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sSeet QuirKriO' .X. Versus Bitter, yf ForYho fWlQWing REASOS9 Firrew Quininb Vihoiiiii roplace the M ïomor l'iittir Quinint í%'ríliilníiie U WAiiiïANTri tnydirinally iiliiral 'ín effoot Witil Jüttrr (iwine. öu'rct Bnliiiiie lms NOM-: of Uic tiei.?? and perslitntt bitttriwx of conimon (rl.uinu. SivretfQuiiilnr Is m:ido fifiin I'frnvlnn lïuïi otily, the Horni-t' of Jtittcr (ilinino. In Swl-t Qnlniiir ih bltternCM I rYirfectly eyieealed, hut roay 1c iustuntty deSweet tnliilïie iv'11 not slckon, n vocy liitcg gubstanocs ofteu dot B'wtcij llnliilnc is jfmlily Inlrcii, mul withouj li'ast l)'sitiitini, l:3'ol(itin(lyoung. ffiwceiHMiiilnr onl irfly obvlatos tlYit nncommcrablo ciisiiUo vblob ohlldreahave foBxterQulalm, 1 Swed Qulnlne í'oquiroM no plaborRta proparatïon lo í:ik', ím roady for innliiiJ. uso. tmtui Atiliiliii-. 'ii its ngrocnhiutf nnd pi"OTi]t oiiiciif-y, iltaabusoa the 'public mijd ofmnch projudlco ngHlnst (iCiuinc :mil nitU Ilu; efTDlla of Iho i:it.t:lifLtmt J'lrLiciun In its :nl:iiiiiistr:ition. Sn-ert Wniiilno oosts r.o more ihnil tho itltttV (uininc. Swcct uiiiiiir cnn ho liad nt tho rr.ff storls in two forran, vi: 7í', foiti-onvcn'rnce Of ruTiiMiciund K;K '"'iuïiiyf I licjMiml ucrfi-r, :'or ugo flL JMiysiaiis Stucns, Farr & 9., [ MifltfICTURING CHEKISTif -Nk I Süff YORK. V. F It B út br ESrh nrli ft Co., dru;;Í9l5. I'.'ñ4v1 Tho oriirinntor of tïii wondí-rful medicine, claims ! to have dlwovered :md cwibnmt in hm numy more of of .V'iOovV mi ■■!■!■, vu medical propertim chan ww ever before combi nod in one m dldne, Theorldence ui ihis fiel is i'ound in the grcai van -tv et moatobatlnatt di.seHPc which il. hns liwn fminá to c ■iiqncr. In the c.ire of HruncJtitit,.ievre Vmtght, nnd tlic .'nrly Ptïiijpe of Vonnmptioni it lias natonished the mcdicui füculty, nid hnrulredn of the he8t phjsiciaun proBonnet it the fr-tal malical ducmxry of ugr. wiiüe it enres the nrcreit Oooghi it Btrengthens tho y item and pqrUle the hloocl. Bv t ■:■" ;tn;l thoro-.iirh l)Jond pu rif vi njr propertleSi it curee all Humor from the worst ï-crofitla to n com. mon Blntch, l'imple or Krnption. Mercarla! r)iseac Mineral Toiion Sfpblllttc and Venerinl Wwiirrr, and thcir eiTi-cis ire anulicated nod vlgorom liealth and I roood constittltlnn ctallli-hod. Krvsipclt, Salt Rhciim, ,-cald Ilead, Fcver Soree, 'Scaly or Ronjh Skin, in hort. all the nnmermis dicciixeg catued bj had blood, are rnnquered by this potrerfal pnrifinp and invioratinjr medicine. For pIJver Complauit," Blllonn Oinordr aud Habitual Coustlpaiion, il ha prodticed hundí ei's of iicrlri t and ]ktmaneat corea here otber madldoot had hUcd. The proprletor offers (1,000 reward (iir n medicine that will cqnal it ín the rure of all the dit ensi x fiir which it if recommeoded. Bewars of enante rfeltfl ano worthle." Imitationc. See UMI my private Ooverument stamp, which tn n posMvé puarantee of 'm-iuiineneH, ík apon the ontslde wrapper. ThlamedlolDC is fold hy DrneirUti at 1.00 per bottle. Prepared by R. v. PtBRfÏB, M ))., Sol Froprtetor, at hla ('himical LabonrtoFf, 183 Séneca atreoi, llnfftilo. jyONEÏ (JAN NOT UU ï IX. FOK SIQHT PPRICELESS THK niAMONDGI,A15KS,MannractuTeM)v J. , Spencer ft Co., N. V., which re nnw oirered tnthe publicare prunnunce'l hy all the celebrated ()iti I clansnf the World lo be l'lm .Mout Perfect, Natural, ArtificUl help to tbe human ev eTerkooirn. Tbey a-regronndanaer thelrovnauparTMon, from minute Cryatal Petible, nielted t.