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Mortgage Sale. DBSVAULT having beea made In fchtooncUtióa of n ■ xecuted by Norman Bates, otf tli; tiwii--liii o funty of Washtenaw, and itate-of .Midu;:;i:i. to HÓtfoa tiaton, of said ■- Wtishtenaw, on the fint day of January. . ■. hikI recordea tn the RcgiBters office t bom county of . thfi niiith daf of Juno, A. D. 1866, in ibor37of iiniriLMvv.-, al page 24, on which mortgnge nul note accompunyii I here is no claimed t Ik; (luc and feo beoome doe ;it the date of this i the siim of uifjht hundred and seventy-three and 60-100 IoQats, aleo an Attorney's fee of ten dollars providcd por ín saiil mortgage, and no procejodings at law or in ('ijulty having been had to recover tho s;iil amount ur m gïirf n( Now, liifi-.'iove, iioticu is hereby given, that by virtue of pover of sale in said mortguge contained, 1 símil sel! ;it public auetion, to the fígnest bidder, on ■Ñitunlay, th: iirst day of .lnly next, at 11 o'clock in the foroiHxm f said day, at the south door of the Court HoQtt, i ii the i-ity or Aun AiIht, in said county, thai being tho place of holding the CircuitCourt for Beid oounty, all tliat oertain trm-t or paxeefrof land situoted in township of Bhaxon oforesuid, línown ánd deseïibeu. as f oHows, to-wH : Che west ono-half of tho sontheoaj quartesr, and 1 1 ü- west om-half of the aast half of thesouthéast quazterof section Beren, tn township three south of range three east, in thi of Mullican, eontnining one hundred and twonty aCtBI moro or m. April -Ith, 1871. nOSEA EATON, Mortgngec. D. ('r.AMFR, Atfy. for Mortgogee, 1316 Mnrtgage Sale, DEFAULT haring been made in the condition of a n i lain mortgage, executed by Joonna niara, of Hm dty ut Aun Albor, County of Washtenaw, to Andxen .1. Shively. of tlie ity oi' New York, on the nineteouth day of February, Á. 1. 1803, and recorried. ou the Banu day, in übex 86 of mortgsgn, od page 216, :ii S p. m. ói pola day, on which mortgage and bond secompauying tho same, there is claimed to be fine at of thifl Doüoe, bujd of thrco hundred and slx dollars and twenty-flve cents, aJso an Attorncy's feeod tbirty dollars shouldany prooeeatnaB do taken to foreeïuso the same, and no proceedings in law orequity haring been had to recover the debt or any purt thereof ; Notiee Is hereby givon, that by virtoe of the power of Bale in said mortgage ooniaínad, I -shall soll m pubUoauotion, t the bighesi bidder, on Satuiday, tho tenth day of Junenext, at 2 o'olockin the afternoon of said day, at the l'ourt House, in tho City of Ann Arbor, in said County, t}i.t beiag the place of holdinA th t'irenit i'omt for said County ofwashtenaw, all tliosu i'tM tain piL'Cfs cr parools of land ñtuatoiD Êhe township ot' Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw aforcBsJd, kiimvn, bonnaed and desonbed t PoUowb, to-trit : being all that part of the vreet halt of tho northeast quartcr of scotion aumber nino [Ü) east of the road oxossing the northvesf ponteo thaceof] ateo all that part of the eaet bali of the southwost quorter of aid ■ection bii1:-1, east of siiiil road not heretofore docded to lJaniel ( t'jlara ; all in townshlp iiuiubcr two south of range Qumber --i [6 sasi . Marofa i.Mli, Wil. ANDBEW SHIVKr.V, Mortpee. John N. Gott. Attorney fur Mortgngee. 1313 Foreelosure of Mortgage. D6PAULT haring Loon made in the payment of the pnxns of niuiiey, witli ten pee eeut. interest ihere on, Beoured by the mortgage executed by Johanna i !i:ii:!'. il. Milieu, bearing date Üie nineteenth day ut' Ain-il, a. u. 1860, and reoorded &Cay 3d, a. v. 1869, in office of ]í-Kií'r of Deeda of the county o t Woshtenaw, in ihv Bfeate of Michigan, in libor o. -■ 0Í mortgsgÊS, at page 603, and aesigïu '1 1 Honorali Morse, Sqpti noJber 22, a. d. 1862, by deed ef asflñgnnienf neen ded in said EU gister offlee, in said liber No. 2.-, at pago BW, on the B&fch day of fctaich, a. d. 1871, by whioh default the poweï sdTsole contained in said mortgage beeome operatíve, and no suit or Sroceedittg hsving been instinted at law to raoovei the ebt remaiuing secured bysucb morteago, oranyBart thorcof, and the snm of tv hundred anl tour dollars and seventy-eight cente being now cktimedtobe due thercon: Kouoe is therefore lioreby given that said mortgatn' will be forccloecd by the sawof the mortgag ed premisea known and désenbed as beg in Brown & 1'ulU'i's additiun to the 'rillogG [now city) oí' Ann Arbor, in the county t' Wasntonaw, in the Michigan, and commencing in the northcrly line of Broaoway, e%htoen