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A 0REAT MEDICAL DiSCOVERY. iilIll.ION'S Ucnr TcHtimony to the Wondtrful Curalive Kflccta of Dít. w.u.Kiiíí's 'Aiii''oir;i.( J.Wai.kih Pri-prtcior. K. 11. Ui-Doka i.i & Cu . lrugiU il G'-n. A' I. Hti PrHtinUoo, Cl., ftui U uid MCuuuuurui; M.N.Y Vlnovar Bitters are nos avile F une y Drink. Made oí Foor Rum, Whlskcy Proof Spirits íim K-(ur Llqnom doctored, eplced and swcctfencd to piense tbe taste, callen" "Tonica, "Appetlzcrs," " Res tor era," &c, that lcad i, he tippltr on to árunkenncfs and min, hut areatrue Medicine, made froni the Nativo Roots and Hcrbs of California, Iree frr.m nil Alrohollo Stlmulnrits. They are tbe GREAT IILOOD FtlilFÍER and A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPL2 a perfect BetiSttSfer aad Iavigoi'rttorof the System, carryinjf off all poiBonous matter and reato ring the. blood to a bculthy condttlon. No persoa can tako tHcio Bitters accordlng to directlons and ranal long unwcll, provided their bonc are not dentroyed by mineral polaon Or other mcans, aud tho vital orgaas wasted bcyoud tbc point of repair. Tfaey aro a Gentío Pumnii ve ni well as a Tonto, possesBlng also, the peculiar mcrit of ftQtlng as a powcrful agent Ín rellevlng Congestión or inílammation of the IJvcr, and nll the Viiocral Organa. Voto 1-niAl.K COMPLAINT&, whether la yoangor oíd, marrled or siule, at tho dawn of womanhood or at thc turn of Ufe, tUcsc Tonlc Bitters have do equal. For Inflnmmatory ant Chronlc BlicumatUm and Qnt, DyApepnia or lnli- ntton, $ilious,Rcniittent nndlntcrmlttent Fever, I)Ni'HMEfi oí thv Blood IíIvít, Kidncys, and Bladder, tticsc Bitters have been most succcssful. Suck Discasca are causcd by Vitlatcd Blood, which Is gcncrally produccd by derangement of the Disestive Oraran, DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTIÓN, Hcndsclie, Pain lu the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightnesa of the Chcst, Dizzincss, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad taste In the Mouth, Billous Attïicks, Falpitatlon of the Ilcart, Inflamniation of tho Lungs, Pain In tho reglons of thcKldncys, aud a hundred oïher palnfal eymptoms, are the oflaprings of Dyspepsla. They invlRorate the Stoinacli and stlmulatc tho torpld livcr audbowels, which ronder them of uncquallcd efficacy la clcanslng the blood of all impurltics, and lmpartlngncwlifc and vigor to tlic wholeBystem. FOR SKIN DISIPASES, Ernption3;fcttcr,8alt Iihcum, Blotches Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Bolla, Carbunclos, Iïlng-TVorms, Scald-Hcad, Sorc Eycs, EriStp elas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloratioiiü oí tho Skin, IJumora ánÍDiscaacs of the Skin, of whatever namcor natdré, ure Htcrally dug up and carriud out of the eystcm in a thort time by tho nso of thcBe Bitters. One bottle In ■uch casus win couvlnce the most iütrcduloua of tacir curativo efl'tct. fcloanse the Vitiatcd Blood wíicnevír yon ílnd tt ImpuriUes burstiiiff tlirough tïie skin ín Pimplen, Broptiona or Sores, clennBü it nhcn you lliul it obstructed and shiKirish Inihevolns; cíñanse it-when itinfoul.and your feeflnffs will tt-11 you vhen. Keep the blood puro and the huulih of tlic qntOU wil! follow. PÏÏV, TAPE (ind othrr WORIIS lnrklnp in tho ystem of so niuny tliousuitds. are effectuJly (U'StroySdand removed. í'or ful I dh-eetiong, re(f rarertilty lie circular around e;ich botUo prjntftl in four luuguages- Kngli.h, Germán, FratCD aud BpañiB. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. II. McDONALD & CO.f Drufgists and Gen. Agente, San Francisco, Cal., and 82 ard $i Commercc Street, New York. r-SOU BT ALL DIÏUGGISTS AND DEALERS Cversus Bitter, yf ForVbc foUowlng KICAONS Swedf QuinitH ahouUl ropface tho olü fomoV JHtier (uiuinc. I r-'u!nlne is WAARANTBD vtelicinaUy ide.Mcul í:l OffbCt wltb ffittcr Qttibinc. nreet luis none of Uie ít-lscond perÉUetii bitternesa of comino n Crltiiuo. .vtttlQuiiiiiie ís inaiio from Plturlaa líai!; ouly. liiu 8OUT00 of Bitter Qiiiniuo. In SwA-t íuinfivc the bitteruess is iVrfeotly oVucealed, but ímxy ho inatíinVi do velogcJ If doftlrcd. I , Swt-üt Auiuíiie will not íiclccu, a vory bai(L aubstaucoa ofteii lo. Swec!tiLn2ne Ia rt-a.UIy taken, aid wltïiou j i htí leust Ucimtion , by oíd autVyouug. Sv-?cilufnxt entiroly obvíales tljUt uncoinuerable tlisliko whicii cUiUlrusliavo to Bxu-r .uiniiie. Sv?-t Ailnlno roquires no oluborata propanition to lake. la rcady for íhhUxJ, uso. tiixvtt Auininr, ln Ita agreeabUlM and prompt ctlicacy, (Usaïtiée4 t he (puljlic niiJd of nmcli prejudice ugHinstQmiilxUki nnj uids tho elTovts of tiio intul cni PhXnciau in ÍLs atluiiniotruúon. Street Wiiliilnti costü no inoro tbaí I lie liittiV tlülliliü. Swct ftulnlne can 1C luid al thfl nig Storís iu two forma, ■i. : iluid, foi con veu'lïnce of hunUlosantl ti gt-noraj[ ujv licnnrl uflctlcr, lor iwe í Pbysiius StJms, Farr & $kL S MAWtfüCTUñlfiGCHEFSTL r ew york. X For 3.ile by Eberbach k Co., druggiets, 1264 Cbaucery 8aie. IN PURSUANf'E and by virtue of a decrec of th Circuit Court for the Coiinty of ft'ashttenaw, i ChaUeerv. mude oi tw 'entv-first thtv ul' Docbtti ber, a. D., isTo. in Lhe CAao wherelo Uannah Síal inrd is CompIuiuaUt and WilJiani Sherwood nn L;nna Sht-rwood are Detcndauta : No. ice íh herub given that I shftll peil a( unblic uucciun, to the bigbaat bidder, ou the 'i2d day ui April next nt ten o'lock. m. of aaid day, ai the front ur soutli door of the Couri ÍIousv. in the Citv of a un Arlioc. iu thti t.'ouuty of Waslueimw, in thefctftteof Mlchao, the roHowiDff real eatate, to wit : 'ihe undívided onehull'of uil that certaln piecu or pared oflaml tlcscribed as foflowB, n;inn-ly: Sltnated on seetlon