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r„C. JENKINS & II. RANDOLPH WHITE, M D. DENTISTA COKHER CF KA1H AND WASHINGTON ST'S. All Opeiationa peiformed la tho most Thorough and Scientific manncr. Nitrous Oxide Ga constiintiy on Iiniitl, and adiniulstereJ wlth.perfcot safety. 13 0 yl. A gooil hoose nr.'l lot containing nll ttio nocosary COBVunlPBcee 01 a goöd liome, ju Ann Arhor,Mich., lor whicii I i:i cxchanga ono of II ku doactlptlon, od Viirv lihenil term, in the cily at Proeporl.Ill My house nhd lot :ir" nlce!y ntoated, aro worth ■(, : '. ralso l! ■!'.'-■ I-.vt'l :i'-res of nit l;Uinilli or ardennit land juinin city Imiits worth 'i00 pit dcrfl uil f wblcu 1 vrlh to ozohangfl tor propertj in Ana Arbor or a hiriu in Waahteoaw Cuiinty. Ara : to pay or ti'ti the i:iV,T:Mice in cnt-h. A n ill be glvra. Adtlrrs and lenru parucularc, LEWIS COLTiV, :."2omr, Vreeport, ill, UOKSE 8TEAYED. 8trajrc1 fiom the projntaoa of Nclsov. Boi'tli, on thu . uipii Vp'll inti Itoad, uu :hi 14 li ui piïl, a ñ ycfir ■ IdMAKi. P 'M' ; durk browD, Btripo in fac?, aiiii k' leg. A aultnMu reward ;l h ■ pau! ior the rourn oi ir ,me t [tol hilormnti. 11 i ur wherobouti 1S2Ó-W4 T. noTTACH. Aon Arbor, -2lh, 1871. Eïta ;ii C, Jiiu'khardt, Senior. QTATEOFH Oountj M tVnditSnaw, H. O Al i Kssiou .'i tb J ruij.ti1 I lourt for u: Vounty ot ■ Probate ( !:;!■■. in üio i iiy of Ann Ai-I.,). on li'.-.iiy. the Becoiid lioj ot .M.iy . ■:iit ]iinniif(i itna BevoutyOll". . .Ti:lp-o of Probnfo. nrnstei Dl til i John V. ünrkhun'.f, Si lioi , dCCÊilS04' : ■::■ Bic ;."' il ï.itj. .)uiy verified, oí Uurkuanrt, prayinti I oul Mhnn. or oiin: --lui-.]. ;. non, nula !;-■ appoinltd wlmihlsirator oi . il i: on : ircntyointli duy oi jM;i mn'., ui icn u cltwk in thelbwttooD, Uetuinij of raid pagtiun, and i hoirs it r,. , nacd, and uil othcr titirod to apn "i wiid Court, then to be balden ut Ann Arlior, aiid bow ■ : a'm.I 1' fa ÜUrtlfcl siii'l petition r give nol icc ■■ ;!m' ; i -iji s uuriiul in :iíl the hrurin,; ■ :.i i " :nfr a copy ol thifl older to be printed andoirc nly, threé BiküOEWBivc sreelu previoiifl ■■ Mül dn] ui' hl .. k.11 !. KTAKKS, J ■ ■ i Probóte. Estáte of Allen W. Bordinc. C'l'ATi: ".■ UICniQ N,rr.,ni!yii';W;.sh;.iiiiw, na. 0 At a sostdon 0Í the A'robnte C'fiüri 1"v ti" ntm'.y n il 1)0 I ■ . m tl e ' -ï t o; ■ ■ tweutT' ei 01 .ii-ii, in tüp yeta ono thotuaad cight uundrediuul Kcreui y-inv. l'ivs.iii il,!,,::: J. Boi ken, Judgcof Probate. Ju the matter ol thé :. ■ i. Itinn, diily virii'i-.i. rf Nonaim Bordinc, : . . ■, v:. Uoidino ■■U' 'l Ailluüii.-'li-utnr oí I . of Hfid iietlbon, imd id l .:-■:. .. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ nppeiu , Unii to !