t'4'üt bwo and two flftli inclios southwosterly trom the corner of Brown street and Broadway, and running ilicnee northerly and paralle with Brown stxoot, forty-ntoe foot, thtnee eoutherh and parallel with Broadway ninotoenfeetandahalf thenoe Boutheasterly and paiallel with Brownstxeei fortj oinè feef to broadway, thence on the lino o Bzoadway to the place t' beginning. Also tho undivided half of the foUowing deeczibed land : !oaimencin in the BonthTreflteriy line of Bcownstreet forty-nino leut nurtherly froni thf; rorncr of BtOadway and Brown stxeet, and running thence oorthertj on the line of Btown Btxeel eighteen feetthenee ■ iuth orh' at riht anglee with lirown atreet nfty-seyen fee twoinoheean4 twu liftlis to land í'ormríy owned ï) Asa !.. Bmithj pienoe easterly and parallel to the flre mcntionetl line and on said smith'a line eighteen fot-t thenoe nostherly at ri]it angSes and parallel with the second line to ttie placo of bcginning, at public auetion or vendue, at the Court lluu-o, in th'; city of Ann Axbor, in BttÜ ooxoáty, on Bèturday, tho fint day o Jiüy uext, at uoon. HOXORAH MORSE, Assignee. Dntcd, March 27, A. i). I871, E. W. MostOAK, Aify. 1315 Mortgage Sale. DEF AULT ha ving baen made in the condition of t oertain mortgage executod by ïficbael Burkeo Ann Arbor, County of Washtonaw, and StatcofMich wan, on the Beveuth day of Angiirt, A. D. 1867, U Joseph D. Baldwin, of the Borne place, und the Ï3Üi day of August, A, IJ. 1867, at 'J o'clock a m. oí' said day, in líber Xo. 36 of movtgagea, on nagt 5J2, and ossïröed by said Joseph IJ. Bawwin to Lauri Willard, of Die City of Ann Arbor, on the I7th !ay o August, A. J. 1867, and reooided in liber No. 2 o asaignmenta of mortgages, on page number 4i, on tlit Öthdayof December, A . D. 1868, al 2 o'clock p, . o said day, on which nortgage and bond accouipiin}''in] imiil to be due ar : lic date of thi noticti the sum oí oiic hundred und cighty-four dol i t'iírty-t w'j oants, also a rensonablé Bolioitor' or an Attorney'e fee, r-hould any proceedings be tokei to f oreclOBO tiüis mortgage, and nosuil urproc at law or in equity having boen insuiutcU to reoorer the debt or any part thereof; Kolioo is hereby giren, thai by virtueoftho powoi of sale in said moTteage oontained, 1 shtiU séU ai pub lic auetion, to the highst bidder, on the LOth day Jünenext, ;i? 2ofclocL in the ofternoon of saiddity, a the fitont door of thi Couri House, in the City of Am Arbor, in said County, that being the place of holdini the Circuit Court for said ounty of Woshtcnaw, al : ■ ;iiii truotfi or paro Ls of ï; t s n L known and du Bcribed na foDows, to-wii : Lote No. Cour and iiw ii bloek number three, ucoording to I orded in libcr No. ."■"' od deeds, of said J. D. ]ïaldiin's Basten ■ to the Citj oí Ann Arbor, in the Conuty o Washtenaw and State of Michigan. Dnted, March Wth, 1871. LAUBA WIIJ-AUD, Afisignee ol" siiid !Mort;ige. John N". (ioTT, Attorney fbr Assignec of said Mortgage 1313 Mortgoge Sale. DKF.Wïr haring been made in the condition of .i::i morteoftO) executed by ffJUwm Mollt-n . ód blury Muil hIimib. bis wito, of Fleedan Washteuuw County, and state ui Michigan, on the 17th dny of October, A. D. 1866, to Oriin A. AVait, o shai-'-n. CtAinty and State afbresaid, and reoorded ii the Kegister's Ónice of the County of WoahtenaW, en . iay of October, A. 1). 1866, at l % o'clock - u of said day, in liber 87 of mortguges, pago 177, whid s;iiil in ihily OHBigned by said Orrin A W'ait to Joseph l'ray, ol Mm township of Northfleld County of Wihshtcnow aforoBaid. ou the bocond day o Maivh, A. D. 1870, und reoorded Ui the. Register Offia Of said county, o the IHth dny of Blay, A. ! 1879, at 10 oclocJi .u. of said day! liber 2 of astign menta of mi rtgages, uu page ó'13 : that there isclaimei to bu dne ujKjti s;:id mortgage and note attbisdote the sum oftive tuindred and forty-two doUars aiu twenty-three ata, also forty doUara as an Attorney' t- should any pjoQQOdings be toicen te foreolose tb samo, and no prooeoding in luw or in equity havinj been had i recorcr t be debt r any part tlteieoi'; N'otïoe ui Jirn-ity giTen; that by virtuc of the powe of sale oontamed in soid mortgage, 1 sholl sel] af ïmb lio auetion, 1 the higheei bi.ldrr, on the LOth day o June uext, a1 - o'clock ij. U. of said day, at the Cour House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County (tha being tho place for holding1 thr Circuit Couit forsau County of Washtcnaw), all th foUowiog ióscribe biii'is: couiniencing at the south quarter pust ofsfie tion nh rnseAom, township thrèo south o range tour .