ïtlnr, nil ieriTe theii naine," Diamond ," on acrount of the ir hartl11.-S ud Ijrillianey. The Scienlific Principia "n whicb tliev areconntruote'l brinfr the ere or centre i. f 'he lena dlreetl In front of tha eye, prodoe Ing a elaarand dlmlnet Tlnion, a in the natural, lienl'liy iKht, nl preveiilinKnllun[ilennt buih. tlona, aueh jflimmeriiijt tnd wverint; of eiKlit, iliziiihx'C, peculiar toll othrain ue. 1 i.. ;- - i - ■■ t ■■■! in the FlVKSr MANNKR, in flamen of the bent quaü allmntcriaU umc1 for ihüt purtoto. Thelr Hnih nn durntnlity cannot b urpa.en. CAUTIOf. - None genuine unh-s beaiing tbeir trariemark Rlamjiirl ,.n criTy franif. .I.C. WATTS i: HBO., .lex-Iers and Op1iciar.are ao le agenta for AXV ARBOR, III 'II., from vrhom they can only be ■■ (í i i n ■■■ i . These goods are noteupptied to Prdlers ntany priee l7yl i; ■:,! v.i-, r,„ ■.,■,.. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, Conoto at Waslitcnaw, . O In the matter of the esteta of ilimry Bower, dectascd. Notii i hereby givan, that in pui-simnce of an order giantcd to the im.l.j -xneil, Adminiatntaris of the estáte of naid deceiiMjtl. uy tlin Hon. Judgeof l'robat, tor the ennnty of Wuhtenaw, on the aiztc.'nth day of January, A. D. ln;l, thare will lo wld at public vendue, to the bighul bidder, at die soiith door of the Court lloiif-, iïithecJtj al Ann Arlwr, in the oounty of Washtenaw, in aaid State, on W duy, tliehovenih ilay oiJum ,A. I). 1S71, at ten o'cloek in the fort-nonn of thut djiy subjei I to ;ll encumbrancea by mortgrage or othi'i-wist enating at the tiine oi thedosth of twid deoaased, and alao aubject to the rit,-lii at iomi of hla widow therein), the foUowing deacrilwl raa) eatate, tO-wit: All tlmt part of lot eijiht, in blockone nnrrh of Huron strest and rant'e threo, aerordinK to Hm reeorded p!ai of the TtUage (now cilyj of Aun Albor, beginning on Mnin strert, at the northeast corner oi aaid lot, thence aouth on tho line of Mainatreet twi-nty-one f":, thei ireattoLe alley in the rear of suid lot, thtnise nortb u, thi line of said lot, tbcnee enat to the plaee. of beginninti, with the briele store Btantüntrtheiecm, beino-inr. of Ann Arbor, connty and state aforetaid. Dated, April lKth, A. U. 1S71. MAH'ïAKF.TT G. JinVEI!, 131Í A'lminiBtratuv. I T FARMERS ! I delira now to return m.T henrty thnrfcfl for the liberal patronage of the Farmer of Washtennw and Hiljolnini,' Conntlae, wlio have for so manv years in the past extended to me their trarie, and 1 hope and 1 rust s.iiisfactory and prolltable to hoth partiea. I hope lo receive n fuir share of ihelr patronage In the Inliire. My elïorts will be honcstly directed towards the Interests of my C'uslomers, fiwell nsmyown. And nraln my aim wül bc, nnt to keep t9 cheap goods as poaalbiev bat au g ud as can be found. and at at Low Batea m the quality of my irooda can be nflorded. I will not undrrtARe to compete in pricra