■ holden, :it tl; l'iiil:iic Office, in the Uity oL Ann Arbor, and ahov titioncr granted : And it is forther onlercd, tlmt ■ ■ ree the p u eetéd n ■ in. and the .. fttusin; a copj uï order to be : ■ ■; aper prïnted iilnHnR insaid eofnty, thiee BucoeaaÍTe week previo'; . .i hearing. (Atruecopy.l iiil.SM .7. BEAKES, 1320 Judgo of l'lohntc. Estáte of LeUnder IJeBaron. CTAl . Countyof V i At :i swwion oL ■' i ourt íor the I ounty ihtenaw, holden ,it (!ie Probate Otfloe, ín tho City of Aun Avln,-. cu i;iiia-. the fcweDty-etehth day of Aj'rii, i:i the year ano tbousand sfghl inndml and sel 1 1' y-one. Presen'. Hirnm .J. !'::!;!■■. Judgeof Probate. In the matter of thu estáte ui Lcander LeBuon, deoeased. in readlnfrand Blingthe petWon, flnly verifled, ol Sally] :;r t hi 8onu) suüstde person muy be appointed Aominiatrator oi estMe i iJd deTherenpon it is ozdered, ihat Monday, thetvontyninth day of Miy next, ut ten o'clock iti the toitjnoon, be nsiinr(l lor the hearing of siii'l petition, and thot il"1 beira ■■!( law of naid decened, nnd all othrr iwr-n In gaid -!iitif. are reóuËrad (o aplion of said Court, then to b lmlilrn, at 8 Probate Office, ín the City of Am Arbor, and iiue, í any there lie, why the rrnyer of the er s:ni!(i not be gTanted: Aml ü'is furth , thal unid petitioner triTe notlcctotho ïwi'son ' i in siiiil e-tjttt', of the pendenoy of sniil petition, umi the hearinp thercof, by -;m'iiiv' nenpyoi this order to bc nnbliahea in (',,(■ Hcltífon Argtu, ■ newspaj Eind oiroalatiiig in Raid County, tliree suoceseiTO weeks ju-evious to said day of faeariiu;. (Atraécnpy.] HIEAM J. BEAKE8, VU Jañse of Probate. PRINTS PALITS OIIs OU Oils Varish Varnish Varnïsh Brushes Brushes Brushes VI IN KR AL PAlINTï. &c, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST AND CALL ON E. W. ELLIS & CO., BEFOKE PURCIIASING. QAME 11 REVEÍVAUGH KEEPS OX HAND A. LAEGE STOCK OF OVAL AND SQUARE BLACK WALNUT AND GJLT FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CHE AP. No.30 HüRON ST. A UGÜST lOth, 1870. NEW WHEáT FLOÜR superior qualtiy, at the AM ARBOR CITY MILLS. Ven nteo boitcdC'orn Moal. coaree Meal. Grnhnm Plour- good secosd quallty Flour Rt 1 w prlce,- Oracked Wlu-nt, irul all hiüils of reed, at lOWWt price, and (Iclivcred iua:iy part iifthecilv Terms Oaah. Ordi-rs left In my Order Bnx at the Poet Offlce promptly ittcnded to. 1-'J.T. SWATHKL. S VI. H. R. KVE!i AUtí H Copies oíd AüBBOTYPES &DAGLERREOTYPES IN FlEST CLASS STYLE ! TO ANY DESIRED SIZB. ]fOTlLE. -.. : Tlie nminl meeting of the stookholdms f Uu Ann Arbor Trading Asaodation, for the leotion of offloen aïid for hiin-vii-iion of stirh otlier buídncea :is muy :ii bef ore the meetinic, Tfül be held at the office of the ánsociatíon, No. il uain Street, on Mondfñ May lst, at ten o'clock in tho l'oreiioon. B.-W.WA1X, L. Onüurn, lnt. öecretiirv. Ann Arbor, Ajirü O, 187. UlS-wi. ' '


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Michigan Argus