-!it, and running tht-ner ninth one degm west forty oliains and forty ÜoJu ulong thequarte linelto the center post of said Bection, Uionce norti eiprhty-nine degiwes eaet ftftt en chaina and scvt-nty-tw links aloug the eus4 and wosi quscterline, thenoe aooti thirtcen degreee éost forty-one chaina and thirty links thence aouth eifirhty-nine degre s woe( twenty-fou clrains and ninety-two Links along the sonüi hne o action mnt't-('ii tu the place ol beKinnü the east hálf Qf the eouthwest quartorof Úu . i ter of si-i-iioii nuzabex seventoen, town thxe south of range ftïtrpcaat. Maroh l-'ttli, 1871. JOSEPH I'!:.V, Lsftignoe of !-aid Morfage, John X. Oott, Attorney ror Aaaigiioe. 1313 Mortgage Salo. DKi'.U l.T having been made in tho condition of ; cotia ■ excouted by Charles Boutlei and Ernestina, liis wifc, of the oity oi Ann Arbor, ii VVashtenaTf county and State of Michigan, to Alphe us Felch, of same phiee, on thefHhdayof May 1860, and recorded in t5w olficeof Register ol Deed for :ll county of Washtenaw, on the 81st day o Hay, . d. 1860, ut. 8X o'clock a. m., in Bber 26 o mortgages, on page i 82, hih said mortgage ;ts duh aat ignoa by aaid Alpheua Felch to Eraestane Beutier ofthe city of Ann Arbor. aforeBaid, the 22ddayoi April, a. n. löiüf. and recorded in tibe office of Registe i ui Öoeda for soid county of Waahtennw, on the 29tl day of July, A. d. 1869, at 8J4 o'rlock a.m., in liber of ossighments of mortgagee, on page 258, and aseigncd bytiie Biüd Brneetino Beuüer to Augustas Wiafen mann, . r the Baid city r' Ann Arbor, on the lOtfa day of Marcb, k. i. 1870, whoh assignment ia recorded in the Qcister8 oltie-o pf snid county, in liber Sof aasignment of mortgges; on ya#e 58ladthat thercis claimed to 1k.m1uc ut thi dra boreof the sum of tWO hundrod and two doUars and "■ ccntSj ii the n nsonts and attoYnèy fcea, should any proceedings :,. i,i. ,■!.!.-, Lhesame; mul jm iuit oï pi inurs it Law or ín equity having been had to recover the uredbysofd mortgage, or any pari thereof: Notie; i.s heroby giv d that by virtue oí power of i containea I shall seil at public auetion, to the higheet biddett mi theS4th dayof June, a. u. 183 1, ut two o'clock in tbc fiftornoon of that day, at the front door of the Couil House in the said city oi Ann Albor, in thecotmty of WásnUnav nnd títate oí Michifan, tlie prcmiaen dewffibed in said mortgage os all ■ ór oaroehi t' land described ;is tol. wit; the nonh part of lot number three, In ftve, being a t-tin of said lot, two rode wide on the north oud of the same, ana running aesoes tho same from east to west: aJs thosoutfi part of lot nuinlM-r two, in same block, bounded mi followB, to wit : on the north bj n line commencing in the cosí bne of Bpruig stn 1 1. af the cUstanoe oi -!1 ■ i the üorthwesi corner of said lol auinber brn und ruaoing thenoe eoAtwardly acroee said lot toa poini in thvcosi Uneof said lot at Üie djstanae of ïp ., the ntirthonst corner of -lili lot nuuber twe, thenoe running southerly by the eaat line oi esidlot arner thereof, thcnoBwesi by the soiith line of said lot to Spring rtreet, thenee oorth by the west line of said lot to the place of beginning', the soane béing situated in that part of said eityof Ann Lrbor known as felch's adaïtion, a phtt oJ which is ■ in Uie oflBceuof theEegisterof DeedsfBaid c.uiiiy, in Libei ik oi deed, on page 140, and the said l-niuisis ure hereby conveyed subject to all i ghtë and - v.l.ii h belonfi U the proprietorfl of the mitl moe which runa along the cast border of guid piemises. Dated, MarcJb 22d, 185 L. 1315 A, UIDKNMANN-, Awjgpea. I IVE GEESE FEATHifiRS CuiiKtnptl}"" hand and for sale by BAGUfr ABEL SJEOPLB'S DliüG SÏOivj. R. W. ELLIS & CO, Real Estáte for Sale. 3TLTE QÏ MlCMKrAX, oountyof VVaahtenaw, w. k? In the matter oí the estáte of Adam Mutz, decased, Kotioe i Jbwefax giveDj that in pnrsuanae af 11 oider grunted to the undi i i ■ :' ■!, udimnistrator af f the lt'.:i. .1 UdgQ "i i " t . - Hite for tixe county oí AVuhtmaw, on the fcwentüth I ircn, A. D. 1HT1, therc willbc solfl ut public sñdue, to the hi i r, at the dweUin :■ on tho premisa) hereinafter de cribed, in tlío county ■ Vashten&T, ín éaid state, un Wedñesday .Ük ,;iy ui' May, A. Jj. 1K71. ai one o'dock in the aftevíocn of that daj ',1 encaxabranoesby moitfíiíe orot herwist; a thetüneef t n - déath of a d deoeosed, and &bx subject to i: ■ ■ ■■ ■ r oí 1Í3 witlow theitili; thfl foUO ffing des(9 UN ti ■ to-wit: Uei:ig a part oi th( oí the outhweei crUAri rol eobon 'v.. at7-eight,intownship bree kouUi of i i it, iii soid State, bounded aa follow : commencinB aoven vidr north í the suutheaet of the .utJiv.oí quarterof soul juarter of said .