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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. „ui r. Pmsecnting Attorney. At F n Arln-r liodq and Friiiayof each week. Je" Ceurt H. 1M' "7ríT& SCHMIHí Dealers ta Dry Goods. Iirorerii Crockery, Ac. No. 54 South Main __ - ".ois II AI.I5, BI. O Uesidcnce and Office Vo IS corner Wlllimna aiid ihompsoi Street. i r office hoars 1 lolr. Advice and PreLioii fn-m C to 7 r. . cach day, Iree gratie to ;r"íí"jEÍ.I18 CO., Druggista and dealers R,. p..intï, OiJ,etc No.2 South Mln Street. il Art' ■ ""i]l7si:SNIoS, Attnrney and Counsellor J it'uw Baal ltotla aud Inmraoce Agent Con„,;„. utd CollBCtioti of ' laims pri.mptly at SSu on liberal tcrnií. Ofllce in Donnellys1 JJtoputairf. Hnr.m etrect, Anu Arlmr, Mlch7vñ JACKSN, Dentist, saccesnr to C. B. H . l'orter Oflicw corner Main and l'nron strwts. !t the wre r R. W. Kllis & Co , Ann Arhor, JJ, Aocstlietlee adniinisUTcd if reqalrrd. íyf. BRKAKGV) Jf. ., PhjaldM anrt ) , v iftoo. Í)1HC', at refidencr coruer of lln ;n Streets first door easl of Preaby KrimCturrl] .Ann Arbor, Micli. Xj, Dénier in Ilats and LM, raw Oood O nis' Furnishing Ooods, ,. gt rSmtM Mulo truot. nn Arbor, Mich. ,,ITHKB''AI & WHEWtS, mui Acent, and dcnleivii) ttsal Estáte. Mcíonnuron Street. iÜïrVKKrK i'O., Doaleis in fnrnlliir.' of J illkinifc. No. "'-' South inin strect, and 4 Wt jimjrtn-ct. do rb -r. t KWIS f. KISliOtV, Ocal"r in Hardware,, LiStimi Home Ciomi-hlug Oooi, Tin Ware, &c. juli Soiith Mnin treet. iTÁCH A A BEI, Dealers In Try Gooil OroDcriö, c Ac.No '.6 ïoütli Main Ureet. Jnn tw. 0L1V3QN A: SM1V, Grocers, Provisión and l onuiiWüWJl llercliau'ts, ano dt-alers in Wtiltr iir, üurt liaeter, nd Piaster Parii. No. 14 Eaft laun street i so'DJIKI-TI, Wholesale and Ketail Dealer ii In Keady Mude ('lothlnff, Cloths, Caisimerea, Mjm.andOanl's Faruishiiig Go"de. Ku.x South WLWAfffiGR. IVnh-r in Ti.-ady Madedoth in''. ' l.itb Ciuetmeraa W-ütl-s. lint. Caps, tmk;,'rpet Itag, &c -il íoutli Main strect. fnUHOBE A FISK1Í, Bootoeller and StaU iwi.Ts M' ilic.Hl I.uw and College Text Bo'.ks, Wlud Miwv'ilaneous Books. No. 3 North Main OTfi.Greírory Block, Aun Arhor. PlM.v.ï tE WI8,"Dealr In Boot, Shoea, f üaiV,S ippers, &c So. V Stgt Htiron frtreet, ki Vii. ia. kw.i.(;, Propiietot of the Ocfabratod i K-wt Hitt riand olher popular rcmedie.e. Aun Arbor.Mreii. K0CKER Y . (LASSWAKE & GROOERIÍÍS, J. & Donnelly Br ín tire a lnrge toek of Crockerj, Glsseware, UdMUruc' 'nilery QrocMle, &., c all tobe wioitnliupnally luw prioe No 11 Bast Uunm Street. Ann Arlinr i: tr j. 5 iMii"i-;i.i.v. WIL M. 8ZNCLAIB, COMMISSION MERCHANT IN GRAIN AND FLOÜR, ÏOOM IS, 134 LaSALLK STSEET, cniCAGO. lïVOyl TOHN G. GALL, DEALER IIT F8ESHANDSALTMEATS, I.AIW), SAISAGKS. Er-, Wfni iolicited and promptly fillerl with tliebeet mu in the market. 31 Kn-t Washington treet. in Arbor, Scpt. lfth, 1SC9. HWtt ■ ■■ "- ■ " f_y .y.iSLj Manatactnrer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, AXpSLEICHSof every ntyle. made oftlic beat Wcrial, aadwarniuted. Repairlngdonc pjomptly ii prices reaonable. Detroit Strect, Dear K. K. 0(poi,A]iii Arbor, Mich. 12'Oyl j)R.C. B. PORTEE, DENTIST. ''- ia the S AVISGS BANK BLOCK, Ann Arbor. Ui Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFORMKD W1TH CARE. 5N8ÜRPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE MM ARTÏFÏCÏAL TEETB, TO GIVE EAfH INDIVIDUAL; hurt4 of ike proper $izt, $kapr,nolort firmne$and na al crprettion, 1244 LÜMBER YARÖT" C. KRAPF, Hi a lorc and wcll stockcd Lnmlier TanS on Jennn Street, in the out h part of the ('itv. nncl "keep constantly on hand an excellent varicty of UIMBER,SHIKGLES,LATK&C 'hwillljooldaxlowancanbe afforded In thls iitkei. lity and prlccs uch that HO ONE NEED GO TO DETROITC. KR A FF. on Arbor, Jannnry 2Oth, 13T1. 986 AGRICULTURA!. WAREHOUSE OPENED MAKH Sth Kat Sicle of Kiver, M&UCHESTEK, . . MICH. '''HKïRii ARE REPPFCTFUIXY SOIJCITED TOCt,UHD BXAMDÍKTBE MKRIT8,QUALI1Y AHD Priors OP MY SKLECTIONS OF IMI'LE■Bft AND FAitMING TOOI,. '313K n. R. PORTES, ! pORTsALR " A. House and Lot .. Va fjwl sia tte Nlrect. in the City of Ann Arhor, ra house south of WnêJÜDffton. The lol f tet t(;s. f1 the hnuae h of hrink. me unrl n hnlf 8torie. Wíl! yj Ij enKy tenn, ínqnire of Judse Heak-, of ,, „C Kyan, Northtfúld, or iultïiv the uiidersignod 'UUihbad, OHklund t'o., Mi.. . EUWAED POWEHB. __Ann Arhr.r, Jan. 21), 1871. 1KW HIÏSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIÖNS 100CBATELT ANI ', CAHErtTLLY PRBPABED r, BT " W.BLUS & CO.,J)ItUGOISlS. - - - . _ .


Old News
Michigan Argus