n tuint tho n.tnn iiamuch nnd ;is fastas tlie strcnirtli -11 bear. in vvt upapuira itiou f bl-tj. Tlio puiicnt lunttt kcop iti good td (letermlrxfid t gctvell. 'ihis hu il ftrvt il. .i to ko with tUo bttnyfjrcafe yoiut ut 'ï'i lU'spair of euro nftor such evldence nf its jvisríb'iity ín tho woret caui, nnri moni certalnty In uil others. l rtnf ui. Dr. Bene nek p i:-:n:il Ptatement to the t'adulty jf hl OWO euro u;..s u tliCSO iiiuttubt 'Miiny years oj(O I was in tbe lat stnpcs of ctm-. sumptlon; cimfiniul l'i my bod, nnd at ono tfmp mf physiclani Umught that 1 cou l not live i weck ; thon, flfca : drownlnff aiun ciitchlnn nt ntrairft, 1 henrdof int. obtiilnod tJio proparutloDö whtih 1 now oflbr to th6 i -il ! j l ii-, and they mad a pejrfi et i uce f me. It seemed to ïnö t li :it. I oonld fe1 tb om penetmte ray wholc sypléiñ. T ! iu rtpened tho matter In my lun(t, and I vnuld Pplt "i more than n pint f offenillow miU tor cv:T-" inorolnK for :i lonji time. " isBoonasthnt büffan i1 ai.side. mycotijili. ti-vcr, palna.mid nuiitwsiui bttuun m leave me, and my uuivatiloUiCainüwOKïoüt that It v,a:i wlth dinVult v tliat 1 ouUi keupfruiii eutlnrf fc(umnni t jni'nKun""my Btrenfffch, and havo frrown In flcsli ever Btm e. "I was wetehed slioctly nlt r my rceowiy, addo the Doctor, " t ion looklDff HUu n mero tkolotnn; mr w(lrht wan only ntitcty-scvon pouiidn; my pvosiiit weigntlstwohundretl and twenty-five (285) ptnnd9t and for tuuvs 1 havo e-njoyed witatowunted hculth." Dr. Schonck bu8 lUKGOntiuiid liis nrofcssiunal vlstts to New-York and Boston. lis or Els iun, l-. J. Ik Schenok Jr.. still ontlnuo t bco patlonta at ilieir Dfflco No. 15 Nnrtïi ï-ijeth Stroot, Pkiliidelphia.èvery Sflturdiiy iroin 0 a.m. to :ï PAL Tli'sc who wlh a thorouKi PXaminatlon wltlï the Rt-spinnnctor will bo charleo íó. Tho Kesplnuoetr doolaren the exact en ml t tl on of the lungï". "! imtionlaciiii redily lcara whethor tltey ure curnhlo or r"X. The dlrection&for tuking tho mclicinnf nro ndaptod to ÜieintelHgence oven of a cliild. Ffllow tliofdirri'r turna and kind Nature wtll do tnerosi, oxrcptinjf tffllfcIn somo cfisea tho Mandruko PHIs are x be tukon in Inoreased dosefti tho throe metliclnos nood no othcr Accompani menta thn the rmplo Instructlona that accomminy them : First croato nppotlte. Of returning hoaïth, huiifror ís tne most weleorofl n mptom. When it o oh nsit will ciRip, let tho desnalring at odoo bo of poocï cheer. Goo 1 bjood ut once íullows, thocough loosens, the ntiht pwftftt is abáted. In h Imrt timo both of thcao morhid symjiioms aro peno furovor. Dr. Sclienck's meiltcinea nro conntantly kept In tens of Uiunsandj of families. As aJoxative or ptirüutlve, tlic Mandrako PUI me ;i tundird preparutlon ; whfla the l'uiinonfc Fyrup, ns r. citrë nf coiipha nnd coids, n:iy be regarded 08 u prophytactcric aguiuBtCünsumptlon tn any nf lts fnnH. Trico of the Pnlnumlc 8yrap nnd Pon-woea Tonio, $l.50a bottle, or ÍT.áO n hnlf rtoiep, Mandniko 1'ilJs, 2b yeuta a bux. l'ur aalc by all druKgiita aud üculera, JOHN F. KCEOSrE.