-■■i ion, thence north forty-two roda, henee wesl ten rodo, thenoesouth twenty-threo roda, i,i im i wesi urne lods, thtiKX' aouth nineteen roda, íieuce eitöt niuetoeii íuil.s, to tl; ; inning, jontaining tfaree aerea and one hundred ana deven roda uf land, with dwclling house thereon. Dntotl, .Uarch 2Oth, A. D. 1871. 1314 JOHN GOBTZ, Administamtor. Real Estáte for Sale. QTAÏEOP MICHIGAN, county of Winhtonaw, 8. k; Ia the matter of the estáte oí' Henry Canfleld, deceastxl. Notáoe is hereby riven, that in punuanoe of tu onliT granted to thu ondexrigned, adnunstrator of ;ho enlute oi asid deoaased, by the Son, Judgt of Probate foi the County oí washtenaw, oñthetwenty■econd day of Manh, A. L. bB71, theic will lx sold at -ul'lic vendue, to the. highest bidder, afc the d welling iouaé on the premísw hereínafter oescribed, La Che iountyoí Waaatenaw in said State, on Wednesday, the ITthday of Muy, A. IX 1871, at ten o'elock in the iorcnoon of tluit duy (subjeot to all cncuiahraiioeM by aortgacre or otíierwise existíng ai the of the L and abo salrieot to the li'htof "v,.i oí las wiiiuw theveinj the ndlowing described real ( state, to-wit : oomfflencing in Öie centet oJE Main taceet, in the rillage of ( hela a, ax chaina and oinetyme links aouth from the nortfa Une oí aectíon twelve, township two scmili oí tange three ew and running thenoe enst twelve chaina and nmetymelinkB to J':iylor's linc, thenoe south along ra Line leven ohaina more or 1l:ss to Cuena Sjnitli's famd, thence soutb eighty-fleren degreea west nine chaina and eLgbLy-two links, thenoe novth chaina and Eorty-two liuka, thenoe west three chaina and twelve linVs t the center of the highway, thence norl a along tl; center oL the higfaway two onanu and forèy Knies to the phioe of beginning, ezcepting andr lag a strip of land une and one-lialt' reda wtdefrom the noxthöaat corner and running west on the line adjoining John M. Lett's land forty roda, for the ose Ofeaid deacribed land, und said John M. Lettd ot their sucoeseors, ae a Une. Diited, March Md, A. D. 1871. 1311 C1ÍAKLK8 il. KJbMrF. AdminLitrator. Commissioners Noticc. OTATE (]■ MICHIGAK)CaurttyofWaahtona-w,He: 1 The undersigned having been appomted by the Probate Court lot said 'county, CommSaBumera toreceivc, examiut and udjust all rlaims and 1 nands of aU peraonfi against the estáte of Edward Burgess, late of aaid i'ounty, deceased, here'bj ■ it? botioe that six months iïom date are aUowedi by oitler oi" said Probate Cour Ibr creditors to present feheit cl;iimH againsi t eatote of said deoeaseu, and that they wül meet at the late residence ofs&id deceaaedi inSu perior, in said county, on Batorday, the twenty-fotirth day of June, and Priday Ihe t wenty-seoond day o: SepteitibèT next, at ten o'clock a. m.( of cncli of aid daya, to receive, examine, and adjuat ud daiiu. Uatctl, March 2'2d, 1871. ANDREW HXT8TON, ) f . . UA IU BOWERMAX, Commissioncrs. 4wl313 Commissioncrs' Noticc. OTATE OF BI K IHXGAft. County of Washtenaw, ss. ' The undfinigned, haiirtlg been uppointod by the FrobateConrt for said County, ConumaBioners to re ceive, examine and adjust all chums and demanda of ail i eraona agaiaet thu estáte of Cataorlne KoBBan,late of said County, deceased, hereby give noticc timt süc monU8 f rom date aré állowea,by order of said Pro■ irt, i'ur creditora to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the County Clerk's UtÜce, in the city of Ann Arlior, in said Countv. on Monday, the twunty-ixth day of june, and Wednesday, tlie tweöty-MveBfh day % 8eptember next, at 10 o'clock A. M., of each said days, tu reouive, examine, and adjust said cluituy. Dated, Maich 27th, A. JJ. 1H711315w4 Estáte of Eunice Baldwin. STATE OP MICHIGAN", County of Washtenaw, as Noticeü hereuy glien, thet o an order of th Probate Court lor the County of Washtenaw, mat! on the twenty-seventli day of Marili, A. i, 1871, ;- monthfl from that date were allowüd tor crediturs t present their claims against the estáte of Eunk Baldwïn, late of ;ud county, deccasecl, and that a creditora ot' said deoeased are reauiréd to presen their claims to said Probate Oourt, at the i Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, for examina: ■ allowanco, on or before the twenty-sei enth day oi Se] . claims will I ■ said Probate Courtj on Wednesday, the 1 wenty-aevent day of May, and on