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"under Which Thimble."

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Xhé ways of a Governor liko those of the " !: "peculiar.'" and it would puzzle ono to detonniao the futuro bj hen a i nol is concerned -as tnucli as the wheróabottts of tho " littlq joker" under tli.' maniptilation of sMllful thimblöi"iggov. Acaso in illustration. On the l.'ïtli lnst., (}nv. Ji.M.nv, i. rotnrnod to the Ilottsc, without his s'ij,!ii' Ki-f, " an -et to authorize the oity of Hastings to issue ImiikIs for the buij,ding ot' bridgos." The raio that the biU waa not introduoed within the constitutiDiial limitatiou ; 1h:it is, uní until tho ffrstüfty days of thg gesioii had expired. The bill v,is ono of n olftsB to which we hftvo boforo röfi and in nut vcry coiuplimoiilary terms to legisltttors, adopting :i substituto i'or a pending bill, or reporting back an enaoting clause with a Bubstítute fot a killed or stnckpn uut bill, passing tho substituto, and tlicu ruoonstructing tbo titlu to üt. Tho Govenior beid sucb, piooeedings olearly unconstitutional, and gave the Logisliituro to undorstand that tboir journals could bc brought into oourt as wiim. -srs against the legitkoooy of tlieir aetion. Wc quoto two paragraplis : "It is sometimos said that no dangeror liann can arige trom acts of tbis kind, for the ceason that there is no way of tcsting tliciv oonstitutionality ; that courts would not go buhind tlic act itself, to exaniiae the journal of tho Legiglature, to determine whethor constituí ional requiremnnts had been complied with. In this, it is only neoeaeary to eite' opinions exprossod or declared by the higbest legal authoxity of tho State. In the case of the People vs. Mahaney, to be found in tho l.'itli Michigan Keports, the snpreme court uso the following tago : ' As tho court is bound judicicially to take noticc of what the law is, we have no doubt it is our right as mr duty, to také notioe, not only of the printed statute-books, but (tho of tw jottrnahofthdtwo ttouses, to enable us to determine whethor all tho constitutional rooui mi', of the validity of a statuto havo beun complied with.' Tho opinión here oxpro.ssed is certainly olear and explicit.'1 Without question tho Govenior was right, and it is not only causo for regrot that he had pr ticmtly giveu liis approval to bilis similarly suiTOi)titiously introducod and passed, hut. t[t; more that hu has lina (■'■■:id bilis just as worthless. On the 17th inst., four days subsequent to the vot message quoted from, Gov. Bai.dwin offioially notiüed the Sonate that ho had " ivpprovod, signod, and posited in the office of tho Sccrotary of State," twenty-nine-soveral bilis and joiut rcsolutions, ainong fcheto : " An act to roquire railroud ooipoiations to keep oi3on ticket offices at passenger stations for the salo of tickets thirty minutes boforc the advurtisod time of starting of all passenger traías, rad to oompel donductois to cali out tho nanies of all stopping stations prior to roaehing the sumo." -N'uw, to uso the Govornor's own languago : 'The hifltory of this aot, ae appeara from the official journal," is somothing as folI0.TC8 : On the 8th day of April - see Sonate joumal, pago 1304 - Senator E.mi:kso. ohainnan of the Judioiary Comzoittee, reported " x bilí to próvido for the re-assessment, colloction, and returu of oertain general, speoial, and sidewalk taxeain tho village of New Baltiinoro, county of MaThe lïïl v;ii placed 011 tfio ontev SE lliinl reading, and without beiug sent to the oommittee of tho whole. Tao samo day- see juurnal, page 1309- the Sonate beingat wort undcr the order of " third rcadir.g of bilis," we read : "Senato manuscript bill, ontitled, " A bill to próvido for the ro-assessment collection, and return of certain enera], special, and sidewalk taxesiatho village of New Balfcimore, in tho county of iiTt eomb, "Aus rend :i tliiril timo and passed, n majority of all the Senators oloct votin"thereför: yens, 2!); nays, 2. "On motion of Mr.' Il ijikwav, the titlc was amendod so as to read as follows : '■Aliill to requirc railtoad corporations to keep open fcickot offioea at passenger stations, l'or the :üc of tickets, thirty minutos before tho advertísod timo of starting all passenger traing.' "TÜe tit!! is aincndcl vraa agreed to." Tho horse-cliöstnut was i cltestnut horso ; tho bill for oolloctiou of taxus in New Baltiiiioro a bill to requiro tho opening of nrilroad ticket offices. Tho bill was amendéd in tho House so as to roquire conductora to cali stations, and tho tule again tunonded to fit. This is a single Bpeoimen of kow to got in and pass bilis after tho oxpiration of tho con3titution:il tiüiu ; and, also, fux-nislios evidence tbat Uov. Iïaldwix eyos ware not alwaya open. - Tho bill is oLnjxious to anothor constitutionul objeotíbn. lts titlc cloarly discloso.-i twi) distinot and separate fcaturcd or olijects. In San Francisco, on the '2Oth, tho trial of Mib. Lauua D. Faiü, churged withthe murder of a paramour--she had sovcval A. !'. CEITTEXDEïT, was conchidod, the verdict boiug " murder in tho fn-st degree." Tho rcsult waa unexpectod but genorally satisfaotory. Tuk Joint High Commiusion bas not yot oonoluded its laboré, but the President has callcd m extra session of tlie Senatü tor May loth, in sntioipation tliat it wil] bu donó by that timo.


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