-, 8 Cottage Place, IV. ., Wholesale Agenls. JUST RECEIVED WM. WACIMER'3, A Largo and Choica Stock ol FALL AND WINTER G-OODS, 1CLUI)IXG CLOTH&, CASSIMERES, VEST1NGS, &C. LATEST STYLES 1SD BE8T QÜALITÍKS WHICH HE W11I. MANUFACTURE on terms to suit, and in the lint of BEADY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FUKNISHIEG Goods. BIEÏSTC1 STYLE. AUoLADIE-i'andGENTS MOTIOCCO SATCfi'ELS No.91 South Mala Street- ExUldl OALL ANO SEE f HEM. W1LL1AW WAGNEK Ann Arbor, Sept. 1810. -JiTONEÍ CAN NOT BUY IT. FOÜ SIGHT I3PRIOELEBS THE niAMON'PGLAív-ivS.Manntacturedby J. Spencer & C1., N. Y., which nre qow oflered t:lhe public, iré pruuntiticcl by ll the celebratrd Optr ciftDBof tbe W'orU) tu be the Mot Perfect, Natural, Artificial Iftolp tu the human eje evtrknown. They aro ground unaer tbeir own supervisión, f rom minute Crystal Pebbles, melted tojethcr, nd derive thei rniitne, " Diamond ," on account of the ir hardnes ud bri Uíatiny . The Scicutific Principie on wlncli tlty re construK'd bi íujíh thc core or CD tre of the lentj türeci )■ Ín frontoftlM ey, proüuciiiff a clear and tlUtincl visión, ft n tbe natural, healtliy ifrlit, and prcvt-ntinj all utipto&Hnnt seaationw, sucli ks jrl ira me ring aud w.iveríng of ffight, i)izi'HMS , Jtc, peen liar toa)! otlur.s íu üüb. They are mounted in the FIXK.ST MANNKR, in fjames of the best quality, of II matcriaK xiavá for that purgóse. Tlií-ir tiQistll and durablüty cannot be Hurpaffsed. CAL'TION . - None ge nu mi a un i f ss bfaiing their trademark stamppd on eyery franie, J. C. WATTS je BRO.. Jvftri and Opticiacii.are oleageatH for AN'N AKBOli, iUJH., from wliom they can only b ottaineu. These g.ood are notsupplicd to PedlerK atany price l267yl A UGÜST löth, 1870. NEWWHEATFLOUR saparlor qnaliíy, atthe ANN ARBOE, CITY MILLS. Very úioe boltedCorn Mcal. conrpe Afoal, Graham Flour- goort seoond quallty Flmir at lw price,- Crnckeil Whent.and all kind "f Peed, at lowcst prlccs, and delivered iuauy part ofihecHy. Terms Cash. VT Orders lef. n my Order Box at the Post Office promptly atteuded to. ISOÍ J-. T. SWATHEL GotoR.W.ELLIS CO's í for atrictly Pure Drugs and MedicineB ,PaintB,0il6,&e. U EN11Y T. IIELMBOLÖS COMPOUND FLUID EXTKACT CATA W BA GRAPE PILLS. Component Part - Fluid Extract RÍUbarb and tluid Extratt Catawha Gtape Juut. KOR T.T VER r OMPI.AIN VS JAI'NDICE. BILIO17S KI'i: TK)NS 8ICKORNRKVOCSHBAOACHB, COSTIVKNB88. !■-. l'URELY VEGETABLE. NO MERCUUÏ.MINKUALS OK DELETE1U0US DEUOa. H These Pil! retr mot doiij;htfnlly pleasant pnrliativc, supcrsrdlngciistoroil. Balt, magnesia, etc. Tliorc is nothing more acceptable to the btomaeh. Thoy (títc tone, and eaine ncithor uanxit nor pnpin paüif1. The} are fmnposed of the nnesi ingrediënt! Altera fcvrday'sjso of hem. snch en 1vioorntion of the i-ntlru syntcm takc plací: a to opim"U nuracnloa to the weak and cocrvuted. wbclher nn-im'froni impnulcnee or dtkense. H. 't Hi-libold'8 Cempunnd Fluid Extract Catnwba Grape rllls are nol snu-areoateá. fium the fact that .mgat eoatej Ptll do sol disitotw bni paps hronth tbe toatLh wichout diasolriiiz.conBt'quunt.l.v io nel product.' tbs deairwi effect THE CATAW11A GUAPK PILLS, s nlrnsant i tasto aml ortor, do necesaltat tí.? tais ucar-coated. lUCE F1FTY 0BHT8 PE BOX. E HENRY T. ÖBLMBOLD'S inom.T OONCENTRATED COMPOUND FU EXTRACT SARSAPAR1LLA Will r:i(!ica]ly exterinlratc from the systom Scrofala S iiliilii, Fevcr Soree, Vlcora. Sorc Eyea. Soro Leg, sóiv MontbSor Head, Bronchi tl, Hkia Duenses, Salí Kheiint. Cankors, Runuinss from the Ear, White BwBllings. Tumors, Canceroux AfTections, Nnil .