witta Inferior L'oods. I will not Impalr the qnallty of my Implmnenta in order to reduce the price. The pnrehase "f cheap poods of anv kind nrnvi-a an linprofltable lnvestmeut, aü many have (bond to thcir cust. I shall kiep a FL'LL STOCK OF FABMIKG TOOLS on h.ind. thfit I penerally found n market. I am the anthorirud nj;i'nt for' the folloHini;, THRESHÍNG MACHINES Kmiiinr f}uff:ilo ritts, BnffaTo, N. Y. rtlicliisrnn Scopstake, üattleCreek. rflcbola V Sbepherd'a Vibrator, B.Creek. Xlip (;ccr Tlailiinp, líaclne.tti. A10O Tiic (hnmpion Reapcr & Tloirrr. Srlf-ltake . Ttio Kirby Srlf-K:ikingr Rraprr, Comblncd. Tha Kirby Two-Whccled Mover. W-t't nacbjne, Combined uitlt Self-Sake. JACKSOX WAGONS, Euclceye an.d Shnrtsville Grain DrillsFairbank's Scales, all alies. THE GENUINE CURTÍS AND DODGE PLOWS, HSMtsCtnred at Kalamai-o. I havo locitod rnyself at the old and well-knowr. Apple l'acklne Ilounc of D llennlng. on Detroit Rtréet, oppodte Itnrhoz' Block. wbere I ehall be happy t meut as mnny of my old customiT, iiud ua niany new ones as inay ]ilt:ase to cume. T have sraired the permanent services of Pamnel lri'liiren,oni;or my old Hhop hands, who pvrfeciir under.-tands rep A.iR,insr oAl! kinds of Aiïrlcultnrnl Tool, and will hfi on hand early in the mornlng nd late at ni"ht, wbeu necwaar; to acechunodate, . m. ROGERS. Ann Arhor, April lat. I8Tf. lSISmrt AJ E W G O O B S REOEIVEDfinleyTLëwis ! CALL TUK ATTENTION OF TUE PEOPLE OP HIK CITY AND COUNTRY T3 riIEIR EX TENSIVR AND WEU, A83ORTrl) Í5T0UK OF 8K ASONARLE OOODS in tuk Ure of boots -a-ktid shoes, Whicli thoy now have in stnre.nml to which constant ndditions will bc made thronghout the aeaaan' The Rood whlch we offer are ncw and freh froin the Fictoiy, and in all cases will be fonud as repretiented. F.VERY nF.SCRirTIOX OF LIGHT AND HEAVY WORK, FOR rara, woma a;v childrex. We havo the EXCLUSIVE SALE OF TUE i:i.i:Bitiri:i cilf boots asd shoes, JAMES M. BUET, OF X. Y. CITY. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED HOTH IN STOCK AND WORK. Also the F.A'cr.rsrrF hale of KEYNOLlJ'S BRO'S. r. adíes fixk skoks of kvery style Theabove work'la Ihr aapeilor to any heretoforo 1 1.11 ofti'red in this i i, nd we gim'rtec it in every particular, and stil ital TF.X l'Ktt CA.V7. below Detroit Prlca, oti the sumí' goode. JIVE GEESE FEATHiiRS FIRST caXT ALITT , Conntnntlyon hand andforaalrb; RA CJI $ A BEL Pinost Assortment. of Toilet Goods in the City, by pOÜR POPULAR REMEDIES OF THE AGI! DR. ItELLOGG'SF ROOT BITTERS! ■ "O - ■ LIVER INVIGORATOR, INDIAN REMEDY. FAMILY CATHARTIC P1LLS! Worth, Merif, and Reliabllit v conceded bv all to be hanorably wou and fully Rewarded by Dr, Kellogrg's for Meritrious Compounds. ROOT BITTERSAboolnto freedom írom pliyeicUÏ dlfeatc in a blessing deelred by all, bul enjoyeri ou)y by the few. Indigestión. LaasUqde, O-oeral DeblJity, Muscular Wi-akiicsü, air) Jack of Nervous Kúergy, re comraou il ment ; vet they are the forerunners oí more serimia compíaiuts. Dyspepaia. with all lts "horror," la ouly chrontc indigestión, and manj a puor con3iimptive mortal tolteríng upun thu vertre ofphysical dlssolutfon, vJridly remembers the general clebility and neryuu prostration whkh henilded