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Uta jdverttetmeata. w iíen y öu WANT ■ FINE PHOTOGIUPHS, GO TO SAM. B. REVEN AU GH, No. 30 Hurón Strvtrt, rOOFING! MICHAEL MÜRRAY FÍRE AND JFATER PROOI' FELl' AND COMPOSITION nilAVELRAIKS AND RUOKINO MATERIAL Orders Left at the Store oí L. C RISDOW will receivo prompt Attention. KESIDENCE- Jcffcrson Street, Ann Arbor Mich. ALL WtiRK WAKRANTED. 131Í-W4. 'JUIE LATK F1KK! We desire respcctfully to cali tlie attention oí' the public: to the fact that we have the LARGEST STOCK Of WALL PAPER ! In this city. At tho the lite flre, April 3th, a portion of this ytock waa iiijtircd bj water; bat we lmv(! ftsaorted the enilre i-tock. and In order to close it uit out. wfl bftn it it pi ices that dofy :oinpetition. paper wbicb we nel] as perfect wt; wlll warnint. In dl reapects, DOtwtlhstailalDg the priccH are froia 20 to öo per cent. lower Llmu thoae hcretofore cttarged. We htvo paper slightly di.mH;ed that we wül scll at EXTHEMELY LOW FIGURES 1 VCo have aUo the Largcst Slock of Curtains, Cloili and Pnnpr Sha des. Hollands, Cords, TASSELS, FIXTURES, ETC. Tu be fon nd in thla city, pnrcbued dlrectlj from thaHannraotnrenatprlcwa thirü K-ns thati tüusc cliíirppfi by ulhor botines. We keep c astautly uu baud complete assertmciit of SCHOOL BOOKS ! STANDAID 5IISSCELLAM0US Bcoks, Staple and Fancy Stationery, Albums, PICTÜBËS, 4 PICTURE FRAMES, Of alIïizcsiiiHlStyles. and all othui eood In our '""" "11 uf wc cyfl'ur fur ciioü at luw PIICBS. tteiiiriuber tlie place. Jo. S Kast üaxuii Mrtet, a few (lours tast of Cook's Hotel, Cali and examino our Stcnjf, and gr-t Our Piices J, C. WATSON CO, Ann Arbor, April 2Gtli, 1871. This U tnedy doer not nmply ivlieve for a short Inic but It producen piarfeotaDa prmmtent corea f ( in w(i't (vim-k of Obruoic Niijil i 'ai ;irrii . uut} I wUl j.iy $5tO reward ftr ■ case thal I canuot cure. Colt! Ín tiio head" mui Calarrhal Uoadacbfl cured wiili h f.-w applicnüon. If you havo a disc )ULe fr 'm Uu: ii"8i:, urtVnivt! or otherwlae. stop ■Ui; u of tlii' DOSQ at times, partfal miss of the senNC ol cmfll , tastu of hearing eyea w itfrinj,' or wenk, (Vfl ii;ili, bayo pala at preavnre iu ihehcad, jon niny rol aaenred ihát jou havo ('utrirrh. lhouHand) aiiunnllj, wItto"Qt ïnaDlflsstlng half of thv ;iiii)vi' prmptom . ienniuate in UoniMiniptton aud tflul ill tiie f;:-avu. N() (Üíh-.-im' ia i i-uinmon, inurf dteeptlve or lees nnaerBtood by pbyalclaq. 1 wil: ■oud tnj nampblet oo Oatarrh to any addru fret'. Dr. Sagosto Cnt;inli Kenu-ilv is iíow SOLD BIT MOST DUOüGfSTS I.N ALL PAEX9 ciP THE WOlfLD. Priet so cents. Rentbrnul), pntpald. on ocdpi f 60 cents, or ronr padrotea lot two c;..!!iirs. , rare f cmnterfelts and woith!m [mitatlous, 8m ! ii.-ii, niï urivate Stamn, whicii n i poettive guarane tr .'-n:ri ij.iits, ík apon the ouulde wrapper. ttmcmbor thit thl pri ati: SUimp, lssm-.i bv Ihe Pnlted sr:i'i-.i OoTernmenl ét rslj fr iMmplng ïy medjcluechaa m? portralti Dameimd u.ldroas, nd th'worda U. -s. Cel (Iflcats ol Qenplnonsti" n:,':;r. . ! upur. it. and noftd uot lx1 mf.Httiküii, Don't icetvindled bv travtlera, and ot eis repreucuiin terasojveaas Dr s&g: 1 uutiheoiiJy mnu now lviQf that hits the kuowleáge ñndrlght to mminfacara ifeoulne Ir. Sacn Catarrh RêmeL]T and liever ti-ttvtl t st-'Jl tdis ineficiue R. V. VI KOK M. Tl I8B Benca Btroet, Btffnlo, N. Y. I R. W.ELÜS& CO. I 1 A!Vi. 11 RETVJBNAL'IjUÍ KEEPS ON IIAND a. laege; stock OF OVAL AND SQUARE BLACK VVALNUT AND GILT FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZSS CHEAP. No. 30 HURÓN ST. Eátatü of Lcander LeBaron. CTATEOF MiriiDíAX. Coonty of Waahtenaw, as. At a nessiou of tUoProuaté Court tur