-. RtcketU. OllldulrSwellll(r.NlBhtSweatB, Rah, Tctter, Huniors of all Kinds, hronic Rlieumatisni. l)yppisla, and all diseaijea that have beeu e6tablLsheu iu the systeni fur years. L BEIXO PnKPARED EXPRESSLT FÓR.JIIK AHOVB COM1M.AINTS. ITS ni.OOI'-PURIFïTSB1'RoPEliïIKS AI!K OUBATEHTHAN ANY OTHKK PRBPARATIÓM QF SAKSA PERILLA. IT (IVKS THRCOMPUEXKTN A CI.KAR AND HEALTH COLOB AN1 KEST0RE8 THE PATIKNT TO A S TK OF HEALTH AND PURITY. FOR PUIUFYI5OTHKBL00D, REMOVING AI.L i-HUOïfrc CONSTITürJONAE DI8EASB8 ARIING FROM NIMIUHK SIATEOFTHK HLOOD. ANnTIIE OÑLY RE) 1ABLE AND KFFE'TUAL KNOWN UI'ME'Y FOR TUK (TUK OK PAINS AN1) SVVELUNO OF HIK BONBS, ULCKKATIONS OKTHKTHROATAND I.KG. BLOTCI1ES. PIMPLES ON TUK FACE, KKYSlimA-S .4'P AIJSi'ALYEKI'PTlfïNSOFTHUSiil.v. A..D UKAi - TJFY1NG THii -CÜUPLUXIOX. ritICE, $1.50 PEH M HENRY T. HBAMBOLD'S COXCi NTRATED FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU TUE GKEAT I IURETIC, has cnred overy case of DIABETES in which it has bceö glven. Irritation of the ueck'of the Biiuider uikI inilammationof the Kidui'ys nnd Dladder. ReU-utlon of Urine. Diseascs of the Prortrate Oland, Mime Int hu Bladder, Calculii, Gravel, ISrick Dust Dopotll and.Muciiousor Milky DiiCharRe, and for Ei'feebled and Delicate Constif.Uion of bolh Sexes, altiiuled with tho following symploms : Loss of Memory, Difflculty of lireathin, Indispositlon to Fiortlon, Loss of Power, weak Serves, Tremblinc, Horror of Diea8e, Waketalness, Dlmnessof Vision,' iniu in the Back. Hot Hand. Flushing ofthe Body. Dryueesof llwSkiu Eruption of the Face. Palhd r.i;ii)tnnancc. Universal Lasüitude of the Muscular Syetem; Btfc. , , . . 'Used hy persons from the ajíes of ciRhteen to twi-ntv-flv.o, and from (hirty-ilve to ftfty-five or n fhr decline orchauseof life; after coufineinent or hi'uor paius ; bed-wcttinfi u childreu. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Dftretie and Ulood-Purifyinir, and cures all Diseasc arinag from Hnbit of Disflpaiion, and Kxcesses and ImprndeuCf- in Li!e, lmpuriiles of the Blood, Etc, Super- ■iliuir liiipahin ín affections for which iti u sed, and Syphilitic Affcclion- In these diseases utfd iuconuectiou with llelmbold's Rose VVnêh. LADIE3. In many Affections peculiar to Ladies, the Kxtraet Bocha is uneqnalcd by "".Y othei Remedy- as in Lhlorotlsor Retentlon, Irrewnlarltj, Pafiifnlne or siiiiprtffcion of Cutomary EvacuationB. llcerated or í-chirrus tato of the Uterus. Lcncorrhcea or white Sterllity,and fot all tJomplaints Incident to the habita of DiMipalIon. It i preecribed extensively by the most eminent Physicians and Mid wivc-f"rcnfebled and delicate Contitntions, of bolbSexeiaud all A;cs (atteuded with auy of the above ditoases or tjnju'.ouis.JI O H. T. flELMBOIJJ FiTft'ACT BÜCHU CUEES DISEASES ARIilXO FROM IMPRUDKNCES, HABITS OP DI3SIPATI0N, ETC, In all tbeir tages, at linie expense, llttle or no clianjie uület.uo iuconvpnience.nnd no exposarc. Il cunxL-B s Ireqiii'iit (liisirc, nnd ;ivc8 streniitli lo Urinatu, thereby rempyiófl obfctrucüoue, Prcvcntins Strictures of the Urctha. Allayinc Pain and Inflammation. so frequent in this clans of discases, and expelllng all Piilonon matter". Tboueuuda who have bt-t" viciinu oflnuomputentpersoiiB.and wh ■ hafe paid heavy fces to be en red in a short time, have found thy have been deceived.aud thnt the "Pplspja" has, by the use or "powerful a-trin},'ent8,"been dricd up I the fystern to breuk out in a more a{sravated form, and perbüpsaftcr UuriM. IVi HelmlKila's Bxtraei' BiKhu for all Affection mul D.seases of the Uiinary Or;?n8, whothtr existing