Dtimber one iu lüwnship number four suthof range number tin'ce cii6t,in Itie Sute of Michigan, aud i:oiniinriu:Ing ai center ol tbe raca bask direcüy wcst oj the iioriliwt'-t corner f the nttain part ol Fountaín's Promiuftt Milla fy ciilk'd;, riimiiii west acfoutho rae) ofsaid mili, thanoe aouih alou the went baols of siúd race twt rods to thfl aorta line of the Saline rom!, iheocfi wrestorlf ajong Lh aortb lino of snui ruad ten and one-haífrods tu tbo cornerof tha Hibbardroad; tbunce northurly aiunu thü e-st Jiue of r-aid Ulbbard rond. twt-nty od Eo the suuth wesl corner (Wthe land nowowbed or oocapied by Oilbert Alien thence on-torly, álong tbe Bontb Ure oí eaid Allengs laad, twenty ruda totbe west b.iuk of the tnil rae; from tíjiid Premium Miïts; thfiHC6 south alo&g tba weat banlc otaald tail ract! alzteD roda; [heme wentloiir roda tothe eaet bank of thfl s;nv mil] r?ice ; thimee outh oine roda alony thtf bank of said eaw mili raoA lo the place tjfbftíiiaiiiiü, comprisiug tbc aaw inlll. br}cfc dweiUpg tToufle, mili y?rd8, and water power for natd mili, toether wltn all theprivile-r. p and retítu-vatioDa made and mentioned ni thc deed of said pmnisea, from Cí. V. Hoy and wtCe to aafd Bherwood. lncladlog nne-hajf 'of tbe planín machine, and all of tlie t-aid Sherwoud'i iuterftat in tlic ruachincry and apparatu iu and íiIhiiji said milis. Dutod, Auu Albor, March 9th, A T). 1T1R. DBAECAKi Circuit Coort Cominflaalnner for Washtenavv Couuty, Mich, Tuaoy W.Hoot solieitor for Coniplaiuaut. lDV-'td Cbancery Öale. IN PURSÜANCE and ny virtne oí a decreo of the circuit Court for tbe C'O'ñity of Wafrhtnav, in y, niíiiic ou thu tvvniry fttet day 't' Dacomaer, ;A. D! l870in thTcasfl wheretü Betscy .Iones s 'coníblatulipt, and Thonin OafroH May O'Frrel, Cna II aooptfr and Jtifeph U. Kaldwin are defendaitU! ; Noticc herc-by u'ivcn, thut I ehall aall at publicauction to thfi hihcwl biilüuron thfl ' d dav of Apri) at ton oVlock A. M, ofsaid day. at thé front or HOiuh rloor of the Conrt House, in the City of AiiU Arbor in the Coumy oí Waahteiiaw in the State of Mlchlffaii, the foltowSng deaorlbad real estaie to-wit : City lols nr.nilx-red fivo and bix. thu west part oTont1, tvi. threfl tnul four, ín Ijlurtí tiuiiibor sis in J. t. Bsldwlo'8 eaatern additíon to the t-ity or Aun Arbor the parta thereof lylDK wcst of a line drawn from thu cust ansia in the weat line of ■ald lot narober one, toa poiut ln thc south lint; of sairt lot mimbi'v finir, four roda weat of tha southoast cornur of BAld blocki belngpajctof the lands conveyed byaald Ünldwin to sala ('arroll, ou tho fourttieiith day o f Auíriíat. A D. 186 Dated, Auu Arbor, ilarch Dtl, A. T). 1871. It. HEAIIAN. Circuit Ooutt Cominjaaioner for WiiulUüimw County, Mich. TBaOV W. Ii)OT Sultciiur for Compluiuam. 1312td TEVV MAl'LE SLGAR. NEW MAPLE SYRÜP. lírii-il l'cutlus Chcrrlee,Priiiieti, I g, lr:uiLrt'. Vt., vry choicu at the ;1T1 XttVASlE. 1, AKK A (UOI'SEV. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for choice Wines and Liquors for Medical Purposes . ïurtgugo Sale. ! FLT haring been made iu the ecrófttion f a ciTlniii ntOTtgage oXBtfOtOd by Norman Bati tM 'nwn.tiip ni' Sharon, oftuni; i Wiwhtfiuiw, nul ■ nt SïicKw -ui, to Hmc Ktitiin, of aaid county of Vashtenato, on the BiW day of Jartoajcy, V .' YWf uwlMjrwded intlio lícistvy's oUící f s;iid county of Vuohtcnnw, on thn nifött fcy Jane. D.'18O, in bcr 3Ï t' mortgageg. at pye 24, on vhich wrtt&uv , od note accompdnyuig the ttamo tbere is now claimed o be due and to at tht; data of this i )iv sum ut" eight huii'irtjd and evonty-three ondGO-lOO cUiLis njao an Attoraey fesoi ten dolbiñ provided . ■al no pp-H.tilmH at luw ur in K)uity havtzig iM.-;n ínul tu recovar we Baid amount ar m part thereof , Now, therefore, notioe Ís faearaby.giveiij th:ib by vírue of fche i'V. ir oí sala i ti aaid mortgftge contalned, I li;tll noli ut pubUO rmctloli, tO thtt Jughest hiildt i, OD taturday, the Ürai rtayof July next, at 11 o'olock in he r.'i'in.Ti el suid dity, ut the south door of the 'uurt House, in the ui f y oí Aun Aibjr, iu lid. county, liat beiug the place of holding the l'heuit C)urt fot aid eouuty, idl thut. oextain trart or puroelof lajid tuated iu tho townsMp of Shpron n$oi;tikl, known md deseribed a fullow, to-wit : Uw wast onehalf oi' Boutheafit quarter, and the wout one-half of the t of the aouthfiiiHt quarter uf sectiou hu ven, in ownahip thi' ■■ south of IUM thrw eoftt in tin Stat if Michigan, coutainingoiiü hundredaud twenty aert ■ t-h, 1A71. HOfiKA EATON, 3Ibrti&gse. I. Cii vmer, Att'y. for Mortgagee. 1316 Mnrtgage Sale, DEFAUI7T ha ving been made in the condition of a certain mortgage, exi outed by Joamu niara, oí' I of Aan Arbñi ounty of Washlenaw, to inlr.w .!. Blitvely. t' the City of N'ew York, tm the tineteènthdtrf-of tfebvwur, A. D. lhfit;, and reeorded on the saino day, in libel ii.i of mortgagM, on pago 216, at 3 p. m. ut s:iii day, on which i-t : av ■ anil l-ono" ii4'oiii]inyin:f rhe üïimi1, is claimed to Ik.' chM at th(j dato oï thii ootice, the um of Chree hundred and -i iloll.Li-s :tinl t wi-niy-rivc iMint, ulso un AttorneyV !ëe of thirty dollars should any pxtïosedwgsbo taken to 'oredoM &no same, and no príKitJcdinfw írt ïw orrrjinty taving boou had to naooyw tlio dobt or any part li. ico!' ; is hereby piveu, tlmt by virtuc of the power tn said uior&age ooutained, 1 shaU bullatpubic auct.ion, to thè highost bidder, on Satimbiy, tlie tonth duv of Junu nexl, at 2 o'dock in the aftfióaioon it' said day, at the ourt ïl.