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COKSÜMPTION. lts Care and ïts Prevoati...

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COKSÜMPTION. lts Care and ïts Prevoative. BY J. E. SCHENCK, EO. Msnr hnmsn botn han paasod away for whosr denth there was no ottier rewon thim the ncglect "f knnn and lmfliypnim!y proron mraiiKoí cure. Thosinfar an.l dear lofninllr nd Mi-mln are Meeptnx the; druaiuk'K) (lumlMrlntu wuich, liad Hier calinly wiopted DB. JO8KPH n. SCaKNCE'8 SIMF1.S TKEATMXNT, and avalled thomsciros of hi trondfrfullr cfflciidotis medicines, the; w.mld not hare fullcn. Dr Schendt has in hls own cn?o proirrt that n-herever nufdoient vltalitr remnln. thiit Tllallty, brnn medicinen nd his illrectlou lur tüoir nu, Is quicUn1 Into heslthful vlitor. In thl Molcraunt tber ts nottilne prcaiimptnoti. Tn the falth of tho Inrulld i mode no representallon lht ( not a thousaml times pubstuntlated by llvintt nd vIsiblB workB. 'llie tUeury of the care by Dr. cuenck' m(Kllclnei U n lmple as it la unfnilinK. lu ptatloiophy roquines no argument. It la null-iuumiThf Spa-n-oeü Tnic and llandrakol!!!! ïirft tht fir?t two weupjns with whlcli thu citmlel of tlie raa'ady ü ausntlt'd. Two tlilrds f the ensos of cemsumption oricinate in dvixpsla and a (unctlnnully disordored livur With thia i'ouditlon ttio hrwicblal tubas " synjDtttlilio" wllh tho xounch. Tlioy resuond to Ihe morbiBcactiou of tli9 IWer. Hcre then pomo, the cnllolimtlnK molt, itnd the eetting in, witli all ua dlstresdlug ryiuin , of CONSU3IPTIO9. Tho ifandrnkn Pülsnro composcd of nneof Nntnro's noblest difts-thR P.idophlllum IVItutum. They poiies all the blaad-MarablK altcrative propertie ui calomcl, bui, unllko calomcl, thy "LKAVE NO STISO BKHIND." Tho worfc of curn I nm bCRlnnlnr. Th vltlated nnd mnous dcpositi In the bowelê and In the llrantiiry einul :ni elected. The livor, llke a elork. in Kntind ui. It rouset from lts toruiillty. The torancii uotH reWOBslvelT, nnd tlie ptieut bogius to fcol that lu' is getting al laat, A SrPPI.Y OF GOOR BLOOD. Tho Sea-weed Tonle. in conjunrtlon irlth the Pllls. permtat03 flnd asstnilliites with the food. Ohylincaflon Is n'iw prouresslnir without lts prevlous tortures. Ulitestliin beoomea minima, in.l the is oen to i.e at hand Thure Is iv) more tiatnlence, noexacerbation of the stonmeh. An nppotlte sets In. Mnw comes the llrcnt'st Blood rurlflcr ever tH rItcn tv nn Indalgant father to suffering man. Behanck'j Puliiionic Syrup cuines n toperícirm it fnnctionsanti to hustfn and completo the cure. It enters ut once (pnn Ibiwork. Nature can not bo cheatod. [tcolleots jik! rlpena tha mpulred and dlseased portion of the lunK In the form of Katherlngs, It prepares them fur oxpectoriilion.anci lo! in a Tery .hort time the maliuly la iranquUhed, the rotten throne that It ocrupled is ronovated and made ncw, and the patiënt. In all tho digniiy of regalned vigor, step forth to enjoy tho maiihüoii or womanliood that was ;IVEN LP AS LOST. The swwd thlnc Is, lh pationts must ytn y in n wnrm p-mm untll they K't woll ; it 1 nliiiost imponible to prevent takin: cold when the hings nre diseñad, biit it must be piwrented ur u cure can net he clTected. Prestí air and r'dlng out, espeolally in thi sectlon of the