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New Yoiik, April 25. Tlie gold premium closes slruug at a truction below $1.11, in the face of the larjje puymeuts on account of the May interest duo on goverunient bouds. This Brmnesa is due to the heavy draught of coln to Europe to meet commercial balances. Tliesliipments of colli since Janu ary ure reportcd at over $10,000,000, being about doublé wlmt they were for the correspondlüi; period last year. The week lias been a very active and excitivc onc in the stock inarket. The leadLng railway ëtoeks have undergone sharp tluctuations, in niany cases equal to two and thrce per tent. iii a single day. PloüB and Ukaix. - A general decline ig noliceable in breadstüffii. Flour is 15(2) 25c lower. Wheal üOc lower. Coru and oats l@3c lower. Wieat lu Liverpool ís quoted e per 100 lbs. lower on some gradeg than at last report. It is impossible to predlct the future of the market, but any great activity is not probable In tlie short time bet ween this and hnrvtst, aa speculaliun will hold.aloof, and tradu will be couBned to hegltlmate wauts Live Stock. - The market lu thU city has been better than pcevleua report, cattle betng at the extreme range of 10@15, with tlie average at 13@15. fcjheep slroug and active at 5@7 for thin to prime shearcd. Wool shocp are not much In market. Hogs, live, $(i.b a 7.U8 At otlier points there is a decline. Wooi,. - There seeins every indicatlou that those farmers who have kept up their supply of sheep will fare wull the present year. No prices that coukl be giveu at this time would be any ruidc, for the season, as the stock ol doinesüc floece is exhausted, and the trade is altogetlier irregular. But Ihcre is au active consunjptive demand jnst now, and as there is no excesslve supply ol woolen fjood on hand, the demaud is likely to continue Ihroujfh the year. Last year tlie milis were niany ofthem idle at this season, and stocks full. Now, the mllll are active and stocks are short. To meet presslnjí demanda, the early California clip is. being hurried forward, and foreigu wool is belnslargely lm ported. How extensivc the importation may be it is impossible to say, but when the market comes to be moderately well supplied from these sources, an effort will quite likf ly be made to créate the belief that there is an ampie ytock, with the view of keeping the price of the home product as low as pOMlble. But farmers will bc safe in the conclusión that no lartte importation will be made in the face of a full supply of the domestic product. VVhi'.c good prices seen altogelher probable, extravagant expectatlous should not be iudulged Detroit, April 2G. Tlie whccls of conimerco move more freely the present spring Miau ibr a long Mine p;ist. The vrholeaale trade is inore active and of grnater volume. Interior dealers are paying more promptly, Mie bank vaults more plethorlc, aud money coinparatively easy Produce is iuoderately active, but generally at a low range of prieus. Bcnadstuffs have declined. Wbeat shows a dill'i renco of 7@8c on some grades. The state of the market vvill be best shown by a coiuparison of priees at dates as follows : April l'J. April 26. Extra white, $1.64 fl 5l@t.53 No. 1 " 1.50 1. 50 1.53 Treadwell, 1.48 1.40 1.4 1 Amber, 1-44 1.38@1 30 The prlccs faut above iveii are tliot-.u ol yestenlay, l)ut iransactions to ilay were inore free at tliose priees than tliey were on yeaterday. Coro and oats both slightly lowör. Corn, Ö1@Ö2 tor yello.v ; 59@6Í for mixed. Oats, white. 5U@34; lolxed 5l@52. Uutter is ilull and weaker. Rol la quotable at 19(520 for guod to choice which is caree. Extra choice wou Id brinj more. Clísese, cominon, 13@15; cholee factory, 17(18 Ejís P tíuule strongei a 13@14 MI pie B'ugar ilull ai 13(14 fo fuir to good ; choice, 15O10. Potatoe flrni at 80@)0 per busbel, and $3.80(g2 00 per bbl. Country curefl liiiius, 12al3c ' aUüulUei's, 'Ja'J,'-.


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