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Greenbacks "legal Tender."

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Ib accordanoe with the prcvious undcrstanding, tíyc Supremo Court of tbe Uuitod States annoiíaoed its m-w decisí Ihe gfeenback legal ti ndorcas day last, revorsing the previous di ■ ■' In the former docision, aftor longth; ;■■■■ ont and full considerution, the Court held 1!m( the 1íí;i1 tender, acts, bo faraa thoy ttssumed to niako grccnbofiks a Lpgl tendor for debte oomtirácted prior to thii passage, iwn unconstittttiorwl, and that siu-ü (i.lits oonld (in!v bo dlScharged by tlio paymont of coin or its equivalent. Ihé Couít íiiiv holds thaí groonbacki %vi!l ]::;. . .'. -' cVlits as woll as nnr, and tlial the legal tender acta "-■ ctnutituttonal. This decisión is made by tho conoürrenco oí fivé Justices, fonr dissent ing:. ., Chief-Justico Cuase (sometimos ealled " the father of gTeenbaoks" or " old groenbacks "), and Associato-.TusNki.siiX, OlIFFOED, and FlELD. Thr decisión is, thcroforo, made by the conourrence and nrocura&co of the two now iu'ki'i, rs of tlin Court, Justices SteqkCI and BiiADtEY, who have llms for iluñr commmiom. This tü:iv bc phrasing i( ruüicr pointodly, but the pnblio Oftn nol linve forgotton ihc talk curnnl :it tlie time of, and eten pretioits to fluir ctffpointment, that tlio Conrt would ad, tho groenback oase rcheard, and ï;- decisión reversed. Justice Bradley went to the bonch froin the Attoraeyship of a leadiag railroad Corporation, e coi-poration directiy and largely ntercstod in paying its old bond, inii"ip;il and interest in gi Sisonq w:is ;-,';■ reported a burgo stockholder in another similarnatod Corporation,' and, besides, had, b a Jndgo of n State Court, made v thai groenbacka wítc a legal tender, which deoision his appointmont was opon. This now docision, procured by moa;ip, is not croditable to the highost Court in uur land, and will not fcommand the repaot of the botter clnss of peoplo. A Court which will scek new conditions and tho slinisiost of pretensos to open and rovorse i's own decisions will sovn fall into disgrace. Thereforc, without doing, practically, any good, a great and positivo harm haa been done, the soundesl principies of findace violated and outraged, and the Supreme Court lowered in the eyoi of tlio -world. - At the samo time a docision was rendeied snstainiitg tho validity of gold coin OOJttxaota mnxlc since tho passage of tho legal tender acts, and holding that they can not le disehurged in trcuvury notes. Thus a gold contract made to evade a luw is held better than a gold contract made bofore the law was eni;;ed and when gold was the legal coin of the land. THE Tr'ümne says that tho "New Capitel Commissionors " havo already come to tho conclusión that tho sum of $1,. ")()(),- 000 will be nocessary to enable thom to meet the wants of tho State ; and, also, that it will be injudicious and exponsivu to oporate on appropriations made by installments. The next Lcgislaturc will, B Iumping appropriation, and also próvido for contracting out tho entire work at once. - Tho Cominissioncrs have advertisod for propásala for the new building for tho temporary uso of the State offices. CeetAIR prominent Republican jonrnals are severo in their condemnation of the Ku-Klux and like legislation of Congross; hesitating not to pronouneo it both ill-tinicd and unnccossary, but, also, unoonstitutional. And, yet, these same journals talk of the Democratie censure and eondemnation of the samo legislation as tiipugh treason was at the bottom of thoir opposition. Kcpublican journalists may point out the weak joints, oxpose the foul sores, lay bare thö ubuses of power, etc., and it is all right, provided they líivi' tlicir votes and influeneo to retain the wrong-doers in office. But as Democratie condemnation is sure to bc followed by votes in favor of ousting the corrupt and partisan legislators is is not to be tolerated for a moment. We submit that this blowing hot and cold in a single breath is not exactly to the credit of such journals as the N. Y. Erening Post, Chicago Tribune, Cincinnati Commercial, etc. In South Carolina severa! suits are reported as having been commenocd against inspoctors of election, for having permitted a nuniber of women to vote at the recent olection. In Washington, the women ivho wero not permitted to vote threaten to prosecuto the refusing boards. So the XIV. amondment is to bo legally tosted : but not before oourts of the very highest character. Dr. LiviXGSTONE has agnin been hoard from : tliis time from Zanzíbar, at which point report have been recoived that " he is alive and well, but in a destituto condition." The Zanzíbar adviecs fail, as yet, to state the exact whcreabouts of the long lost and several times dead explorer.


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