country. In the f;iU nnd wintor spnmin, are all wrong. Physlclans ttIio reconimend that course lotto their patiënt, f theïr lunjfa are badiy dlweased' nnd Tet, bccause tbey are in tho house thcy must not alt ijutln nui.'t : they must walk nhont the room n much and as fantas the strengt! will b::ir. tn pot p upood circulittion f blood. The patlonts njit kop In good ,ptrtts- bo rit'tcrmlnod to gètwtl. Th is Iia a reu don! t' tl o with tlio appUcd, oud is the groot roint to To' despair of enrc nftor tvch rvidenco of tz possibility In tho worst cases, and montl cortalnty in all ethers, i3 sinful. Dr. BCncnck'H p-tsomuI Ptntoment tothc Facuity of hls own euro wan in tliOSO modo ' Ma'ny yortrs nco I was in ihe Ulrt J=t:ipc (f conpumption; Cínllnol to my bet!, nnd nfc one time r.iy phyiclnn tiumglit tlmtl rould not live :i wock ; then, !:ke n drownlnir man c;itchin nt ftraws, I hrjinl of :iii'l otitiincd the prepanitlons wliuh 1 now ofler to tho public, und they made a porUrt rure of me. It eenied tt we Ihat I C'.mld leel them penetrnte my wholc systein. They soon ripenert the maitor tn my lunK. nnd I would spit up mire than n pint of ofrenilvöyollow matter erery m omina lora lon time. " Aisoon nsthat bujsun t suhsitle. mycough, fcver, pain, nnd nlgla wn;Us nll bc:an to lravo mo. nd my iipprttiUïtHïCurno o gmtt th:it it wna wlth diflicuitv that 1 could Xcopfptm outtng too murh. 1 BO-misalnoniy tn;n(rth, nnd hüvc errown in flesl cvcrpinci'. pTrtVrlTOh!TlS1fío?iirnd'red"":ind twt;iityflTC(XS)pntfnifp, and for ycars I have enjeyed unlnterruptcd hcalth." ï)r. Pchenek has dlsconttnued hla proVfwlonal vinit tn Now-York aryl Ronton. Ho ir hia pon. l)r. J. H. Schonck, Jr.. 8titl cmtlniif to ca patients nt tiieir Tflïee. No. 15 Nortli filith Street, Philadelphia. orery Saturday fnmi 9 a.m. to 3 j.m. Tlmse wl-.o wifli a thorouirh fxiimination wlih tho lïospironietor will be charfrod $5. Tiie Rcspirnmetcr declar" tho exact condttlon of the lunc., and patlents eau rcadlly letirn vrhetlifr thpy are cumble or nut. The dlrectfoim for tnUinc thn mcdiclnri nro ad.intod to tho Intel Mtfenco even of a child. JmjIIow these1 dfrefrtiriiii, and kind wlll do the rest, erceptlnc tn!U in some casen tho Mundrako I'iils aro to ho Uken in increase.1 doses; tho thrce medicines eed no ather accom pañí men ts than th rmple lnptructlon thataccomp'iny them : Kirst croato npetlto. Of returninf? lienlth, huneer Ir the most wplcome iymptom. When It C'Hiii's, as it wlll come, let the dosnnirinK at once be of good cheer. Good blood nt once followg, thecoiih Ioomiiii. the night uwcat Ib abated. In ft hort time botb of thcfto morbld eymptoms re prono forever. Dr. Schenck's medicines or contituntiy kept In tena of thouands of families. Ah a taxativo or purtratire, the Mandrake Pilltt aro n ntundurd prppanitlon ; whllo the Fulmonic Syrup, as a cito of couphs und colds, iiuy be [■trurded hb a propfíylacterlc agatusteonsumptl on In anv of ita fnrms. ■ PriCH or tho Pnlmonlc flyrup and Soa-wwi TonlA l.Wu bottltí. or Í7.