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Diseases Of Sheep

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Palé Disease i.v Sheep. - From comtnunications which I have received relating to the sbove discase, I have gathered the f&Qowing hisrhly important facts and sugsr?stions : First, that it is with bo,r chüluriv,. .uud. tliat both diseasos are osOBed by numeróos small 'uniis in tho stomaoh and intestinos. One jnan, who writes to me, says he cures hog cholera and "pales" in Bueep with the .sanio medicine ; and it is my opinión th;ít tho hen cholera adraits of tho same elassiiieation. Postmortein examinations haví' duoovered thousands ofsmallworms 9n til ofsliueji. The theory beíng correct - of which I have no doubt - v, -iiiitecer expels worms from the animal ■will act ns i preventivo and a cure. Copperas givea in Balt, at the rato of oaefourth of a pound to a hnndred sheep, is rocummendcd, to which I would add tobáceo, pulverizad or in snuff. It is death on tho insect tribe. Coal oil (petroleum) is reoommended as an infalliblc 1-i-iiii'íiy. It has lately been tried ín one case of the palo disease onder my observation, and with perfect suceess. I think that if the facts above given will be made known throughout the country, it will save thousands of valuablo sheep and hogs. ïfc I would recommend gas tar as a ccrtain cure for foot-rot in sheep. Tho fêet should be carefully pared to remove pvery partiële of tho diseased portion, then washed and allowcd to dry. Each foot should then be dipped in a snnill dish of the gas tar. ToRkvivi: ,v Ciiilled Lamb. - Hctd the chillcd lamb in a largo tub half full or more of warm water, and give it a tliqrqngh wasliing, taking care to keep his head out ot' the water. This is the T'-'sf, flie snfost, and quickost way to revive a lamb that is almost ehilled to death. Lot them be rubbed dry with dry eloths, and get them wrll warmed fhey are retumed to their dams. It requires a long time to warm a ehilled lamb by wrapping it in a eloth and placing it on the floor near a stove, whieh is often the coldest plaoe in the room. Sw :'.T.r.i:n Javsakd Throatin Sheep. -Tho first thing to be done then is to take flie animal away froia the flock as soon as it is attacked, and j it away in another barn, if possible, and the forther the better and safer for the rest. Givc it plenty of fresh air and sunlight ; shoar the wool closely from tho uft'eoted part ; make a hop-poultice, and spread it npon s cloth long enougii to reach from the lioso down to the biisket, and wide enougb to come wcll up on the sides of the neck. To the cdges of this cloth sew five pairs of strinjrs, one to be tied bctwoen the eyes and, one butween the eyos and ears, and threc upon the neck. Let this be clianged as often as it { cold. Give a pint of good oatmeal gruel, into wl)ieh you have put two teaspoonsful of strong gi rigor, and a gilí of whisky, every six hours, and if yon lose, patiënt you will havo tne consolaMön of inoTciug that you have given it tho best treatment that experienoe could suggest. It' a swelling oi-eurs, which ís not attended by mortitieation,. or which does not rcsult in that, careful search should be made for any abscosses that may be forming about the parte, and when' any soft spot is found, it ghould at once be punetnred wil'i a sharp knifc. Ifthe abscess ha u largo one, or there bo several of thcin, ivpply the iamè poultice ae ■ onítínSDraca'&bdvo, and tho saino se7ieial treatment, modificd by the iuildiiess or the severity of the disease. Sore Morrir ra RiiEEr.- Shccp frequcntly becorne sore in the lips, from feeding on St. Johnswort and other foul plants ; or fjom unUealthy blood. One of the best flock nuistors whom we i knew, gave us this as his tnethod of' cure : Take fino saltpet re and mix it with pig's feet or other soft animal oil. AVith a lather of castile sonp wash off tho from the sheep's lips and anoint the parts affected with the mixture above Kpecified. Another cure for sore lips in sheep is to wash with a steep of gold thread in water. r.w.KY ix Sheep. - This disease consiM a in a suspension of the powers of the nervtms.systeiii,. either wholly or iu part. SoHHsiiniPS thennimal is totally helpless, evpr' rimMierng'affected : nt others it is prineipally confined to the loins. The causo of this diseaso is generally eold combined with moisture ; the animal bcCouies ehilled and is found, perhaps, after a snowy night, in the helpless state before mentioned. Though more fiequently affeetfrig Iamrbs, in may algo aUaek sheep of all ages, and particularly theewe that bas aborted or i)ioduced her lamb with difSculty, and aftcr a tedious labor in cold weather. It often attaeks the newly dropped lamb - aometimes proves fatal during the night. When loss severo the lamb is found stationary and with his hind limba powcrless ; and when this is the case it rarely becomes othermse ttan stunted iu itb growth, though after a time it mfty get rid of tho paralysis. This diseaso is often confounded, and not imfrequently connectod with rliouniatisin ; but the former has its origin in tho nerves, whilst the lattor, though the more painful, is an affection of tho musclesi The treatment of' palgy in sheep oongists in the application of warmth exrérnally, Tiut moderate at first, and gradually increased. A stimulant should be given internally in warm gruel or ale. A drachm each of powdered ginger and gentian, with two draehms of spirit of nitrous ether, is a dose for a sheep, and jnay bo given once or twiee :; day; and from' one-quartor to one-half the above will be Bufficient for a lamb. If symptoms of purging should appear, tho folIovring astrnifrent medicine will be found very nseful : Powdered chalt, one ounce ; jinv.dered uatechu, four draehms; pow'1 gin'TPr, two draehms ; powdered opium, half a drachm. To hu mixed caref ully with half a pint of pepperiniat water, and two or three tabTospoonsful given morning and night to a sheoT, and CePicipnrps


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Michigan Argus