-a --, in the City of A nu Arbor, in tyiid ( onnty, tliat being Hu pJoOO 01 b6MÍDg uil Court foc Bdid 'ounty of Waahteuaw, all thO890Wtan ptóodB or parcel-s of land sitúate in tlio Xjwnship 'of Aun Arbur, t'ounty of Wushtonaw ali]tiaid, knqwn, bonnded uwl desonbod ns foQowa, to-wit : liinr ail tiiat part of llic wt-ht hall of tl; nojrthetist luavtex of wotion pumbot nine (if) eafit of the rotut pi in:r the DOrtlrWtst corner therëofï ftbo all that part OÍ thtí eat hül f ot" ihp S4uiïlifst (jihu-Ut of saïd ■cction lyin" eosi f Sftíd ruad nol heretoforo dueded to Daniel Ó'lïani ; ill in towuahlp uuaiU'r two svuth of raiific Diunbez six (tij Bttrt Mardi 15ÜJ, 1871. AÍTBEEW J. SniVELY, Mortgngee. -ïi hik N. Gott, Attomcy for Mortgageo. 1313 Foroclosure of Mortgagc. DEFAULT haring I ü the payraent of the Hiuurt of monsy, with ten per cut. interest these on, Becufrecl by tti'1 mortgagd exeouled by Johannt sae to ('hauuccy IL Milieu, bearing date the nine tcenth day of April, a. d. L869 and reeonUid May 8 a. v. 1859 in tlit' omce of Bedati i ol DeedB ot tin rnunty ft' Wa.sliliimw, in the State 0f MiVlny;an, ii Ubd No. 25 ot mortgngcH, at page 603, and asa&ned t Qooonh Moi'sf, BepnitibeT 22, a. r. 1H02, by deed o H'ML'iimciii recordud iu aaid Besister& oilie, in aait liber No. 25, at ptne fïivi, on tho BÖth day of March, a d. 1871, by wliicli default the power of sale containw in said moHgago beeaihe operaÜTe, and no suit o I .i ooeedinn huving been instiutul at law Do raoovsr tli debt remaluixig aocared by sucb morteage, or any uu theredf, ftttfl tbc hixh uf tut htuodnd and Nor donan and BLventyeight cente bcing nbw blaimod to bo du : Nouce ía therefore hevebygi ven that sai mort age will bo foivclu.uud by the sale of the mortgag cd pr;uiises known and descrtbed ih belng in ltrowu i Fullcr's additiou to tlit; rillagc (BOW rity) of Ann Ai Imi, ja t!ie county oi' alit-naw, in the BtatQ ïlichigan, and QOtnmencing in tlic northcrlv line o liroadway, ciM'--n feet two mul iwo üfih iin-hc ttoathvedterly brom tho cornet of Brown Mtiiet au lïroadwav. and runmng thuneo liurthi-ily and pavalh wiüi Bxown Btwet. forty-niaie feoti tbenoa Boutherl and parallel with Broadway ninctcen feet and a halt thtiliüe twutln-asterlv and paialK'l wüh lïltiuri í-ih-u fort y nine feet to ïfroadway, thence on line o Jiro:idway to tlie phwti of begiuning. AlM the iüiIi vided half of the tollowhi' dcwrihiul land: Cora menoiug in tiio southwesterly line of B(owntree feet DOftheriy trom the oorber .i Broifó way and Brown Btuwt and rattaixuc tíionoe DOrthfcxl on the line of Brown streel efghtei n fet,ÜienM som 1 erlyutrightangtoe wiih Brown streetftFty-seven fetwo biches and two ftfuu to land tormer uwncd b te& L. Btnith, thence eadterly and paruuelto the fln ineniioned lij.'1 and on said Bmith' Une eíghtecn fee thenoe nortlierly at right angles and parallel with th aecosd line to t!ie plaoo of bdfliKningi at publi. or venduG at Court ETotse, m thedtycf An ArboV, in said uuunty, o:i tatiinlay, the lirst day o Juiy uext, ut uoun, UONOHAn MORSE, A&tignco. Dated, Mardi 27, a. i. Ib71. E. Y. M.uitíAN, Att'y. 1315 Mortago Sale. DEFAULT having been madi in the nmdition of a .iii mortguge exeeutod by Michacl Burkeo Ann Arbor, County of Waahtenaw, and state of Blieh igun, du the seyentfa day of August, A. I. lHíi", to .'i 'pii Ii. HaLdwin, of fche BMBfl phuu'. anti recordé the I3th day of AuguaU A. 1). Iw7, at lf o'cloük a ui. of :iiil dajy, m Uber No. 36 of mortgagea, on pag S42j and atsigxtod by said Joeepn I), Batawin to Laai Willard, of the City of Ann Arlar, on the 17th day o August, A. 1. 1867, and rcordud Ín liber No. 3) asdgniaeuta of mortgagea, on page iiuijiImt 49, on th . ui Deoembèr, A. I). 1868, at 2 oolock P. m. o said day, "ii wliii-h mortgagc and bond aeoompAnyini the sjinie, thare ia olaúued to ík' due at the date of thj ootice, the ütiiu of one hundred and eighty-fbur dol law nul forty-twQ conts, alao a reasonajblë Bolicttor8 or an Attorneya iee, should any prooeed&ga lui takei t fbnolQU tlns m0rtgag9, and no suit or proi at law oi i '■■iiity haviny been institutt-d to reoove the debi or any part thoreOf; Notloeis hureby giren, that by virtueof tliu powe of .salo in Baid UOrwaKfi rentained, 1 BjltaU Bol] at pub : ion, to the hianest bidder, on thelOthdayo June next, at 2 o'clook in the afternoon of Baid day, o the front door of the Court Ilou.-se, in the City of Aun Arbor, in aaid (."ounty, that being Üm place of holding (ae Circuit Court for said ( ounty oi' WaahtenAWi al rtain troots or paroelft ojT Uuid knowi) and de : as follOWS, tO-WÜ : Kots No. íour und tive il blook nUBlber three, oeooccUng to the ])lat recordad ii lil ex No. -■' of deedd, of said J. D. Baldwin's Basten ■ ■ to the City of Aun Arbor) iu the County o . .. and State of Wfahignn. ■ -ii Mth, 1Í471. LAURA W1LLAKD, AbaiiTuce oi' said ilortijiige. John ■■ . - p, A ttomey lor Atwignee of aaid Mortgajje 1313 Mortgage Sa!e. DKFAI'T-T having been made in the oanAítion of a obrtain mortgagA, exeouted by Wflüain M'ollun kamp and Mury Molb-nkam]), his'wiie, of Freedom ':i -htt-uiiw County, and State of Michigan, on the ITth day of .)otobcr, A. D. 18Ó6, to Orrin A. Walt, o Bharon, County and State itfmvsaid. and rCCOrded ii the Regiater's i ►fflos of the Ocnmty ot 'ii-lt■l).v, oi J Otober, A. D. w, at ÍH oletock v. u èï haid day, in libëf i7 óf moxtgageft, page 177, whiol siiid mortgagc waa duly aasigned ly aaid Orrin A Walt to oosepb l'ray, of the towuship of Northüeld County of Waahtonaw aforesoid. on the beoond day o March, A. O. 1S7O, and recordé! in the Rj Office Óf aaid county, on the lSth dav of May, A. I) Ib7o( ut 10 o'olook a. m. of aid day. In ober - ui' oisdgn :. ' Qtsof mortgageS) on pa?u 523 ; that-theroieclaimet to be doo ukiu mud inortgage and note at this date the suzn of live huudred and torty-two dollars am