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Ne-w Vokk, May 2. Moaey and stocks are qnjet, the campIgn 011 the stock board having appar en t!y come toan end, Go!! is hlgher, n consequence of tle excossive deniaud to meet foreign balance. General business may be quoted steady, but the average is deddedly llght. Breadstnfis have recover.-! g :::i.!e from the depression of hist week, cuiefly in cousequence ot' the break in the cai;a!, whicli cliecks recelpts, and compelí tliose vho have oiilstaiiding contracts for future delivcry, to go upoa the market here and buy, In order to meet thoir engagement. Wbeat has lmproved 5@6c sinre Saturday, and noiv stands at abont the figures of one weok ago Corn is G(g8c bet.ter. Oats 2(33c better. Whear in Liverpool late In tbe week was qnoted down ts low as la for best gradea, but is now improvcil aboat ld. The sanie grades had previously sold a liili s ls (d. Hops are weafeer, the recelpts of new having been more liberal, but most boldera are unwilüng to concede. New State, 10@13. Western, 6@9. Oid hops contiuuè very dull. Fair to gooil Bamplea 18698 mJght be placed it '2 (ait. Butter is iiiclineil to lower prlces inidcr libera] recelpts, whlch have cxcccded sales, and there is au ac'cnnmlatlon of stocks. Western, withgood c#lor, sella readlly, a few graall lots, very chotee, having reaehed 33c ; for very sood, however, 30c is a top price. White west era is very hard to aell. JIupIi oflt is no botter than grease. Datrymen and packers shouid guard agaiost putting yellow nud white butter in the same paokage. Tliey shonld ahvays be separate, as streak ed butter sella no better than white. The wool market is nnchailged. The recelpts of wool last week at Boston were Í3,5tj5 bales of domestic, agatnst 2,D'J9 for the corregponding week lusr year, and of focelffn, 1,770 bales, agatnst 1,130 last year, showInjr a small decrease of dornestlc, imd a considerable percentage of lacrease of forelfrn. The (Iemand is activé, and as the stock is In !eiv bands, extreme prtces are obtaincd. Detroit, May 3. The moiith of May opem with a somewliat less active business than durlng the prevtoos luonth. 'l'hc récelpts ofgraln are lighter, miich of the surplus stocks In the ceuutry having fouud a inarket, and farmers are geneially too busy with spring work to move wliat remalns, were tin posed to do so at present prices. The wlient tnarkei touched bottom cm Baturday, prices recoverlng 2@7c from tbe rapld cüno of the week. Extra white Isquotable at f 1 54, No I and Treadwell $l 47, and amber f 1 41. Oom a3@8cbetter; mixed at (i.T(S(;4 Oats alo strouger at. 64 for mixed, and -Vi tor white. Barley nominal art f 1.60 for cholee. Apples dull and qnlel $8 50@5 per bbl. liows chili. Buyers' ofler $1.60(31.65 for choice from store, wliüe holders ask 1.80 Beeswax, 25 or ycllow. Good batt'jr is In fair local démand, nnd la rather picare, at 20@2lc Choiee mlght go a penny abovc. pair to Rood, 18@2O Obuese uocbaoged and (lrm at 17@18 for clioicc faotory, and HiölO Tor eommon. Egge steafly. Best lots brlne i4e, the average at K!1,.. Hops, 47. Maple sogar a simde stronger :it 1@14 for fair to góocl, and 15@16 for clioicc Potatoos have been In active demand, and prices advanced durln.a; the lattcr part of last week, there haring been (ree sales il. 90:i95 per bushei, and Some salei aa high as j:i xr The detnand has shickcmd however, and these prices coold notnow bc ob1a:in"l. Hnins, cotintry cnred, lOall : shoii Uiers, 8a9c. Cranberrics, swamp, per bu., $4 60.


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Michigan Argus