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Doings Of The Common Council

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Ai) adjonrned meeting of the Conunou Counctl was held on Monday cvenlng uvcry incmbcr bclng present. Mayor Douglass, from committeo on Marshal, reportcd in favor of requlring tlie Marshal t.o hnvc an office wlthin the range of the niglit watch, and to be in the game at all rensonable hours nlght and day when notonduty; that he also have charge of sldewalk repair and the expeuditure of the general street futid, luider the directlon of tlie proper commlttees; that he be paid $100 us Harslml, and $400 from the general finid. Tlie report was adoptad, and J. II. Pcebli's w;is then elected Marshal. A'.d. Pcck, Irom towcr coimnlttre, reportod job cumpleted and accepted, and recoinmended a warrant to be dranru for paymeiit of contract price. Accepted. l'KTITIONS. Pijlltions were received an.1 dltposed cf ns follows : From I). Qennlog and others : askin;: the IVldenlngof División Street hel ween North and Detroit Streets - a much. needeU iinprovement. Tabbd for iuture consideration. From Tripp, Aücs & Price, and others: br a sidewalk on the soutli side of Uuron Si roet, bet ween First Street oud the west ine of Sec. 29. To sidewalk connulttee. From J. Peefe and otliers : for the removal of a fence now in the street on the vrest IdeofMalo Street, in Iront of the premisos I'T. J. Iloskins aud others. ïo street commlttee. From E Graff, C. Schumacher and others: for 11 sidewalk 00 the south side ot South Liberty Street, from Main Street to the limits of the Corporation. To sidewalk committee. lor sidewalks ou Orloans and Forest Streets, and for the opening of a streel Irom Uuron Street to Aliller Avenue, befo re presented, were hlso re'errcd. OFFICERS' BOKDS. The following offleers' bonds were approved : E. J. Johnson, Treasurer ; Charles Uoylan and ÍÍ. II Pierce, Constables. ltKSOLUTIONS. Kesolutions wt-re adopced, as Mlows : Prolilbltlng i lie Finalice Committes (rom auuiting anv account ttnicss and endorsed by a raajorlty of the commtttee ni charge of expenditure. Prohibitiiifí the expemlitiire of any mon ey or contractitig oí any debtfl on account of general fund unless ordered by tlie Councll. InstracÜng tlic Recorder to report, at tlic flrel meetiflg in eac!i month, tlie contlitlon o( tlie several lüiuls. Pravidtng Cor tlie appointment of a cam petent eaglncer to eslabllsb a g;rade of Main. Hurón, and otlur stnvts within the tire Ihnits, Dader thfl dii-ectionof tlie .Mayor and strcet coinmittee. Good as fw as lt goes. Bhoald have Incladed, State, Di Vision, and all principal streets. Autlioiizing tliu piirchase of 23 neW gas lampa, descrlbed as No. 1. Orderliig a committee of three on improvini groaodi round tho towcr, Instnicting the Marshal to have tlic samo made by the lowest bidder, and postponiiií; action on report of building committee. Instrnctlng the .Marshal to procure a uew table for the Counci! room. Thefollowing cominittees were nppoia tcd : On. Liantes - The Mayor, Aid. Mann and Porter. On TiBer Improcemcnti-Wd. Leiand, Öoi-ft. and Seyler. On City PrinÜng-èM. Smith, Leiand, rad Peek. An ordinance was adopted relative to the pavins ol Blrcets, wiilcli the City Attoruv is ilirecteil to hare publlshed in one ol tlie city paper.


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