twentj -throe cente, alao forty dollar as au Attomfiy'fl fee should any prooeedingB be taken to Ibñctose Uw Hiiinc, añil no piDeeetïiu in law or in equity liavin been had rt L'eoover the debtor any part thereof ; Kotioö ú hereby giren, that by virtue of the pQwei of s;ïle üontdiiied in said luurtfftif.', 1 .lü.ll A0 ;it public aii:tion, to the highest biiltler, on the lOth day o June next, at 2 o'eloek ï i. of Pid day, ut the Cour Qpuse, in the City of Aun ArU r, in BAid County [tlm beüiy: the place for holding the OfDuit Court tor siU County ot' Washtenttw), all the JSallowing deeoribec lauda: oommezucing at the souih (uaiter ]Kwt of eeo tiun ntfteteën of Froedom, townliip thrM soutii ot n q pi tour Bant, and running thexne north oiKdejfie irty chains and forty links ahin the ■_ line ito the reuter ptkst of said seotion, tlienoe north eighty-nine degrees easi iïiu ca ohaiña and seventy-two links along the east and west quartarline, tla-mesouth tharteen degrena east torty-one ohaiiu and thirty links, thonce Bouth eighty-ninfl degxees weat twentyfbui cliiins ai id ninoty-two links alonpr the south liue of aid Bootton oineteen to the place of beginning i abo theeast half ot tho outhwflrt juavt-roi the southwest Quarter of Beotíon number eeventeen, towu tlux-e south of range foureast. llarch ljth, 1871. josErn riJAr, Asiüguuc of aiil HortgagQ, John N". GWtt, Attoiiiey xor Asshjnee. 1313 Mortgagc Salo. DEFAULT haring been made in the condition of a certain mortgnge executed by Charles Heutler nul lúiusJiui:. Iiis wifu, of the city of Ann Arbor, in Waahteuaw county and state oï Blichigan, to Aiphoi- l-'i-l..-!i, of the same place, on the Sth day of May, Í860, and recorded in Uie omce of Regtstor of 3eeda or said county of VTashtenaw, ou the1 31 st day of May, a. ij. ISfiü, ut 8 o'slock a. r., in liber 2(i of inortgoina, on ]i fyè v 13, vhioli said mortgage was duly i by said AlpJfceuB Peloh to Ernestute Boutier, ot' thu city of Ann Ariior, atoivsaid, Ihe 22d day of April, a. i. 18tiü, tuid ïecorditl in the office of lU'isk-r of Dotidtf for HJiid county of W'ashknaw, on the 39th lay of July, D, 166B, fit H% o'eloek a.m., inlilier -2 of ussitfuni'.'uts pf (ñórtgages, ón page 25S, and aèéned Érneetine lieutler to Aufrustus Widenuatin, of the aid city of Ann Arbor, on the lütli day of Maich, a. D. 1H7, afiedgnment ík recorded in he lUgistt-r's emoe of said eounty, in liber 3 of asignmeni oi mortgages, nn pa,"p ■. tni that tiioie is ■laiiiial to bO due at the date hereof Uie sum uf two mmlivd and two dollura and 7S cents, ulio tho reaBonLolQcostsand tsttaaoej leejs, ahouid any proocedings h:.ii to foKecloüe thO saine ; and no snit or prooeeur taw or in equity haVing been had to recover the rood by soul mortgam os any part Umodf : dtii . ■ i ),. ii i given that by virtue of the power of ale iu aaid mortgage oontained, f hal] sell at public luciioii. tn the higneai bMder, on the 24th day of June, . i. 1871, al tWOO'CÏpOk in the afternmtu uf that day, lï, the Cront door of the Courl Efouse in the aaid city of Vnn Arhor, in the county of Washtenaw aml Btate of iiehigan, theprenuBas deMribed hi iaM ibcrttegeavall o , rtain traota or pateeUof landdeecnooctaBfblows, to wit: the north part of lot number threo, in )UH-.k numluT tivi-, liciiiLT a strip of sjiid lot, two rtXÏB cu Ihfl nOrtfa ena 't Ud same, and running croa tlio sanie from eott to west; aUo thoaputfi art of lot number two, in same bloek, bounded is follOWB, to wil : On the north by a line coiainctuin n khfl easi bne oï Sprjsg BtrMt,"at the distaneaof MJ eet iniüL the northwMt corner of said lot number two, od running thenoe eastwardly ocrosa suid lot toa Kint tlie east line of sald lot al the distance of 40 eet from the northeast corner of Baid lot aamher two, ivnv.v runi.ijii: snulhtily by the cast linu oi said lot southeast corner thereof, thenee west by the ou tli lint' of üiii'l lot to Sjn-inr -Itvit, UMSkM DOXth by ÍQ w. f! luie pi saul lot to pUc uf txLíinning, the une beug situated in that part of said oityoi Ann knownaa Felch'í adiíition, a plat orwhiehiB écAed m Mie otflrcLOf tlm üoKisttr of DeedsafsAid ounty, in liber. i of ULtdw, on nam 140, and the Baid aro Ueroby oonveyed subject to all rlgnta and riTÜegeswhioh beibftg te the proprlbtorB tri the mili kv ludí runs along the eaat IhjixUt of aid piemibee. Datad, Marvi: -:-:d, 1871. 1316 A. "WIDENMAXX, Assinco. PUYSÏGIA1MS PRESCRIPIIOISI ACCUKATEI.Y AND 1 CAREFULLY PREPABED BY ií. W. KÍJJS et (;0.,VHUUaiS28.[ Chanceiy Kojdce. STATK ■' Ml( HHiAN, Cimiit Cuurt for the i 'ninty of WAshtenaw, in Chancery. MAHY Al. SAV.i.i ( i.iiij.l.imimt, ) Va. A I wlSTlS M. SAVAI.r!, E) fciwW'. ) II satisfa torily appearing to this Court by affMavit that the defendant, Aufm iw AJ, s .,% .,. , ;, ii,fn-j#:'n of this S(.tto, on luotioii (4 i-V-1 '_í i i trapt ïnjIh:on f br coinplaiatmt, it i ordptod rtutt'ili'í vúdcb:: emlfint caust? his app'ar:tiir'.e to ent t tc1 n ïtlu nonthn f rom tht1 date of tint order, atad tlmt in oasG ii' is appearanee he ti&use his answev ij tht oamplain n$'a bili to be ftlc.1 aini a copy thenwf to 1h? ten ie oompliu.njuitV 8oltciton wtthin 1 wenty doga mfivjc ; bilt S J. -j.: ►Iriini ;jnï' (Mstfcê f ttaia order, and in tauit thereei tlmt the suid Uil ui Inkeii a OOftf Wied by thu ail drtonáant : And it n further ordoi'1! tliut witliin tw.iity days.thesaid :ompluínnnt cause a oojiy of this order to 1m; rmblishud i Mi'iii'i-ni Artjux, a, nrayspapor ininttil in, aid unty of Vrashtnuiw, and that the pirMfeHöi] bon nme ;it leawt onoe a weck for ix week suvecanivfly, r toat ha. oaose a eopy ut this order tobe personally tvlhI on the said deftondant, aeoordtng to the salx nd prnctioeof thia ' ouxl. Dutud, April Öth, 1W1. li. HKA1TAN, Circuit Cottrt Commissioner. Wiitjhtíriiuw (Jouuty, Mioh. Fulcu Sc (tkant, Complainuut's Solicitors. 