the L'ounly of Wushtenavj holden at tbe Probate Offlde, in iiiu City oí Aun Arlmi1, qq Wwlnchday, tinr tweoty-aixtll day of Apiil, m tlíe year uno tliouaaod edght liuulÍi f 1 aii'l A-'Vi'nl y-iic. Prosent, Hirwm J, Beakoa, Jndgoof Probate. ln thu uiattur of the estutc oí Lcaudur LtUiiron, dnoriMfiii On wwdfag mnft filínií the potition, duly voriíicl, oí Suijy LeBanm, muying thut orne siiituble pemon may Uj appvhiLfU Adutiüistrulor oí thu cataít' oí saul dcTheifuiKin it is inlorod, tliat toitday, the fewantyBBOOnd ilay of May DfiDtt, at ten oVltwrk in tln.ti.nuiiüun, be udsigned ibr thu hcuring of Bald petition, and iliüt thc bein m law of nid deoeaaeA, mil all oth■i puvoiu inbotQMtod ín said eetata, ara reauüod 10 uppefur it a aeeeioo of aaid Court, thn tobe holden, at tli' Probats Office, in thc (ity of Aun Arbor, and show oanae. ii any there bet why tiic prater oí the petitionox auouM not lo gnuated: Ana it ís furthei orderc!, that sid petitío&er gire notíoe to the peí aosu lntcrtístwi in miid estáte, of thü pendeocy oí s;ii.l petition, and the hearing thereof, by cauiiiK n rojiy uf this arder tu Ixj pubíishinl in thc Xticktgán Argut, a oewBpaper printea and cirrulatin? tal mid Cosnty, three Baooeaaive woélu prertous to aaid day of lieming. lAtruecopy.) liíIíAM .1. BRAKKS, 13W Judge of Probate. Heal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw. m. In the matter of the Ótate of Krank r,. Gooaale, ! minor: Xotiw is heréby inven, tlmt in poxsuance of bh ovdex anted to the uouezBJjniod, Guardian uf the eqtateof aaid minor, by the Hun. Judge nf Probate, for the rounty f Washtooftw, on the tw-t-nty-sixil] day of April, a. d. IJB71, febcna wili be aold al pulioireudue, to the lii'liost biddor, ut the otiice of Cioocniir Sc Henley, En Ihe vjllageof Delhi, in the comity of Waahtenav, in s;ii 1 Miitf, on Batorday, the tenth day of June, a. i. 1N71. ut teno'clock in the foronoon cí'tliuí day, [subject to uil encumbrafioee by mortgnge or othrnrise existing t tho time of wile, and ulcto subject to t hu rijiht of dover of the widow of Nonaaj) C. (ioodule, ■!, therein), the folluwing' descrilK-nl real ■ to-wit: The undirided hnlf of lots nine and ten; in block nine, in tho vülagQ of Delhi, in said count y, uooordiog to the reoordoo plat of aaid villuge. Dated, April 26tli, a. r. 1871. iílJWAKI) I-. BOTDEN, 1310 Guardian. Coiiimisiouers' NotLce. OTATK ()]■■ SnCHIGAN,OountyofWMhtenaTf,: v The andentened haring been appofaited oy the I Conrl roí mid county; ommiasiouers to receive, examine and uriiusr all ci;ums and demande of all personq agcinct fehe Mtete of Colista Ëlhs, late I of soid cuunty, deoeaed hereby rive ootice that míx moutha from flato an alloweo, ty ortler of mid Probate court, tor enditon to preaeot tiu-ir t-lanus aainst the estáte of unid deoeasod, and tíiui I meol at tin? üliic; of W. trviug YecWey, ín Üie village nf lÏHW.sonvilh', in unid ctmiity, 0O Satuntay, ty fouith day pf June, and Wednesday the twentyiii'th dny oí' Ootober next, ut ten dolook I i.u-h Of said tlnys, lo rcctíive, oxainiue, imtl mljust sai! ciniíns. JLat4d; AptÜ Wth. 1871. W. IUVIXÖ VKfKI.KV, !„ . . BANFOBD MAN.V1NU, (- mmiaaionor. iwiaui SAM. lí. REVENAUGH Copies 01(1 4MB3OTVPES & DAGLERREOTVPES IN FIKST CLASS STYLE ! TO ANY DESIRBD SIZB. I PIIÏSICIASX' PMfilPTlOSS ICCURAÏELY AND CAREFÜLLY PREPABED BY R. W. ELL1S & VO.,1)RUÜGIS1S. Commidsioncrs' Notice. C TATK OF M K II IGAN', County of Wubtema, 'Hi-: undtnognad hanug been uppointcd byti Probate Court for unid County. ( ommijiüioiiersiott' cc-ivc, cxiiuiim' ai ui tuljust all chumsaiuhU-iiiiLudsoi tl Bgflinut tliu cútate Of John M. (Jumings, bv of B&id i oonty, daceaaod, heivby give notice thtt tu motiths fi'om date are nllowed, by onlcr of said Pi bate Coortj for croditon to Dresept thoir claiuis agaiK the ostetfl of eaid dqoeoafld, and ihnt thcy will miit the o! tice of OodrffB VT. Turnbull, in the vülage i t .ltulñta, in aiil ('uunty, on ïSatunluy, the twnty fourtli day of Jone, mu ïtonday, tbc tcutf-ÜiM ly of Oetober next, at 10 o'clock A. II., of endi hü days, (o reouivo, ezamiai and odiust 6iitl claims. Uttictl, Apiil 22d, A. I. 187X, 131W WILLLA.3J JL. 