ia Maie or Peínale ■ from whatever canse orlginatintf. and no matter of how 1ok tanding. Trice, One Dollar and Fifty Cents Per Bof.l'j. L IIENRY T. HELMBOLD'S ÍÍMPKOÍ'ED ROSE WASH cannot bc snrpassod as a Pace Waeh and will be louud the only speclflc remedy iu every spocios of ( utaneous Afi'ection. K fpeedily eradicate Pimples, Spots, t-corbutic Dryncsï luditrjitions of the Cutaneouf Mcnibrnne. etc., dïspelg Redncss and Inflamroatlon.Hives, Kash.Muth Patche Dryness of Bcalp or Skin, Frost liiles, and nlhpurposes for which Salves or Oinlmeuts are nsed : restores t the Skin a state of Purlty and Softinss, and iilirores comintu'd healthy action tti the Urmick ofits vessels, on which dtpends the agreeable clearncsn and vivacity of complexión bo mnch soughtand admired. But however valuableu a remedy for existint; de. fectsof the Skin. II. T. Helmbold's Rose Wa.h has I Dg snstnined lts prindpl ejaim to unbonnded patronafife, by poaMwlng qunlities wbich reuder ft a TOILET APPENDAGE of the most BuperlfttiM and Conixenial Character, combiulng in an elegant forniDla Hioáe promintnC requisites, SAKKTY and EFFICACf- the Invariable accoinpaniments of II nas a 1'renervHtive and Refrusher of the Complexión. Ii U ao tixcelU'iit Lotion for diseases of a Syplulitic Nature, and as an Injection for disenses of thu Urinary Orcans, arisinï: trom babits of disipn'ioii. nsed In conueeHon wiih the KXTKACTS Bl'cHTT, 8ARSAPAKII.I.A, and CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS, In Mich diHc'tibfs afi recomrfleiidüd, cmmot be stvroassed. Prise, Oue Dollar l'er Bottle. D Full and expllclt directluns accompany the medicines. Evldenceof the most respondióle aíilrellable character furnisbed on applicatlon witll hnndredsof thousands of livlnewttneasea, and upward of .10,000 unsolicited crtificates and recommendntory letters many of which are Irom the hichest sources, lncludini; eminent Phvslciaus, Clcrfijmen State_smen. etc. The proprietor has never resortud lo trieir publlrition in tile uewKpapers; he does not'do tbla Irom the fact that hlsaruclisrank as Standard Prcparations, and do nutneod to be propped up by certificaten Ilenry T. Helmbold's Uenttiiie Preparatlons, Dellveredtoanyaddress. Secure froin observntlon. KSTABLI-HEI) UPWASD OF TW'ENTV YE.lflS. Sold by Drugglsts evorywhere. Addresa letterB for Information, in confldeñee to IIEMHV T. 11ELMBOLD, Drnt!Klt and Clumist. Ouly Depots : H T. Helmbold"B DrnE and Chcmleal Warehonse, No 594 Broadvay, ííew York. or' to H. T. Holmbola's Medical Depot.'lOí South Tenth Street. Philadelphia. Pa. BEWA1SK OP UOtlNf ERFEItg. Atk for Senry T. Utlmbold'sl Take uootic. T OOD NEWS I il ARBOR WILD WIT1! - n - i EIGH PEICES EXTEEMINATEDl S. SONDPIEIM HAS JUST RETl'RXED tRÏX THE E A.S T, WITH TUK LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OP FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING GEVF'S llUMSUIXi; OODS, TRUNKS, VALISÈS, 3ÁTCÍIELS, &o., &c, &C, TIIAT HAS EVKR BEEN ÖROfGHT TO THIS C1TT, WI1ICII HE WILL-SELL Ckeaper than the Cheapest for Cash. ALSO A FIÏtÉ ASSufif MENT öt CASSIMERES, C0AT1NGS, and VESTINGS, WÖiCH UK V1LL MAKE CP TO ORDER IN THE BEST STYLE, AND WAHRANTED A Flï ORJKO SAIK. S i il s LJ : 3 S a s z J H 8 3. 0 g 3 SS . tr 8 5 3 f fi j I fttl . ferl 3 Hol;i L 'S a S ü- á i U ö j íí J "" l ui f l 23 Ut 03 1 H 1 5 k S 3 38 L I


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