131Gw6 Ifical Estáte for Sale. TATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Warihtenuw, ss. 5 lu the ïuuttor of the enlate oí' Adam M ui . decased. Notice w hereby givent that in punmauM af d,u order granted t tl: undersignecL administxator ol ■■ of : l í " l deo ased, by the Hou. Judge of l'ro)ut lor tlitó cuunty ol WAshtenaw, ou the tweutiuth iay i Match; A. W71 there will lx; wild at public venduo, to the higheat bidder, at the dveUtug house uu the premiará bereinater desoriitad, in the eounty of WnsUtvuuw, út BCEid State, on WeflJftetiÜbay the Í7th day of Muy, A. D. 1871. at ouu o'eloek iu tbeafternoon of thaï di y subject te all eneumbranoeeby mortKae or othen E m tU tiuie of the dcath bï mil deooatted, and also Bubject to the ii;:hi of dowi i ei' ii ividow tin Ti.-in; the fbUowing doserfbed real esttttoi u-wit: Being a part of the Bouthvwl auutev ui' the, ■ stquarterof seotiQn twenty-eint' lo townshh thlreé south ot' xau; fuui ecunt in uil Btate, boakidad as followa : cuiniiit'ii'.:!!; "Viirwin ii'uth of the southrner ut' the aoutL#est quiüctej of Boutfawért awafter ol' snid hcct.iini, theney nrth fuity-two rods, thciice weöt ten rod, uMD06aOttth twenty-three ïodü, theuce west nine ïods, theuce Houth ninfltonn lods, thi'iii-c tuist nineteeii ï-ods, to the pXaoe oi' betíinniíifí, containiug tluree aovüA uud one hundred uud eieren rod.s of laiitl, vcitU dwellinif tlieroon. Dutod, Murch 20th( A. 1 I87Ï. 1314 JOHN ÜUKTZ, AdiiLÍiiÍsímt(ír. Real Estáte for Sa OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of "Wiuthtcnaw, Sfu 0 in iniiti'-r of theetdte of Beniy Cmliteld, deceitöed, NoÜOf u hereby given, tluit in purUiini:c ol" un order gruntcd U tue undersinciï, adnunstrator oi the esteta of said deecaaed, by the Hun. i Ptobate fox the County of Washtenaw, on the twentyMecond day of BEanb. A. D. 1H71, thcre wil! bo mAó, ut publio veudut', to the highi-st bidder, tit the d welling house on the premiset heieiuafter deseriliccl, in the eounty of Waahtenaw in said Slute, on Wednewhiy, Üie I7th day of May, A. 1. 1S71, at ten o'clock in the foi"enoou of thutday [sabjeet tQ uü eusmoLbnnoefl by mortgage oi othorwfae existing ■ f tc deuth ol aaid deceaaed, nud ulso subjeet to the tíght f doVGT of hia widow thureiuj the folio wing deseriln;d i stille, to-wit : ooiunicnr-ing in the center of .Main Btceet, iu th,c villii)c of Chelnea, bLx chains and niiu-tyDüi- liiili.- .'■'-i.iÍL froin tho nurth line of BOOtion tWftlve, townshlp'twOLBOuth of range, three east, and running thenoe east twelve chaina aiíd ó',-)-ne links to Cbmu Ta)or'H lint.1, thonoe twuth along rad 'IvIwi'a line ■even ohfttm tnore or lu;s to Cèlcna siiiifii's Wid, thenoo south eifihty-seven degrees wetst nine chaina and eighty-two links, tUeuoe uortli ttve chains uud lorty-two linky, theni weel time rl.ains and t velve lmk to the oentez of Uu highway, thenoe north along t li' linter of the hifílnvay two chaina und fort y links to the píaos óf begtantDg'i excepting and raeorving a strip of land and ond-hau rodfl widefrom tho northoaat corner and running weet on the line ad{ofadng John M. Letfa land iorty rods, for the uae oi' suid deseribed land.-, ajod sajbd Joim M t, tior their huccc-shíu-, us tt lani . , Dated, March Í2Ú, A. i. 187L 1314 CHAEIiEH U. KJÖEPF, Adininistmtor. Commissioners' Xoticc. CTATEOF Mil II I-JAN', County Of AVuhlrM.-w.s..: 1 ' The uiuk-r.i;:n;d haring been nppointtd by the Probate Court lor suid county, (ommissiwieï to reooive, examine nd tidjuHt all claima utd döHHÜïda od all persons agáuurt the estáte of Edward Buri di' N'iuw'U!lU,ilirr,ix:l, i;ti'viiy ofiyB llint nix montliH t'vom date are aUuwed Ij;, order of miic Probate Coart, for eréditon lo pronont their claim ■gainat the cstwto of said deoeased, and that tin y u a meel at the hite residente of said oècAuiied, in Superior, in said iioimty, m stini(i:v , the ttreSty-fourtl ■ i' June, uud Friday the twenty-seoond doy "i Beptember next, a4 Con o otook a. m., od ea daVsj to receive, examine, and adiust suid claims. Êated, March 22d, 1871. DAVID BOWERiÏÏk, [ CoinwWoaen. Commissioui rs' Xutice. QTATKof .MiriiKj.w, Counlj oí Wwhtenaw, as The undenigned, having been appointed by tht Probate í kui t Cbr tsaid Cotint] ■ ntrs torei-i-ivf, i.'xaiiiine and iuijut all elüiius and d manda ai ali pereona Bgaimit Qie eutute of Cathaxine Kt.en.iiL, Int of said 'ouniy, dii:i w d, ln-n-by i;ive DOÜOe tfwit hïx nkonthafixun date are aUowedby order of eaid Probate Court, foi creditora to urosent their agajitei the estáte of raid ñfMWfflftd, and that they will meet ai the County Clerk's Offloe, in the eity of AnnArbor, in said t uunty, on Monduy, ttae teiity-.-vixth day ol Juin-, aud AV'ednesflay, tho twenty-eeventh day ot Septenbor next, af 10 o'cloek A. M., of eaoa said days, tu reouTe, examina, and adjuHt duid claims. Dated, March 27th, A. T. 1871. 131 nvl Bstato of Lydia Rosier. OTATE-OP MICHIGAN, Cunntyof Waefatenaw,. O Notloeifl heril)y fuiven, that by an order of the Probate Court for the Conntyof wasbtenaw, made ou the twcuty-eiL'titli day of Mardi, A. D. 1871 six mouihis frooi that date wori lUowed fyr credttora to irtx-ut their cIhíhih againsl the eatate óf Lydta Roaler, hite of sjiid CoODty dceeased, and that all crëdltora ofaaid rteceaued are requircd to present rheir claims lo aid Probate Ccnrt. iw the Probate Oflk-c. in the City of Anu Arbor, f:ir i-xainination and allowance, on or before the tv enty-eljrhth day of September next, and that BiicJb clalma wil! bu heard beTori-said ProbAtoCovft. oitKaiurflar, tlie(ntli day of June, uud :ii 'i'hurathiy, the twen E y eijrhth dv September next. ut teil o'clock in ihe foreuoon o of each of thoi-e days. Datud. Anu Arbor, March ?S[h. A O 1S71. 