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Anecdote Of "old Hickory."

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Shortly aíter Mr. Buehanan'g return from Russia in 1834, to which he had buen sent by President Jackson in 1832, and imiuiidiately following bis clection to the Sedóte of tho United Stutes by the i lature ot Pennsylvania, to lili thc nnexpired term of William Wilkins, resined, who, in his turn, was sent tü suooeed Buohanan in the same foreign mission, Buchanan callod upon Oíd liiokory with a luir Knglish lady, whom he desired to present to tho head oí' tliu American nat ion. Leaving her in the reception room down stairs hu useended to the Prosidont's private quarters and íound General Jacks.oii linshaved, unkempt, in big dressing gown, with his slippered feet on the fender bofore a blazing wood-flre smoking a oornOob pipe of the okl Southern school. Ho statea his object, whan the General said j he would bc yery glud to meet the Kome acquaintance of the new bachelor Senator. Mr. Buchanan was always careful of his personal appe&rarice, and, in somo respects, was a sort of uiasculinu Miss Fibble, addieted to öpotlesa cravats and liuge collars ; rather prond of a small foot for a man of bis largo stature, and to the last of liis life what tlio ladiea would eall " a very good figure." Having just returned from a visit to the fashionable .■.ontintutiil córeles, aftev two ycars of thorough ïntcrcourse with the etiquette of ons of the .statolicst courts in Europo, he was souiewhat shocked at t'i( id the President meeting the emineni I lady in suoh a guise, and venturcd to ask il' he had not intended to chaage hifi attiro, whereupon the oíd warrior rose, with liis long pipe in his hand, and deliherately knocking the askes out of the bowl, said to hiafriead: "Buchanan, I want to give you a little pieoe of advioe, which I hope you will remember. I knew a man once who made his fortune by attending to his own business. Teil the lady I will seo her presontly." The laan wlio liecame President in 1886 was fond of saying that this rciuark of Andrew Jaokson humiliated him more llian any rebuke he had ever received. lie walked down stairs to meet his fair oharge, and in a very short time President Jaokaon entered the room, dressed in a full guit of black, cleanly shavod, with his stubboni white hair foi-eed back from his rcmarkable face, and advancing to the boautiful Britishor saluted her with at most kingly grace. As she left the White Hou80"8he exclaimed io heresoort " Your republioan President is the royal model of a gentleman."


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Michigan Argus