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A ('Allí). Wutakrthia occasion to expresa our tliunka to tho 1'iKiENix Insuhanck Comi-any, of Hartfurd, Comí., .T. Q. A. Sessions, Eq., Agent, and to the HÚsrOBO Fikk Inkubance Comi-aky, of Ilartford, Comí., Zina P. King, Baq., Agr-nt, for the prompt and liberal manuer in u-hich they have adjustcd the losa on ourROods, on account of tho late lire, uut! ve take (,'reat pleasure in commcnding these Companies to the public as in cvery respect descrvin of patronage. Wo desire alao to expresa oar thauks to Htm, King, Hack, Stcwurt, Moorc, Dliss, Uailey, Hetiion and others for the eihuiont nrrioe rendered at tho tim of tho lire in proUicting our jyooJs. J. f. AVATSOX & CO. Ann Albor, April 24th, 1871. A New Stonk of PAlaLET SHAWLS, at WtNSa & WOUDEX'S. Point Luce SHiiw la at D7.30fromAuctiou, cboap at 15.00, ut tbc NEW UUUIEI1I STORE. Dr. Sagc's (,'atarrh liemwiy ia no Patent Medicine humbug jjotU'U up to dupe the i iicirrmt and creduloíls, nur is it reprusented as bting "comixtóed of rare and predoiu subütaaoes, brouyht from the four cornois uí fartli, caiii-J " " lint ■ i i - -■ ""- oí ihaiali un the liacks of fourteen camel, and bronght iicl-oss the Atlantic OoeflJIOB fcWO Ébipv. lt irt a simple, mild, sootliing, pleasant Iíemedy, a ixirfcct specilic for Clnonic Nasiil Catarih, " (oíd in theheiul," and kindred diseaHCS. The proprietor, R. V. I'ierce, II. D., of lSuifaln, X. Y., oftVra a reward of f5IW for a case of C'atarrh he cannot cure. For Bale by most drufíst cverywhere. Sent by mail, [nwtpaid, for si [ y renta. Address the solé proprietor as above. Yon can buy a I'oint I.are Miau 1 from Amlioii, for $10, urth doublc tbc moni'), at tbc i'' lilliiicr atore, 47 SoutU .flniii Street. Beat .Evergreen and Fruit Trees, For Sale by J. D. HALDWIN. SuUlíers of 1S12, who acrved Mxty davs, are en:ttlctl to l'ensioii, and ehould apjjly immediately to luim H. Oott, Bonnty sud Peustou Agtat, tan Arbor, Mich. A Larye Stock of NEW' CAKl'KTS, at WINES & WOUDEN'S. The New inilllncry Store 47 Soutli llniii Street i beadquurtvrs tur l'umsols and. Funs. For Koth Patchcs, Freckles And Tan, Perry's Muth and Frcckle Lotion The only rallabla and harmles reraedy for ri;iuoviu Brown DÍAColoiations from tbe ckin. For Pimply Kruptions, Black Hpi5s, Blotched DUflguaÜoni ou tho face, uae Perry'8 Comcdcue & Pimple Keinedy. l'repared ouly hy Dr. B. C. Pcrry, I)crmatol"i:!, 40 Iioud Street, New York. Soldby (lriiüüists everywhere. 1314m4 Vuu cannot makc a better Ín vcstmciit wortli $5.50 tliun to buy a Puint l.:n i Shawl lor it at tbc New 'I UiiKTj Store. A 8PLENDID STOCK of Japancse bilkë and Foplins, Juut rcccivel at WINES & WORDEÍí'S. -- Choice Ornamental and Dwarf Evergreens for Ltiwns or Ccmetery Lots. J. U. BALDWIN". Bounty to Soldlers. Those who eulistedin 1851 on the firat cali ofPresdent Lincoln, ud who wcre uonorably ilischar-ed befurethe expiratiun of the term of their euli.itment. are entilled to $100 each, as bounty. A nd soldiere enlUtiug under act of Tuly 4th, 1S04 are to be allowed the unpuld instalmcnts of bounty lfthey wure diacharsed by expiratlou of service Theabove clajus Bhould make application to the uudersiiit'il. March24th,18T0, lOïtf JOHN N. GOTT, Bounty and Claim Acnt. Sceond Hand and im Organs And Melodeonsforsaleverycheap at Vrof. Mills' ranslc room, No. 43 Maiu Street. (Over HulliRobtnson'iJ Viliilí ALV1NWILSEY. To Xcbrasba, California, Kansas, and (lic 12. & II. II. K. Lands. The starting points of this Route are at Chicago aud Peoría. The central point 1b BURLINGTON, ou the Missiualppi. It traverse Illiuoítt and the whole b rcadt h of Sou the ru Iowa. Ncar the Missouri iu trunk forks into three branches, for it has threu western termini. lts northern terminas ïh Couucll Bluff, wherc, croíisinjí to Ornaha, It connects wlth the Union Pacitic for all placeb ou the intra-coutlnental and Pa ciiïc tlop6B Üvcr-land travel and trafile choose this rvliable ronte more and more. lts next terminus is Lincoln, the Capital of Nebralka, fiftyfive miles west of the Missouri a: PlatU. mouth. Thli in the ooly direct avenue to ihe South Platte country, whcre the sales of railroad laad la.-t ■aasoOi rofcü tu ualf a millíuu. Ii - third terminus is at Hamburg, and Nebraska City. At Unnihurg, It ïnakf cIobc connectious, twiceaótiy, for St. -loseph, Lcaveuworth, Kausas City, and the whole Southwest. _ Ia jounieyins then, from the Eat to Kansas, via Burlington, you enjoy advaotagtts you can secure on no other line. You both paua] over a road sic oud to no othcr in ttpeed,safciy, or any Pullinaulux ury of modcru travel ; aud while on vuur way, .sur vey the garden of Illiuois and Mi ouri, as vrcll as 400, oüi acres of prairie in SunthweMern Iowa, now in market at low prices and loig credit. Keep it then bcforepeople wcfctwu:d bound, "to uku Uc BuUutuu liüulc." ISieti


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