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Ku-klux Breeders

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Thorc may bu Ku-Klux in soiuo of the southcrn States, just as tliere aro organizod bands of horse-thievcs, burglars, and other desperadoes in tho northwestern States, and even in the central States. And these banda of Ku-Klux are not necessarily nor always political organizations, but are composed of men of all shades of opinión, being held totjuther by the cohesivo power of plunder. But when politieal they owo theil origin to üorthern carpet-baggets, who, ftittcning on the nativo born, have driven them to seck proteclion by furce ugaiust th.eil iniported rulers and negro allics. It is the natural and unavoidáblo result of the systom described in the followiiig parar gx&ph out l'roni the Dextor Ltader, fcoing on extract from a private letter writton by an old and well-kuown resident of this county : " It would be, of courso, much more lant if your views could harmonizo with the peoplo among whom you woulil be cast; aml I tlimlc it you could bocomo . .ni ■ ■:■' - - - u 1 -■ - Vrh.tha oihee, m thi.s State, and especially in this oóunty, hare feathered their neöte at the expense of both hch and poor, you would beoome disgusted with thcin. I have been a Bepubüoan and am now, so fot as they have aeted honestly and uprightly, but I ain heartily aahamed of behavior in thi.s State. It is the desire of UtG inllucnttiil men of the country that white men of the North, or auy othtr section, simuld come haré and ttike hold with them aud aid in di'veloping tho re.soiu-ees of the country, but not that they should OOBie down hete and thrust tliemselvos, by aid of the negro votes into offices of trust, and st:;al - yes, f hul. is the word, undor cover of autliority- thoir lliousunds, and thon decamp with tluir ill-gotten g Ihat sort of men play upon the negroos' foara of ro eiüilatement, keepinKtrpaeonstant distrust (in thcir minos) of the whitOS, in order to get their votes. It is mean, dirty work, and norespuctable man would do it ; beoauss every man with any linims fcnows tliat it would bo impossible to cnslave them again, did they wish, which is far from the caso. But enoueh of this." As it is in Alabama, so is it in all tlie Southem States. The cai-pet-baggers are tho Ku-Klux broeders. Tin: "Washington correspondent of tho N. Y. Tribune MSerta that on Monduy next the Supremo Court will rentier a decisión in the greenbaok case, rearguud, and that the eonstitutionality of tho logaltendor clauso will be afKnnod, - thus roversing tho former decisión, that is 80 fulas deb% existing at the time gzeenbacks wero spawnnd are concernod. The snuo correspondent says tliat on this point the court will stand : for the constitutioimlity of tho law, Justicos Millcr, Davis, Swayna, Bradley, and Htrong; ugainst, ChiefJustice Ch-aso, Justicos Jfclson, Cjiflford, and Field. Strong and Bradley are tho now judges, mudo to order and with a purpose, their jilm-i.1 „■;„, „i,, for liy this deúdon. How nrach is it worth ? Tin: .,i '„„, ïasown ly all mon to bo a thorough-going Rcpublican journal, with no leanings to Deinocracy, thus eharaeterizes Iho Ku-Klux suppression bilí : " ÏTcver in the politieal history of "the country has so direct a blow hcon " aimcd, under thc color of lega) authority, " at the Bupremaey of the Constitution, or "a precedent boen establish 'i so danger" ous to ftjso institutions." A more pointad or stronger üodietment, in fuwor many words, it is scarcely possible and cortainly ünneoossory to make. We coiuniend it to the thouglitful ot' whatuver political opinions ur purty. By votmg uil tbo clerka and hanger on in the Berend Dopartmeata - the same who woie sent to Connecticut and New Hampshireat the recent elections, and always ju Iwme to vote - aml Lmporting and voting scvci'.'il tiuHisanda o bom the country round aliuul, the Eepublioana succeeded in oarrying the first olcction in the ncw Territoiy of Columbia. It was a woadetful feat, and kom thuo ooisy rojoicings ono would thiuk uncxpcetwl and tü bc proud over. But it is ncitliir. COLI'AX being tirod with the arduous labora - without patronage - of the Vice Prcsidoncy, proposes onoo moro to " retire :" this time, soiuc vicious soibbler hus it, to the gttberaa-torial mansión of Indiana. " SíhíIok" don'i o.onsidor thu orno.! poeition he now lioMs the " good thhiic" thut Ulyssc- according to the viQAeoable Fwse -'lil the coVs tail,"' which is enougb to aooount fór liis liv tenniiiation - again -notto "hold on." --


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