'ALK1XS, i n . . . CHAKJJ53 H. WXÍÍfiS, í tommiMcm Mortgage Sale. DEFAfXT having "boen made in the oonditionj rf a éerUm mortgii, exccutetlby .lohn I)1 Wolf, al CaroHuo D'WolfjOÍ ÜMtownshipof FieedoiiLWiát paw tmnty, Michiiran. to John Jnrob Fiedel, of Út san i ■ plací-, beáiiaff dute the oitilitli day of Julyi. II. is;o, and ïtrcordwl in the Begvtr'somcefortbaiál t'ounty oi' Witahtennw, on the eighth diy of Jtüy,! D. 1870, inlibor41 r.f Mortgagea, on pago 60, by son oí' whieh dtf.fUit there isnow dncaudluw duu uioii wiid mort ffitffü the um of six huödrediii M'entv-iour dollars Jincf iifty-two cenls, and noswt Dg ut laWOT ín cliaiui-ry liaviu beoiiatón tover süitl ainount. or nnv tftrt thencf: N utico is th tref oxu hcrui'y Kiveu,thtit on Sanudiji the tweuty wecond duy of July, A.D. 1871, at efew o'elock A. M., oí the eaid day ut the front door of Ik ( 'ourf House, Ut the 'ity of Aun Arbor, in siikl Conatf mhp Qaw, (the same böïag the place where tbi 'ir uit l 'ourc for aaid oounfty held), I shall il M public auctiou to the hilust bidder the prenites fcw iiwil'tcr dOHBftedj or mí uiucli thoitof n- shull bi aW sary t satiafy thé unount 'luc oq s:iid mortgagealthi dato of thia notloe wíth intereet attd costa ud esp Ms allowed by luw, together vitfa bd Attorney'sí i thirty dollars; proridèd fot ia said mortüííe tht U'j gfty all that OGKtoin taraot or parecí ni laiul siiuaíwl a the tgwiuhip of Frw-tlom, ( 'mmty of Waoihtfnaw, i Btate of Michigan, known and anezlbed ai the m half of Uie Horihwt-st quartor of the uorth wisti]W ter t' seotion oumbei twelvo, in township nuoif thivü suntli oí range nombariour eiwt, in tlic dbtns of Land subject t sale at DötwSt, richigun, coutoináf twfl&ty aen - more or lara. Ann Arbor, April '21, 1H71. JUilN JAOOB FIEOEL, Mortgigoe. 1). OSAXBS, Attarnsy for Marifeagift, i.t}9d Attochiuont Notice. BY VIHÏUE of one writ of attunhmcnt iwuolMi ctf tliu Circuit Court in und for the countf WashtenaSr, the Othdayof Uiurch, 1871, Cliarlw nirtiuünjiLT and Jolm M. Wagntr Uüni; pl.-mtiffs, O wen Croman, Üofendant, upiut thu gomJ, chaltl monoys, aAots, laiul nd tooementa of Bold ()■■ . f roman, lor Uiemun ui mlutn hundrtti tlolliiTi. j wiil of ■tiachnte&t made rotuxnable thi 4tb April, 1871, at ten o'clouk, of Bfeid day, l iliil.ontk lOth day of llurch, 187 1, scizi-, bake nu levy uw H j the intereat that uwen Croman bas in the followifli descnbetl rvul estute, to wit : uil that piece or parcrf I land lyittL md beiiiK in Ifae towusliip of Northfl couuty of Washtanaw, Btato of Michigan, ki itoniKlfd and dt.scribwl a tollo ws, to wit: the DOïtfr" ' fust. ipmrtcr of the soafbftuii qaartertrf scotion ni ber nxtaon m townahip number one south and nuf number six tast, aeeordm to the original survey : íorty iicresof land. Diitfd, April 2üth, 1871. ITYEON-WEBB. Slirriff. 131Ü-W6. By JoiiTiN Fokbes, Uunder-öheril SAM. B. KEVENAÜGH, PHÖTGGRAFHER, MAKES ALL KIMS Of PIOTURERS FROM ÏHE SMALLEST LOCKET, TO TUIS LIFE SI ZE, NDFINISHESTHE.M IN INDIA INK! OIL, OIR. WATER OOLORS I EN A SUPPER1OK MAN'NEK. 1K-Iy. No. 3()JIino STBEE' I Go toR.W.ELLlS & CO's! for choice Wines and Liqupxt i for Medical Purposos.


Old News
Michigan Argus