Saturday the twenty-seventh da of Septenwer, next, at lü o'clock in the i'orenoon o each of ihosc days. Dated, Ann Albor, March, 17, A. I. 1S71. )UnAM_.I. BE U rn.'v.l Judge ui' Probate. Chancery Xotice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, the Circuit Court for th I ounty "i V.'asiiit n:iw, in Chancery. MÁEY L SAVAGK, Complainaiit, AUGrsan SB, peftnfentj ■ iafaotorQy appearing to iliis Court by aflBdai that the defen ■ - Bavage, is a non-rea ident of this Btato, on laution ui" Fclch & Gxant, Solif ítors for complair.ant. it i unlored that the süid li fendaut cause hia appearanoe to be entered witliin tw months trom the date of tiii.s order, and that in case of nis appearanoe he oause ïiis an&wer to theoorapiain ani's hill to be öled and n copy tliereof to be aei the complaniant SoKcitora within twtaity daya aft tf a oopy of said hiUof oomploint and notii of tliiscvdi r, and in U ÍhuH ther ol that the said bi be taken os eonfeseed by 1 1 idant : And i is further ordered that wi:hin twenty daysi complainant cause a copy of thi order to bc db in the Vichffan Argm% a aewspaper printed in saii county of waahteauw, and tbat the publication n tmue at least once a weel for sis weoica succeasivelj or that ba cansí ioopy of this order tobe personal! served on the lont, acoordiug to the rule and praotioe of this i ooit. Dated, Apïü GÜi, I87i. K. BEAHAN, (.ircuii Canrt Coaunissio&ez, Washtenaw County, Mich. Felch & Gramt, Coniijlainant's Solicit ore. 131fiwG 01i:uierry Xoticc. PURSUANT to and by virtun of a decree of th Circuit Uonrt t'-r the County f Wnshtenaw, i ciiiLiMi-iy, made on ihe 28d cny of September, iso in a cause thiTiin pending whereln charles Brook asgoariliai) uf Mae Bell Dearborn, an tnfant, i complainaut. and laaiah M Il.-irwood Ia defendant Notice s hereby gtven, tliM i eball aell ;t pnhJí vendue, to the kiihet bidder, ui one ovlock in th afternoon, on the 2?th day of May, 1871. al th front or ro uth door of the Cóort House, in the cit ol Ann irbor, pJI that certalc trct or parecí (. land and pre mises húown and described aöfolïowa iIle -'t tiio sultan est oorner ol section twei ty-seven, Trom t heneo running eait oe-half of mile, thence nortïi forty mds, from thence weet t the center uf the public tüjghw&y Bltnate ncar th H i wen'y-seveni thence sout ■Jong the CQBttiE Dl' said hinwaj to the place o begitiulng coutainÍDg forty acres more or lesa, ant betiiff a part of söotion tweuty-eeven In the tuwn ahlpof Pitti-lield In the Councj o Í Woshlcuaw, aii State of Michigan. Dated. April 13th,lSTl. R BEEAX, A Circnït Conrt Commïssioner for W'a.-hccnaw Couuty, Mieh. K. B. Woon. Coraphiinant'ti Solicitor. 1317 Chancery Sale IN PURSUANCK and n virtne of a (recree cf the Circuit Court for the Connty of W'ashtenaw, i ChaBCcry, Dáade on tbc tweaty-ftret day of Deccm■ kt, . i)., 16T0 ím the case ulu-iiin Hannab Slut; rd is Complalnunt, tctíÚ S'ílliam herwood umi I.iuira slu-rwootl are Defendants: No ice ia herebj given th;it I shall vl i public auctior, t ■ the high,eti i Idder, :ii the --d day of April nexi :ii ten oVlock. a. m. ofsaid dar, ai ;"l.t; front or south door of the Court House, in the City of Ana Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, in theUteof Michigan, the foUowinir real CBTate, towit: ihe nndï?ldd oneoaTföfall that certain piècó or parce] of land desertoed M foliou's. n.iiiu'Iy: sitBKited on soction ntunber one in township oumber fonr snutta of pB8ö nnmber ÈDrèe Bastfio tne State of Michitran, aud commencIng at the center o) the race bank direcily i : o the uorthweH corner of the main part oi Pountaln'a I'ix-niiiun Milis CBocalledji runniqg west scrosetho raeti ofaald tnlll, thence south along tho west back of aaW race two rode to the nortb line of the Saline road, Lheucu wt-itciiy al-iiu' ih1 llprth line of said rond ten and olie-half rods to ttu corner of the llibburd nmd; thence nortlu-rly aJoag the cast line Of ■ aid tllbburdroad tweuty coda to the eouth west of the land now owned or occnpled by Gilbert Al en ; thence ea-Lerly, along the BOD tb ii e of aid Allen'sland twentyrods u west bank of the : tióï tuc: from wild Premium Mills ; thence BOUtb along the west bank of said tall race eiiteen rods; thence west fóur rods totbe eüt bank of the saw ■ iniil race ; thence south utlM rodsalont: the bank of said uw mili mee to-the place of beginnlnjr., conoprtslngthc eaw mili, ir ck dweil Ing hoose, mili y;Tis, and water power for -aid mili, togetbfar witli all the privilege b and reonatioDs made and mentioned ia the deed of iaid premises from a. W. Hoy and wife to said Sherwood, vela llog ne-haf of the planing: machine, and ]1 oí the said simwoodv Ui teres t In the and appratu? in and nbout said milisDdted, Ann Arbor, March 9th, A 1. 