Í0 fi half 1i.17.fn. Mandruke Pilis, 35 ceuts u box. For sale by uil drugglsts and dealers. HURLBUr & EDSAIiIi, 32 Lake treet, Chicago, III., AVholesale Agenta. ' WW. WAQNER'S, A Large and Choico Stock ol SPRING AND SUMIR O-OODS, 1NCLÜPING CLOTH8, 0A8SIMERES, VESTING8, C. LATKST STYLE8 AND BKBT Q0AL1TIE8 WHICH HE WILI. MANUFACTURE ou tcrms to suit. Also a full liue of READY-MÁDE GLOTHING AND Gents' FURNISHING Goods. BEST STTLE. AlioLADIEVandGENTS MOROCCO SATCHEL8 No.31 South MalB Stret- Est ald. OALL AND SEE THEM. tt i .. i a ■! WAGXER. AnnArbor, May, 1871. iOO VOLUMES IN ONE. AGENTS WANTED Fon The Library of Poetry and Song üting Choice ftrUctimu f ram the Bat 1'uet.i, I iiiil.sli. Scotch, Irish nnrt Americnn, WIth an Introdnctlon By WILLIAM CTTLI.EN BRTANT, Under wluxc r.ritiml tuperrision Iht at crmpiUd. The handsomost nnd cheapest snbicrlptlon book .,Pvor 8?i beantifully printcd. choicely Illnatrttud, handanmely bnimd. A Ubncri 1,1 „rr, 5(M) iwiume n out iwt.'whose contente of no epnemural uature or Interest, wil] ever erow oidor etalü. It can bo, and will be, read and road with ploamire by old and yount-, as hm as ita ive hold tugetlier. 1 A perfect nrprlae. Stnrcely anythlnc at all a ironte, or nt all worthy of place horc. in nt-plrctcd 1 1 a book for evcry hunnchuld."- A'. r. Mail. " We know of no similar collsetloa in the Ensllsh nBiiape, wbh.h, in copionsnefn nnd fellcltv of ser.i ..'"i .rr"neln'B'. cn t all compare with . - A . Y; tirtc.. Term I.ib-ml Sollhisr -ren rapldlr. SOnd for rcularnnd Taran to J. B. illlil) CO.. '2-1 nrk Place, X. . i18w4 ISNRY T. HELMUÜLD'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATA W BA GRAPE PILLS. Component Pari - Fhiid Extratt Rkubarb and fluid Exlrmi Catawba Grapt Juiu. FOR I IVKU roMPLAI TS JAt'NIMCK. BIUOUS AF:T1ON8 su:kOUNRRVOUSIIEAIACHE, COOTIVEHK88, Etc. PURBLY VKOETABI.E. OOHTAIH1NG HO MEHCUKY .M1NEKALS OK UELETEK1OUS DRUGS. H These Filis tï Mi ""t (lelluhHölly plpnfsn pnr(rtir, uporedlDteíltif oll, U. mjfnofia, ei. There 1 nothinj more cccptMe lo tlS5 ftfmh. They kWc tone, and enniie neither noie nm KnpInr niiliis. Thj re eompoaed of the flnest ltTo dient. Afterfewdy'ii-.i of thcm. nuch n I. Timiration f the entlrc ttyntem tke plnce m to apic"ar mlrarolon to the wenk nd enenmted. whethor rlaiac ftom Imprnrtenee or disciwe. H. T. HelmholiVs Comp.nnd PlnM Rxtraet Ctwb Orp l'ill ure no snear-eoafcoi. ff om the fact that Hitar coatnd Plíls d ot dlMolTO. bnt pae Ihrouu'h tho stomac! Ithost dlolTi?.eouqiiciitIy ilo p?" 'h Aerl 6roet THK CATAWftA GRAPE PIUA iwin nli'iwii l taste and odor, lc necvasitiitc" Mag üugar-coatcd. PKICE PIPTY CENTS PER BOX. E HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S IHGÏH.T OONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLÍID EXTRACT 8AR8APARMA Wlll radlcally extermínate from the jut Scrofula SYpbili, Fover 8ores, Ulccr. Sore Eyes. 8ore I.ejrs, Sore Month, Sore Head, Bronchitis, Skiu Dinensea, Salt Rheum, Canker, Runnins from the Kar, White Swelllngs, Tumors, Cancerons Affcctions, Nodes , Rickett. Glandular Swellnge, Nieht Swests, Rash, Tetter, Humorê of all Kinds, hronlc Rncnmatlm, Dypci)sia, and all dieeases that Uavc been eetablished in the eyntcm for years. L BKING PRKPATJET) BrnMTVOBrai ABOVR 0OMPI.A1NTP . ITS BI.O0l'-PURIF INO PE0PBBTIE8 AltK QRBATBETHAÏl ANTOTHEK I'RKPAKAÏION OP SARSAPAIULLA IT B IVES THE COMPLEXIÓN A CLEAU ANI) HEALTII1 OOLOll ANI) RBSTORS8 THE PATIËNT Tf) A RÍATE OP HEALTH AND PUnlTT. FORPUUIPTraOTHBBLOOD, RBMOTIKO