the nttaek ut the invidlous eneiOy of hfe Tbe advice riictated hy cominou senso la not to let these minor eomplaírítij lurk in the sy-teni nuDOtlosd and iMiheciicrl," yi-t niïiiiv persons who fee] fHtijjtiod fifrer even moderate exercise, whose blod la slnirifh in clrciJation, digestión morbid, uppo I tite irregular, complexión pnllid, nerve weak and unetrunj;, muscular fibers looue and flabby, and whiwc aystem 1 lu conüition of general dehility. with every avenue open to the encromhment aud posReion ufcontirmed and destructJve dtsease.Ko llatlAtfSly aroand living 8kelt;t"iis,M ppdrently regardlcas of the bles-inn of henlth, and unmindful of these untura] w.-irnings of the appracu cf complete phytOca) pro t rat ion. That, " Dïseane comes trhetï leaet expected" Is a coramon bnt rery abt-nrd saying. l-.r thefe comin-'ii complttints are the fkiiiui.-liors which commenee the attack Mird hor:ild ilie approacb of the enemy ; and it iï the wi-dom of cominon Beuee, to cuard asalnm their ntlackif, and ifihvy have pesemfou, to drive them "rom the eyst m ihe noturally íccblc frame may le 8trftïjftbenpd. anri tbe robaat who have bepn partially bruken down by Indigestión, iJissipation, Ñervtue Dr-hilitv. diseatip, or i:mini luinlshift. in:iy bc;d restored t ■ heai(b uud happmcfs, by tltia deiicious lïotnnicrtl Tonic, penect and w holesome appetlxert freuial aid to digestión, nnd gentío nervous etimuant, - Dr. KeHogg8 Celobraled Koot Bitters. They wïll improve the appetite. matenally aid dlifsiitm. perfect the condition of tbe bloöd. gíve tone to the nervoos pyatem, arrest the prosrreps of (HaeMC, itranghen tb emacinted, id aod conilrra the restoration of the feeble convalecent, and pro tect the Byatem agaiast mulnriii ditpate They are a i!i'--lii'_' to thoee whu timl tbemsfrlvos vaak. lanjuid, and lackin? energy, aa the warm days of pprinp appronch. They are a trcHture to womeii who suffer Bron nervni debility, lose of vital atrength, andphysical wenknesB. These "Bittere," are not a vlle mixture of wretched whískey.j íind alot'B but a genuino Botanical compound, pure, pleacaiit, and agreeablo, and warranted to be eqal to their recomaendatïons. LIVER INVIGORATOR And Tïlood Purifler, ïs n ccmpoimd prepared to cleanaetlie syfUem oMmpuriiie and cure conflrmed diorder ariinjr from a dlscaed tate of the Liver. 'TheTeifiiiomethfDg tbc matter with my I.iver, is the ob&ervatiou of at leant threc out ót erery flve persons, when qneptioned in regard to their heaith, and it ia a Wfll-kuown truth, that riiseae of the Liter is the most c mmon ailment the phystdan has toconleud with rtlthoiitrh he is genei Allt calledupon to meet it Ín the frm of Fevers, Ague, Nervous l'roBtratlon, muK-ther acute maladies of wbich disorder of the Liver Í8 th prodndnjt cause. Impnre Blond, Piek and Biliou II;ailucho Costivenes, Nervous Wcükneos, Low of JSiiergj, Emaciation. Pfttnfl in the ü'ue and shonldei-H. Trembün after exercitie, Melancboly. Drowainettf, and Chrouic Bilioubue-u, are (toro l1 of thp niiiior (yniprom of Bilinry Ueranm-ment and DUoase. The firml resul t if thette pymptiitn-i ar? tüpreifarded are different kinds of Fev(-r. RbenmatUua. Üuir. rhea, Geoeral I'r ostral ion of