11IHAM J, BIÍAKKS. 135w4 Jude of Probate. lístítto of Eunioe Baldwin. STATE OV MlCUUrAN', Countyof Wiwhtenaw, sd Notioe.ia bereby given, that 6y as order of th Probate Court lor ene County of waahtenaw, ntad on the kwenty-êerenth day of Mareh, A. D. ïsri, si inouths firom that dato wars, aUowed tor creditOM t preeeut their cluluis wyMiyrt the t-stute of Kuuit ÜaUlwin, late of .itid couuty, dfioeaaed, and that ai ■a ui said d - n--4 rtre requirel to presen tbeir rlaini.s to sJÜd Probate CoUt, at the Pi-ubat Offioe, in the City Kt Anu Arbor, for exatnniation an allowftnee, on or before the twenty-seventh duy of 8e] tember next, and tha1 auen claima will be heard befoi said Probate Court) onWedneedfty, the twenty-eevont ihty uf Mü. and uu s.iiiinlay the twentjr-aeveath da of Septethpèf , ni'xt, at 10 o'cloek in the foienoon o eaoh of thoae days, Datud, Aun Ai lor, March, ■::, A. V. 1871. HI1ÍAM .T. lïKAKV.S. l.Éïl5w4 Judgs "f Pffttae. Estáte of Anthony Ely. QTATK OF MTCHIOAW, County of WaehtenftW, ss Ö At a m 'Si-ioii of iln.' I'iobate f'ouit for the ('ouiity o Waahteiiaw, holden at (he Probate OflLoe, in the it of Ann AvIkm-, on Kriday, the p.Mnry-tourth day o Mareh, in the yuar one thousand eight hundix-d an( aevE-nty-one. a Hiram J. Bea&ea, Jodyeoi Probato. In thv oí' Ús6 Ltrtto uf Anthony Ely, de ceiwtxl. ■ idibg and fijing the petitloik, duly wrificd, ü Miramliay, Ailinini.sti'ator, práying tliat hc inay li li i to .-njll oartain real estato wheceof auid du oeftaed died seised. Thereujxjn it is ordered, That Monday, the eiffhtl day ut May ntxt, at ten o'eloek in tho tbrenoon, be assigned tor the hearing of said petitíon, und thai th licijs ;tt lav of -iiil dfloaaaadi anu all other ieraons in teueeted in said eatate. are required to appcar at a toe sion of 8;Ud Court, then to w holden, at the l'robutc OiEee, in the City of Ann Arbor, and ihowoattse, i any there 1hi, why the prayer of thé petitioner sboóli not bc iyranted : And it is turthcr ordeiBdi that wair petitioner give notice to the persona interestod in saü stai'1. of che pamdency of asad petttéon, and tli hsas niK thereof, by oauaing a eopy ot this order to pub Uahed in the Mickiffan Avgut% a ncwsjiJiT)cr print uil aiu in said County, four uccesiTC wecka pi-evious to said dav of heurinw. . . (A true t-ypf.) ' HIRAM J. É&Á K ES, 131ü Judge of I'iobate, Et ito of David DeForest. otate ot1 anCHTGAN, County of At a aosslon of the Probate Court for the Coiuity of WiistiuiKiw, iLii.Nn at the Probate office. In the iity of Ann Arbor, on Thursday. the MxTh day o; April, in the yetir oue thousnud eiht htnidroc and sevi'iity-one. PrsssJlti Hiram J. Beakes. JihIl' of probate In the matter of tUü estáte of David DeFumtt, leceased. Uoury U. Beiinctt tnid WiUi.un A. Moore, Exec itorB of tlie last will and testament of vald flfteatied.ctune iuto Court and represent that they aro iüw prparcd to reuder iheir fiual act:ount as euch zecutora. Thereiyion it is orderetl, tlml Motiday. the firtt ay ol yC'-iy uextt at teou'clock in te foronoou, c assijriied for exiiminin and allowuiL' anth ;uouut, and that the Itygatees. devitei'S ml heirs at aw of said dceáf óa, and all other persona ínterstcd in suid estáte are required to auteur ut n eestou of said Court theu to be holdeu at the 'róbate Olllce, in the City ol Ann Arbor, xi eaid ottnty, and show cause, if any then: be. Wy the aid account slum hl nul be allowed : And it is furuer ■irderftiit thftt aJd Ktvrutor- gfvt notice to ktkuiih in n i-.vttil in íiaid estáte, of the peuency of said acconnti and thhearine thereof. hy msfng copy of thi order tobe puhlishrd in the tichigan Ar gut % a newspaper printed and cfren atiu in said County, threo succeauive weeks jrovioas to said day ui hearlns;. (A truncopy.i III KAM J. IÍEAKES, mötd Judteoi Probate. Estáte oí' Rodéis - Minors. 3TA.TÏ OF MiciUGAX, County of Waahtenaw, bb. 5 At il Bastion ui the Probate Court tor the County F WaabtensjV, holden at the Probate Opoein.the City t' Ann Arbor, on Thuraday, the thirtieth day oí lan-li, m the yeai one thuusand eight hundrud and cveniy-ouB. Present, ITiram J. Beakes, Jndgo uf Ptobata, in the natter oi khe eatate of BCan Alix.-r. Anna odel, Herman Etodel, Adolpb Kok-l, wühehiunQ ItoeL Bertha Bodol and Frederiok Rodel, minors. John Albcr, (iuanlian ut aaid estats oomaa into Dort aind rèpreaants that ha is now prapared torent-r hia Anal uouut as sunfa QnasdiaiL Thareupon it is unlerud, tha-t Monday, tho twen■-foiinh day af April nwrt, at tenoVwoA i" the orauoon, luwiirn! ibr axamtiung and allowuk suoh uovuunt, and that the next of kin of id inimns, and all otluT pajtSQns intereited in lid estáte, are reiuired to appear at a aeeaion of iid Court, then to 6e holden at the l'rohate Offioe, in !,■ i ity af Ann AiUt, Ín saiil Cunnty, and s]nw ause, il any there be, why the aaid acoounl ahould not ie allowed: And it ík lurtherordemï, that suid (inaii;m KÍT6 notíoo ti' pi " 'BB Utterestod i il Bsid esite, of the pendencfy of sald adcéünt ■"!(l ÜiehoarinK uil-ui', by Qvuauu aodpy of this order to e pulliah4w 1 the Michigan Aruus, a nwspaper printel anti circuutiiiK ín said County, three euafiaVe weeks previous o Kuid 'Itiv of heiiTinir. (A fcrueoclpy.) 