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The N. Y. Evening Post Thus Depicts The

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consequonccs to follow the enaotnient of tho Ku-Klux Buppereañon law by Congres : "The country will thn be, so far " as the national legisluture oau placo it " tliere, in tho absolute powrtl of tho Pres"ident; and whatever of municipal lib"i'ity añil civil order the people, aliko in " Xew York and in Georgia, may onjoy " fot tho noxt yoar, will bc du1. to the for"benrancc, wisdom or moderation of the " national Exoeutive rathcr than to that " by whioh these blessings huve hitliorto " boon aecured - the principies of our gov"ernment and tho guarantie of tho Con"stitntion." Howdoes tho pieture pleasc tho Itopublieans of Michigan? It may caiïse thom to chucklo to-d;iy, but let them look into tho not. di.stant future, discover a Domocratii' Pivsident ingtaüed in the White House, with tho maehinory created for GltAJiT in good running order, and imagine how tho cords of their nocks will feel as they bow bencatli the yoko. Then thcy may laugh out of tho other corner of thoir inouth. - In tho long run constitutional liberty, constitutional restraints, and obcdiencc to the organic law both in its letter and spirit, will be found preferable to roliance upon ono man, howover loil or patriotic. At tho late election propositions tobuild either court housca or jails were voted down in Lenawoo, Braneh, Calhoun, Shiawassee, and we don't know how many other countios. The " out-towns " adopt the dog-in-tho-inangcr polic}', and coinbineagainstthccountysia's Bat l:Creek votos a solid NO to spite Marshall, and perpetúate its own and the county's disgracc, from potty and unworthy jealousy ; Hudson and Tccumseh each throw a ■plumpcr" against a couit house, and Lenawoe must rent an unfit building for the aceoiumodation (?) of courts, officers, and people, for another series of years ; Owosso votos múiv than unanimmisly against a, for f'car tliatsome of its citizeus may be the bottei lodged over at Corunna, and so it goos. Perhaps a vote oould be carried, in the counties named and in our own county, to put court houses and jails on wheels and rotatc them around. There seems to be no other way to get ncw buildings, for Adrián and Coldwatei each offered largo contributions to procure a voto and then failed. There is snch a thinjr as being inulish in jealousy and niggardly pernurious in economy. That ubiquitous porson, " Monsieur Tonson, has come again," and again in tho guise of a constitutional amendment providing a way for tewns and cities to pay illegally issued railroad aid bonds. The joint reeolution to bo submittod in the fall of 1 S7'2 is a littlc wisser tlian that incubattnl in extra sessioji in tlie fall of 1870, that is, it restricta tho proposed logalization to such " bonds and other obligations heretofore issued and negotiated, and tho purchaso price thereof realizod, previous to the 27th day of May A. D1870," the date of the decisión of the Supremo Court prieking thé railroad bubblo, and making municipal bonds good only for boys' kites instead of railroad kites. November 1872 is so far off that it is not nccessary to discuss this resolution now. The Legislatura elosed business - that is legislating - on Friday last, and the final adjournment took place on Tuesday, at noon. This practico which has grown up of doing business - for to receive reports of committees and Communications from tho Governor must bo business without a quorum being present is without a parallel in any other State, and is one to bo condemncd. If tho first and middlo of tho session wero improvcd as they should be there would bo no nood of resorting to so a slimsy subterfugc, and Buch an absolute violation of all tho safcguards of legislation as well of absolute constitutional restrictions and provisions. Tuf: deficiency bilí has wired its way through a conference committee and both branches of Congrcss ; but tho Ku-Klux bill still hangs firc - aniega the second conferenc? committee satisfactorily rcmodelcd it yesterday. May Congrcss play at that game until the hot rays of an August sun send the members home. They are salariod fellow.a, and may as well keep itftcr t'ie Ku-Klux as come home - that is if the resolution to logislate on no othor matter is adhered to. - Getting tho Ku-Klux bill through, Congress proposes to adjourn to-day. Chief-Jcstick Chase has so far recovered his health as to resumo his seat upon the beneh and enter upon a discharge of his duties. This action was immodiately followed by a re-argumont in tho lcg:tltenier case, - heretofore deeided against greenbacks, - which took place on Tuesday, a full bench being present. This 'opening and shutting," jack-knife like, as new judges aro created, is not very creditable to tho highest court in the land, and gives vcry little promise of stable decisions, Til IS is what some (lisrespoctful and vicious penny-n-linor - oopperhcad, pcrhapa - saya of that eminent and " loil " statosman, (Jen. Sf hexck, nor on duty ftt Washington, but, by special act of Congresa, boing pid ;is Minister to tho Court ofSt. Jamos : "SciIBNOK has drawn his pay as Minister to Knglund. Draw-pokor will bo lively in the c:ipit;il for :i week or two. They do say that when llouERT is strictly sober he plays a botter gamo of Bqoare poker than my statesman on tho planet." Cun BUob talk of dignitarios bo tolerated ? lx dist-ussing, on Wednesdey, the report of the conference committce on tho Ku-Klux bill, Oen. "expresscd his regret that thcre sliould bc any danger of tho failure of BUoh an important bill on account of constitutional and other scruples." That's just it. "Constitutional scruples" or, "in languagc that's plriin," the Constitution itself must not stand in the way of partisan logislation. The needs of tho Kepublican p;vrty are above that instrument, and if a Ku-Klux bill is nocos&ary to perpetúate it in power the Constitution must knook under. It is announced that D. Dauwix Hughes has boon appainted attorney af tho Grand Kapids and Iudiana Railroad Company, and that ho will remove from Marshall to Grand Rapidg, tho headquartcre of tho corapnny. ÏOH a short tiinn Jacksnn was ft i "through point" for freight; that is the freight tai-iff wu fixcd at tbc samo ratos ]xT uiilc iis to Tolodq, Dotroit or Chicago. But it is not so now, and Jaokson dealers and maniifacturers pay loeal ratos from Detroit and Toledo, or thirty tienta a hnndred. We learn these faota froin tho inuagural nl.lnss of the new Mayor of Jaokaon, WBO advisos n-sohitions on the subject. Editobi et Ln-K. - S. B. Butoham, of tho Lansing Beptiblican, lias been appointcd Po3tmaster of the Capital City ; W. H. Olute, of the Reporter, Póstmaster at Three Rivers ; and E. L. Vai:ri:x, of the Bay City Jo'trnul, Resistor of' tlio Land Offioe at Enst Sagiaaw. We congratúlate th 'in on tlioir "fat t:ike." Th?: ropoxt is ogain revived that Soeretary Boutwki.t. is to retire from the TreaBury Dopartmeiit ; thistime mpplomontet by the fnxther report that he is to be appointod Minister to Vienna. "Where therc is so muoh smoke there must be some iiro." H. M. Smitji has been appointod Indifin Agent for this Stato, in piano of Rev. Geouge, who was found dead in the stronts of New York a few days sinee, throuph which city he was passing l route for Washington. Another chango of venne has been oidered in the Vastdbepool case, Judgc Bltowx having grantod the motion, with a vanation designatiug Barry instoad of Ottawa county. Rr.roRT has it thatW. F. Storey, of tho Chicago Time, is negotiating a sale of popular joumal, and contemplates removing to New Orloans.


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