ALLCBBONTC 0ON8TITO1Í0NAI. DISEASKS ARI-ISO FROM AN TMI'lTKi: STATE OF Tlli: 1!I,()OD, AND THE OHLT KEIIAHI.E ANP EFFE TUAL KNOWN REMEOY FOR THK CUHE OF PATNS AND S WEI UNO OP THE BONE8, UJ.CKRATION'S OKTHETHROATAND LBOS. BI-OTCUKS. PIMPLFS ON THK FACK, KUYSIPELA, ANO ALL SCALYEBrPTIONSOFTHKSKlN. AND BFAUTIFYINO TUE COMPLEXION. PRICE , $1.50 PER BOTTLE. M HEXRV T. ltKIiMBOID'S CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRA.CT BUOHU THE GRBAT I'IURETIC, has curad every case of DIABETES I hdl ltbM been ijiven. Irrilation of the ni-ck Oí Ule Bladder ndinflammntionof thc Kidmy and Bladder, Ketention of Urine. Diseñas of the Prostratc Glaud, ítone in thc Bladder, Calcula. Ovel, Bnck Dust Dcpoíit. nnd Maenoai or MUky Wrcbñijre, and for Erfccbleil nnd Doliente Contlr.itiuus of both Sexes. attendedwith the followini? nymutom : 1MU of Memory, Difficulty of Hreathlnf;. Indiauorntion to Pxertion, Loss of Power, wenk Nenes, iremhling, Horror of IM-ese. Wakclnlnen, OimncsjnM i-lon, l-nin in the Back. Hot Hand.. Flu-h ng of the Body. DrmM of Ihe Skin Kruption of the Kuce Pal ui Uoüiiteimnce. Universal Laesitnde of tbc Muscular 'Y-'s'.i'd'hy "person from t)ie ages geUtMewtO labor paíus ; bed-wettinlu ehilüren. B HKLKgOLp'S EXTRACT BFCHU f Dlnretic and lilooil-Piirifyinii, nnd curec nli l)ifeast;K riir.t' from Ilahitsof l)'is"].ii' ïi. nul Bxcwma andlmpradenco in J.iie, lmpuritlcs of the Blood. Etc. HaperscdIiiLr ('opabia in nfTeclionH for wtiich it 1 uced, and Sypbiiitic Afiections - In these dfaeaeus usrd inconnectloQ with llelmbold'ij Ho?c Wash. LADIES. In many Affoctions pecnliarto Ladie, the Extract Buchn is nncqualed ty any othei Rcmedy - aB in thloroel or Ketention, Irroirulariiy, Palnfiilneic or Pnpprepcion ofCntomary Evncuation. I lecrated or chirrna itate of thc Uterns. Loncorrhrca or Whlte,fterility,and foi all Oomplaint incident to the habit of t)i8patln. It I prereilbi-d extrnsivcly by the munt ttminent Physteiar and Mid wivoK fr enfeebled and delicate Comtitutiona. of both SexeR and all Agei f attended with any of the above diseasvs or symp'oma.;! O II. T. BBLMBOLD'3 FXTBACT BUCIir CURES DIEASES ARISINi; FKOM IMPRUÜENCES, nABITá OF HISrlPATION, ETC in all their etages, at little expense, little or no chtnge In niet. do inconTenlnco,nd no axpoaoro, it cttuses a fraóttenl ilenire, and givea Btrenth to Urinnte, thereby removiuj; UbfetnicttODt Preventlng ■'trichires of the Uretha. Allajinc Pam and Imlammatton. so frequent iu this class of dUcaees, and expelllng all Pui-onous matter. Thousands who liave been the victime of inrompetent persons, and wh: have paid heavy fees to be cnred in a short time. have found tliny have been deceivcd, and that thc (iPoUon" hap, by the usu or powerful a.-trinjrcnts," been dricd up i the pystem to break out in a more aj;f;ravated form, and perhans aftcr Msrriajje. Dc üelmbold's Extract Bnchu for all Affection and Diuenses of thc Urinary üritan. whether existinp in Maic or Female. from whatover cause orij;ijiauiifr. and no matter of ho long tnnd!ng. Prlcc, One Dollar and Kirty Cent Per Bottle. L HENRT T. HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED KOSE WAS1I ennnot bc ptirpnsscd fis a Pace Wflíh. and ivillbc íound the only specifie rcmedy