1IIKAM J. BKAKFS. ïaiö Judgcof Frabvck Estáte of Goodalc - Minor. S'-'T.TKoF MK'HhiAN.County ofWashteaaw , Ata aeasion of the Probate Court lor rhe Countt f Waahtenaw, holden ut the Probate Office, i tj 'ity of Ana Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenty-eiehth Uy of Mareb, in the yeur one thouaand eighi hun Üix-'i, yjul w:vcn y-onr. kt, lliiMin J. Beakes. Jndge of Probate. In the XQftttet erf Uu Estute ot" Jfcrauk W. Qoodal minor. ' On lettdiiu and fl2mg the petition, duly vcrifled of Edwtird L. Boyden, Guardian, prnying that he mar oe lipenaed n uil wi-taiu vetjl ottute belongiag to&aid minor. J hereupon it ia ordered, that Wednettday, the twentt süxtli dag iji' April next, at ten o'ciqck in the foreuooa n A for thti Ir .;j.iuK yl" &"!■ petition, and that the ttèxl of kin of aafri rumoré', m& all vtli.r p;rwjn ■:i iu tsaid estalf. air i i,.i, . ■] ♦ -, ru at7 seesion f said Coort, then to be holden, vt tje l'robate Offijje, in the City ot' .Aim Arbor, ;ind shfrw feuuae { my thetö.be, why Uu: pr:iyrr of %hs: pctitioiu Hliould uot granted,: Alld it i-s further ordered, tbt aid petitiyner, giw notiee to the next of kin of suid minor and all uth.r peruons tnterested ib saíd estáte, of, th$ peiidt'ucy of taid jietition, umi the hearing thcrettbV caiuing a cupy oi this order to be publirtied in thï Miciyim Anjut, a newspnper printed and eirculuting 1 ounty, three aaosessive week pruvioutoüd da y of hearing. [A tw oopy.j HIItAM J. IÏEAKKS, Í315 Judge of Prohate. Bestatè öf Millistíiít Iteviney. UTAÏK Ol-MlCBlOAÑ, County of Washtenaw, i At :t ttessiou of the Probate C'ourt for the Cotuitr of Wualitunaw, bolden ut the Probute Office, in the city ot' Ann Arbor, on Thursday, thü Uur,tieth day of Harcb, iu tue yeax unc thousawJ, fctgUt bfctórd 04 se ven tv i'n-.itt, Hiram. J". licakcs, üt??fettf Probate. In the matter of tho eaUite oï ilillirtcut evintr minor. Kobert B. Deviney, Guardian of said 'iteiitatt intu "imit and reprewiits iliit is now preparU w it:iii r bit Soa] account 1.1 such Guardián. Thereupon it is ordered, thut Monday, the twentjfourth day of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon br aasigned for examining and allowiu such account' and that Ui; oezt of kin oi' suid minor, and nll ajiBsejtod m Bind ttatv axe required t hppear al a sv&siou of aid Court. ttaen tu le holden, a tin (xibáte Offlbè, in the city of Ann Arbr, in aiy Count, and ahuw cause, if any there be, why th suid ai-cuiiiit stiould not be allowed : And it is further ordered, thöt iuul (juardian give notice to tt peiMRU intere.sUxl ín asad estáte, of the peudencyof Baid u:cuunt, und the beunnv theix-of, by cuusing a copy of thifl order to be publUlied in the Michigan Artjns, a newspaper priuted aud ofrcnlating m s (Juuuty, Uuee Hueccrtsive weeks previoua to said day of hearbig. (A trui wff .J HIUAM J. BKAKKS, 131. JudtffcOt l'mbutflL Estáte of Jolin Powell. .CiTATKOF MICHIGAN, County oi Washtenaw, gr O At a sesaion oT tho Probate Court for theCmit of Wuöhtenuw, holduu at the Probate Office iu the City of Ann Arbor. on Suturday, the twenty fifth d ot' theyear oue tbouaaud eight huudred d acvnty-one. Present 11 tram J. Ieakes.-Iudge of Probate In the matter of t catate of Johu Powell' deceft-ctl . . John Geelde! Ex ecu tor of the last will and testament of rüiul deoeaflod, cusaee 'to Court and repret aents that hfl is now prepuied irt &d#s lus üual c innint ïim Mich Ëxecutur. Thereupon itis Ordered, that Mondar, thetwentr. fourth day of -pril next at ten o'clck iu the forenoou, be miucd for cxaminin and allowing such ücwuuW ud that the Icatt-c-, dtrviM and helrs at luw of aaij d-ccased. aucl ai; other persona loteretted lo said ■ettite, are required lo appear ata Heueion of sa ld otirt, tk-ü tu be holden at the Probate Oflice, in tlie City of AnK Arlir, in öaid CuuiUy, and show cuiiïie, i f any tber be.wliy the said account nhotild not be rtílowedj And it b further orderrd that snit) Kiecnto? glT notlce tö the persona intereettíd in uaid iviie, of the ])undency of said account, v,ú tbc beariiitf thereof. by caualfis a oopj of thia orter to Wnbijsbwljwvlihe Michigan Arpas, n priufe Sod crKoYathig in eaid County. thre sucemiya wt;ks previoii." to aaidUavof hearing. (A truecop.) 'IIIIUMJ. DEAKK8, 1315 Judye of Probate. Estittc of William V. Graiit STATfi OF MICHIGAN, County of "Vahtenaw, t At a BOsaion (f the Probate C.'ottrt lor the t'ounty of Waahtenaw, holden at tlie Probate (Utice, iu tb City of Ann Arbor, ou Tvesday, thetwenty-firstdnyof Man-h, in the yeax une thouauud cight huudrwl and beventy-'-nr. ■ fit, Hiruin J. lïeukes, Judge of Probate. , [& tin: ïiiattuv of tho catiite of Wüüam V. ürunt.' dooeaeed, Óeovge c. riio, EdbeuUff yf the lust wil) and ir.-4,i:urnt uf Batd deceosed, comea oito Court :uid rep. thftt hv is ikjw prepured to render hiij ifwïac. couut jus such Kxccutor. ,, Thereupon it iu ordered, that Monduy, the soventeenta day of April nt'xt, ut ten u'clock in tlu; otiÊÓfgiM I tor examiniag and aUowing such account, and that tho teffati . ;ind heira at luw of suid de . ml ;ill othor jKTMum n.tcit Mil 111 said e&tateJ mu pequirJ to appear at a nnmrion of s;ïd Court, then to be hulden, ut the Probate ' tliec, in tlie City of Ann Arbor, in siiid County, and show ruuse, if any there be, why the said aeootmt sliould not be ullowed: And it is furthur uidured, that anl Kxtutorgive rwkctu the persons intereated ün said estáte, of the pendenc? uf sii'l aosDUAt, and the hearinic theretif, by causioxa ■ thiaoxdorto bepqhlkhed iu the Michigan Ar gut, a newnpapet piinted and oiroulatuiQ in nul oim-. ty, three iMlooeaúve weeks previous to aid duy of hear Log. pk true oopy.l 1U1ÏAM .T. BEAKES, 138 Jud?eof Probate. ite af Oharktq T. Palmer. TA.T E OF MICHIGAN, ounty of Wiuutenaw, h. t Atasewionol the Probate Court for the County of Waahteñaw, hmden at the Probute Office, in th 1 Ann ArUjr, on Thuraday, the twi-nty-thinl day A Uurch, in the yoar one thousund eight bun-' dxfjflaad