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Imperialism And Royalty

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The tolegraph announoes from Washington that tho Navy Department w-U order public armed vessels down to the harbor to uieot and wolcomo tho coming1 Eussian Prince, und thr.t Admiral Porter wUl command in person. At first wo :liougUt it improbable that an administration whieh had not thought it worth while to go to Portsniout!; by its chin: jersona to attest its respect for tho groa Idmiral, then low in dcath, who hac ionio the naval thunders of his country d such unsurpassod glory, would in so ccrcmonious a niaimer go to assist in tho irrival in Xew York oi:i naval youth o: ilussia. But Farragut was only a simple publican - once a poor boy of the 3outh - who fought for the conttittti&na govomnient tho lathors framed, and hac 10 sympathicB with the politica! idcag-iuic' purposas oï Grant, Porter, and the military ring. The boy princjB of Knssia has on tho other hand, the aroma oi' nationn-1ism and royalty, now so attractive and delicious to the sonses of our riders in Washington. In that qnarter aro to be loarncd the harshest methods of dealing witu subject provinces, such as the Southern States aio, und, indeed, all our States may yot be. Possibly - such is our hope- there -wil! be soine one yet in Washington who can get tho car oí the authoiities, and suggest that before action in this inattci thcy ask what the real dignity and selfrospect of tho country prompt. Why should the government move at all ? There aro probably those who think thf carryings-on by our country men anc womon in the Federal capital with tho British commissioners have almost touehod tho verge of undue adnlation ; but for the Britons it is to be suid that they aro not only mature men, of largo experience in civil atfairs, exercising at home important govornment funotions, but have come among us in the discharge of public duties of tho greatcst consideration to us and thom. They came horo as the immediate representatives of their soveroign not on an idle parade, but to consult h.ow two great nations shall livo together in poace and amity. Thoy aro hero undor circumstancos which not only invite but perhaps dcniand from uh the sincere tribute of our cordial hospifcility. As to Bussia, wo desire nothing so much as to sec her continue in tho work of in(.■nial political reform which the results of the Crimean war compelled the present Smperor to inaugúrate, and also to pro serve the relations of good will which now exist bctween ua and hor. Wo are not sinplo enough to believe that tho governng class in vaat country Iüis any etdciftl ailniiration for the democratie institutions of oursystom. The partially emancipated serfs may look to us as to a land of life and liberty, but not thoso who rule " all h.e Russias." To the liberáis of Bussia, bhe agitators for natlonal oducation, tho representatives of a partly emancipatod ournalism, the strugglers for provincial elf -government, those who sook a just ■emodelling of the universities and a fair irrangement between luastcr and peasant, mr symputliios as a peopla aro duo. If 'rinoe Gortschakoff were coming as a epresentative of tho Emperor case vouLl I; different from that of the naval outh ; for then from a statesman of great xperienco wo might hope Prasidcnt Graiit would learn how Russia had found hat tiie despotism, the proiiibitive sys(ïii, the tyranny of a political pólice, he supremacy of bureaucracy (which we aÜ a "military ring") - in a word, theCu-Klux theory of government just em)odiod in a law by that name known - ould not be oaSmed out evon in the sublissive realms of Nicholas. - JV. T. World. An insano man in New Hampshiro is onstantly insisting that Coli'ax must bo tie Radical candidato for President in 872.


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