Nervou Svtera, endiiiL' In Jaundice or Conaumption. The Liver Ia the most sensitive ran in the humnii structure. except the I.uul'ï-, and so long as dromapositton of vegetable matter continúes malaria aribes, and the present bsbttfl of life are indulged, so long Liver Complnlnt wil) becumnion. As thcre is no prospect of theeo condition? Mug obviatea henee the necea si ty of employing aei.ts to c untcract their infiuence. In selectin and proportiouin the iurcdientJ of Dr. K'Ilojz's Liver Invigorator. special attention has been had to compound a preventivo and cure for u Ptnordersof every type. Tte must potent dgenreË known to B"tanical research, have been incorpórate! inte this truly popular speciñe for Liver Oumplaluts and DieaCB of the Blood. ïte clfect upon the human system is in perfect accord anco with the laws of health, and the sclence ot physlcal Ktructure. beiDg Alterative, Diuretic and Tonic. By itó Alterative and Diuretic powers. it carrïos the Impuritieflof the system off through nature! courses, and at the name time byits Tonic vlrtnes itatlmulates digestión and glves tone to th nervim.s powers. Family Cathartic Pilis. The objeciion that these Pillé" were not Sngsr Cnated has been obviatcd by the proprietors ana In that reepnet they are now equal to any in use.- Their worth a a tafe and reliable Cathartic hai never been qtietioned. For Chrouic Constipation they ure ft certain remedy. By their actions they cleanftc the sy!tem of vitiated eecretions. Thef Ktimnl.ite the 'Liver to activity, give toue to the ntomach, and streiith to the nrve. Thercisnothing Ín their composition bnt what is purely vegetable- Thev are mild, gentle. and entirely effectual. Inwteado'r irritating they reêtore. They are a certain remedy for Constipti'n, Ithcuinatism, Chrnic Indigestión, Stubborn Dineaêe oí the Liver, Bllionnes, Virulent Impurities of the Blood, nnd all Disorders wheru a ' 'i orough laxntivü ii required. INDIAN REMEDT. A mcdldnc nlvrt1ed to cr.rc uil. Is generalij hldln dlvrepute.Tct It I (ïfslble to compound a rt'mfdv tlmt mny be bem-flcml in variety üf complalBM. ])r. KellogK'Indiaa Remedy Is an exictin proof of this popalblllly, !h;imii:hIi ut it can be (■mplored In a variory of mmplainlfl, and lu each produce a happy Iho Kvmcdy 1 admltt'-d hy the many who hare used It, nnd who omslder it IndinvnMuto, to be the most perfect Kt:mi:dy tor Oonglx.Oold, Orotip, nu all Dlaanaa of th Throst and Lunas, that has et been offered lo the public, while for Woiiud, 8erWi Bnrn, Hculds.and tfvery v;iru'tv of i'xtfrniil Inflammtilion It 1 kuown to bc an absoluta and Infallible cure. In lact It I Irapos tlble io eoumante nd ierlfy uil the compliiim ftiiddlsorder for which thi "Remedy1' is an anti doie Sïiffice to say that wherevi-r thcre e lnflammation, inlernal or rxttirnal, on t'ither man or lwait. that It i n mtifr, perfect nd rellibl cure. We wurrant that the lneof om; b.ittlc by i.nj lam ily rfll cstabliBh It a.-ono of thu uecestitaof uouehold cconomy. All tho aliove medicines re preparod at DR. KELLOGG'S MEDICAL WORKS AWN AEBOR, MICH-, Andar Sold by Druggists and Dealers Everywhere,


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Michigan Argus