18TI. R. lïKAHAX. Circuit Court CommistoiK-r tor ';isJittíuav üottniy, Mieh, Tiiaoï W, Root = O licltp r forComphiiiifint. VM-W Chancery Sale IX ITKSt'ANCE iiiid liyiirtuo oía decree of the ';■■■: v,i Tuurt tn" t he Co'iníy of Washtenaw, In Chancery, made an the twentj ftrst day of December A. i. i&7P,lnthe oase whorein Betoey Jooea is complainnut, and Thomas Carroll, Ma-y O1Parrel, Chas U Hooper and Joeiih D Baldwin Oefen dauts ; Notice is hereby givea, that I gball ei I] at public iïuction. to tho hignesl bidder on the 2-'d day of April nt'xt. ju ten t'Vlüek A. M, oratd day. ut the front or nonti) door of the Coupt Bowo in Lha City of ai. n Arbor. in the Conujy of Waehtenarw in the SiMcui'Mi UifiHn, tbe following deecribed reaJ estate K'-uii; City lots numbered five and bIx, the west part of one, two, three BSd iour, Ín block ïiuiubermix In .1 1). Baldwin 's f.istt-r:i addltlon to the city of Ann Arbor the paVtS thoreof lyitiu' wesl of B live drawu frum tbe east-anria in the west line. of sftl'i otnutnb'eroño, toa polnt in the south line f said lot i umber tour, four roda west of the sontfaeast eorner of .;i block, belngpart oftbeiands conveyed by said Baldwin to snid Carrol], on tho Fourteénth-dayof Aususi A D, i- ■ Dttted, Ann Arbor. March &th, A. D„18Ï1. H. P.KAIIAN, Circuit Conti Comnoáaslontr for Washtenaw Connty, Mich Tkay w, Rooit Sollvltor for Complalnant, 1312td 1toíímm'7resícríptios ACCURATELY AMU ' CARBFULLY PREPABED I n. W.ELL1S & CO.,DRUÜG1S18. Estáte of Catlmrine Wull. CtTATK OF UICHIQA X, ( tounty of Waahlen. J Ata sesaion of the Probate Court for thn r '■ f Wii.slitoii.iw, holden a the Probate oth'n. -"""J il y ot A 11 ii Arbor, Dn Wadneaday, UtetweÜU) i"" .pril, in the yeei om; thousaud eúrtu huii.i y' ;vènty-one. """uwlaaj Present Hirum .T. BeakeB, Judtïe of Prol-nttIn l'ncj matter of the ËBtate of Catharh. eceased'. " all, Liagand iüiiit' thn poütion, duly vcris hristian Ebcrbach, praying that he i.r „„e i uitable peraon, muy apiuintul Adniini.,,,, "" heestatei .,-d. ""'"""tratar of 'l'li'ii-iii i.ii ii s ordered, That Mondar -- ay of Hay di rt, al ten ottock in the w k ued for the hearing of said pc-titimi111' nat the heirs at law of sok] deceaaed, and mi' ute, are TeqniTea to ■.-on of SaM Coillt, tlll'll to !■ holde ff Pwbate Office, in the City of AnnArbu ï' ansí-, il any Umie lu.-, why the prayi i nf thewXÜ! lumlil not begrnnted : And it is fm-therordtrij ' ?! aid petitioner ]ve notice to the persons intoSíií ■ ndencyofsaid petitloa „7 , r.byoausingai of thiii order ïv rablisbcd m Lhe Michigan Argut, a neu-eMpèi !. ulatimr in said county, three succtleft-J i1? to .-aid day oí hearing. [A truc copy.) HIRAM 3, UK VKES 131? Jüdge ot Pig Psti te of Jcrusha L. Judking. OTAT'E OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Washteiiaw O At a session of the Probate Court for the Comí fWahtenaw, holden at the Probate "Ice b ? city of Ann Arbor, ern Trjnrsdgr, the thirtceofh] f April, in the year one thónsand ek-ht i ' dred and scvrnty ■uic. 8 ■" l'reseut, Hlram J. Beakes, Jtrdge of Probate Iu the matterof tlie esfate of Jcmsha L Juin leceased. . ' """, Vannen Tcachom, Administrator of saii) ai . comes into C'ourt and represent Hat Sc fe ,' ircparcd toreneer his linal icoon; as siftn jííf?' strator. ""min.Thereupcn it is Onk-red, that 'he rti.L day of May next, at ten o'eloílt f? forenoon, beasslgned 0r examlDtav and allo sucb accoom. and that the hcirsatfaw of jaidí" seased and all other pereonslntorested in saideit.i arerequircd toappearatasessioiiofsnid Conrt J2 lo l)e holden at the I'robateOKlce. in the Citvof ■! Arbot iu siii'iCouuty.aud nhuwcausc ilanv íhtreií, Aniii I brthei ordered, that ald AdmlnistratorglteBiJ? ;o the persone Intereíted In said enlate, oí the? lener of satd acconnt, and the hearing then-nf Í' I causin;; a copy of this order puMishedin'tS ilkhifan Argut, a newipaper lirïiiteil.iiidclrctiim, n BaldCoaoty, three uccessive weeks previom. saiil dny of hearing. " I (Atniecopy.J HIRAM .1. BEAKES 13t7td Jadue of Probad. Estáte oí Aúthony El y. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtens ■ O t asenonaf the Probate Courl Cor the Cmah Washtenaw, holden at the l'iobute Ottict-, in tlieciti of Ann Aroor, on Fnday, the twenty-fonxth d a Uarcb, in the year ouc thousand eight hundr&l 3 seveuty-one. Present Hiram J. Beakes, Jndge of Probate, In the matter of ílic estáte ot' Anthony It Ut I oeaaed. On rt-jwlin and filin the petiiiun, duly Tcrifledrf : Hirjun l;i;, Admlniitrater, priiag that he nmyU licensed to aell certain real estáte wliercof said je. eeased dit:d Si1. Thereirnon it is ortlcral, 'i'hat Monduy, theñriiti dajr of Bíay next, ;it ten o'cliK-k in the 'fortmxm, be 1 for the hearing of ..-iid petition, tml tbatthe hein ai luw of ;tid deeciised, and all other pc-rsonsñ. I in ;iil estáte, are n ouiredlo appearat astt. sioii of said Court, then tt be htilden, ut the ï'rohKte OfiSoe in tin: City of AnnArbor, ;tnd sliow came a l:iv there be, why the prayer of tliti iK-fitiuncr Am& not Ia' rttOted '. And it is iurther onlered, tbat u pctititnirr rive iKtifi.' t'r the persons interested in míj estáte, ot' the pendency of said petition, and the henj. ius.' thereof, by cauaing a eopy ot thia order to be mk. I lislitd in tlie Michigan Argus, a uewspaper pmitd ana cireulutnr.' ín . tour successive weeks prs vious to s;ud hiy ot hearing. (A trne copy.) HIIÏAM .1. BEAKES, 1310 Jude of Probati. Estute of David DoForost! OTAT?; OP MICHIGAN, County of O At n session of the Pl'obalr C'ourt for the Connlj of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office, in , ! City of Ann Arbor, ou Thursday, the hixth da; of ' April, in the year oue thousand eigbt hnüdrti and Mventy-0B6. l'rcsciil. Hiram J. Hcakes. Jndfrc of Prohale In tin; maller of the tütate of David DeForal, decessed. Heiny D. BeBnett ml William A. Moore, Ene utors of the laat will and testament oftaidilc ceased, come iüto Tourt and represent that ther an now prepared lo rendér thetr tlnul account ai ii Lxecutorá. Thereii])on it is ordered, that Mondar, tbc flnt day of May oext, at ten u'ulock in the foreoooo, be atïsigned for examiiiini: and allowius sucta ac couni, and that tne legateea, devises and hein tt law of said deceased, and all other persons inttr ested in -:til estáte are required to uppearn i sesión cifsaid Conrt then to be holden at tb: Probate Ollice, in the City o! Aun Arbor, in uid County, and Bb.owcari6o,if any therebe. why the saldaetatHitshoBidBOibeaitewed: And it is farther ordered, that said give notice to the persons loterosted in aaid sstate, of the pea. uut, anti the hearing 'i-y of this order to be published io tlie Michigan Argi ï, b pewapap0T printed oud circo latfng in :ud Conrity, three succesnive weeks prerloas to said day of heurinir, CA true copj.) HIKAM J BEAKES, -ISltitd Judceul Probate. Estatu of Rodéis - Minors. STATE ( IF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtcnaw,. At a Besaión of the Probate Coort for theCouotT oí Washtenaw, holden at the Probate uiñcein the i.itr ot Ann Arbor, on Thursd&y, the thirtieth ilsr of Mareli, in the year oue thousand eight huDdlednd seventy-one. PreBent llirüm .T. Beakes, Jndge f Probate. In th: matter of the etto ot' Mary AÍIkí,ím Rode!, Herman BMe Adcdph Rodel, u illielmincï. del, Bertiid tladol and Fradnlck Uotlel, minor?. i Allicr. Qnardian of said estáte comes into rom: and it-pii si_iits th:t hi' is now prepared torcoder final aocomit a sul-U Qnardian. Theieupon it is ordered, tliat SSanday. the twenty-fourth day of April n.'M, at ten o'dock in the forenoon, be assijnieil for cxamining and allov ;,:h account, and that the next of kin oí atud uiinurs, and all other persona interested in rale are required to appear ut a session oí said oun, febea to 1: holden at the Probiite Office, the City of Ann Aybor, in said ('ounty, und sho cause, u any tberebe, why the BBid account shimldnot nred: And it is luitlu-rortlered, that aaid Guar diangive notiee to the ptrsons interesteil in said estáte, of the pendsnoy of said atreount and the hexri&g tbereof, by causing :i copy of this order tobe pnbhiaed in the M&Mffan árpw, a newspaper printed and dren-' liktiiur in BBid 'ounly, three HIIMIHIIIÏMI weeks preríOTl ti, said day ot hearing. IA true copy.) HIKAM J. BEAKES, 1315 Judgc of Probatf. Estáte of Goodale - Minor. CTATB OP MICHIOAX, County of Washtena, k 7 At a sesfciou of the Probate Court tbr the County of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Otlicc, in the City of Ann -Vrlxjr, on Tucsday, the twenty-tiehth day ol Mai-eh, in the year one thousand cight buadzed and sevi nly-iiiu'. l'ixs.'iit. tjiain -J. lieakes, Jndije of TYobate. In thu matter of tlie Estáte ot i'rank W. GoodaW minor. OnreadinganAflÜBg the petition, duly vcrifled, of Bdward 1-. li-wu-n, iMrdian, Drayiug that be