scventy-oue. ii ut, Ilirum J. Beakes, Jud'" of Probate I n tLhe matter of thu übtute of ChuriutU; T. l'ulincr, deoeaaed. On reading and ftling the petitiou, dwly verilïcd, ot Prederlek 8. Palmer, pxaying Èbut Charles Eing imj be appowied Adzalaiatrator of the estáte of fcuid de iiiwwl. Theroupon it is ordeietï, that Monduy, the scventeentli day uf AprO next, t ten o'clock in the fore noou, be ,u-.siiíiic.l for üñ hearing of said petition, and that tlit heir at law ot' said doOMWedj and uil otliei (ni ntexested in said estáte, are required to ap peut al H sessúni ï ail ( uurt. tlieii tobe holden, ut the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, unl show oanae, ii any thora bc, why the pruyer of the petitfoner shouJd not be gnuited: Ana it furthef ortlertxl. tlmt &.v petitiouer iive not ice to the persona Interc&tëd in BrfKl estáte, of thep0ndéney of wd petitiou, and tho lu-.-iniiK thoreof, by tUfiiníf u copy o( this order to be published in the Michigan Anjut, a neirsp&per in-intcd aud circulatiiiff iu sald ( -uni), tliree Buooessive wuuko proviottfl to suid duy of hearing, (A truc copy.) H1EAM J. BBAEHi, UU Judge of Probate. w Estáte of Jo}m M. Cumings. OTATE OP MICHIGAN. County of WaaliteDSw, ui O At a sesaiou of the Probate Court for the Coontf of WashU-uaw, hulden at the Probate Office, in thfl City uf Aun Arl'ur, on Monday. the twenlieth day ;T iAJUfihi in the year une lliutisund eiylit hnudrrd and seveutv inu-. i'n-M-n: Uit ;iin J. Beakes. Jtidge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte Johu M. Curaing.-' dettoawdi On rctiüiuand flliui; the petition, duly verified. ot Kr.inkin l. 1 omingSi praylng that a certtiiu iDcirainent now on tilt: in thiü Conrt, porpOTtlaK to le the last will and leatSJfeeat Of aiU decfased. inay he ad mitted to probate, Aud hc may be ppointci Bxeontor therw f. 1 ,. Thereupou t i ordered, that M-nday. the. fevcnteeuth day of April next, at ten o'clocü in the lorenóón be atigncd for the hearing of suid petition, Hud thttt thn leatec deviere, iud hrAr ,it law of said deceased, and all other perrons iutereted in suid etnte. are requirec to appear al a mcetuon ot' suid Court, then tobe holden, ut the l'robute oflice, in the City of Aun Arbtir.Httd ehow canse ; Jfmi) therche. why the prajJ of Ihc petïtioner ifhould not be Kionted: And It ia turther ordered, that sul petitiouo ivenotice totha persons Interested In aid estáte, of the jendency of paid pi'tfüon, and the hOMing Ibeveof. by caueing ft copy of this order publisheil in the Mithigaik Ai-fju.-. anewspaper priiut'd and crculatiDg ii. au Coontiy,.thre0 8uCflei!Ve wVeEa prvvtoua to saiddiy of ie;irn. CA trae CÓpy.J HIKAM BEAKES, 1314 Jiid'e of ProbaU. Estáte of alista Elli's. OTATK OP MICHICiAX, County of Washtenaw, w. At a sedsion of the Probato Court for the ('ounty oí Wüii!rii;iw, liuidfii at the Probate Office, intheCitj1, of Anin Ajrbor, qq ThnrsdaT, tlie twenty-thfrd dnyof Maruh, fa tltc yo:u' uue tíiuuund eiyht hundred and seventy-i'iii . Present, Hiram .1. Beakes, Judgc of I'rólmte. In tho matter of the estáte of Caiifeta Ellfs, deooasod' On readtog and filin the petition, duly verified, of Myron II. KlUs, prayin that Caleb J. Harlow mn'r appointqd udiniiiistriitor of the estAte of said iepeasecL Thereupon it in ordóréd, Th.U Mouday, the neven. iv of A uil uext, at ten o'elock in the i'ureiMKm, beassigned for the hearing oi said petition, and that the hcirs at law of said deceused, and uUoth-, er persons Latei ested in said estáte, ;iro rtfunred to ajpejir it a so- toa oí' snid Court, then tó be holden, ftt ibate Office, in thí lity of Ann Arbor, und shiw cause, if any thi"e bí, vrhy the prayer of the petitioner should n.ót 5á trrtutcd: And it in further : ordered, tlmt Baid potítíoner tve noobfr tó the persoajf interested in úd eetate, 01' the poudency uf suid peti-% tion, and hearinK theréof, by wnjng a copy of this onler to he puhliHht'd in the MichigtM Argus, a newpsper printed and cimilatinK in Baid County, thica Buocestpve weeks prcvióus to suid day of hirnrin. (Atruecopy.)' JdlUAM J. BKAKËK.' 1314JiiC&c óf Probate.' Estáte of Alltert Stevená. QTATK OF MJCHIGAN, Cmmty of Washtcüaw. M O Atasediouof the Probate Court fór. the Con: ofWashtenaw, holdeu at the Probate Office, intho City of Aun Arbor, on Saturday, the fourlU ty of March, itt the ytiúf ohe thouuaud eighl mdred and seventy-öiie1.' Prenerit, II iraní .J. Beakes, Judge of Probntei , In the muiter of the estáte of Albcrt Mr.faJ, deceaveü. Oureadiiiiïandfllin-: ihe petltiun duly veriftedof leory Frahck, Adimnistrator, ira)infr thut bé ii:iy be liccuscd to scH uurtaiu roal estáte whervo said deceased died seizrd. Thereuwon it is orderett, thst. Uóndtfy. the fe'ntcenth day of April nexU al leu o'iiook io thfl orenoou, be assincd for the hearing of s'c nitition, and that thv heirs at law pf eaid decoíeJ,' nd all other persona Interested tv said etw re required to appear at a üestííon ofaaldCoatC hen to bu holden at tht' Prubati-Ofllce.iu thveity of 1111 Arbor, aud show cftnae, i f any there be.wb he prayer of the pet]iiO?GrBhould not he grantedr ndit Isfartherorcfcred thatnidpetitiouer (tlvcno[cotothjBpenonsinterestBdin saideetate ol the pen ency of öaid petition, and the hearing thereof, by ausing a oopv of thip Ordit t be published tntn4 lichiganArgusa newttpapvrprinled aud crrcrtiitirt n said couuty, four shctesaivi: wcest previont tv aid day ófheaiin'. CAtruecopy.) UIRAM.T. BEAKKS. V1 Judceof Probate. r ITE GEËSE FE A TM ii R S PIBST GiXJ.I-ITY, onetantljonhuad aud for sale by BACE êf ABJSL Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in thé City,by


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Michigan Argus