in every epecica of CtUaneotiB It .pecdily crarticntcB Pimplos, Spnts, Fcorbutic Dryneps. Iiinur.'itionti of the Cntaiicons Mombrnne, etc, dippels Redncss nnd Incipioit Ir.tlïimniatini!, Ilives, Fash, Moth Ifitch, DrynoBS of Scalp or Skin', Jrost BllM, and all ptirpoees for which Salves or Ointmcnts ftW uscd ; restores to thc Pkiu a stat of Pority and Softn i and insurc? tontitmt'd hcalttiy ACtton to the tin-ucs of lts vörels, on whirh di pulida thc arceable clearnees and vivarity of complexion to iniich sougbt and udmired. Hut howevcr valnnbleaa rt'inedy for exiftinj; dfertfliif the Skin. II. T. HoImbolíV IÏohc Wash hax long ustaincd lts pHocfpIe claim to tinhoniided patronase. by noygesHint; qtialitiv which rfiBder it.-i TOILET APPENDAOK of the mont Saperlntire and Congenial Choracter, comhliiinp in an elegant formula thoíC prominent rcquiMtes.í'AFETY and KFFÏCACY- thc invariable accompanimentf) of ita OM- as a Prcsprvative and H fresher of tho Complexión. It 1h an BlcelieQt Lotion for rilaeawii of a Srphlïulc Nature, and as an injoctlon for diHenneK of the ITrïnary Organ, arisinc frtm hahitu of diiwtpa'ion, nsod Inconnectlon with the KXTRACTS HT'CHr, SARSAPAKILLA, and CATAWDA RAPE PILLA, in Mïch disensus a recommendnd, cauuot bc surpasaed. Prlce, One Dollar Per Uottle. D Full and explicit dircctlons accompany the medicines. Evidence of the most responsable andrellable charfleter ftirnlshod on ai'plkntion. with hundredRof thotttndfl of living witnesKeH, and npward of 30,000 unsolicitrd certUoatea and recommendatory letters raunr of whïch are Irom the hfehest aonrees, ínclQdirn; eminent Ptavdirinnw, Cleríryíntn.Htíltcsmí'n. ftC. The nroprletor hns ncver n-.sorfcd io their puhifcation iïi the newspaperw ; hc doos not dn this Irom the fact that hls artlclet rank ns St.inlard I'repnratfons, and do not need to be propped np by certifícate. HcnryT. HelmboUl's Uenuine Pre pnrnti ons, Dotlvrrcdtonnv addroas. ípcnrffrom ohoervntlon KSTABLIiHKD UPWARI) OF TWENTY YKaKS. Sold by IiriigjtistK pverywhere. AfMrera lettir for Inhirmntlon. In couftdfBce to HBMRY T. IIKLMHOLT), DruRdBt aml Cheinfst. Onlv !)i')it : H T. HrlmboldN Drnp and Chemicnlrchone, No '.04 Brondwny. New York. r tn II. T. n-lmho!d'ii M(7icl Dejiot, 104 South Tenth Street. Philnfiplphin. l'n. BKWARE OF 0OUNTERFEIT8. Ask for lienry T. HelmligW?; Tukc do oflrer. A UGUST lOtb, 1870. ( NEW WHEAT FLOUR superior qtinltiy, ot the ANN ARBOR CITY MILLS. Very ñire boltt'fl Uorn Moni. conrsc Ment, Oruhnm riour - good eecobd qualitv Klont nt )iw prlce - Oracked Whnat. and n!l klndii f Fed, at lowcst prlceí.and delivered In any prt oftheclty. TcrmB üa-h. VT OrdT8 lofl In my Ordor Bok at the Poat Office prometí Hended to. S] .f. BWATHEL ■ A GREAT MEDI8ALDÍSG0VERY. iiï ï I.MOXS Bear Teatlmony to tbr Woudffrful Cnrniive Eflects of Dít. W'ALKKirs CALIFORNIA J. WAI.khi I'rorrieior. K U. McOortALn & Co., I'rnggUtB and OH. tfi Snu PrKncIao, 0l., ftmt S2 nd Si Commeroc t-t.N.VVlnesar Btttcrs aro not nvllc Fnncy Drlnk. Madcof Foor Rum, WMskcy, Troof Spirits and Rcfuao Liquorn iloctorcd, fpiced ftnd swcctcoc(T to ploftsc thc tasto, callod "TonJcs "Appctlzers," "Reslorers," &c, tliat lead thc ttpplcr on to runkcnnces &nd ruln.bnt aren truc Medicine, made f rom tho