may nsod to sell certain real estáte bclouing to él iuinur. Tbereupon it is ordered, that Wednesday, the twentysix'ih day of April nest, at tn o'clock in the forenoon, hr asftigned for the hearing of sakl petition, and tbttt tin1 n-x: ut kin of said minors, and all other perwjM ■ i in iid tat, are requii-ed to appear at Bession of s;iiii t 'oiirt, then to be holden, at tuerrol .il thr l 'iiy of Ann Arbor, and show iuse,ö any there Ik-, why thr prayer of the petitioner slouM not be gnmted : " And it is furthor ordered, tbnt aio petitioner jive notice to the next of km of said ininori and all other persona UiK'rt-l in said estáte, fí pentUney of said petition, aïiü the hearrrfj thtr(.tiy cauaing a copy ot' this order to be publisheu in tw JUicftiffan Argus, a newspftper printed umi circuhtifle in saia ( !ounty, Üiree sueceissive weeks previous tosa day of hearing. (A true oopy.) HIRAM -T. BKAKES, 131S Jadge of Protate. Ecsiite of Milliscnt Doviney. ljXATJBOI -Mie HIQAN, ( nunty of Washten, k At a sessiou of the Probate uuit lor the t'oon'y ,,t Vfaahtenaw, holden at the l'robat qtfice. intte city of Aun Arbor, on Thirisday, the thirtieth day Maich, iu the yew: olie Ihausand ewht hundredaiu sMiity-one. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. Ia the matter of the estáte of ilillisent Derácy, minor. Kobert B. Deviney, Guardian of said estáte, conw into i'ouii and wprosontatha he is now prepared t render bis. flnti -"üm ;:u.'li Ouardiaii. Thereupon it is ordel"ed, that Monday, the rffeurffouri ii day of April iiext, at u-u o'cloek in the forenoo, Liu-il for examising nod allov ing such uixxwDti aud tliat thi; ni.xt of kin of said minor, and w ótber perBona interested in said estáte, are recjuircu t appear a1 a w saion of said 'om-t, then to be holden, al the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Axbor, in County, and show cause, if any there be, why thesuw aeeoont shtwld not be allowed: And it is farthef :, aaéi Quardian give noïiee to toe parsons interested in sj'rtcl estáte, of the pendencyot said account, and the hearing thereof, by causiiig copy of this order to bo publisbed in the -Vi'cA'P 4ftWi a oewspaper printed and ejrculatíng in1 .. tliixf buco ■ ' revions tosaid oi of hearuig. ;A tiueoopy.) HIEAM J. 11EAKES, 1"1", Judge ol I"iobt' Estáte of John Powell. OTATKOF MICHIGAN, County ofWashtenaW,"0 .'. ; i sesslon of the Probate Court for theCoollJ 01 Wasfetenaw, holden ai the Probate Office iu tM City ol Aiiu Albor, on Saturday, the twenty nf""i'J of larch. in the year one thousand eight hundreu and r olie. proesnt iliiam J. lieakes, -IiM'e of Probate In tl'.e niatïer of the estute of John Powo John Geddea, Bxecntor of the last wlll and teta. ini-ii! i.:' sai ! .1' ,'.ased, romes uto Cour! anti rep'" ■sents that bte is now prepared tortuder his ünal count as such Ëxecotor. , Thereupon ii is Ordered, that Monday, the iwfi'T' fotirth dav of April next ut ten o'ch'Ck in lhe fore' j noon., be" Bssigned for examlnlng and allo'' such actottllt, and that the leñatee-, deviw' and heii's at law of said deceased, aDd u othet peisons [ntereíted i" said estáte, t qnired to appear ata stssion of said tonyt, thvo1" be holden at the Probate office, ia the City of-i0 Albur, in said Connty. and show cause, i f any tbe oe,whï the said aoconnt shoold uot beallow"1' And it is further ordered that said Exccnl' giYe notice tO the persons interestod in said estst of lic pendency of said account, and the hea thereof. by canslns a copy of this order to bc t'K lishedlOtO Mckitái Arput, a newsia)er pnoi and circa lating Iu said County. ïhrec eucee1" weeks previone to Birld dwy of hearinir. C'. tvuecoiiy.) HIKAM J. DEAKïS. 1313 Judgeof Prob'Estáte of Lydiii Roder. -iTATEOF MICHIGAN, County of Wsshtenair."O Notice Is hereby glven.thatby au order of 'J' Probate Conrt for the Conuty of Washtenaw. ? on the twenty-eighth day of Man-h, A. i?'' '': months from that date wero allowed tor crpemOTj I their üalme against the t-state of Ly " . late 'f said Connty, doeeased, and that ' credltora af said deceased are required to Pri', their claims to said Probate Court. at ïhel'roo Office, In the of Ann A-rhor, fnr etamination " allowance, on or before the Iv omy-t'iL'liln ''", September next, and Uut siu-.ii elniinawili be r aid ProbateCon.rt.onSaliirdajs tbeteüili "- of.Iune, and (,n Thursdny, the twentyeigtitn n' abernext,al ten o'clock in the forenoon uf each of tluisedaye. Dated .Ann Arbor, Marchth. A. D.3111315W-1 Jndtfe of Probate.


Old News
Michigan Argus