Kative Roots and llerbs of California, lrno from all AlcohoMo Btimuinnt. They are the GHEAT KLOOD PIJRIFIER nnd A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE a perfect Ucnovator and Iuvigoratorof tlic System, carryinc off nll potsonous matter and restoring the hlood to a hentthy condition. No person can take thoae Bitters accordin? to directions and rcinala lonff unwcll, provided thcir bones are not dcstroyed by mineral polson or other monns, and tho vital organs va&ted beyond the point of re palr. They arca Gentío Furimtlvr nn well nua TontCf possessing &lso,tlie peculinr merlt of ncting as a powcrful agent In retlevlng Congestión or inflammntton of thc Livor, and all the Viveral Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTSulicilier Ín roung or oíd, niarrlcd or single, at thc dnwn of womanhood or at the turn of lifc, these Tonlc Bitters have no equal. For Inflam ma tor y and Chronlc Rhrnmn tlsm and Gout Pynpepnia or Indlsrcstlonr UUIonst Remittent and Intermlttcnt Frvcrr;, DUoacsefthe Blond, I.ivrr, Kldncyn and Bladder, these BIttcrn havo been most encccseful. ; Snelt Discascs are cr.usud by Vitlatcd Blood, viiir.h Is generally produced by derangement of tho ii(rsil vc Orirnns. DYSPEP6IA OR INDIGESTIÓN, Headftche, Pftin ín thc Shouldcvs, Coaghs, Tfghtncps of the Chent, Dlzzincss, Sour Kructatlons of thc Stomach, Bad tasto In the Mouih, Billous Attacks, Palpltatlon ofthcHeart, Inflammatlon of the Lnngs, Pain In the regions of the Kidneys, and ft hundred othcr palnful Eymptomp, are the olTsprlngs of Dispepsia. They lnrlgorate tíie Stomach and Rtimulate the torpid liver and bowels, whlch rcndcr thcm of uncqaalled cfficacy In clcansing thc blood of all Impuritlee, and Imparting ncw Ufe and vigor to thc wholc system. FOR SKIN I) ISKASKS, Ernptious, Tettcr, Salt Rheum, Blotchcs Spots, Pimples, Pnstulcs, Boile, Carbunclcs, Klng-TVorms, ScaUl-Ucad, Sorc Eycs, Erisipelas, Itch, Scnrfs, Discoloratfons oí thc Skin, Hnnmrs and DUeascs of the Skin, of whatcvcr name or nature, arellterally dng up andcarrled ont of thc system in a hort time ty thc utte of these Bitters. One bottlc In Buch cases will conviocc the moet incrcdulous of their cnrative effect. Clefinac thc Vitlatcd Blood vhenever yon flnd ita tmpnritics tmrstinp through the Bkln In Pimples. Eruptlons or Sores, r léanse It tiiien you flni it obetrnrtcd and slugifiah intliovr-ins: cleanselt wlien itísfocl.and yonr feelines will teil you when. Keep the blood pure and the heallh of the eyfitem will follow. PIN, TAPE, andother WORBTStlurklneïn the iyptc.m of Ro mnny thoupnndt, tire eíTcctimlly destroyfld and removed. For fnll riir;ctifnt"t r-d CHrffnlly the cirenlar around cach bottle, printed ín four laagaages- English, Germán, Frenen aodSpaniBh. J. WALKEK, rroprletor. R. II. McDONALD & CO., Drnfjlsts and Gen. Agcnts, San Francisco, Cal., and S3 ard 34 Commcrce Street, New York, tySOI.D BY ALL DRTJGGISTS AND DEALERS ! i i 3 S S 9 8 S . í % fia h W A LE O a s a í 1 V - fj I 1 aB ■- 8 Í.M CQ d 'S W W :h S 1 ili II í o i 3 f Sil í pJ8o P n q H 8 1 ö J " i 5 - è CE K n O P % Q H T IVE ÖEESE FEATHiiRS FIKST GiTT-ALIT-S", 'CvBetautl'on luiut! a tu' fur salcby BACII% ABEL,


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Michigan Argus